Wagdi Ghoneim, the Islamic cleric whose many terrorist-connections and activities got him exiled from Egypt where, under Mubarak’s rule he was sentenced to do five years in prison, has, according to several Arabicnews sites, just received a general pardon from Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi.

Ghoneim is especially renowned for his hate-mongering and constant incitements to kill Christians, Jews, and secular Muslims. Most recently, he praised Allah for the death of Coptic Pope Shenouda, cursing him to hell and damnation—even as many Egyptians were mourning him during his state funeral.
Perhaps because of the scandal caused by this news of Ghoneim’s pending return, those close to President Morsi are now denying that the Muslim Brotherhood President has pardoned him. Even Ghoneim’s own website, which originally boasted of his coming return to Egypt, has removed the notice.
Of course, considering that Morsi is calling for the release of the terrorist Blind Sheikh—not to mention hasreleased Egypt’s most violent jihadis—pardoning yet another cleric who constantly calls for the death and destruction of infidels is hardly out of the ordinary.
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