Today, April 24, marks the “Great Crime,” that is, the Armenian genocide that took place under Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire, during and after WWI. Out of an approximate population of two million, some 1.5 million Armenians died. If early 20th century Turkey had the apparatuses and technology to execute in mass—such as 1940s Germany’s gas chambers—the entire Armenian population may well have been annihilated. Most objective American historians who have studied the question unequivocally agree that it was a deliberate, calculated genocide:
More than one million Armenians perished as the result of execution, starvation, disease, the harsh environment, and physical abuse. A people who lived in eastern Turkey for nearly 3,000 years [more than double the amount of time the invading Islamic Turks had occupied Anatolia, now known as “Turkey”] lost its homeland and was profoundly decimated in the first large-scale genocide of the twentieth century. At the beginning of 1915 there were some two million Armenians within Turkey; today there are fewer than 60,000…. Despite the vast amount of evidence that points to the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide, eyewitness accounts, official archives, photographic evidence, the reports of diplomats, and the testimony of survivors, denial of the Armenian Genocide by successive regimes in Turkey has gone on from 1915 to the present.

Indeed, evidence has been overwhelming. U.S. Senate Resolution 359 from 1920 heard testimony that included evidence of “[m]utilation, violation, torture, and death [which] have left their haunting memories in a hundred beautiful Armenian valleys, and the traveler in that region is seldom free from the evidence of this most colossal crime of all the ages.” In her memoir, Ravished Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described being raped and thrown into a harem (which agrees with Islam’s rules of war). Unlike thousands of other Armenian girls who were discarded after being defiled, she managed to escape. In the city of Malatia, she saw 16 Christian girls crucified: “Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross, spikes through her feet and hands, only their hair blown by the wind, covered their bodies.” Such scenes were portrayed in the 1919 documentary film Auction of Souls, some of which is based on Mardiganian’s memoirs.
What do Americans know of the Armenian Genocide? To be sure, some American high school textbooks acknowledge it. However, one of the primary causes for it—perhaps the fundamental cause—is completely unacknowledged: religion. The genocide is always articulated through a singularly secular paradigm, one that deems valid only those factors that are intelligible from a modern, secular, Western point of view, such as identity politics, nationalism, and territorial disputes. As can be imagined, such an approach does little more than project Western perspectives onto vastly different civilizations of different eras, thus anachronizing history.
War, of course, is another factor that clouds the true face of the Armenian genocide. Because these atrocities occurred during WWI, so the argument goes, they are ultimately a reflection of just that—war, in all its chaos and destruction, and nothing more. Yet Winston Churchill, who described the massacres as an “administrative holocaust,” correctly observed that “The opportunity [WWI] presented itself for clearing Turkish soil of a Christian race.” Even Adolf Hitler had pointed out that “Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention.”
It is the same today throughout the Muslim world, wherever there is war: after the U.S. toppled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the nation’s Christian minority were first to be targeted for systematic persecution resulting in more than half of Iraq’s indigenous Christian population fleeing their homeland. Now that war has come to Syria—with the U.S. supporting the jihadis and terrorists—the Christians there are on the run for their lives.
There is no denying that religion—or in this context, the age-old specter of Muslim persecution of Christian minorities—was fundamental to the Armenian Genocide. Even the most cited factor, ethnic identity conflict, while legitimate, must be understood in light of the fact that, historically, religion—creed—accounted more for a person’s identity than language or heritage. This is daily demonstrated throughout the Islamic world today, where Muslim governments and Muslim mobs persecute Christian minorities—minorities who share the same ethnicity, language, and culture, who are indistinguishable from the majority, except, of course, for being non-Muslims.
If Christians are thus being singled out today—in our modern, globalized, “humanitarian” age—are we to suppose that they weren’t singled out a century ago by Turks?
Similarly, often forgotten is the fact that non-Armenians under Turkish hegemony, Assyrians and Greeks for example, were also targeted for cleansing. The only thing that distinguished Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks from Turks was that they were all Christian. As one Armenian studies professor asks, “If it [the Armenian Genocide] was a feud between Turks and Armenians, what explains the genocide carried out by Turkey against the Christian Assyrians at the same time?”
Today, as Turkey continues moving back to reclaiming its Islamic heritage, so too has Christian persecution returned. If Turks taunted their crucified Armenian victims by saying things like “Now let your Christ come and help you,” just last January, an 85-year-old Christian Armenian woman was repeatedly stabbed to death in her apartment, and a crucifix carved onto her naked corpse. Another elderly Armenian woman was punched in the head and, after collapsing to the floor, repeatedly kicked by a masked man. According to the report, “the attack marks the fifth in the past two months against elderly Armenian women,” one of whom lost an eye. Elsewhere, pastors of church congregations with as little as 20 people are targeted for killing and spat upon in the streets. A 12-year-old Christian boy was beaten by his teacher and harassed by students for wearing a cross around his neck, and three Christians were “satanically tortured” before having their throats slit for publishing Bibles.
Outside of Turkey, what is happening to the Christians of today from one end of the Muslim world to the other is a reflection of what happened to the Armenian Christians of yesterday. We can learn about the past by looking at the present. From Indonesia in the east to Morocco in the west, from Central Asia in the north, to sub-Sahara Africa—that is, throughout the entire Islamic world—Muslims are, to varying degrees, persecuting, killing, raping, enslaving, torturing and dislocating Christians. See my new book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians for a comprehensive account of one of the greatest—yet, like the Armenian Genocide, little known—atrocities of our times.
Here is one relevant example to help appreciate the patterns and parallels: in Muslim-majority northern Nigeria, Muslims, led by the Islamic organization, Boko Haram (“Western Education is Forbidden”) are waging a bloody jihad on the Christian minorities in their midst. These two groups—black Nigerian Muslims and black Nigerian Christians—are identical in all ways except, of course, for being Muslims and Christians. And what is Boko Haram’s objective in all this carnage? To cleanse northern Nigeria of all Christians—a goal rather reminiscent of Ottoman policies of cleansing Turkey of all Christians, whether Armenian, Assyrian, or Greek.
How does one explain this similar pattern of Christian persecution—this desire to be cleansed of Christians—in lands so different from one another as Nigeria and Turkey, lands which share neither race, language, nor culture, which share only Islam? Meanwhile, the modern Islamic world’s response to the persecution of Christians is identical to Turkey’s response to the Armenian Genocide: Denial.
Finally, to understand how the historic Armenian Genocide is representative of the modern day plight of Christians under Islam, one need only read the following words written in 1918 by President Theodore Roosevelt—but read “Armenian” as “Christian” and “Turkish” as “Islamic”:
the Armenian [Christian] massacre was the greatest crime of the war, and the failure to act against Turkey [the Islamic world] is to condone it… the failure to deal radically with the Turkish [Islamic] horror means that all talk of guaranteeing the future peace of the world is mischievous nonsense.
Indeed, if we “fail to deal radically” with the “horror” currently being visited upon millions of Christians around the Islamic world—which in some areas has reached genocidal proportions—we “condone it” and had better cease talking “mischievous nonsense” of a utopian world of peace and tolerance.
Put differently, silence is always the ally of those who would commit genocide. In 1915, Adolf Hitler rationalized his genocidal plans, which he implemented some three decades later, when he rhetorically asked: “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”
And who speaks today of the annihilation of Christians under Islam?
“At the beginning of 1915 there were some two million Armenians within Turkey; today there are fewer than 60,000…. “
The above quote from the story appears to be from an article in 1995. Perhaps Mr. Ibrahim can provide us a current figure?
It’s less than 60k. Turks are still periodically killing Armenians in Turkey.
Raymond Ibrahim is a scholar and his essays on islamic atrocities that go unnoticed and unreported by the mainstream media are needed to understand the islamic/muslim mindset which is a clear and present danger to all of mankind. Less than 60,000 in Turkey today is what has happened in all islamic countries who commit crimes against all non-belivers. Sir, keep it up! Rick M.
you’re right ! Islam is a religion of violence .. I can’t understand why they keep killing us: Christians .. why call all the time to kill us?, to change the faith? .. why ? why they can’t live in peace ? what is a jihad???????? why ????
Besides Ray Ibrahim also check Brigitte Gabriel, BILL WARNER… three of the best sources – they tell it like it is. Anyone who says, “I have muslim friends they aren’t like that!” They are dreaming and falling into their own ignorance. Inform yourself as the media tries very hard to look the other way. The majority of people just don’t understand this evil menace made up by mohammed almost 1400 years ago. He was an evil man yet muslims honor and abide by his every word for these nut jobs think he was the ‘perfect man’ whose instructions were to subjugate all non-believers (us, Christians, Jews, Hindus – everyone) to dominate the earth. They do not migrate to other countries as immigrants – they come as settlers!~
Migration by muslims is a form of jihad.
It is.
Hijra, or civilizational jihad.
I DO have Muslim friends and they ARE NOT like that. it is context and politics that also act on this exclusionist religion too. There are Muslims who have formed human shields to protect opts in Egypt and non-Muslims elsewhere, most recent in this week’s Kenya bus attack. To blame all Muslims is truly to do what Daesh wants, and make their depictions of us come true.
I think that our support of Turkey is all wrong, but we have politicians who ignore this and are spending man-hours that we pay for, on pushing that the US must protect the Israeli settlers, of all people. The very same settlers who are pushing Christians out of their land and houses daily, and who attack churches, Christian cemeteries etc.
You need to include the ‘judaization’ of the Holy Land in the list of attacks upon Christians, those who have been on the ground for more tan 2000 years. Watch the documentary (can get it online) ‘The Stones Cry Out” to see original footage of a Christian village being razed and the Christians being forced out. It is still going on, more than 150 Christian villages have been ‘disappeared’ as the Christian presence in the Holy Land is being erased.
You need to include the ‘judaization’ of the Holy Land??? Are you kidding? Now you’re blaming indigenous peaceful Jews for killing Christians? Well, there’s some revisionist history.
And as far as Muslims are concerned, I knew a few as well. When you really get to know hem, you’ll see their true colors as they spew hatred of Jews and Christians in their conversations!! That is from an Arab Maronite Christian from Lebanon!!
It is easy for us in the West to talk “tolerance” but when I have talked to Eastern Christians who have dealt with Islam they don’t have a lot of positive things to say at all. Hard to argue with the voice of experience. Does that mean that individual Muslims are bad? No. But it does speak to the idea that maybe a GOVERNMENT run by Islam is not that wonderful.
Agreed again.
Anyone heard of INQUISITION in Spain before the killings of the
Armenians in Turkey? Ferdinand, Isabella? They even killed the Jews and
left no sign of Muslims in Spain who rued there for 800 years. The
Muslims did not forcibly convert people in masses to Islam. Otherwise
800 years would be enough to dispense off all non Muslims from Spain.
Pakistani Muslims killed hundreds of thousands of Bengali Muslims in
E. Pakistan. The Bengali speaking people won their independence on the
basis of nationalism (Bengali language nationalism, NOT religion) in
Any idea who killed who in the former Yugoslavia?
Who killed who in former USSR?
should always be wary of half breeds… a product of 2 religions and 2
cultures. They are given more space everywhere in the media for their
supposed NEUTRALITY!
THEY HATE CHRISTIANS and JEWS because that’s what they have been instructed to do by their PEDOPHILE PROPHET, Muhammed, in their Satanically inspired Quran!! They are basically 7th Century Troglodytes with the brains to match!!
Islam is a form of Satan worship. No one wants to seriously look into it.
And then the stupid fools in the EU can’t seem to understand why Orban and the Hungarians don’t want them? Do they think that the hungarians have forgotten what the Turks did centuries ago to their people? Of course not. I’m hungarian -german and my ancestors fought them in Hungary and during the crusades. This isn’t a religion of peace in any way shape of form. We must band together to stop them by whatever means neccesary.
If he is a “scholar” he wouldn’t attribute quotes to the wrong person just to inflame the reader. Check your facts.
Thank you, Mr Ibrahim, for remembering the suffering of our people in
1915. My father survived the march into the Syrian desert; his father,
and most of his relatives, did not. Nearly every Armenian living today
lost a relative in 1915. We all carry the scars, a wound that will not
heal. Other Christian peoples in the Middle East, like the Copts, are
suffering immensely at the bloodthirsty hands of Muslims. In Kosovo at
least 150 Churches have been destroyed by Muslims (right under the nose
of the occupying Western troops). Islam is growing very quickly in
Europe. Stupid Europeans! They turn a blind eye to the blood lust of
Muslims but it’s coming directly at them. In ten to fifteen years expect
to see the outright destruction of infidel art in museums. A dark age
is coming to Europe but the stupid Europeans are blind.
Thank you for mentioning my people, victims of genocide in Kosovo. Not only that the chuches have been destroyed, Serbian Christian people have been kidnapped and cut into pieces to make enormous profit by selling their organs. If those were girls, they would first be raped, than forced to be prostitutes, and finally chopped. The No1 “doctor” was Turkish – Yusuf Sonmez. Unfortunately, it is not that the world doesn’t see or know about it, just like about the genocide against the Armanians, it is that the muslims have always been ALLOWED to kill and exterminate OTHODOX Christians, as the opponents of Vatican’s interpretation of Christianity with the Pope as Christ on Earth. EU and America dont’t mind as long as they make profits of organ and drugs trafficking.That’s why the revolution happened in Russia too, to bring the sadistic Stalin in position to kill dosens of millions of Orthodox Russians, too. And starting from present days, the Catholic and Protestant innocent Christians allover the world are being victims of allowing the islamists expand allower the Europe and the world, Recently, they have been protesting in Sweden and Norway, screaming, for example: SHERIAT IN NORWAY??
I just forgot to reming that 700.000 Orthodox Christian Serbs were killed by ustasha in WW2 in Croatia, a catholic state created by Vatican as a hand on Balcan, and those ustasha were blessed by Pope for their contibution…Catholics were killing their Orthodox Christian brothers (not just killing, but torturing in a way that a normal mind cannot understand and accept, like cutting the pregnant women’s bellies, and then digging out the babies’ eyes etc) and at the same time, the muslims living in that state from hell, enlarged by Hitler, at that time were called “the flower of the Croatian nation.” I guess they thought they would deal with them later, but that flower is poisoning the whole Europe now.
You ”just forgot” to mention Jasenovac!?!?!!? We Serbs don’t really need enemies, when we are our own biggest enemy!!! Gedžovansko srbijanska turska govna!!!!!!! Next time, don’t even bother, ok!?
By tagging people as Christians or Muslims, you are just supporting the agony of simple people in occupied parts of the worlds, that have no freedom to move because they happen to be on the wrong side. In Kosovo, people live behind the barbwire, because they are Albanians in Serbian territory( Mitrovica) Or Serbs in Albanian territory ( the most of Kosovo). And all of it for what? Corporations buying cheap land to gain profit. Its People, humans, individuals. not Christians, Muslim, Americans, Russians or Swiss. Who ever thinks differently, should go to Syria or Kosovo, and talk with locals, exactly those used in these texts and alibi for spreading antagonism against any human groups, religious, nationalistic or both.
OK, stop with the nonsense please. I can put up with crazy, asinine commentaries, and I’m no fan of the Albanians, but stop with the organ thing. You cannot “cut to pieces” anybody to harvest organs. There is no organ bank, apart for skin, cornea, bones, ligaments and such. Major organs had to be transplanted almost immediately, and it’s not something done in the backwoods. Yes, plenty of Muslims are nuts, but that’s so many Christians. Christianity is just a couple hundred years more evolved, that’s it. ALL religions are nonsense, btw, you, and your imaginary guy in the sky, who takes care of you! Puh-lease!
Various organs, including kidneys, if properly cooled and handled can be good for transplant for many hours. Air delivery makes it a very profitable business. Albanian Muslims were vile to their Christian neighbors which caused the war in Serbia which Bill Clinton interfered with on the wrong side. He sided with the Muslim butchers instead of the molested and victimized Christian Serbs. I wonder how much the Muslims paid him for the evil he performed for them. Albania is also the main hub in the white slavery business. Muslims are the scum of the earth.
What about Srebenica? 8000 Bosniac Muslims executed by your so kind at heart “Christian” Serbs? Not very christian like, or is it?! All religions are bad. Killing and persecuting other people because they believe in the wrong bearded dude in the sky is as stupid as it can go! But I’m sure that your God is the right one, and all the other are hacks, cause how not?! And the transplant thingy, yeah sure, but only in a established, working system. You, and Liliana, have actually no idea what it takes for a successful transplant intervention. No freaking idea. Talking with conviction without actually knowing to much about a subject. Very Christian like.
How do you know that the 8000 muslims in Srebrenica were ”executed”? Were you there? Are Dražen Erdemović, Zijad Žigić Serbs? To name a few… Jebali ti Srbi sve živo i mrtvo, gnjido rumunska!!!
I wasn’t at Auschwitz also, that doesn’t change things. Logic nonexistent it seems. Luckily I know a couple of smart Serbs as well, otherwise I would think that’s a trait. And since you went native on me, allow me to answer in kind: s-o fut pe ma-ta aia proasta, serb de cacat ce esti! Eh?
You didn’t answer my question, mister logic! What doesn’t change things? Where do you find the lack of logic? Do you even know, what I asked you? When it comes to your opinions of Serbs, and thing of that nature; I simply adore, when pricks and spineless scum like yourself elevate themselves(in their own mind) to that point to think that their opinion is applicable, valid, important or what not. I don’t think those ”smart” Serb are so ”lucky” to know YOU!!! You, rumunska cigančino, don’t seem very bright… to begin with! Ajde sad popuši ćaćin kurac, incestoidna zaostala kozojebačka slino, jer si sopstvenu majku do sad već izjebao. Kad završiš sa ćaćinim kurcem, pređi da radiš ono šta najviše voliš- da jebeš koze!!! How’s that for native, EH!?
See? You just proved my point regarding your low, extremely low IQ, and lack of logic thereof. Using that many exclamation and question marks doesn’t make your weak attempt at rhetoric any better. You cannot even follow your own drivel, you magnificent example of brain dead mouth breather. Heeehehehe, go ahead, write me another rage induced poem in Serbian. Those 2 neurons are working hard, I’m sure!
You just did that to yourself, in English, you half-bread, numb-nutt, inbred hog. You are trying to make a political point, but when challenged, resort to third rate imbecilic trolling. You, being an imbecile, ”excel” at that! You cannot answer a simple question on a subject on which you extracted every ounce of that ”huge” brain of yours, therefore, you are unfit to socialize normally. You just try too hard, IN VAIN!!! You are shallow and thick, and an example of a truly simple man. My ”rage” is caused by the fact that there are so many of slow, stupid and ugly motherf*ckers like yourself, yet the aggressiveness with which you impose yourselves is unbearable! The problem with you is that you really think that you are anything other than a third rate troll! So sad! Kada završiš sa kozom, pređi na sestru, ali stavi kurton na to malo šta imaš da joj ne napraviš neko retardirano nedonošče!!!
There you are, back with more ineptitude. I was actually making a political point, until you started with the foul language. Rage and nothing to say besides throwing insults. All the characteristics of a dimwit. You think that calling Romanians gypsies make you look smart? And I did answer to your question, only you’re to slow to realize it. And to easy.
There you are, here I am, here we go!?!?!? WTF!?!?!? Come on, now! FOCUS, you half a troll! You are incapable to answer a simple question about a topic, at which you are spreading your ”knowledge”. Calling you a gypsy is actually an insult to gypsies! You are just a piece of feces that think too highly of himself. Actually, you are an insult to trolls, as well- you are just a pushy little piece of dog-turd! Duvaj ga džiberu!
You’re a total waste of time. And probably space.
You are a piece of sh*t, probably of animal origin!
Pushta! Bwaaahahaha. Too damn easy.
You see? You know know what you are.
Oh, and do be careful when you talk about TRAITS, because, you are ROMANIAN!!! after all!!!! What the hell is wrong with you, gippo!?!?!?!?
You win the stupid postings of the day award!
Why dummy? Because I’m not self-centered enough to believe we’re that important? Relax and go eat some shellfish. Might do some good for your shrunken brain. Oh wait, better not. Who knows, maybe a burning bush will lit under your sorry ass.
Calliope, I agree about the Albanians, most are scum. I wish nobody would’ve intervene between Serbia and Kosovo, but we are just small fish for the big powers. And yes, the kidneys will last a little longer. But you still need a perfect match for the body not to reject the transplanted organ. You need slightly more tests than your regular blood work. Hard to do it without a network, think about it. Do I believe it’s not happening? Hell no. But not as easy, or frequent as the popular belief.
It certainly seems so. Perhaps the EU will wake up, and smell the roses.
Time to hit them hard, fast and continuously until they’re no more…
Hit who?
We are seeing more and more terrorist acts in nations permitting refugees entry. We need to take out ISIS and any other terrorist groups out there.
It may be too late for that. Both Turkey and Obama want ISIS to do their Allah Jihad to rule the world of live and dead. Makes no difference either way.
Wahabists or Salafists or whatever else you wish to call these Supreme Terrorist Sunni Islamic Brigades that are all over the World. I won’t bother to write their dumb islamic titles…..
Make it whom, not who, Mina.
“kurhanhill” = grammar nazi….that’s childish….please grow up!….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
Hit who? The fundamentalist Muslims that are murdering Christians! That’s WHO! The Muslim in the White House has protected the Evil MASS MURDERERS of the Middle East long enough!
POTUS is not Muslim, he is a christian, please educate yourself. He doesn’t condone their actions, again not all Muslims are terrorists and that is what Obama is stating.
Kitty, I’m not being judgemental, just posting an observation. A tree is known for its fruit. Likewise, a Christ follower is known by this or her actions, and not only by the words spoken. Billy Graham once said, “Preach the Gospel and, when necessary, use words.” It takes more than saying someone is a Christian, because Jesus said, “Many will come and say, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we cast out demons and heal the sick, and raise the dead, in your name?’, And I will say, ‘ Be gone from me, I never knew you.’ ” The President is no Christian…
Yes. One would be hard pressed to say Obama Is a Christian, there really isn’t much evidence to suggest that he is.
If truth be known he is neither. He is NOT a Muslim, but he isn’t much of a Christian either. Since leaving Trinity what church is he a member of…the answer is he isn’t a member of any church.
His mother was atheist, his father he never knew until he was a teen and by then he was an atheist too, his step father was at best agnostic, Frank Davis was a hard-line communist as is Bill Ayers. And one would be hard pressed to think Trinity represented what people can call Christian…Marxist, Black Liberation maybe, Christian no.
Kitty. You say not all muslims are terrorists. All muslims are either terrorists or enablers. Obama’s behavior is definitely that of an enabler. What they want is very simple. As an adult male infidel I must die. You have a choice. You may convert to islam or become a slave. Being polite or intellectually lazy will not save you. It only takes a modest amount of investigation to find out the truth about islam. The main stream press is not going to tell you the truth about this. You need to find it for yourself.
I don’t believe what you say. The President is a Marxist raised Muslim.
Kitty- if he is not a Muslim but a Christian, how come all his action over the 7 years he has been Pres has promoted the advance of Islam around the world. If you don’t see that- you are willfully blind.
WTFU, Obama has been supplying weapons to the terrorist rebels(so called good people) who in turn are butchering Christians
Not just the terrorists, but those that export wahabbi doctrine, and and are building nukes as fast as they can. Islam itself. Islam must reform, or be contained.
You are correct. Pakistan is rapidly expanding its nuke arsenal. What might happen when they have icbm’s and as many war heads as Russia and America ?
It’s past time to contain and pacify islam, before it can destroy the entire world, so they can go to paradise.
EU is comprised mostly of Islamic Arabs with their killing agernda.
You are really an idiot if you really think so. i hope not.
They will smell the roses when the are laid atop of their caskets. To little, to late….
while you might have every right to fully condemn the massacres committed against your people, you have absolutely no right to justify those committed against other people, such as Albanians in Kosovo. Take your religious bullshit propaganda elsewhere or at least, try to get your facts right!
Isn’t it ironic that while you talk about genocide that was committed against the Armenians (because of their christian beliefs), you seem to be OK with the genocide committed by Serbs in Kosovo or Bosnia, as long as the victims were muslims (or so you think).
Fact #1: Tens of thousands of Albanians were killed as result of the ethnic cleansing that took place in Kosovo. Tens of thousands were killed early in the 20th century and hundreds of thousands forced to abandon the land of their fathers.
Fact #2: it has been proven that most of those Orthodox churches in Kosovo that you so passionately write about, were built over the ruins of the Roman Catholic churches, to which the Albanians were the first to convert to in the Balkans. About 4 local churches were set to blaze from angry crowds upon their return to find out that their relatives were missing, rapped or killed by Serbs.
Fact #3: Albanians themselves were killed, massacred and ruled by the ottomans for more than 500 years
Fact #4: Albanians are muslims by majority although most, do not practice religious rituals. There are also Christian Orthodox and Roman Catholics. And facts say that Serbs didn’t distinguish between those that they executed…
Christians massacre of Muslims 1, Muslims attacks on Christians 100. Christians reacted against demographic shifting in disfavor of Christians. Are you ready as a Muslim that your daughter or sister marry a non-Muslim?
Wait, what?
Where do I say that I’m a muslim? What the hell did you understand about my comment? Why are people like you allowed to post nonsense online? Do you know that time is precious and that I just wasted a whole minute reading your nonsense? How am I ever going to get it back?
Ah, I understand you are a progressive secular doing an apology of Muslims by focusing misbehavior of Christians against Muslim. So my question has no sense. Sorry about that.
Muslims are always victims who need to avenge themselves Never did anything wrong either. American prisons see a lot of blacks converting to Islam on that principle, including those on death roll.
INQUISITION? Do you know what it was??
But which of your comparisons were actually based on religion?
My comparisons based on religion?
None. I try to stay away from any religious propaganda. Victims are victims, regardless of their religious beliefs
Fair enough….good point.
Muslim victims who need to avenge themselves Never did anything wrong either. American prisons see a lot of blacks converting to Islam on that principle, including those on death roll.
Mmmm.. death roll.
What you all fail to acknowledge is that each of your religions is responsible for most of the planets “cides”. The only “religion” that matters in the end is the “Human” religion.
Amen Truthinesshurts and peace be with us, for we are the real minority.
and for the rest of you, ikc whether my spelling, grammar, or what ever your hang-up is offends you, keep yourselves busy with starting more wars or continue pick pocketing each other of your material favors.
Atheistic communism = worst democide of the 20th century.
It looks like Judaism is the only religion with clean hands. Perhaps you should all respect and follow the Jews who have, and continue, to contribute so much to the benefit of mankind.
Dude, your facts are so screwed up, i dont know from where to start… so just go to hell, i give up
A pox on both their houses- but with regard to Milosevitch- offenses committed by Muslims are what motivated him to act. He could do nothing else. The immediate catalyst was an attack and massacre by Muslims of people gathered for a wedding.
Only the blind will not be able to see how badly Islam has destroyed many ethnic identities and murdered many more. Our modern societies will suffer, but war against these fundamentalist Islam psychotics who are not of the peaceful sect will need to be fought in a military fashion until all of them are listed as dead and maybe then there will be peace again for a while as anything as sick as Islam will always return to haunt modern society.
I am sorry for what happened to your people.
However, I can’t help thinking that your views could have been more balanced in condemning all atrocities, no matter who the perpetrators were.
As the world knows, there was a massacre of Bosnian Muslims committed by the Serbs (Christians?).
And then there is Sebrenica.
If I talk about how I miss my deceased mother do I have to add the names of every other dead parent to make it my pain politically correct? Let him talk about his dead. if that disturbs you so much, next time write your own article about YOUR own genocidal memories
Don’t be such a simpleton. The post veered into a diatribe for much of it. And yeah, that disturbs me and I write where I want.
Wow, I may be a “simpleton” but you are a very rude person. This is an issue that hits home to the author and it is the height of nastiness to jeer at his pain and the suffering of a million people. I may be “stupid” but you sir are mean. I will try to be “smarter” You need to be nicer.
You were rude yourself. You get what u paid for.
Jeering at his pain?? Geez! I give up.
You are *both* being childish….GROW up!…..
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
You’re BOTH being childish!….GROW UP!….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
Thanks for your empathy. I am full blooded Armenian (both sides) and the only one left alive in my immediate family through natural means. People are rude especially the turks when they are called on the carpet for this terrible deed. Muslims are the worst persecutors of human rights. They deny everyone.
I don`t condone the atrocities comitted by Bosnian Serbs, but you are conveniently leaving out the atrocities comitted by the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovnia,Albania and Montenegro against Serbs.Also, the Croats and their Ustashi govenment slaughtered So many Serbs during World War II(including mass burnings of Serbs loaded into Churches!)In fact some of the Nazi`s were quoted as being shocked at the degree of brutality unleashed against the Serbs, despite being allies of Croatia at the time!
And now those same Muslims are doing the same to the Serbs.
Europe has died in Auschwitz.
Europe decided its faith when they killed peaceful and hard-working Jews and replaced
them with Muslims. “You sleep in the bed you made”.
Never paid any Taxes though but used Social Services when needed. I wonder who that was???Integrate in this Society or leave. Seems rational enough. Fight for your Country if needed and pay your taxes, it’s always been like that!!! No? They call it Patriotism I think, a GOOD thing, No?
Islam and Hitler worked well together. Hitler is gone, replaced by Obama becoming Christian to do Hitler’s job in absentia.
Just a BS! Why don’t you talk about how innocent Bosnians were killed by Christian and Orthodox Serbs! Why don’t you talk about almost half million Iraqis were killed and plus more than became disabled barbarically by American solders in the name of OIL! Why don’t you talk about especially around these days many civilian Syrians are being bombed and killed by CHRISTIAN and ORTHODOX Russians ! Why don’t you talk about CHRISTIAN Hitler’s killings! Why don’t you talk about your CRIME!!! Armenian CRIMES! Your ancestors killed many Ottomans and yet you blame them! Why don’t you talk about your solders who killed many Azerbaijani pregnant women almost 20 years ago!!! Many more! Your crimes more than any others’s!
Well, I guess we could talk about how many millions of people were killed by the Communists and how many people were murdered in Rwanda too. But this article is about what the Turks did to the Armenians. Is it okay for someone to focus on one genocide at a time?
Turkey shies away from her past of Armenian genocide in order to present an acceptable civilized face to the West many of Europe ‘civilized’ people see as a good thing. Never mind the barb of Islamic murder is there. They prefer not to see their own death sentence hidden behind the façade of ‘religion of peace’ Islamic peace on earth will be after all infidels are dead or converted. It cost Armenia 1.5 million lives in 1915, and will never be forgotten so long as some of us are able to carry the torch of truth against all Islamic lies, including Obama’s
….apparently, NOT in the comment section!…. LOL …..
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
You understand this. Some of these people argue like third graders. They just lack the skills even though they have computers and know how to post. It really is such a distraction.
Thank you, Trimelda McD, for staying on subject. Continue making sense.
Only an ignorant wretch would say that Hitler was a Christian. Hitler was no such thing.
Iraq was over oil? Nope. All oil is sold on the world market. Saddam wasn’t withholding oil. That would have been his own financial and political suicide. The United States did not seize Iraq’s oil fields.
….sorry, bonehead “prepper” but Iraq was ONLY about OIL, and money and power, and huge profits for the private security contractors at the American taxpayers expense….
If Pres. Bush senior had gone into Baghdad and taken out Saddam Hussein in 1991, then both 9/11 & Bush jr. & Iraq War part 2, would NOT have happened…. The GREAT GAME” has been going on, on Earth, for literally 1,000’s of years. It’s ALL the fault of the Global Ruling Elites and Global Banksters, and they care NOT for nations, religions, borders or people. They care ONLY about more money & power, and maintaining Global domination. Wake up and get yur head outa yur backsides, will ya’….????….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
Supposedly he was raised as as devote Christian but obviously he was insane and not anything of the sort.
Hitler was an Atheist
Spot on!
Lewis, are you ready to pay for spreading lies about the Armenians killing Ottoman Turks?? Yes, it’s exactly as if you blame an owner of an apartment and at the same time a head of a family for a resistance, shown during a murderous attack committed by a large group of criminals, killing his wife and children – how can you speak about a crime, if defending your family, you have killed some of the bandits, thus committing a crime by yourselves?? Lewis, do you realize, that besides writing a total BS, you support the current Turkish point of view, which is a total brainwash and nothing more than that?? Yes, the Armenians were showing a huge resistance, and thousands of the attackers – Turks and Kurds – were killed as a result, but this was a RESISTANCE and a DEFENCE from Turkish violence. Don’t mix it together………
Armenians caused two and a half million Moslem Ottomon casualities by massacring and creating the conditions like famine etc. This does not include casualities before between 1780-1914. In gist 1/3 of total Armenian, 1/5 of total Ottomon population lost their lives in that conflict . Dashnak Sudyun, Armenakan, Hunchak ,Armenian Caucus Army operating internationally performed as a death machine. In 1916 Armenian forces invaded East Anatolia together with Russian Army .Especially following 1917 October Communist revolution ,Armenian forces almost killed any Moslem they got hold of and yet they claim theywere subject to genocide between 1915-23. Genocide is a legal concept and requires legal verdict .
lol. another stupid Turk trying to rewrite history! You people not only butchered 2 million Armenians, but also another million Assyrians and Greeks.. so shut the f”k up you Islamic POS!
Check Encyclopedia Britannica and find out Armenian population that time.It is stated between 1.5 and 2 million in the empire.Only Orthodox(not catholic andProtestant)Armenians mainly in East Anatolia were relocated .After Ottomon’s defeat,150.000 among those relocated to Syria applied to invading French Authorities for their property. As for 2,4 million Moslems lost lives ,there are several historians claiming that .President Reagan never used tthe word genocide after 1981 subsequent ıf th research he asked for which revealed 2.4 million Moslem deaths caused by Armenian terror.Establishment of Modern Midle East by three historians Mangoo,McNamara and Fraser also indicates similar figures. Only in Balkan war in 1908 1,465,000 Moslem Ottomons lost their lives. A true Jew would not have your comment
Yes we all know who Lewis is and I’m surprised he is still alive after all his BS paid propaganda out of Turkey! Hopefully someone takes out that POS!
First of all, get your facts straight. Hitler was not a Christian. Hitler was into the Occult and based his invasion of Russia on astrological calculations that proved to be a disaster. A true Christian would not base his life on astrology. While many Iraqis were killed by greed for oil, this had nothing to do with religion.
To say that Hitler was a christian is very wrong. No Christian will ever kill a Jew, No true Christian will ever kill a Muslim or anybody. You are not a Christian because you were born into a Christian family or you were born an American, you are a Christian because you make a decision to be like JESUS CHRIST . Pls lets stop all these hate things. Killing of human beings for religious, ethnic or any other reason is not acceptable to GOD.GOD Bless you
I would kill a Muslim if he threatened my family. Being Armenian I hate the muslims & I hate the Turks especially. I have never met a nice Muslim. I mean the foreign Arab Muslims. I know plenty of black American muslims and one of them in particular was a very cool wonderful man. Wouldn’t have hurt a fly. The rest of them were vicious.
FYI to the Muslim apologist: Hitler and Nazis were atheists. And I’d like to know just how many Ottoman animals our ancestors killed so I can do a dance and revel in their achievements. I can only hope this Islamic scourge is stopped and stopped soon so that our ancestors have not died in vain and that their vicious and barbaric deaths will have at the very least taught society a lesson to never let it happen again..
lol, the infamous Armenian Genocide denier… go back to your ISIS cave you POS… Hopefully someone finds you on a dark alley one night!!!
Because the West picked the wrong side, the Serbs were seen as the villains and the Albanians as the victims. Now that NATO got its wish and Kosovo is now de facto independent, Christian Serb churches are burned at will and the ethnic cleansing is being done by the Muslims, not the Serbs.
Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. Liberals turn a blind eye to Islamic ideology of conquest. Liberalism IS a mental disorder.
There is more to being liberal than Islamic apologia, you dolt.
Yeah, maybe. But the fact remains. Liberalism IS a mental disorder. So is conservatism. Any “ism” which separates us is a mental disorder. The LGBLTabcxyz crowd is a mental disorder.
NATURAL HUMAN THOUGHT knows no “religion”, or “race”….. Their is only ONE race – the human race. And human life on Earth is the one true religion. You are either pro-life, or pro-death. There’s no in between. The is but one “p.o.p.e.” – People Of Planet EARTH…..
And “EARTH” without *ART* is EH…????….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
And what do call a society that spends what the rest of world does on the military, has bases in much of world, and invades and murders at will to defend corporate profit?
Um, sounds like the VATICAN!…. LOL ……………….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
Without “liberalism” you’d still be living in a cave, sacrificing goats to your big scary god. It is “liberalism” which allows people to progress instead of being stagnant – like they are in the Middle East – refusing to leave the 7th Century behind. If “liberalism” is a “mental disorder” then it’s one that more people should have.
How, exactly, has liberalism been the creator of all our progress?
Only in a semantical sense could the comparison apply to being progressive–today progressivism doesn’t amount to progress.
The hordes of Muslims occupying Europe right now will be glad to slap your other cheek and rape all your daughters, whoever you are, jb3 by any name.
Liberalism IS a mental disorder. So is conservatism. Any “ism” which separates us is a mental disorder. The LGBLTabcxyz crowd is a mental disorder.
NATURAL HUMAN THOUGHT knows no “religion”, or “race”….. Their is only ONE race – the human race. And human life on Earth is the one true religion. You are either pro-life, or pro-death. There’s no in between. The is but one “p.o.p.e.” – People Of Planet EARTH…..
And “EARTH” without *ART* is EH…????…. The FREEDOM of NATURAL HUMAN THOUGHT precludes ALL “isms”…. May Buddha Bless you! You shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you *FREE*….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
No we don’t, I think all religion is stupid and ignorant, including Islam. There is no place in the modern world for religion.
WHAT THE F’…..????….. There’s NO PLACE for *history**books*….????…. LOL
Your hating the DARK SIDE of ALL humans, does NOT bring light….
Is Buddhism also “stupid”….????…. You need to watch some Dalai Lama videos….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
“…that is, throughout the entire Islamic world—Muslims are, to varying degrees, persecuting, killing, raping, enslaving, torturing and dislocating Christians…”
I currently live in Malaysia (and have been here for two years). I do not believe this statement to be true with regards to Malaysia, which is a Muslim majority country, though not an Islamic state. I am surrounded by Hindu temples, Protestant and Catholic Churches, Buddhist temples and others. It IS against the law to attempt to *convert* Muslim Malaysians at present but it is not a problem to be of or to practice another religion, run for political office, etc.
To be sure, this is not a perfect country. Which one is? But it certainly appears to be a Muslim/Islamic country where none of the horrors cited are occurring. Any comments welcome, just wanted to add this perspective about living in a Muslim-dominated country.
Cynthia, if it is against the law to “attempt to convert” a Muslim to Christianity, how can you say Christians are able to practice their Christianity, where sharing their faith is a major part of their ‘religion’? If there is no freedom of speech, and no protection of those that want to, the persecution is either under cover, or done through the courts… but you can bet it is going on. For my part, I have heard personal testimony of a young Christian who carries scars where a machette nearly cut off his head.
The only Christians who insist on sharing their religion as a major part of their religion are the evangelicals–and they hardly represent the majority of all Christians. Vocal, perhaps, but majority: no. As for example warfare of how many atrocities have committed on *both* sides, that type of argument could continue ad infinitum without ever reaching resolution. Let’s all take a lesson from the “Balkans” and the “Balkanization” that we as modern humans deride: the only way to stop this is to be a true Christian and treat others with the love of Christ.
So…..christians really can stop this….if only christ followers act like christ? How could this be true? Even jesus and the new testament tell us christians will be persecuted–doesn’t give a formula to ward off the dangers with the love of christ, does it? But if you’re including the U.S. as part of “christians” loving others, hopefully not, since the US isn’t a follower of christ.
Cynthia, Malaysia has made it illegal for any non-Muslim to use the word Allah in any context. How are Christian services going to be held in an Arabic population with Bibles written in Arabic? With great difficulty as intended. Others have mentioned that it is illegal to convert Muslims. Christian singers accused and persecuted for using the name of Jesus in public, Christian churches have been raided. It is not be to be Christian in a Muslim nation anywhere, unfortunately.
A perfect country as per Islamic perspective would be Saudi Arabia. The theology is Dar Al Harb (house of war) vs Dar al Islam (house of peace). Just because Malaysia currently allows other faiths to practice, this is an anomaly and sure as the sun rises every day, will not continue forever. Because Jihad is mandatory and I am not referring to “personal struggle”. One only needs to look at the other muslim dominated nations to see which way the wind blows.
And then you woke up and realized you were dreaming. Right?
As with the lands and peoples of India; Islam will kill, defame and destroy anyone who would tell the truth of their poisonous faith. This is nothing more than ignoring history. The history of the great slaughter and destruction of the Indian peoples lost to history yet was the shining path to enlightenment for them. As the greatness was stolen from them and claimed by the islamist as their knoledge and teachings.
The lie is ISLAM
thank you :))))
ah yes, but interestingly enough, the jews own nearly all of the western media; and do we hear them lambasting the atrocities against Christians worldwide ?? NO. what we here is SILENCE.
why ?? because the jews hate the Christians every bit as much as the muslims. that is why you will see that Christians, such as catholic priests, are regularly spit upon in Israel, but again, no reports of this in the jewish owned press.
the fact is, the jews are at the forefront of EVERYTHING anti-Christian in the west, it is not the muslims. and who supported the overthrow of the secular and Christian protecting regimes in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and now Syria ?? it was JEWS the world over including most predominantly the Zionist ones and the nation of Israel, who has been currently bombing the Syrian army in support of the rebels there who are looting and destroying Christian churches and beheading Christians. so, we need to compare apples to apples and recognize that Zionists and Judaism are not the friends of Christianity. in fact, keep in mind that it wasn’t muslims that crucified Christ !!
Are you a Christian? If you are which I don’t think you are but anyways, I case you are you should know that the Jews didn’t kill JESUS, had Pilute said not there wouldn’t had been any crucifixion, and read your Bible and then you can se that in fact no one killed JESUS
John 10
17 Therefore doth the Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it again.
18 No one taketh it away from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment received I from my Father.
yes i am a Christian. and yes you are correct that Jesus laid down His life. after all, He is God so He didnt have to if He didnt want to.
also, the roman governor pilate did allow the jews to crucify Christ. however, it was the jews who brought the charges against Jesus, it is the jews that wanted Him dead. it is the jews that lied and conspired against Christ and the jews the incited the crowd to demand that barabas go free and that Christ be crucified. it is also the jews that EXTORTED pilate to grant their wishes by threatening that they would bring a charge of treason against him for not executing someone claiming to be a king instead of caesar. as Jesus said, the jews are the children of the devil who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning”. so, in closing, the jews are guilty of the crucifixion of Christ, as they were the ones the instigated Jesus execution. they planned it and they saw it through to its conclusion even over the moral objections of pilate. if you read the early Christian writers(outside of the bible) you can see how much pilate objected and argued with the jews against Christs execution, but they persisted in wanting Him killed. please dont misunderstand me, pilate is also guilty for being a coward. this is an instance where both pilate and the jews are 100% guilty. are you jewish ?
A true Christian has all the reasons to love the Jews. The Christians’ spiritual forefathers such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are Jews. Jesus Christ himself is a Jew. Jesus’ 12 disciples and the disciple who replaced Judas Iscariot are Jews. All the writers of the Old and New Testament, except Luke, are Jews. The first thousands of people who became Christians are Jews and therefore the first thousands of people who spread the Gospel, which true Christians believe and through which they are saved, are Jews. True Christians therefore recognize and acknowledge that they owe their lives to the Jews and they are left with on other proper response but to love, care, and pray for the Jews and Israel!
Jesus himself was a Jew.
but they do not arm them and assist them in destroying others of Gods creation, correct?
You lie and do not serve God. Jesus did not say,”the jews are the children of the devil who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning”, John did in John 8:44, the evangelist betrayed his fierce antagonism toward the Jews for not accepting Jesus as the savior and messiah. I’m afraid you forget yourself in your own hate for the chosen people of God. To lie against Jesus is bad enough, but too lie against a whole group of people is shameless. You should repent this sin and ask God and your fellow man for forgiveness.
Quite right. It was the Romans
Jeff is a perfect illustration of what it takes to be an utter waste of skin
so dave, must i guess that you are a jew ?? it is customary(and genetic), for jews to respond to factual statements by making ad hominem attacks that dont address any of the facts. so perhaps are the honest jews of our world wastes of skin too ??like brother nat kapner at ?? how about gilad atzmon ?(google him)and jack bernstein ?(google his free online books, he was later apparently murdered by the mossad.)how about miko pelod ?(his parents were founders of israhell.)and how about the famous benjamin freedman ?(who 1961 speech can be located on utube and be listened to in his own voice, where he explains that it was jews behind ww1 and ww2 and that they were already planning ww3.)and then there is the white professor, dr kevin macdonald at the occidental observer website… he has dozens of brilliant writers that contribute and he himself has written several books on jewish phsychology. myself, i collect conversations like this one because it is if i am arguing against the same jew every time. lol. nearly word for word ad hominem and fact-dodging.the ones who arent worth their skin(except maybe as lampshades) are the marxist/zionist/satanist jews.
From: Disqus
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Comment on The Forgotten Genocide: Why It Matters Today
#yiv5746738726 #yiv5746738726 a:hover, #yiv5746738726 a:hover span {color:#1188d2!important;}#yiv5746738726 .yiv5746738726button-cta:hover {color:#ffffff!important;background-color:#1188d2!important;}#yiv5746738726 .yiv5746738726button-cta:hover span {color:#ffffff!important;}#yiv5746738726 #yiv5746738726 #yiv5746738726 #yiv5746738726outlook a {padding:0;}#yiv5746738726 body {width:100% !important;}#yiv5746738726 .yiv5746738726ReadMsgBody {width:100%;}#yiv5746738726 .yiv5746738726ExternalClass {width:100%;display:block;}#yiv5746738726 _filtered #yiv5746738726 {}#yiv5746738726 .yiv5746738726content {width:100%;}#yiv5746738726 table {border-collapse:collapse;}#yiv5746738726 h2.yiv5746738726headline {font-weight:700;font-size:20px!important;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv5746738726 .yiv5746738726button-cta {display:block!important;padding:0!important;}#yiv5746738726 div.yiv5746738726header {padding-top:20px;}#yiv5746738726 div.yiv5746738726footer {padding-bottom:20px;}#yiv5746738726 #yiv5746738726 #yiv5746738726 p.yiv5746738726mod-tools a:hover {color:white!important;background:#8c989f!important;}#yiv5746738726 _filtered #yiv5746738726 {}#yiv5746738726 td.yiv5746738726avatar img, #yiv5746738726 td.yiv5746738726spacer img {width:28px!important;}#yiv5746738726 “Jeff is a perfect illustration of what it takes to be an utter waste of skin” | |
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David Kohn
Jeff is a perfect illustration of what it takes to be an utter waste of skin 9:42 p.m., Sunday Jan. 25 | Other comments by David Kohn | |
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| David Kohn’s comment is in reply to Jeff Tlano: |
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| | ah yes, but interestingly enough, the jews own nearly all of the western media; and do we hear them lambasting the atrocities against Christians worldwide …Read more |
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I realize this was posted a year ago, but the idea that you would reference one of Hitler’s most insane and morally reprehensible notions in a discussion about a different genocide speaks volumes about your own depraved moral stance.
Waitasecond: don’t Jews, Christians, and Muslims all come from the same “Abrahamic” religious starting point? Therefore, isn’t your comment really more racist and ethnocentric than religious in nature? And, thus, isn’t your voice rather irrelevant in the post-racial world we are trying to create?
@Jeff Tlano – Of course it wasn’t the Muslims that crucified Jesus – Muhammed hadn’t even been born yet! But the Jews didn’t crucify Jesus either because they didn’t have the legal authority to carry out a death sentence for treason- which is what he was “convicted” of. Only the Roman occupiers had that authority, and they were the ones who tried Jesus, found him guilty and crucified him. Get to know your history better! And as for you claims about Jews being at the forefront of “everything anti-Christian in the west” you need to do more independent research and less spouting anti-Semitic propaganda!
It is quite stunning how an average educated Turk gets so defensive about the Armenian Genocide. It is simply no longer acceptable for Turks to deny what happened. Clearly present day Turks have no culpability but denying the genocide does no good. On the contrary Turkey must acknowledge what happened and move forward. What happened to the Armenians is unimaginable. Many have not realized until recently Armenians were murdered because they were Christian in a largely Islamic Ottoman Empire. The Armenian Genocide is a muslim problem as much as it is Turkish problem. Turks, Muslims and Islam have an obligation to reach out and acknowledge truth and begin reconciliation.
Get to know a Turk. They do not deny the genocide, but they do object to the demonization of the modern nation of Turkey for crimes committed by the Ottomans. They are also a practical people who realize that the next step after admission comes reparation. This is calculating and cynical, but not uneducated.
It would therefore be helpful if Turkey came clean and had a formal enquiry into the genocides and resumed normal relations with Armenia. That would clear the air a bit wouldn’t it. No one would blame modern Turks for what happened under the Ottomans but it would be great to see TRUTH and RECONCILIATION going hand in hand.
Gregory – let us PRAY TOGETHER for that day to come SOON!…. thank-you!….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
I got to know some Turks. Well enough for them to say with a small smile, as if he can talk to me easier about this than to others at our common place of work, “My grandmother remembers an American Christian school in her remote area of Turkey, in 1912! Isn’t that ridiculous, Americans, they interfere in the East so much. And then, you have what you have.” “Have what,” I didn’t get it. “Umm genocide,” he lowered his voice though we were alone, I think he wanted a different word. Dhimmies’s contract cancelled if they receive help from Dar al Harb. Very secular technical professional guy, good people manager. Or a guilty smile that, no, no one calls it “Constantinia” or “Constantinople” any more. I think you’ve been fed a line about reparations of the Ottomans’ misdeeds by your friends, Donk. It’s just Islam plus Turkish imperial feel.
Why does no one seem to be aware of the FACT it was Ataturk, a crypto Donmeh Jew and his henchmen, who did the attrocities against the Armenian Christians?
Ruthless terror tactics were almost identical to those used in their Jewish Russian COUP we also were taught, by Jews, was a ‘revolution’ when it was a Judeo-Masonic COUP by internal traitor Jews like 9/11!
Other tortures and fear mongering like collecting the good looking children and boiling Christian priests in oil were added for their demonic pleasure!
(“Under the Sign of the Scorpion”)
These must be Jewish blogs as ALL honest researchers are aware of these facts and the corroborative references can be found here:
Note the “16 Crucified Armenian Women” were the numerological equivalent of a Menorah! (Look it up or search “Menorah Massacre”
9/11 was not the Jews. The Muslims had been trying to attack the twin towers long before 9/11 happened. Did you know you can tell a lie and some people will believe it, but that doesn’t make it true. I was in Israel on 9/11 near the Lebanese border. It was not the Jews who were celebrating by shooting their guns in the air.
Research Jewish Ritual Murder on the “Poor poor Jews” also Jewish communism.
Hmm, better back up “UnoRaza back up,” Mustafa Kemal (a.k.a., Ataturk) was stationed in Thrace (Gallipoli and Edirne) from 1914 to 1917, and then Syria (Alleppo) in 1917-1918. It was Talat Pasa who led the Armenian genocide. Calling something a FACT–even if you capitalize the word–does not make it so. And of course, using a non-fact as a jumping off point to make other ridiculous accusations and statements just makes you look stupid. Now that is a FACT.
Ataturk confessed to being a crypto Jew as with ALL Judeo “Masonic” coups our kosher teachers called “revolutions”; their sayanim cockroaches are thick as thieves and wear many masks. Their fav is ‘evil muslim’ and ‘evil Vatican’.
Debunk this should you not be a shill:
Yes, my friend. As with all discussions–especially those taking the form of argumentation, it is useful to begin with some definitions.
1) Crypto-Judaism: *the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith.* There is no evidence proffered that Mustafa Kemal is, or was, Jewish. Furthermore, his ethnicity is irrelevant to the question at hand. This is a line of spurious argumentation.
2) Shill: *a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.* There is no evidence proffered that I have any self-interest in pointing out another’s flawed logic or flawed facts. This line of argumenation is ad hominem, and therefore, irrelevant to the argument itself.
3) Ad Hominem: *A. appealing to one’s prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one’s intellect or reason. B. attacking an opponent’s character rather than answering his argument.* See above, using definition “B.” Further, your entire line of argumentation is definition “A.” Again, Ad hominem arguments are a subset of the logical fallacy of the non-sequitur. As they do not advance, dispel, nor support actual argumentation, they are irrelevant to the argument itself.
4) Batshit crazy: *speech or behavior that is over the top, unhinged, self-destructive, or a threat to others.* You, dear sir (or madam), have used one or two sentences that are so full of self-referential innuendo and conspiracy theories that it would be impossible, given this space, to fully address or dispel them. Luckily, I don’t have to. You are the one who made the broad, unsubstantiated assertions using comical links to bolster your weak arguments. At this point, I am not really appealing to you, or your sense of logic, but rather to whosoever might read this post in the future. To that person: contrast these two posts, who would you rather a) believe, or b) share a meal with? I list one more definition below of something that, hopefully, both of us can agree to. The intrinsic goodness of a wholesome, Jewish omlette.
5) Jewish omlette:
You are an old fashioned liar:
Your Jewish ‘that’s crazy’ shtick can be found under Soviet Jewish Communism in “Jewlag Gulag Archipeligo” by a Nobel winner.
Search “Soviet punitive psychiatry” for easy details if you’re too lazy to read books and are not a Jewish hasbaRat cockroach whore/troll.
Jews there used pills and fake ‘crazy’ claims to murder millions in Russia and China!
Ataturk admitted this you blatant liar or fool and I care not which!
Why would he lie about being a well known Donmeh Jew?
“There is no evidence proffered that Mustafa Kemal is, or was, Jewish. Furthermore, his ethnicity is irrelevant to the question at hand. This is a line of spurious argumentation.” (Jewish BS!)
They were all Donmeh Jews:
Hey, I could also point out the “numerical” equivalent 3+1+3(9/11/01) where 3*3=9, 3/3=1 taken twice = 11 and the original 1 and there you have it you nutjob.
This theory (i.e. Jews or crypto-Jews organized the imaginary “Armenian genocide”) is quite widespread among Armenians. On the other hand, the Jews who lived and witnessed events in that region and at that time have a different view. Some samples:
Extracts from a letter dated December 11, 1983, published in the San Francisco Chronicle, as an answer to a letter that had been published in the same journal under the signature of one B. Amarian:
“We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian atrocities against our people (Jews). Members of our family witnessed the murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum, Turkey, by Armenian neighbors, bent on destroying anything and anybody remotely Jewish and/or Muslim. Armenians should look to their own history and see the havoc they and their ancestors perpetrated upon their neighbors. Armenians were in league with Hitler in the last war, on his premise to grant themselves government if, in return, the Armenians would help exterminate Jews. Armenians were also hearty proponents of the anti-Semitic acts in league with the Russian Communists.” (Signed Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California)
A passage from the sworn statement of 20th Century Sephardic Advocate Rabbi Albert J. Amateau (Oct. 11, 1989):
“Fifty thousand Armenians, residents of villages in and around Erzurum in Turkey surreptiously ascended a mountain called Mussa Dagh (dagh is Turkish for mountain) with arms, ammunition, victuals and water, sufficient to withstand a siege of many days. Before ascending that mountain, they had captured hundreds of Muslim Turks and Jews, their fellow citizens and neighbors, with whom they were supposedly on good terms. They murdered them all in cold blood, for no other reason than they were Muslims and Jews.”
cf. The personal web site of Rabbi Amateau:
I first heard of the Armenian genocide in college, 1971 – 1975. A roommate’s boyfriend was Armenian. Later, 1980s, a very close friend’s father’s family only escaped the genocide because someone in his village said the army was coming to get him (and his family) because they were Christian. They left right away and managed to get to England.
Another model of democratic moral high ground in the American stable…
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim.
“And who speaks today of the annihilation of Christians under Islam?”
None of the “leaders” of the civilized nations has uttered a sound nor lifted a finger to decry today’s renewed persecution of Christians. Churches dare no mention it, fearing attacks by governmental powers such as the IRS.
Christians once were warriors who took the Holy Land and Jerusalem away from the moslems who held it captive. Today, we have become the meek, quiet ones who file into the coliseum to be burned or fed to the lions. God will claim those who love and trust Him, but the way will not be smooth. Check your Faith – it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Yes, Bill. That’s what the world needs: more warmongers (of any religion). Please do us all a favor and read the “RED” captions in your Bible. The Christ compels you do so.
Careful! Your Pharisaical piety is showing.
As is your ignorance. Stop worshipping Saul of Tarsus (a Turk), and start worshipping Jesus.
(..Sighs…) Saul a Turk ??.
….if the WHOLE EARTH is NOT “Holy”, then NONE of it is…. Your “Holy Land” NONSENSE is LIES created by the Global Ruling Elites and Global Banksters to ENSLAVE us ALL…. and create PERPETUAL WAR…. Wake UP, and smell the coffee, kiddo…..
And, yes, *ALL* “abrahamic” “religions” are SATANIC…. Even MY religion – Buddhism – has it’s “demons” & “devils”…. But at least we have the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, to help us become FREE….
The ONLY “religion” is FREEDOM….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
Bradford, just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you. Now, take your meds, drink your Ovaltine, and get back in bed.
Yeah, *DUDE*, but just because “they’re after me”, as YOU put it, doesn’t mean I’m gonna get all “paranoid” about it….
Kiddo, you’re not only the “older one”, you’re TOO OLD…..
You want me to call 911, or can you crawl your way back to the nursing home by yurself?
Better hurry, the flock’s gobblin’ away without you….
I’m only perched on this branch long enough to chow down the CHINOOK….
Wha cha got, punk-ass….????…
C’mon good buddy….????….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
And you, Sonny, must be just a snot-nosed punk little kid.
You LOST. Upper-case “Sonny” is less points than your “punk” redundancy…..
Punk-ass mofo.
BTW, you DO know what a CH-47 is, doncha….????….
You ain’t got chit, kiddo….
And what does ANY of it have to do with Turkey’s continued denial of the
reality of the Armenian Genocide….????…
At least *I* can be as informative, topical, and relevant as I can insulting.
You’re not very good at *EITHER*….
I’m not Armenian but you don’t have to be to cry out in pain when one sees that Picture, it speaks a Thousand Words……their Faith was Real and their Sacrifice Honorable. No greater Honor than to LOVE the Lord with the ultimate sacrifice like he has done for us. But a Great Sin to “Ignore” this Crime of Mass Murder/Genocide committed by the Armed Islamist Turks against the Armenian Christians?????
Uh, did you read the caption on the pic? It is a screen capture from the movie, not historical in nature. This does not mean that it did not happen exactly as depicted (although, that would be impossible), but let’s carefully evaluate modern representations of past events.
This story clearly has an anti-muslim undertone which basically negates any actual facts that I may have considered taking from it.
We just had two sick “Christian” shooters kill six people in my town in Colorado. The problem isn’t with Christians or Muslims… it’s religion in general. I’m not going to let you so called “Christians” whip me into a frenzy about Muslims when you’re offenses are just as lengthy and numerous. Organized religion is for paranoid, pathetic, small-minded sheep. So just keep arguing you nuts, maybe one day you’ll all kill each other off and the rational will inherit the earth. One can only hope.
Cheers, FedUp. One may disagree about your characterization of all religion–after all, we all believe “something”–but your post is one of the most rational I’ve seen on this thread.
BS , some of us have no “beliefs”. There are things we “know” and things we “don’t know”, and we are comfortable in reality. Believers HAVE to HAVE a “belief” to deny “not knowing”, which scares the crap out of them. Probably because of all the scary crap their beliefs have brain washed them to believe and fear.. Crap like, “eternal condemnation”, “pits of fire”, “gods so-called wrath”, eternal torture,,, WITH NO PROOF whatsoever..
FedUp, is there any place you heard the shooters were christian? I did a quick reading on cnn but didn’t see that.
On another note it’s far safer to say that the “real problem” is anti-religion and history shows this.
You’re right, neither of the shooters directly said I am a Christian (that I know of). I derived my position from the content of the first shooter’s blog and the court statements from the Planned Parenthood shooter. I feel confident with my assertion that the shootings were the result of two mentally ill men with delusions that were directly fueled by Christian propaganda.
As to your other note, that is a bold statement with very little factual evidence. History has a funny way of showing us exactly what we want to see – as is the case with you, I imagine.
Hmm….I would think that mentally ill would be fueled by anything, and it’s common that they have an obsession with spiritual things and the bible, strange for sure, but this wouldn’t make them a christian in any reasonable sense, would it?
For the “history” thing,
You’re basically saying that anyone who identifies as a Christian but then does something awful is not a “true” Christian. By that logic a Muslim who does something awful is not a “true” Muslim. So how can you blame an entire group of people for the actions of a few people who aren’t even “true” Muslims?
Why? Because it’s easy and you’re easily frightened by media, religious, and government propaganda. Unfortunately, there are many cowards in this world and weak-minded people are easy to manipulate.
True Christians are good because the Bible tells us this… therefore bad people are not true Christians. This is circular reasoning and doesn’t make for a very compelling or rational argument.
Still not seeing any examples of these numbers… I guess you could consider Hitler and the Nazis as atheistic but they still manipulated people with religion, very successfully I might add. They also tried to create one state Church and get rid of the smaller denominations.
Shanan, you’re right about the circular reasoning idea, but actually I was not saying that at all–the bible says nobody is good, and there are plenty of buddhists and atheists who might be nicer or in some ways more virtuous people. What I was saying is that it doesn’t seem to make sense to be so quick to equate christians or who claim to be christians, with fanatical killings, given the teachings of whom they’re (apparently) following. For example, if mother theresa went on a shooting spree, would it make sense to say “yeah, that figures…”. ? And when you add the muslim example, this only adds to the misunderstanding–a “good” or “true” muslim would have to be one who kills the infidels, since they’re instructed in the later writings of their book–which supercede the previous parts about being peace loving–and to be most like the prophet whom they profess (a real terrorist, do you agree?), but if you wish to label them “true” for being peace loving, that may be how you feel about it, but not actually realistic. So we would have to say that muslims doing “awful” things would be good muslims.
So, numbers–if you meant about the “exponential” greater numbers, no, I wasn’t including hitler at all, only referring to regimes which are necessarily atheistic, and only in one century’s timeframe compared to religion in all history, though there have been less people on the planet in previous eras but nonetheless a comparison.
Let me repeat:
“Of all religions, secular and otherwise,” Rummel positions Marxism as “by far the bloodiest – bloodier than the Catholic Inquisition, the various Catholic crusades, and the Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants. In practice, Marxism has meant bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal prison camps and murderous forced labor, fatal deportations, man-made famines, extrajudicial executions and fraudulent show trials, outright mass murder and genocide.”[26] He writes that in practice the Marxists saw the construction of their utopia as “a war on poverty, exploitation, imperialism and inequality – and, as in a real war, noncombatants would unfortunately get caught in the battle. There would be necessary enemy casualties: the clergy, bourgeoisie, capitalists, ‘wreckers’, intellectuals, counterrevolutionaries, rightists, tyrants, the rich and landlords. As in a war, millions might die, but these deaths would be justified by the end, as in the defeat of Hitler in World War II. To the ruling Marxists, the goal of a communist utopia was enough to justify all the deaths.”[26]
Okay… do you have any of your own thoughts…?
As a matter of fact, I do. I think that State sponsored, atheistic education is a million times more dangerous than organized religion because religion is a choice and State sponsored education is something that forces children into boxes that produce ignorance or worse. I attended Catholic schools since the age of 8 into a Masters program and I learned Latin, German and Spanish as well as pieces of history, such as the Armenian massacre and the entire history of the Mexican American War that most people know nothing about. That is also where I learned about the “wonders” of militant government directed atheism. I also got to see with my own two eyes the way organized atheism treated people who believed in organized religion. How? The Vietnamese priest who was whipped by Communists for teaching orphans about Jesus. I touched the scars on his back and face. Then there was the nun who was raped by Communists and ended up in a mental ward. When she was finally released, she was sent home and was a teacher’s aid in my school. She always looked sad. I found out why later on. But you might not know about organized atheism and what it has “accomplished” around the world. I notice they don’t teach THAT in government directed schools because they agree with your point of view and spend more time trying to keep the influence of organized religion away from children instead of teaching all points of view.
Oh good! I was speaking about organized religion being responsible for, or directly related to, countless atrocities past and present and you responded with a quote about Marxism. Marxism is a political and economic theory, not theological, so I was slightly confused. While Marxism is strongly associated with Atheism (also not a religion), the two are not one and the same. When I made my initial comments, I in no way inferred that socialism was the way to go.
In fact, I wonder why as soon as I mentioned organized religion being responsible for a large majority of the world’s disputes and genocides you made the leap to atheistic education and Marxism. Your words reek of someone who has been misinformed and frightened through religious propaganda.
Well let me reassure you… as an atheist I would never insist that the country move towards Marxism. In fact, we are not the evil, soulless creatures that your Nuns taught you to fear/hate/pity. I will fight and die for your right to worship whatever god you want but I will not stand by and let you push your religious ideals on myself or others. I will also not stand by and let people use religious propaganda as an excuse to discriminate and hurt people for simply living their lives and being true to themselves.
Religion has no place in our schools – other than a basic understanding of the world’s religions so that one doesn’t become a xenophobic asshole. Faith can be taught at home and in churches. Education should be based on facts. And the fact is… no one can prove that one religion or belief system is correct over the others. That’s why you call it faith.
FYI – I went to a Christian school and somehow developed into an free-thinking individual, so there might be hope for you yet.
Mr. Ibrahim–
I agree with you that what started out as a protracted insurgency on the part of the Armenians against the overbearing Ottoman Empire during a tumultuous period when all the nations in this region (i.e., the Balkans, Greece, Ottoman Empire) were forcibly “repatriating” people who looked like them, but believed differently, ended in a calculated genocide on the part of the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians. What continues to baffle me, though, is the dogged insistence that the (at least putatively secular) modern nation of Turkey–founded in 1921–admit that this was a genocide. After all, the “nation of Turkey” did not perpetrate the genocide, the Ottoman Empire did. Part of the goal of Turkey in overthrowing the Sultinate and abolishing the Caliphate was to stop this type of religious-based policymaking and move towards the secular-Christian West.
I am also baffled as to why the vocal Armenian minority in the United States and Europe insists on using the US Congress and the European Union to doggedly attack Turkey for this–seeking reparations that will never come. Also, I object to the over-politicalization of the Armenian Genocide’s Wikipedia page–making it extremely difficult for modern non-partisans to judge for themselves this nuanced conflict.
Fast forward to today, and the US House of Representatives’ recent resolution naming the Armenian genocide a “genocide.” While this is a laudable effort, one must wonder if this persistent demonization of Turkey (over the Armenian genocide, the Cypress conflict, the Kurdish insurgency, and Turkey’s flawed and perverse judicial system) has led to the breakdown in relations between one of our staunchest NATO allies and the West. Perhaps again this is one of the reasons Mr. Erdogan has now spent almost 15 years allying his moderate Sunni nation with the East instead of the West–negating over 50 years of friendly relations between Turkey and the West.
Bottom line: I agree with you. Let’s call a genocide a genocide. But consider the wider implications of calling this an “Islamic” crime against “Christianity,” and of “Turkey” against their ethnic minority. This rhetoric is moving the world backwards, not forwards.
Perhaps the problem is how far Erdogan has been moving Turkey back towards radicalization. Also, having Daesh steal oil for them is a bit of a problem.
Mee Tu–
You are right, Erdogan is a bit or a turd-burglar. Kind of reminds me of Trump.
Any country that kills because of religion should be NUKED off this planet! There is no room in the world for religious persecution!!!
Brian Wood–
Uh oh, does that include *gulp* us?!
No room for NUKES, either, but we have to live with them…. And, kiddo, there’s PLENTY of room for all kinds of persecution…. But there’s MORE ROOM for LOVE and FORGIVENESS…..
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
So how do the rag heads spin this and claim it was Christian aggression that lead to their murdering 1.5 million people? It’s time for the west to realize, we are at war. They’ve been attacking us for 1000 years but we’ve been incredibly restrained and it’s cost millions of people their lives and freedoms. It’s time to strike back and show to them, we will not stand by any longer.
Yes, jimtherepublica: “The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant. Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!”
I worked for President Reagan in the 1980’s and was with his team when we brought the Marines home from the barracks attack. I was working in the Pentagon on 9-11. I knew Ambassador John Christopher Stevens. His friends would call him John. Hate doesn’t begin to cover it. I’m tired of turning the other cheek claiming it’s a religion of peace when it certainly is not. Read their idea of a “holy” book. Read what they do to their women. Learn the history of marrying children as young as 6 and the rapes. This isn’t hate.
I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.
My credentials are every bit as solid as yours; I’ve watched bodies turned into meat (and given orders to make it so), but I don’t let dead bodies cloud my judgment, nor let the number of famous people I know bolster my spurious arguments. Hate-mongering just is what it is. Also, what does an Iranian-planned attack against the barracks in Lebanon have to do with Turkey. Iran is Shia, Turkey Sunni. And, speaking of “rags,” you need to get the rag out of your gash, join the rest of us, and start talking like a reasoned intellectual MAN.
Please explain the collapse of “Building 7″…. / idiot…..
….all religions HAVE BEEN, and ARE, used as WEAPONS by SOME of those in power,
to CONTROL the REST of **US**…. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery….
Only Rastas & Buddhists are truly free!…. LOL
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
Perhaps you shoud first consider the following facts:
Total Armenian losses from 1914 to 1922: 600,000
Muslim losses in Anatolia from 1914 to 1922: 3 million (about half in Eastern Anatolia where Russian invasion and civil war between Armenians and Turks/Kurds took place)
Muslim losses in in the Caucasus from 1914 to 1922: 410,000
As an example of Armenian massacres of Muslims in the Caucasus, Admiral Bristol wrote:
“I know from reports of my own officers who served with [Armenian general] General Dro that defenseless villages were bombarded and then occupied, and any inhabitants that had not run away were brutally killed, the village pillaged, and all the livestock confiscated, and then the village burned. This was carried out as a regular systematic getting-rid of the Moslems.”
Rear Admiral Marc L. Bristol served in Turkey during the period of 1919-1928, first as the Commander of U.S. Naval detachment in Turkey, and finally as the first U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey.
An American officer, Robert Dunn, reflects on Dro’s handiwork (‘World Alive, A Personal Story,’ Crown Publishers, New York, 1956, pg. 361.):
“Corpses came next, the first a pretty child with straight black hair, large eyes. She looked about twelve years old. She lay in some stubble where meal lay scattered from the sack she’d been toting. The bayonet had gone through her back, I judged, for blood around was scant. Between the breasts one clot, too small for a bullet wound, crusted her homespun dress.
The next was a boy of ten or less, in rawhide jacket and knee-pants. He lay face down in the path by several huts. One arm reached out to the pewter bowl he’d carried, now upset upon its dough. Steel had jabbed just below his neck, into the spine.
There were grownups, too, I saw as I led the sorrel around… Djul was empty of the living till I looked up to see beside me Dro’s German-speaking colonel. He said all Tartars who had not escaped were dead.”
More information about the Armenian General Dro:
“Austrian historian Erich Feigl wrote that in December, 1942, Dro visited Himmler. “Dro had a practice of killing without any compassion, and this strongly impressed Himmler.”” (Arye Gut, Jewish Journal, April 25, 2015)
I haven’t even mentioned what happened in Anatolia. Just a glimpse for now:
Source: Hassan Arfa, “The Kurds,” (London, 1968), pp. 25-26:
“When the Russian armies invaded Turkey after the Sarikamish disaster of 1914, their columns were preceded by battalions of irregular Armenian volunteers, both from the Caucasus and from Turkey. One of these was commanded by a certain Andranik, a blood-thirsty adventurer.. These Armenian volunteers committed all kinds of excesses, more than six hundred thousand Kurds being killed between 1915 and 1916 in the eastern vilayets of Turkey.”
Murat, I consider those a good start to eradicating an infestation in that region. They can’t live with Christians, Jews or even people of their own suicide cult. If they want to be martyrs, I’m happy to speed their meeting with Satan, I mean allah…
See, you are a self-admitted/exposed racist and hater. Your opinions are worthless. Let’s inform the readers, however:
Professor Stanford J. Shaw writes:
For the most part, then, Jews and Christians lived as prosperous minorities in the classical Islamic empires of the Umayyads of Damascus and Spain and the Abbasids of Baghdad, preserving their religions and freedoms within their own religiously-based communities and paying a special poll tax called harac [haraj] or cizye [jizya] in return for the protection of the Muslim rulers and exemption from military service while living with great comfort and prosperity. There were limitations, there were some marks of discrimination, so that one could say that Jews and Christians were not as equal as Muslims, but compared to the active persecution to which Jews were subjected in the Christian lands of Europe, the world of Islam was paradise for them [31].
[31] On the Jews in Islamic Spain in particular see Eliyahu Ashtor, The Jews of Moslem Spain (Philadelphia, 1973).
Source: Stanford J. Shaw (Professor of Turkish History, University of California Los Angeles), Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire, Belleten, C. LIV, 68 (1991).
Professor Justin McCarthy (Professor of History, University of Louisville) writes:
“For religious and practical reasons the Ottoman government protected the religious freedom and religious autonomy of its people. .. For more than five hundred years religious communities kept their faiths and their identities. In contrast to the religious persecution in Europe in the same period, the Ottoman practice of religious toleration is especially noteworthy… Nowhere in the long history of the Ottoman Empire is there any example of a government plan to make all the population Muslims.”
Source: Justin McCarthy and Carolyn McCarthy, Turks and Armenians, Washington DC, 1989, pp. 14-15.
Greek author-historian Nikos Stavroulakis writes:
“By the third quarter of the 15th century the Ottoman Empire had supplanted the Byzantine. Ottoman policy toward minorities was based on Islamic Law, which recognized both Jews and Christians as a separate millet (nation) with religious and, to an extraordinary extent, legal autonomy within their own communities. This tolerant millet system encouraged the immigration of Jews from Europe who had been feeling the brunt of Christian persecution, notably, in the late 15th century, in Spain.”
Source: Athens-Auschwitz (by Errikos Sevillias), Translated and Introduced by Nikos Stavroulakis, Lycabettus Press, P.O. Box 17091, 100 24 Athens, Greece, 1983.
You’re just a different flavor of CONFUSION….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
Jews and Christians (Protestants *AND* Catholic & Orthodox….etc…)and Muslims ALL
believe in the SAME SATAN…. ALL “Abrahamic” religions are ALSO ALL ***SATANIC***/
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
As a christian BUDDHIST, the TRUTH has set me FREE….
GOD is GOD, and ALL are AS ONE…. It is our DELUSIONS and IGNORANCE which separate us – but only in our MINDS…. If your delusions and illusions – (“religous beliefs”) – indeed help you, then feel free to keep them. But please do not confuse YOUR beliefs with OUR REALITY…..
Please read some of the wise words of the Dalai Lama of Buddhism…. FREE yourself….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
MORE EXAMPLES of the anti-Christian ATROCITIES committed by the followers of the Satanic “religion of peace”, the 7th century troglodytes known as Muslims and their PEDOPHILE PROPHET, MUHAMMED!!!!
wi163175, please remember that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic religions–all worship the same God. Have you tried sharing your truth with a Muslim, and in turn listening to their truths? I forgot, it’s impossible to listen when all we do is yell at the top of our lungs.
APPARENTLY, Donk, someone needs to “share the truth” with YOU!! Muslims do NOT worship the “same” God as do Christians and Jews. The few times that I’ve tried to discuss Christianity with Muslims have resulted only in being accused of believing in polytheism and went no where. Muslims worship a god of violence and hate and conquest, totally unlike the Triunity of Christianity.
The so-called “tripartite” “godhead”, i.e., “Holy Trinity”, is a deliberate fabrication created to act as a tool of persecution, by the ruling elites…. You’re free to believe in that – if it works for YOU…. But as a christian BUDDHIST, the TRUTH has set me FREE….
GOD is GOD, and ALL are AS ONE…. It is our DELUSIONS and IGNORANCE which separate us – but only in our MINDS…. If your delusions and illusions – (“religous beliefs”) – indeed help you, then feel free to keep them. But please do not confuse YOUR beliefs with OUR REALITY…..
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
SORRY BRAD: IN MY WORLD there is NO SUCH THING as a “Christian Buddhist”. Your “truth” has condemned you to an eternity without God, in your delusions perpetrated by Satan via his little chubby “Buddha” statues. So please do not confuse YOUR Satanically inspired beliefs with the eternal Word of God!! Feel free to keep your delusions if you choose to do so, Brad, but I pray that you will come to see the LIGHT of God as revealed in Holy Scripture!
Until you do, of course I will continue to “persecute” you, since I am one of the “ruling elites”, aka evangelical Christians. I’m coming for you!!!
Your “world” must be very small, very dark, and very lonely…. like your soul, and
your spirit…. Come as fast as you want. Premature ejaculation is common in Bible-thumpers…. *ROTFLMFAO*…. Yo, dude, it’s *YOU* who keeps spouting satanism….
Every word you write about Satan you have stolen from God….
Every thought you think about Satan takes the place of a thought of God….
*I* see GOD in EVERY PERSON, but YOU can ONLY see “god” in a dusty old book…
But you see “satan” EVERYWHERE…. Doesn’t that make YOU a satanist?….
YOU are the “satan worshipper”…. *ROTFLMFAO*…..
Remember, in the words of YOUR “christ” – whatsoever you do unto ME, you also do unto christ…. That’s some sick & twisted s**t…. *ROTFLMFAO*….
And, BTW, “bradford” is a screen name…. My legal name is
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
I have read ALL the Bible, and read it often, but you have NEVER read any Buddhism, have you….????…. Buddha statues are revered, but not really “worshipped” in the sense you understand it…. You really are an ignorant fuck, dude…. /tc,jr./
CONGRATS ON YOUR “GODLY” LANGUAGE, Bradford (c)2016, Tom clancy, Jr. “NON-fiction” (WOW, what an “interesting” name)! Must be a “Buddhist” thing!!!
I hope that your keepers in the asylum in which you’re incarcerated can eventually help you overcome your obvious mental problems, DUDE!!!
That’s all you’re worth, punk-ass…..
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
*Your 11K+ comments only shows just how UNDER-employed you are, you lazy-ass piece of s**t…..
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
There is no end to the cruelty people will put to one another and I do not try to excuse them. But, people do these things and people are responsible for what they do.. Religion is not a reason, religion is an excuse.
AMEN, “Amon”….. & *I* am BUDDHIST!…. LOL ….. thank-you, my brother….
(c)2016, Tom Clancy, Jr., *NON-fiction
Heavenly Father and Divine Family; they are ALL your Children; and we ask that you intercede; and provide the Guiding Hand of Providence for your Children who Love you not because of Fear – but for the Love of Goodness. -Amen-
We would not have these problems if Bush junior did not illegally invade two muslim countries and Obama attack two muslim countries. Do we really expect muslims to not fight back when we attack them? This is not a Chuck Norris movie where the ‘bad’ muslims fall down or run away from the Christian warriors. Muslims are fighting for their land, their religion, and their people. Get out and leave them alone.
Islam was founded on war – before their prophet died, they had overrun much of North Africa and the Middle East…they will never stop.- time for you to pick a side. Us, or them….the is no neutral corner
It is often said that History will repeat itself after it has been forgotten. Today the schools do not teach History as it happened and I am afraid we are doomed to repeat it.
The true purpose was extracting women for sexual servitude. (Kim Kardashian’s roots are from Armenia.)
The religious arguments are not the cause. Leaders use religion to rally the troops.
The crucifixions were examples to the other women: “follow orders or else”.
In this material and secular world, how does one call for Crusade? How does a man like myself, his religion almost forgotten, raise the awareness of his countrymen, let alone confront religious fanatics? I am an American, and the Mongrel that currently leads (?) our nation embarrasses me. Many of my countrymen have seen “the religion of peace” up close, and have returned, under their own conscience, to fight with the Kurds, the Yazids, and the Christian Militias. It is time to face the facts…Islam must be eradicated. No compromise. Convert or be exterminated. Every Islamic nation must be torn down, it’s population either decimated or converted. Since it’s founding, Muslims have had but one goal…attack, destroy, conquer…everyone who is not Muslim. Enough..,.I don’t particularly like Putin…but he rules with an Iron fist..if we can find a leader in the US with the strength to forge this nation into the sword it can be, The Eagle and the Bear could drive these beasts from the lands of the living, and into whatever hell awaits them. With bullet, bomb, gas, nukes, whatever it takes – Islam MUST BE DESTROYED ENTIRELY!! Mecca and Medina must be eradicated…nuke them into dust. Kill every living thing before you until the Koran is a bad memory…Sharia “Law” is a tale used to scare children, and Muslims are but a bad memory….and it must be done now…..
Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of persecution. Those Muslims who don’t have the stomach for the blood and guts murder, torture, rape, child molesting, stealing, etc. of the Hadith turn a blind eye to the atrocities that it calls for.
Oh, hell, it’s never about religion – it’s always about power, getting it and having it and expanding it. Expansion means acquiring more wealth, represented by more followers or more valuables or more territory. Religion has historically been one of the easiest modes of identification and so using it to identify an obstacle to greater power remains just about the most convenient way to promote conquests to increase power. After appearance, religion is about the easiest modality to pervert in the pursuit of power. That’s why many nations try their damnedest to keep religion out of political affairs while others – like Turkey – employ it to the nation-building ends of those who happened to be in power at the time. In these glorious United States, Christianity was employed against the indigenous populations whenever convenient to seize their wealth and was further used to decimate the inhabitants of Hawaii and other Pacific enclaves. The Armenian Genocide is an inescapable horror that humans inflicted on other humans, but it is a fatal error – as well as irony – to ascribe this monumental crime solely to the perverted interpretation of some ancient text.
it will be interesting to see what happens in Germany with 1 million muslim refugees.did hitlers actions muslims bringing his will full circle to the present.only god knows. god will do what he promises.we all exist under gods laws.
Germany lost WW1, and it was severely punished. Austria-Hungary lost WW1, and it was severely punished. Turkey lost WW1, AND committed genocide against the Armenians, the Assyrians, and other ancient, peaceful peoples—yet Turkey was not punished at all—not even required to relinquish (then still named) Constantinople to its rightful European owner. Perfidious Turkey has stabbed the West in the back at every opportunity: witness its fairly recent refusal to let US troops pass through its airspace to fight the Iraq War, costing the US valuable time (and probably lives?). Of all the “Western” leaders, only Vladimir Putin sees Turkey for what it TRULY is, and acts accordingly. But then, the Russians have been defending civilization against the Turkish invaders for over a thousand years already…
Why then muslims are in nato ?
Turkey: Forgotten Ally in a Forgotten War
The Turkish intervention in Korea was unique in its timeliness and urgency. The 5,000-man Turkish brigade arrived in October 1950 as U.S. forces, then acting as part of a United Nations coalition, were struggling to survive a powerful Communist Chinese offensive. The following month, the brigade managed to halt an onslaught of six Chinese divisions around Kunuri. After the brigade helped stabilize the front, the Commander of the UN Coalition Forces, General Douglas MacArthur, said, “the Turks are the hero of heroes. There is no impossibility for the Turkish Brigade.”
As the war went on, Turkish soldiers continued to bravely aid UN forces, earning recognition from General Walton H. Walker, commander of the U.S. 8th Army, and President Harry Truman, who awarded the Turkish brigade a Presidential Unit Citation. The prestigious award, given to units of the U.S. Armed Forces and allied countries for extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy, recognized the Turkish brigade’s efforts to save the U.S. 2nd Division from total annihilation, losing 717 men in the process.
Turkey ultimately became the fourth largest military contributor to the UN effort, with a total of 15,000 Turkish troops serving in Korea at various times during the war. The camaraderie on the battlefield led to deep relations between American and Turkish soldiers. After they arrived in Korea, the Turkish troops were trained and equipped by the U.S. Army, giving soldiers and officers several opportunities to strengthen their personal and professional ties.
The late Congressman John P. Murtha once noted how the Turkish intervention “gave hope to a demoralized American nation.” Marking the 50th anniversary of the Korean War in 2000, Murtha recalled how Turkish soldiers, after having run out of ammunition, affixed bayonets to their rifles and continued fighting in hand-to-hand combat.
Ankara’s brave decision to send troops to Korea in late 1950 also proved pivotal in securing Turkey’s entry into NATO the following year. When the alliance was formed in April 1949, Turkey was not invited to join. Washington was reluctant to commit to defend distant Turkey, and had also rejected Turkish proposals for a bilateral alliance or a unilateral U.S. security guarantee. NATO’s western European members did not want to risk diluting American economic aid and other assistance they were receiving.
Although some Turkish leaders wanted to pursue a more neutral foreign policy following NATO’s snub, Turkish policymakers continued to pursue NATO membership, believing the alliance offered Turkey the optimal western anchor. Turkey’s key contribution to the Korean conflict then made it impossible for the allies to turn down Ankara’s renewed membership campaign. In September 1951, Turkey, along with Greece, had received a formal invitation to join the alliance.
Turkey has since made major contributions to NATO. During the Cold War, Turkey helped constrain the Soviet Navy in the Mediterranean, provided one of the largest armies in Europe and hosted key NATO military facilities. More recently, Turkish soldiers have contributed to NATO-backed missions in the former Yugoslavia and Libya.
Source: Richard Weitz, July 27, 2012
Reciprocation of attacks. Ottoman history documents most of it.
The movements, the attacks, the solutions and relocations. Mr Ibrahim may be angry at the Islamic cultures, perhaps just hateful. But acting like a scholar and writing one sided stories, especially highlighting the religious differences, is nothing less than an article imbedded with hate.
If none of you have been to old Yugoslavia, and witnessed the sad events, as I have as a child, just remember, these things go both ways. One starts to kill the other, then the other gains strength and attacks for revenge and does worse.
So, in a nutshell, it’s not a Turkish killing spree. It is a Turkish revenge to Armenian killing spree.
Want a solution to this?
Denounce all religions. All of them. Then you have a true solution.
Not really. Atheists killed more people than all religions combined. Remember Stalin?
And, some relevant history..
Professor Stanford J. Shaw writes:
For the most part, then, Jews and Christians lived as prosperous minorities in the classical Islamic empires of the Umayyads of Damascus and Spain and the Abbasids of Baghdad, preserving their religions and freedoms within their own religiously-based communities and paying a special poll tax called harac [haraj] or cizye [jizya] in return for the protection of the Muslim rulers and exemption from military service while living with great comfort and prosperity. There were limitations, there were some marks of discrimination, so that one could say that Jews and Christians were not as equal as Muslims, but compared to the active persecution to which Jews were subjected in the Christian lands of Europe, the world of Islam was paradise for them [31].
[31] On the Jews in Islamic Spain in particular see Eliyahu Ashtor, The Jews of Moslem Spain (Philadelphia, 1973).
Source: Stanford J. Shaw (Professor of Turkish History, University of California Los Angeles), Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire, Belleten, C. LIV, 68 (1991).
Professor Justin McCarthy (Professor of History, University of Louisville) writes:
“For religious and practical reasons the Ottoman government protected the religious freedom and religious autonomy of its people. .. For more than five hundred years religious communities kept their faiths and their identities. In contrast to the religious persecution in Europe in the same period, the Ottoman practice of religious toleration is especially noteworthy… Nowhere in the long history of the Ottoman Empire is there any example of a government plan to make all the population Muslims.”
Source: Justin McCarthy and Carolyn McCarthy, Turks and Armenians, Washington DC, 1989, pp. 14-15.
Greek author-historian Nikos Stavroulakis writes:
“By the third quarter of the 15th century the Ottoman Empire had supplanted the Byzantine. Ottoman policy toward minorities was based on Islamic Law, which recognized both Jews and Christians as a separate millet (nation) with religious and, to an extraordinary extent, legal autonomy within their own communities. This tolerant millet system encouraged the immigration of Jews from Europe who had been feeling the brunt of Christian persecution, notably, in the late 15th century, in Spain.”
Source: Athens-Auschwitz (by Errikos Sevillias), Translated and Introduced by Nikos Stavroulakis, Lycabettus Press, P.O. Box 17091, 100 24 Athens, Greece, 1983.
Professor Bernard Lewis (a British-American historian specializing in oriental studies and history of Islam) writes of jihad as a distinct “religious obligation”, but suggests that “it is a pity” that people engaging in terrorist activities are not more aware of their own religion:
“Muslim fighters are commanded not to kill women, children, or the aged unless they attack first; not to torture or otherwise ill-treat prisoners; to give fair warning of the opening of hostilities or their resumption after a truce; and to honor agreements. … At no time did the classical jurists offer any approval or legitimacy to what we nowadays call terrorism. Nor indeed is there any evidence of the use of terrorism as it is practiced nowadays.”
Source: Bernard Lewis and Buntzie Ellis Churchill, Islam: The Religion and the People, Wharton School Publishing, 2008, p. 151.
In Lewis’ view, the “by now widespread terrorism practice of suicide bombing is a development of the 20th century” with “no antecedents in Islamic history, and no justification in terms of Islamic theology, law, or tradition.” (p. 153)
He further comments that “the fanatical warrior offering his victims the choice of the Koran or the sword is not only untrue, it is impossible” and that “generally speaking, Muslim tolerance of unbelievers was far better than anything available in Christendom, until the rise of secularism in the 17th century.” (p. 146)
There is one simple solution to all of this. ATHEISM!!!! Society must be secular and rid itself of all religious, spiritual, and archaic cultural norms. I was under the impression we are on this planet to evolve….not perpetuate fairy tales as found in all religious doctrines. Grow up people. Brace LOGIC AND RATION!!!! And for the record…..I am Armenian. And guess what…..we are also guilty of atrocities….such as the ones that were committed against Azeri people….quote unquote….as revenge for things that were perpetrated against us. So…are we in high school? Tit for tat? C’mon…..we can be better than that. Didn’t Jesus say….turn the other cheek? So… the basis of religion only valid when it serves one’s interest…..but, ignored when it makes one look at themselves in the mirror? In conclusion………there is no God, higher being, or whatever you want to call it. As soon as the sheepish masses understand and accept that…….we can get past all these historical atrocities. Can I get a hallelujah? Amen!!!! (sarcasm)
Those who claim there was an “Armenian Genocide” are in the habit of taking their facts selectively and out of their historical context.
We are told that the Ottoman Government deported the Armenians, and that many died during the deportation. This is true, although the number who died are always grossly exaggerated. What facts are ignored? The fact that most of the Armenians who were deported survived, indicating there was no plan of genocide.
We are told that in the 1890s tens of thousands of Armenians were killed by Muslims. This is true. What is never told is that tens of thousands of Muslims were killed by Armenians, and that the Armenians began the killing.
We know well the main fact about World War I that always goes unmentioned–the millions of Muslim dead. Any war in which only one side’s dead are counted appears to be a genocide.
And one incontrovertible fact that is never mentioned is the truth we should remember –Armenians died because of conflicts started by Armenians. The Turks responded to Armenian attacks. Sometimes the Turks overreacted; sometimes they acted out of revenge, sometimes the actions of Turks and Kurds were wrong. But the Turks did not start the bloodshed. They did not start the long conflict between Armenians and Muslims that began in the 1790s. They did not start the conflict between Turks and Armenians in World War I.
In 1796, was it Turks who attacked Armenians? No, it was Armenian rebels who allied themselves with the enemies of their country.
In 1828, it was not the Turks who attacked the Armenians. It was the Armenians who took the homes and farms of the Turks.
In 1878, was it the Turks who attacked the Armenians? No, it was Armenian rebels who once again helped the Russian invaders. It was Armenians who oppressed the Turks of Erzurum.
In the 1890s did the Turks first attack the Armenians? No, it was Armenian revolutionaries who first attacked the Turks.
In 1909 did the Turks first attack the Armenians? No, it was Armenian revolutionaries who began to attack Muslims.
In 1915, did the Turks first attack the Armenians? No, it was Armenian rebels who seized Van and killed Van’s Muslims. It was Armenians who raided Muslim villages and killed Muslims on the roads. It was Armenians who killed Ottoman officials, destroyed Ottoman Army communications, and acted as spies, guerillas, and partisan troops for the Russians.
In 1919 was it the Turks of Baku who first attacked the Armenians? No, it was the Armenians who attacked the Turks.
Some relevant quotes are given below.
Source: “Men Are Like That” by Leonard Ramsden Hartill. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis (1926). (Memoirs of an Armenian officer who observed the Armenian genocide of the Muslims):
p. 202:
“This war quickly developed into one of extermination. Horrible things happened, things that words can neither describe nor make you understand. The memory of scenes I witnessed and of incidents in which I participated still makes me feel sick. But war is always horrible, for it liberates all the fear and hate and deviltry that are in men…We now proceeded to solve the Tartar problem in Armenia. We closed the roads and mountain passes that might serve as ways of escape for the Tartars, and then proceeded in the work of extermination. Our troops surrounded village after village. Little resistance was offered. Our artillery knocked the huts into heaps of stones and dust, and when the villages became untenable and the inhabitants fled from them into the fields, bullets and bayonets completed the work. Some of the Tartars escaped, of course. They found refuge in the mountains, or succeeded in crossing the border into Turkey. The rest were killed. And so it is that the whole length of the border-land of Russian Armenia from Nakhitchevan to Akhalkalaki, from the hot plains of Ararat to the cold mountain plateaus of the north, is dotted with the mute mournful ruins of Tartar villages. They are quiet now, those villages, except for the howling of wolves and jackals that visit them to paw over the scattered bones of the dead.”
Source: Rachel A. Bortnick, “The Jewish Times”, June 21, 1990:
“A more appropriate analogy with the Jewish Holocaust might be the systematic extermination of the entire Muslim population of the independent republic of Armenia (which lasted from 1918 to 1920), which consisted of at least 30-40 percent of the population of that republic. The memoirs of an Armenian army officer who participated in and eye-witnessed these atrocities was published in the U.S. in 1926 with the title ‘Men Are Like That.’ Other references abound.”
Source: Admiral Bristol:
“I know from reports of my own officers who served with General Dro that defenseless villages were bombarded and then occupied, and any inhabitants that had not run away were brutally killed, the village pillaged, and all the livestock confiscated, and then the village burned. This was carried out as a regular systematic getting-rid of the Moslems.”
Source: Arye Gut, Jewish Journal, April 25, 2015:
“Austrian historian Erich Feigl wrote that in December, 1942, Dro visited Himmler. “Dro had a practice of killing without any compassion, and this strongly impressed Himmler.””
Source: Hassan Arfa, “The Kurds,” (London, 1968), pp. 25-26:
“When the Russian armies invaded Turkey after the Sarikamish disaster of 1914, their columns were preceded by battalions of irregular Armenian volunteers, both from the Caucasus and from Turkey. One of these was commanded by a certain Andranik, a blood-thirsty adventurer.. These Armenian volunteers committed all kinds of excesses, more than six hundred thousand Kurds being killed between 1915 and 1916 in the eastern vilayets of Turkey.”
Source: Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922, The Darwin Press, 2nd Printing, 1996, pp. 197:
“A postwar British source stated that Armenians “massacred between three and four hundred thousand Kurdish people [only] in the Van and Bitlis Districts,” mostly the work of Armenians in the Russian Army (“Interview of Col. Wooley of the British Army, 12 September 1919,” in U.S. 184.021/265).”
Source: Prof. John Dewey, “The Turkish Tragedy”, The New Republic, Volume 40, November 12, 1928, pp. 268-269:
“Few Americans who mourn… the miseries of the Armenians, are aware that till the rise of nationalistic ambitions, beginning with the ‘seventies, the Armenians were the favored portion of the population of Turkey, or that in the Great War, they traitorously turned Turkish cities over to the Russian invader; that they boasted of having raised an army of one hundred and fifty thousand men to fight a civil war, and that they burned at least a hundred Turkish villages and exterminated their population.”
Source: Extracts from a letter dated December 11, 1983, published in the San Francisco Chronicle, as an answer to a letter that had been published in the same journal under the signature of one B. Amarian:
“We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian atrocities against our people (Jews). Members of our family witnessed the murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum, Turkey, by Armenian neighbors, bent on destroying anything and anybody remotely Jewish and/or Muslim. Armenians should look to their own history and see the havoc they and their ancestors perpetrated upon their neighbors. Armenians were in league with Hitler in the last war, on his premise to grant themselves government if, in return, the Armenians would help exterminate Jews. Armenians were also hearty proponents of the anti-Semitic acts in league with the Russian Communists.”
Signed Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California.
In 1915, Adolf Hitler rationalized his genocidal plans, which he implemented some three decades later, when he rhetorically asked: “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” – Raymond Ibahim
@raymond: Your brain does look neat, I must admit – if neatness is important.
“There is NO historical basis for attributing such a quote to Hitler.” – Professor Heath W. Lowry
“Politically, “Hitler” is a magic word that conjures up an all too true image of undisputed evil. He is quoted on the Armenian Question for polemic and political purpose, to tie the Turks to Hitler’s evil. In the modern world nothing defames so well as associating your enemies with Hitler. This is all absurdity, but it is potent absurdity that convinces those who know nothing of the facts. It is also a deliberate distortion of history.” – Professor Justin McCarthy
Baden-Baden, W. Germany – Dr. Robert John, a historian and political analyst of Armenian descent from New York City, declared here that a commonly used quotation of an alleged statement by Adolf Hitler concerning the Armenian massacres was a forgery and should not be used. – The Armenian Reporter, Vol. XVII, NO. 40, August 2, 1984.
Now, any comments?
[Captain Emory Niles and Mr. Arthur Sutherland were Americans ordered by the United States Government (in 1919) to investigate the situation in eastern Anatolia. Their report was to be used as the basis for granting relief aid to the Armenians by the American Committee for Near East Relief. The following are two excerpts from their report.]
“In this entire region [from Bitlis through Van to Bayazit] we were informed that the damage and destruction had been done by the Armenians, who, after the Russians retired, remained in occupation of the country and who, when the Turkish army advanced, destroyed everything belonging to the Musulmans. Moreover, the Armenians are accused of having committed murder, rape, arson and horrible atrocities of every description upon the Musulman population. At first we were most incredulous of these stories, but we finally came to believe them, since the testimony was absolutely unanimous and was corroborated by material evidence. For instance, the only quarters left at all intact in the cities of Bitlis and Van are the Armenian quarters, as was evidenced by churches and inscriptions on the houses, while the Musulman quarters were completely destroyed. Villages said to have been Armenian were still standing whereas Musulman villages were completely destroyed.”
“In this region [Bayazit-Erzurum] the racial situation is intensely aggravated by the proximity to the frontier of Armenia, from which refugees are coming with stories of massacres, cruelty and atrocities carried on by the Armenian Government, Army and people against the Musulman population. .. Here also the Armenians before retiring ruined villages, carried out massacres, and perpetrated every kind of atrocity upon the Musulman population and the doings of the Armenians just over the frontier keep alive and active the hatred of the Armenians, a hatred that seems to be at least smoldering in the region of Van. That there are disorders and crimes in Armenia is confirmed by refugees from Armenia in all parts of the region and by a British officer at Erzerum.”
Note: The entire report can be found (as a pdf file) in the web.
Let’s remind Raymond some “forgotten genocides.”
In the Morea shall no Turk be left
“Everywhere, as though at a preconcerted signal, the peasantry rose, and massacred all the Turks—men, women and children—on whom they could lay hands.
In the Morea shall no Turk be left.
Nor in the whole wide world.
Thus rang the song which, from mouth to mouth, announced the beginning of a war of extermination… Within three weeks of the outbreak of the revolt, not a Muslim was left, save those who had succeeded in escaping into the towns.”
Source: W. Alison Phillips, in “The War of Greek Independence 1821 to 1833,” New York, 1897, p. 48.
The Jews were Massacred along with the Turks
The main body of the book mentioned below is the diary of Errikos Sevillias (a Jew who was born in Athens in 1901 and suffered during the Nazi invasion of Greece). Nikos Stavroulakis translated the book into English and wrote an introduction. In his Introduction, Stavroulakis gives a brief history of Jews in Greece. The following excerpts are taken from the Introduction.
Introduction, Historical Outline (by Nikos Stavroulakis), page viii:
By the third quarter of the 15th century the Ottoman Empire had supplanted the Byzantine. Ottoman policy toward minorities was based on Islamic Law, which recognized both Jews and Christians as a separate millet (nation) with religious and, to an extraordinary extent, legal autonomy within their own communities. This tolerant millet system encouraged the immigration of Jews from Europe who had been feeling the brunt of Christian persecution, notably, in the late 15th century, in Spain. This immigration was welcomed by the Ottomans because of the economic stimulation it brought. In 1492 when Ferdinand and Isabella proclaimed the Edict of Expulsion for the Jews of Spain, Sultan Beyazid II proclaimed that Jews from Spain would be welcome in the Ottoman Empire, and over 20,000 Sephardic or Iberian Jews arrived in Thessaloniki the same year. Soon afterwards 36,000 Jews left Sicily, many of them to settle in the Balkans.
Within a generation a Judea-Spanish culture had been transplanted to many centers in the Ottoman Empire. This was not always done smoothly. Many of the Sepharadim were Marranos, Jews who had converted to Christianity in the 14th century, thereby being able to participate in much of Europe’s cultural and intellectual life. Their reconversion to Judaism was sometimes difficult, and their pride and sense of cultural superiority caused friction in their dealings with Romaniot Jews. Whatever the difficulties, the former Romaniot communities of Constantinople, Edirne (Adrinople), Thessaloniki, and Rhodes were forced by the weight of numbers and cultural superiority to adopt not only the minhag but also the language of the newcomers. A new, and certainly one of the most exciting periods of Balkan Jewry began. In 1497 the first book printed in Constantinople was published in Hebrew, well over two hundred years before the first Greek books were printed in Balkans. Some Jews, notably Joseph Nasi (1520-1579) during the reigns of Suleiman the Magnificent and Selim II, rose to high positions in the Ottoman service.
The Greek War of Independence brought disaster to the Jewish communities in the Peloponnesos, where the revolution erupted in 1821. The Jews, because of their close association with the Ottoman administration, were massacred along with the Turks. The Jewish communities of Mistras, Tripolis, and Kalamata were decimated; the few survivors moved north to settle in Chalkis and Volos, still under Ottoman rule. Patras lost its ancient Jewish community, which was refounded only in 1905.
Page xi (second paragraph):
The absence of Jews in Athens immediately following the Greek War of Independence is ominous, indicating that they either fled or were massacred as were the Turks.
Source: Athens-Auschwitz (by Errikos Sevillias), Translated and Introduced by Nikos Stavroulakis, Lycabettus Press, P.O. Box 17091, 100 24 Athens, Greece, 1983.
The following article by Dean Kalimniou is very relevant:
Take for example, one of the early successes of the revolution, the capture of Navarino in the summer of 1821. After a long siege and through the mediation of General Gordon, it was agreed that the unarmed muslims in the town would give up their property and be offered safe passage to Egypt. When the surrender took place however, it soon became apparent that the Greeks had neither the intention nor even the means of providing this promised secure passage. When the gates of the city finally opened, a Greek priest, Phrantzis bore witness to an appalling crime:
“Women, wounded with musketballs and sabre-cuts, rushed to the sea, seeking to escape, and were deliberately shot. Mothers robbed of their clothes, with infants in their arms plunged into the sea to conceal themselves from shame, and they were them made a mark for inhuman riflemen. Greeks sized infants from their mother’s breasts and dashed them against rocks. Children, three and four years old, were hurled living into the sea and left to drown. When the massacre was ended, the dead bodies washed ashore, or piled on the beach, threatened to cause a pestilence…”
This was not an isolated occurrence. A month later, in September, a combined force led by Kolokotrones and Petrobey Mavromihalis captured Tripolitsa. Historian W Alison Philips tells a horrific tale of mutilation and slaughter:
“For three days the miserable inhabitants were given over to lust and cruelty of a mob of savages. Neither sex nor age was spared. Women and children were tortured before being put to death. So great was the slaughter that Kolokotronis himself says that, from the gate to the citadel his horse’s hoofs never touched the ground. His path of triumph was carpeted with corpses. At the end of two days, the wretched remnant of the Mussulmans were deliberately collected, to the number of some two thousand souls, of every age and sex, but principally women and children, were led out to a ravine in the neighboring mountains and there butchered like cattle.”
Based on the accounts of one hundred European officers who were present at the scene, and did nothing to intervene, William St. Clair wrote:
“Upwards of ten thousand Turks were put to death. Prisoners who were suspected of having concealed their money were tortured. Their arms and legs were cut off and they were slowly roasted over fires. Pregnant women were cut open, their heads cut off, and dogs’ heads stuck between their legs. From Friday to Sunday the air was filled with the sound of screams… One Greek boasted that he personally killed ninety people. The Jewish colony was systematically tortured… For weeks afterwards starving Turkish children running helplessly about the ruins were being cut down and shot at by exultant Greeks… The wells were poisoned by the bodies that had been thrown in…”
Although the total estimates of the casualties vary, the Turkish, Muslim Albanian and Jewish population of the Peloponnese had ceased to exist as a settled community after the early massacres. ..According to historians W. Alison Phillips, George Finlay, William St. Clair and Barbara Jelavich, massacres of Turkish civilians started simultaneously with the outbreak of the revolt.. Finlay has claimed that the extermination of the Muslims in the rural districts was the result of a premeditated design and it proceeded more from the suggestions of men of letters, than from the revengeful feelings of the people. St. Clair wrote that: “The orgy of genocide exhausted itself in the Peloponnese only when there were no more Turks to kill.”
Source: Dean Kalimniou, NKEE (Melbourne’s Neos Kosmos English Edition Newspaper), Saturday 6 April 2013.
The following passage from Professor Stanford J. Shaw’s book is relevant and points to events in later times:
Page 205:
“Those Jews who survived these assaults in Southeastern Europe fled particularly to Salonica, whose Jewish population increased substantially as a result, from 28,000 in 1876 to 90,000 in 1908, more than half the total population, though even there increased persecution by local Greeks led many Jews to flee elsewhere in the Ottoman Empire, particularly to the great port of Izmir. Despite all the pressure from Ottomans and foreign Jews alike, the ritual murders and other assaults by Christians on Jews went on and on. Greek efforts to decimate the Jewish population of Salonica culminated in 1912 and 1913, following Greek conquest of Salonica during the first Balkan War, when many of its Jews, were either killed or terrorized into leaving…”
Source: ‘The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic,’ New York University Press, New York (1991).
And, let’s take a brief look at The Muslim Holocaust in the Caucasus:
Muslim mortality in the Caucasus 1914-1921: 410,000
Muslim refugees from the Caucasus 1914-1921: 270,000
How and why?
Source: Rachel A. Bortnick, “The Jewish Times”, June 21, 1990:
“A more appropriate analogy with the Jewish Holocaust might be the systematic extermination of the entire Muslim population of the independent republic of Armenia (which lasted from 1918 to 1920), which consisted of at least 30-40 percent of the population of that republic. The memoirs of an Armenian army officer who participated in and eye-witnessed these atrocities was published in the U.S. in 1926 with the title ‘Men Are Like That.’ Other references abound.”
Source: “Men Are Like That” by Leonard Ramsden Hartill. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis (1926). (Memoirs of an Armenian officer who observed the Armenian genocide of the Muslims), p. 202:
“This war quickly developed into one of extermination. Horrible things happened, things that words can neither describe nor make you understand. The memory of scenes I witnessed and of incidents in which I participated still makes me feel sick. But war is always horrible, for it liberates all the fear and hate and deviltry that are in men…We now proceeded to solve the Tartar problem in Armenia. We closed the roads and mountain passes that might serve as ways of escape for the Tartars, and then proceeded in the work of extermination. Our troops surrounded village after village. Little resistance was offered. Our artillery knocked the huts into heaps of stones and dust, and when the villages became untenable and the inhabitants fled from them into the fields, bullets and bayonets completed the work. Some of the Tartars escaped, of course. They found refuge in the mountains, or succeeded in crossing the border into Turkey. The rest were killed. And so it is that the whole length of the border-land of Russian Armenia from Nakhitchevan to Akhalkalaki, from the hot plains of Ararat to the cold mountain plateaus of the north, is dotted with the mute mournful ruins of Tartar villages. They are quiet now, those villages, except for the howling of wolves and jackals that visit them to paw over the scattered bones of the dead.”
Regarding the Armenian massacres of Muslims in Erivan and Nahcivan, Admiral Bristol wrote:
“I know from reports of my own officers who served with [Armenian general] General Dro that defenseless villages were bombarded and then occupied, and any inhabitants that had not run away were brutally killed, the village pillaged, and all the livestock confiscated, and then the village burned. This was carried out as a regular systematic getting-rid of the Moslems.”
don;t believe a word muslims tell you. they come to the west enjoy every right as the westerners and protected by laws. there is no such protection for Christians in muslim countries. they all could be massacred in a second if mullahs tell there followers to do so.
Anybody that believes and reads the quran can turn into a raging lunatic in a second. there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim
All three Turkish generals (Ataturk / Talyat / Enver) who orchestrated the Armenian genocide were Crypto-Jews from Salonika Greece. The idea was to push the Armenian businesses and clergy men out of the most important trading route connecting Europe and keep the strait of Bosporus under their control. Read more about Ataturk and his background. Today shockingly the State of Israel and most Zionist Jews will not even accept the Armenian Genocide, even though Hitler used it as an example when committing the Holocaust. “Go, kill without mercy … who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”
This theory (i.e. Jews or crypto-Jews organized the imaginary “Armenian genocide”) is quite widespread among Armenians. On the other hand, the Jews who lived and witnessed events in that region and at that time have a different view. Some samples:
Extracts from a letter dated December 11, 1983, published in the San Francisco Chronicle, as an answer to a letter that had been published in the same journal under the signature of one B. Amarian:
“We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian atrocities against our people (Jews). Members of our family witnessed the murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum, Turkey, by Armenian neighbors, bent on destroying anything and anybody remotely Jewish and/or Muslim. Armenians should look to their own history and see the havoc they and their ancestors perpetrated upon their neighbors. Armenians were in league with Hitler in the last war, on his premise to grant themselves government if, in return, the Armenians would help exterminate Jews. Armenians were also hearty proponents of the anti-Semitic acts in league with the Russian Communists.” (Signed Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California)
A passage from the sworn statement of 20th Century Sephardic Advocate Rabbi Albert J. Amateau (Oct. 11, 1989):
“Fifty thousand Armenians, residents of villages in and around Erzurum in Turkey surreptiously ascended a mountain called Mussa Dagh (dagh is Turkish for mountain) with arms, ammunition, victuals and water, sufficient to withstand a siege of many days. Before ascending that mountain, they had captured hundreds of Muslim Turks and Jews, their fellow citizens and neighbors, with whom they were supposedly on good terms. They murdered them all in cold blood, for no other reason than they were Muslims and Jews.”
cf. The personal web site of Rabbi Amateau
This is again, especially this time around as Turkey is having cold relation with Russia, is nothing but an Armenian propaganda since they are having problems with Azerbaijan with whom Turkey has a good relation. There is a simple and fundamental question arise but Armenian or the West never answer this: During the collapse of Ottoman Empire (at that time British occupied Istanbul, French and Italian occupied Eastern Turkey) how and why Ottomans would kill many Armenians? It should have been the other way around since Armenians were supported by the West! On the contrary, Armenian killed many Turks! And yes there were some casualties of war but not even around 100 thousands! It is a big LIE and BS! If anyone wants to see and talk about genocide they should and must go back and analyze dropping the TWO ATOMIC BOMBS (knowingly and deliberately dropped) on HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI!
The Armenian genocide is far from forgotten. It is well known, and recorded in all reputable history books. The Turkish government’s continued denial of it is no different that the Japanese who continue to deny the crimes of WW 2. It is political. No politician wants to be the one who acknowledges what the masses of people in their country don’t want to admit. For that matter, look at the US genocide against American Indians. We don’t hear a lot of talk about that, either.
Ottomans never ever killed innocent civilians! They even invited Jews who had been subjected to be either killed or leave Spain! The Jewish people stayed in Turkey many centuries without any problems! Go ask that your BS question to your CHRISTIAN BROTHER HITLER: why they did they kill Jews! If Ottomans killed Armenians then why wouldn’t they let Armenians stay in Turkey or Ottomans earlier! Especially they were super power in Europa! All this big BS and LIES! Armenian propaganda so that get Turkey and latter ask them to get paid!
Now the genocide is brought attention to . This is about what the Turks did to the Armenians . Stop with using their death to sell your agenda ,about Muslim and Christians.Turkey is the murderer of 1.5 million Armenians and now getting some attention. Wait 100 years before you tell us of the Muslim and Christian genocide .
Sorry for what happened then before we were born but we didn’t did it and we cant change it, Cant we all just get along, not as religious fanatics, but as people, as human beings, as members of the human race?
We are all going to die sooner or later, nobody gets off this planet alive, and we are not going to take anything with us. So lets all enjoy this wonderful gift of life in love and peace while we can that your god, my god or anybody else’s god has given to us.
“Forgiving and forgetting means throwing valuable experience out the window.” ~ Schopenhauer.
Paul, I have more reason than most to hate the Turks, because I have first hand experience of them read my book “Run toward the blazing sun” its the true story of my escape from that country, I wont forget what they did to me but I have forgiven them and my valuable experience has not been thrown out of the window.
Tom, stop trying to sell your book. I will not buy it. It’s getting old.
Horrific reminder of what Turkey and Islam stand for! Islamist invaders are taking over Europe and the rest of the world. Governments don’t see the perils they are inn. Jesus said help your neighbor…. turn the other cheek etc..
He never said be STUPID!
I was wondering about the false accusations Turks are facing every year on armenian issue and international pressure being made on Turks every year getting insulted through our noble history..Western countries showing their deep hatred to Turks which lies in their subconscience and using this lies without any solid proof in order to corner Turkiye in the international arena.This is also the reflection of rising racism and Islamaphobia in Europe as we see that this subject isnt between the armenians and Turks anymore..If west going to start to point finger at others,theyll be quite embarassed of what they do/did..Turks are very comfortable on armenian issue and we are very confident to prove that this is not a so called “genocide”..Turks doesnt have a stain like genocide in their history,culture or religion.On the other hand armenians cannot prove that they didnt massacre close to two million Muslim Ottoman citizens during the occupation of russians and french in WW1..It is very well documented that only between city of Erzurum and Agri,armenian gangs massacrated 519.000 Ottoman muslims in cold blood..Ignoring the casualties of muslims and mentioning, only , the casualty of the christians suits very well hypocratic western countries..Turkiye after all during the WW1 was a state , who was heavily invaded from all around ,lost 3/4 of its territories and lost 40 percent of its military personnel due to hunger..If we come to the crimes of the west though thats another subject which will have a long list..
Let me see:
-150,000 trials of Muslim and Jews in Spain with many heads and legs nailed and drilled. You couldn’t watch the moon or having running water on Fridays or else, its death
-400,000 Muslims, were decapitated in Jerusalem after the conquest of the crusaders by the order of the catholic Church..In total they say millions of muslims,jews were murdered by the crusaders as they scorched down every town and city they passed through the muslim lands.
My noble ancesstor, SALAHADDIN EYYUBI though let the christians go after the muslim conquest of jerusalem despite all their crimes and attrocities against the muslims..
-The KKK were murdering in the name of Christ in the 60’s. That’s not hundreds of years ago.
-20 million black Africans enslaved (some historicians saying that it was more than 100 million from the beginning of slavery) many of which were dumped into the sea by the devoted christians..
-20+ million Indians massacred by white Christians
-200 million were killed due to wares by white Christians in the past 200 years
-1.5 million Algerian Muslims massacred at the hands of Christians
-Add Vietnam
-Hiroshima and Nagazaki
-Genocide made on Aborigines in Australia..
-What happened to the Japanese Americans during the WW2? Those Japanese Americans were in USA and were not even involved in the war unlike armenians!
-6 million Jews at the hand of Christian Germans
many Jewish writers have claimed, If Muslims ruled Europe in the 40s, 6 million more Jews would’ve been alive
-I dont even start with the genocide of the native indians and the millions of aztecs who were massacrated by the catholic spanish..
-Genocide made on muslims in Bosnia very recently!!
-Ethnical Cleansing made on Azerbaidjanis in the town of KHODJALI by the armenians 22 years ago.(google for it)
-Genocide made on Turkish civilians by the greek cypriots who wanted to annex to island to greece which lead to Turkish intervention..
-Capital of EU, Belgium murdered 10 million africans in Congo when Belgium colonized it between 1890-1905..Chopped the hand and legs of the children who refused to be slave..Some of Belgium soldiers were making hand collection of the children they had murdered..The population of Congo reduced from 20 million to 8 million because of this genocide.
-Germany in 1904 Colonized Namibia and within a year massacrated 75.000 people..Many Namibian women was forced to serv as a sex slave to German soldiers..
-In 1917 France invited Islamic Scholars of the country for a conferance in CHAD..When all the Scholars came from all around the country French butchers massacrated 400 of them right there..
-What about the 1942 Bengal Holocaust. Britain diverted resources away from the area for use elsewhere knowing full well that a catastrophe would result. The death toll is estimated by Bangladesh sources to be as high as 7 million from starvation, malnourishment and disease. The causalities were higher than those caused by the Japanese.
-Oh there is also genocide made on the muslims who created one of the most beutifull architecture in southern spain of Granada where hundreds of thousands of muslim were murdered by the christian spanish who also destroyed hundreds of buildings built by muslims as beautifull as Alhambra palace..
so much for Jesus love
You are obviously the product of the Turkish education/propaganda system. One day, for your sake, you will hopefully crawl out of the bubble. Good luck.
There are 170K Armenians living in Turkey (70K of which are there illegally). There are numerous Armenian schools and orthodox churches. They have their own community (like China Town) in Istanbul. Armenia openly boasts of having a 98% purity rate! There is only one way to achieve that figure…ETHNIC CLEANSING!!! There are no Turks or Azeris living in Armenia!! The only remaining mosque there was ceremoniously bulldozed down some 25 years ago! There are no Moslem quarters or Turkish/Turkic communities (for the reasons given)! The ARF Dashnak and Hunchak Armenians massacred some 529K Turks alone before, during and after WWI!!! This was known as the Turkish GENOCIDE (but the West loves to turn a blind eye on that, since the Turks were Moslem and not Christian)! The Armenians also committed GENOCIDES against the Kurds, the Azeris (which they have up until 1994), the Georgians, the Tartars, the Circassians, the Laz, and the Jews (the Armenians massacred some 50K Jewish refugees in Poland alone during WW1)!!! These are well-documented facts that the Armenians do not want the world to know (the main reason why they can not debate this issue in any open public forum, or take Turkey to any court on the planet [they’ve had 100 years to do so, but know that if they did, any judge will demand to see UNALTERED evidence, which they just don’t have, and the real truth will come out]. Ask the Armenians to provide a single guilty verdict against Turkey regarding the so-called “Armenian genocide” from any court! They won’t be able to.)!! Ask the Armenians to discuss their role in WWII regarding Hitler’s Final Solution (the Nazi 809th and 812th Battalions were comprised of over 25K Armenian volunteers and commanded by Armenians, to round up and exterminate Jews in the Netherlands [809th] and the Northern Caucuses/Crimea regions [812th])! Ask them about their grossly anti-Semitic magazines and newspapers based in Berlin between 1935-1944, glorifying Hitler and denouncing the Jews in horrible fashion!!! Ask the Armenians how they are still in violation of the four UN Security Council Directives calling for the immediate withdrawl of all Armenians from the ILLEGALLY occupied NK region of Azerbaijan!! Ask the Armenians how they are only one of ten countries (including NORTH KOREA) that voted in the UN General Assembly to fully support Putin’s invasion of the Crimea and the Ukraine, and his full support of the pro-Russian rebels (the very ones that shot down the Malaysian airliner)!!! Ask the Armenians how they funneled weapons via Iran to the insurgents in Iraq so that they could kill our soldiers there (from Wikileaked classified documents and captured insurgent testimonies, as well as back-tracking captured weapon caches there)!! Ask the Armenians how, as much as 90% of their “evidence” against the Turks (in their feeble attempts to support their bogus claim of an “AG”), have already been proven to be forged, fabricated, falsified, purposely distorted, or just outright lies!!
Gee, I guess the Armenians, being Christians, are pure and innocent, and can thus do no wrong, thus being believed by every gullible and ignorant people/nations out there! No one seems to ever ask the Armenians to prove their claims openly, but rather accepts everything they claim as being the “gospel truth”! No one seems to want to believe that another side to the story exists!! I wonder why? Could there be a “race or religion” component in play (Armenians being Christians and Turks being predominantly Moslem)? After all, the Armenians openly have been using the “RELIGION” card for a century! The answer is quite obvious, but let’s let all of you out there think about it instead of just spewing more ignorant knee-jerk anti-Turkish and Islamophobic hate comments!!
Finally, in almost every Armenian response, look for the classic 4-Ds response (DEFAMING anyone that has an opposing viewpoint; DISTORTING historical facts to suit their needs; DENYING the facts and the real truth; DIVERTING any incriminating and negative evidence away from themselves)!!! The 4-Ds has been taught to them from childhood by the AYF (Armenian Youth Federation [which is an offshoot of the Hitler Youth Camps…even their original flag has a SWASTIKA in its center]), and then again later by the ARF (Armenian Revolutionary Federation [whose motto is …”BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY”])!!
More proof of how “peaceful” and “tolerant” the cult of islam is!
And the obama, say Turkey is OK in NATO, Why. It is a Muslim country and favors the DAESH. As do the other Muslim countries never doubt it. The terrorist are now trying the genocide effort on their own people.
You think ISIS is pure evil? You think God is pro-life? Let’s see what the Bible god told his “chosen people” to do to their enemies:
“And Moses said unto them, ‘Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But of the virgin girl children you may keep these for yourselves.’” Numbers 31:17
Samuel also said unto Saul, “…slay both man and woman, infant and suckling.” 1 Samuel 15:1-3
“Their pregnant women shall be ripped up!” Hosea 13:16
“A curse on anyone who is lax in doing the LORD’s work! A curse on anyone who keeps their sword from bloodshed!” Jeremiah 48:10
Nothing much changes, does it? RELIGION is the root of all evil.
Derek, if religion is the root of all evil, can you ever in your whole lifetime, ever be able to say that there is such a thing as evil? It can’t exist.
So, if RELIGION is the root of all evil, then it follows that a government that is atheist would be ideal in your eyes, right? Okay let us count all the people murdered in the name of God and the number of people killed by governments that support atheism. The last count for the USSR and Mainland China was over 75 million and up. Wow, atheists make religious murderers look like Girl Scouts on holiday. That doesn’t justify killing in the Name of God but it does put things in perspective. Here’s one quote “Of all religions, secular and otherwise,” Rummel positions Marxism as “by far the bloodiest – bloodier than the Catholic Inquisition, the various Catholic crusades, and the Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants. In practice, Marxism has meant bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal prison camps and murderous forced labor, fatal deportations, man-made famines, extrajudicial executions and fraudulent show trials, outright mass murder and genocide.”[26] He writes that in practice the Marxists saw the construction of their utopia as “a war on poverty, exploitation, imperialism and inequality – and, as in a real war, noncombatants would unfortunately get caught in the battle. There would be necessary enemy casualties: the clergy, bourgeoisie, capitalists, ‘wreckers’, intellectuals, counterrevolutionaries, rightists, tyrants, the rich and landlords. As in a war, millions might die, but these deaths would be justified by the end, as in the defeat of Hitler in World War II. To the ruling Marxists, the goal of a communist utopia was enough to justify all the deaths.”[26]
There’s a great book out called “Bible Stories Mother Never Told Me” by CL Putnam that will blow your mind! It re-tells several Bible stories, but from the point of view of God’s “enemies” and his “victims”. There are also chapters that reveal some amazing facts about homosexuality, killing your children, and the REAL “Ten Commandments”. If you really want to know the WHOLE truth about the Bible,
THIS is the book to read!!!
First of all I highly doubt the validity of the historical facts that Christian girls were crucified. Ottoman Malatya was very pious and it is very hard for me to believe that they would crucify girls when they could take them as wives and convert them to Islam. On a second note, I agree 100 per cent on Turkey’s denial of the so called genocide. Even if every states in the world recognize it as such, it is not in mine or Turkey’s interest to recognize it. Why be like post Nazi Germany, where its citizens are still ashamed of something that happened when they played no part in it as most of the perpetrators are either dead or waiting to die of old age. No one that was a part of the Ottoman government is alive today, as 100 years have passes, and I could care less about paying compensations for something that happened that I have no responsibility for. However, I very strongly support the decision of the Ottoman government at the time to relocate the Armenians from Anatolia to what is today Syria and Iraq, because if that far sighted order by Enver, Cemal and Talat were not given the war of independence would have been very difficult to maybe impossible to implement and as a result Turkey might not have existed or only existed in the borders given to it in the Serves treaty. So what is there to be ashamed off? The Ottoman Empire was huge, yet the Turks who were left outside of Turkey be it in the Balkans or Middle East have faced many hardship from the genocide in Yugoslavia to ethnic cleansing in Cyprus and to being treated as second class citizens in Greece, Bulgaria, Syria and Iraq. Finally, what the Armenians accuse us of doing they have orchestrated in Nagarno-Karabahk to the Azeribaijan Turks. Who remembers the genocide in Kojalı where the whole Turkish population has been wiped off the map? Instead of pointing fingers one must look at the four other fingers pointing back at genocide perpetrators.
Every word in this bullshit piece is a lie!
Turks have the most glorious history! Their hands are completely clean! It is the Armenians who have blood on their hands!
I can only praise Talaat Pasha for saving the nation and country from the Armenian criminal bands!
We the people need to get tough with our government. We the people need to make a stand. We the people need to bring this to the front of every person in the world that will hear this. We the people need to fallow what Teddy R. said that we must do. We have become to laid back and do not care for what is out there anymore. We do not care about our neighbor. We need to go back to the 1800s to learn what it is to be a human and have respect for each other. The country needs to stop being a world Cop. It is in our Constitution that we are not to be a world cop. But we can go to a country that calls for our aid. We need to march with large banners to get this in front of people. WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND GET THINGS RIGHT AGAIN.
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim for showing us how hateful each religion is to each other. So, who to blame? Upbringing by uneducated parents and scholars.
Your hate towards Islam is no different then Islam’s hate towards Christianity. So, go ahead and fuel the fire. Unfortunately, the only winners are the people who don’t even bother with these articles. Actually, those who believe they are serving their countries.
But, perhaps writing things so one sided is the only way to get attention, like most haters.
Those who claim there was an “Armenian Genocide” are in the habit of taking their facts selectively and out of their historical context.
We are told that the Ottoman Government deported the Armenians, and that many died during the deportation. This is true, although the number who died are always grossly exaggerated. What facts are ignored? The fact that most of the Armenians who were deported survived, indicating there was no plan of genocide.
We are told that in the 1890s tens of thousands of Armenians were killed by Muslims. This is true. What is never told is that tens of thousands of Muslims were killed by Armenians, and that the Armenians began the killing.
We know well the main fact about World War I that always goes unmentioned–the millions of Muslim dead. Any war in which only one side’s dead are counted appears to be a genocide.
And one incontrovertible fact that is never mentioned is the truth we should remember –Armenians died because of conflicts started by Armenians. The Turks responded to Armenian attacks. Sometimes the Turks overreacted; sometimes they acted out of revenge, sometimes the actions of Turks and Kurds were wrong. But the Turks did not start the bloodshed. They did not start the long conflict between Armenians and Muslims that began in the 1790s. They did not start the conflict between Turks and Armenians in World War I.
In 1796, was it Turks who attacked Armenians? No, it was Armenian rebels who allied themselves with the enemies of their country.
In 1828, it was not the Turks who attacked the Armenians. It was the Armenians who took the homes and farms of the Turks.
In 1878, was it the Turks who attacked the Armenians? No, it was Armenian rebels who once again helped the Russian invaders. It was Armenians who oppressed the Turks of Erzurum.
In the 1890s did the Turks first attack the Armenians? No, it was Armenian revolutionaries who first attacked the Turks.
In 1909 did the Turks first attack the Armenians? No, it was Armenian revolutionaries who began to attack Muslims.
In 1915, did the Turks first attack the Armenians? No, it was Armenian rebels who seized Van and killed Van’s Muslims. It was Armenians who raided Muslim villages and killed Muslims on the roads. It was Armenians who killed Ottoman officials, destroyed Ottoman Army communications, and acted as spies, guerillas, and partisan troops for the Russians.
In 1919 was it the Turks of Baku who first attacked the Armenians? No, it was the Armenians who attacked the Turks.
Raymond says:
In 1915, Adolf Hitler rationalized his genocidal plans, which he implemented some three decades later, when he rhetorically asked: “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”
Is this joker for real?
“There is NO historical basis for attributing such a quote to Hitler.” – Professor Heath W. Lowry
“Politically, “Hitler” is a magic word that conjures up an all too true image of undisputed evil. He is quoted on the Armenian Question for polemic and political purpose, to tie the Turks to Hitler’s evil. In the modern world nothing defames so well as associating your enemies with Hitler. This is all absurdity, but it is potent absurdity that convinces those who know nothing of the facts. It is also a deliberate distortion of history.” – Professor Justin McCarthy
Baden-Baden, W. Germany – Dr. Robert John, a historian and political analyst of Armenian descent from New York City, declared here that a commonly used quotation of an alleged statement by Adolf Hitler concerning the Armenian massacres was a forgery and should not be used. – The Armenian Reporter, Vol. XVII, NO. 40, August 2, 1984.
There was no Armenian genocide; it is a tall tale. 80 percent of the relocated Armenians survived. Most of the Armenian deaths occurred in battle zones and in areas under Russian control, the latter mostly due to starvation and diseases. The Armenians that went up with the Russians suffered more than 50 percent deaths.
Source: Admiral Bristol, Bristol War Diary, 14 August 1922 (referring to events in Erivan and Nahcivan in 1919 and 1920):
“I know from reports of my own officers who served with General Dro that defenseless villages were bombarded and then occupied, and any inhabitants that had not run away were brutally killed, the village pillaged, and all the livestock confiscated, and then the village burned. This was carried out as a regular systematic getting-rid of the Moslems.”
From 30 March to 1 April 1918, the Tatars were attacked in Baku. Almost half of the Muslim population of Baku was compelled to flee the city. Between 8,000 and 12,000 Muslims were killed in Baku alone. On the night of 14 September 1918, the Armenian forces had retreated from the city. Turkish troops entered the city on 16 September, restored order, and protected the remaining Armenians from vengeance. Armenian troops who entered territory claimed by the Azerbaijan Republic destroyed all Muslim villages in their path. Even the Armenian zealot Richard Hovannisian has written the following about the Armenian guerrilla leader Andranik:
“The routes south were blocked by regular Turkish divisions. Backtracking, [the Armenian guerilla leader and general] Andranik then pushed over Nakhichevan into Zangezur, the southernmost uezd of the Elisavetpol guberniia. Remaining there for the duration of the world war, Andranik’s forces crushed one Tatar village after another.”
Admiral Bristol, the American plenipotentiary in Istanbul, basing himself on the reports of the American representatives in the Caucasus, stated that the 60,000 refugees had come from 420 Muslim villages destroyed by the Armenians.
In the end, nearly 3 million Muslims (Kurds and Turks) in Anatolia and more than 400,000 Muslims (Turco-Tatars or “Tartars”) in the Caucasus lost their lives in those years.
BTW, for a good summary of what happened in eastern Anatolia between 1914 and 1919, I recommend the following videos in youtube:
Prof Justin McCarthy, Melbourne Symposium: “What Happened During 1915-1919?”
Prof. Justin McCarthy’s speech at the Federal Parliament in Canberra – Part1.
Prof. Justin McCarthy’s speech at the Federal Parliament in Canberra – Part2.
Genocide of the Kurds now taking place… while NATO looks the other way.
I remember that my grandfather used to tell us how badly Armenians been killed! and he used to tell us how hardly they could save some Armenian kids. We still have Armenian cementeries in our villages. and some of our relatives have Armenian names. We know very well how there happened The Genoside! We Kurds we saw everything.
In the Gospel of Matthew when Jesus was being betrayed in The Garden of Gethsemane, when the high priest’s cohort was about to arrest Jesus it goes like this in verse 51 of chapter 26; Suddenly one of those with Jesus put his hand on his sword, drew it, and stuck the slave of the High Priest , cutting off his ear. 52, Then Jesus said,to him,” Put your sword back in it’s place;for all who take the sword will perish by the sword”……It seems to me that living like Christ is not an easy path.
Mr. Ibrahim: Thank you sincerely for your efforts to remember the Armenian Genocide which helps all of us unite against such crimes around the world regardless of race and religion. As far as the turks having committed a genocide against the Armenians in 1915 – there are facts – which happen to be plenty made by non-Armenian politicians and observers currently held in the European archives and around the world. Look, there is no way around it. The turks need to come to terms and accept that the ottomans committed a genocide that needs to be recognized. It’s time for the deniers to be educated for a brighter future not only for the Armenians but for the turks as well. Turkey not being punished for the genocide they committed is what results of their current president publicity telling the world he wishes to have Hitler’s type of government only two weeks ago. The world is sleeping and thus creating governments who envy Hitler. Any turkish ally, including the US, soon will understand they are standing by a fascist government proud of his criminal past having committed the Armenian Genocide in 1915. Lastly, to anyone that is not familiar about the Armenian Genocide committed by the turkish government: please do your individual and independent research before making any type of conclusion: starting with the reports of ambassadors’ who served in turkey at the time reporting back to their own countries (US and in Europe) about what they witnessed in turkey in 1915 regarding the Armenians is a good way to start. Armenians are a nation who fought for their homeland of thousands of years before turks even existed, their language and literature which happens to be classic Christian at heart. STOP DESTROYING THE ARMENIAN/CHRISTIAN HERITAGE IN TURKEY!!!
I have close Christian Palestinian friends, and Israel is doing the same thing – taking advantage of the current chaos to push through the eradication of the Palestinians from the land. I have been searching for statmeents by the Netanyahu government as to the status and future of Palestinians in his plan, and he is refusing to say, even when requested for his ‘plan’ by the US. The only think I get is that he wants them to own no land, and to be an underclass without full rights as those can only go to Jews – eg Jewish Land Trust land only goes to Jews, and more.
Under Judaization, hundreds of Christian villages have been razed, in fact, the historical Christian presence in the Holy Land, on the ground for more than 2000 years, is being erased. Christians are still being abused and dispossessed, lands taken, homes and businesses destroyed, every week and sometimes daily attacks by hate-filled, armed settlers. Most Palestinians are secular, Christian or moderate Muslim, but they are increasingly at the mercy of the extremist Muslims. This is because Netanyahu has cleverly provoked at the Aqsa between extremist Jews and Muslims to divert the issue from a national struggle for survival of the diverse Palestinian people, to one of religious war — where Netanyahu knows that he will get international support. So the Palestinians and the Christians, like the Kurds, get thrown under the bus.
The evangelicals win, and the traditions of Christianity on the ground in the Holy Land, and throughout the Midlle East, are lost
So? Christians often commit genocide against other Christians–WWI and WWII are good examples. Today, US “Christians” are ruthlessly bombing seven Muslim nations. Retaliation against Christians living there is a knee-jerk reaction.
As intelligent as humans claim to be, we are the only species who carry out such insane murderous vile treatment on each other. The answer keeps finding its way back to one thing- religion. I despise religion and anything associated with it.
Islam is a virus that must be eradicated.
The only thing I took away from this article is that Religion, of any kind, is Evil. If the tables were turned on Islam, it would, once again, be the turn of the “Christians” to kill Moslems. Down with ALL superstitions!!!
Muzzi’s have always been animals, and they always will be.
Don’t forget, Turkey is currently using Syria and ISIS to go after the Kurds in their country, as Sadam Hussain did and ISIS is doing. Also, upon declaring independence as per the UN vote, Israel was immediately attacked by five Islamic countries and the violence has never stopped. It ain’t over.
Fascinating. I wonder if Mr. Ibrahim is willing to turn the same lens to the violence against muslims at the hands of christians, both hisoricallyt and happening in the west today?
Sadly, in the ugliness of religious violence, there are no innocent groups.
Let’s not forget millions of Native Americans slaughtered by White Christians.
but boko haram is killing mostly muslims, your making it sound like they represent all of nigeria’s muslims
It is amazing that still most Americans are not really aware of the great deal of persecutions and death among Christians outside the western world. I guess that if the muslim invaders started hanging Christians in trees, or locking them in cages and setting them on fire, they would finally acknowledge the persecution to be real.
all I can say that if today Muslim countries had the military power of Christian nations
you would not be able to find one single Christian alive today.
This article focuses on religious cleansing, which is horrific, but in the grand scheme of what happened in the last century it misses a good part of the story. There were over Two Hundred Fifty Million people politically and ethnically cleansed by governments around the world. This is important because right here in America the same rhetoric is prevalent throughout the landscape. If you dispute with this government based on the
principle that “governments are instituted among men, deriving it’s just powers from the consent of the governed”, you are labeled as a home-grown-terrorist.
What is taking place here in America now, today, is setting us up for extermination. While the propaganda is in full force on racial divide, our borders are open to those who come from countries bathed in bigotry, our children are force vaccinated with drugs that are questionable, and our young men are sent to far off places where we’ve salted the land with depleted uranium. We have government agencies such as the IRS, EPA and BLM that fit the definition of terrorist organizations.
But the real concern is an ignorant population that knows nothing of the history as to why our Founders made the disarmament of the American people an almost impossible task both in the body of the federal and state
constitutions, and the Bill of Rights. The Founders were astute observers of history and politics. They understood the character of men, and the willingness of certain segments of the population to turn on other segments for a myriad of reasons; greed, envy, idealism, hatred, pure stupidity, and the supposed legality of executing your political enemies.
We have legislators, in the face of what history teaches us, and the growing abuse of government agencies, working diligently to disarm the public. They can’t be that ignorant of the facts. The agenda is clear. None of
them actually are worried about your well-being or that of your children. In a hundred years another dictator might be quoted as stating “”Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Americans?”
It seems the 2 religions that think Man was CREATED out of Earth (Dirt) by a Supernatural God are the least Tolerant People on the Earth. All because of so called Holy Books written by MEN with an Agenda. The World would be a better place without them. That’s a SAD REALITY.
Thanks Yahoo for publishing this. AGAIN. AND AGAIN AND AGAIN
The Armenian Genocide was definitely a tragedy and my heart goes out to those who suffered and to their families. But to label this and other acts as somethings that’s rooted in the religion of Islam is incorrect. Islam doesn’t teach violence against any random individual whether that be muslim or non muslim, rather it explicitly states that the state has to protect it’s minorities (Christian, Jews, Hindus, etc). It explicitly states that noncombatants are not to be fought against, women, children and the elderly are to be left alone unless they are active combatants, etc. It gives nonmuslims the right to practice their faith and protects them. Those who act violently against minority groups do not represent the religion, yes they might represent a people but not religion.
Seems like “The People of the Book” want to fuckup the entire world for everybody else.
The X-ians, Jews & Muhammadan can all go to hell.
I say instead of crying over spilled milk, Armenian has a strong alias
now Russia & Iran start reclaiming lost land screw NATO.(Nations
Alliance Terrorist Organization)
By their fruits you shall know them… (Matt 7:15-17) Islam is the EVIL fruit of a FALSE prophet …PERIOD
An important article. But it oversimplifies to make your point about Islam vs. Christianity. Turks are not Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians who happen to be Muslim.
Just like today, differences are found to rally the troops as to why they should attack another group. You even find it with Muslims fighting other, different Muslims. It is commonly called sectarian violence. One sect fighting another sect. Governments, leaders, etc. look for a difference they can cash in on to tell their people, e.g. Sunni’s go fight those Muslims. They are Shia.” It was a similar case for the Armenians. The easiest difference was Christian vs Muslim. But again that was an excuse to get everyone to go along with it. In a nutshell, the Turks wanted the Armenians gone, and they wanted their possessions. That is why they were not simply kicked out, or deported. The Turks wanted their lands, and riches, so they needed the Armenians to simply disappear. They needed them to have never existed. That’s why even some Armenian girls were married and assimilated into Turk and Kurd families. So they would, in these cases, legitimately be heirs to the wealth of their victims.
The fact that Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians were all Christian was not the reason they were all attacked. Turkey wanted to shore itself up for all the losses it was incurring as the Ottoman Empire was failing. Turks had severe losses in parts of Eastern Europe, and saw an influx of defeated Turks falling back into Asia Minor. As a solution, they wanted to solidify the lands it had for Turks. “Turkey for Turks” is a common saying. It was easiest to get rid of different peoples that were all different from Turks and all were non-Muslim. They happened to all be Christian. If you had Buddhists there, the Turks would not have cared. The Buddhists would have been attacked as well. The commonality of the victim peoples, if you want to find one, is that they all occupied lands in Asia Minor. There were Greeks to the west, Assyrians to the south, and Armenians to the east. However, the worst of it went against the Armenians, because at the time, Turkey was still warring with Russia, and all of the Armenian lands were between Turkey and Russia. And there was no real geopolitical boundary between Turkish lands and the east, until you get to the Caucuses. This is well beyond the Armenian homelands.
what an insightful article…it plays into what is happening today. will return for deep articles like this one.
So glad i recanted my my choice become muslim .
The same Mongolian Turks who massacred 1.5 million innocent Armenian Christians 100 years ago, are now engaged in a genocide act against the Kurds living in southeastern Turkey. And, as the world was silent 100 years ago when those Armenians were being killed by the Turks, the world again is silent today about the massacre of the Kurds at the hands of the Turks. And, I wish the world was just silent. Last month, the vice president of the U.S. Joe Biden went to Turkey and shamefully gave the the U.S. approval to the Turkish killing of the Kurds.
By the way, the article mentions that the Armenian genocide occurred under the Islamic regime of the Ottoman Empire. That is not quite true. What most people are not aware of is the fact that in 1908 a group of Turkish military officers (later to be known as “The Young Turks”) staged a coup against the Ottoman king and they themselves took over the affairs of the country. One of those military officers was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (MKT) who is now so revered in the West as being a secular and democratic leader and so on and so forth. So, when in 1915 the Armenian genocide took place, it was those “Young Turks”, including MKT, who were in charge of the country (not the Ottoman king). In other words, the Armenian genocide took place under the MKT’s watch, and MKT’s hands are soaked with the Armenian blood. Let’s not forget that.
Christian brothers and sisters!
I respond to those who attempt to justify hatred and bigotry among those who call themselves Christians:
Listen to what we are told, what we purport to believe, what we must respond to if we say we are of Christ!
“Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 16 From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in Love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4: 15-16.
There is no Orthodox, no Catholic, no Lutheran or Evangelical or Methodist or Presbyterian or whatever.
There is One God in Father, Son and Spirit, One body in Him and that is the Church of which Christ Alone is the Head..
To show and demonstrate other than Agape Love to the entire body of believers in the One Church which is all believers in Him, is to trample upon His cross and make a mockery of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Matthew 22 says, 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Not to love our Christian brothers and sisters who are even more than our neighbors is an internal genocide worse than any external enemy Satan can inflict upon us, for it is us who call ourselves Christians committing suicide on our very body of Christ.
I remember when I was much younger my assistant Boy Scout leaders’ wife was Armenian. A couple of things stand out, she was a undeniably beautiful woman and as sweet as punch. Also my mother who new of the Armenian story was so surprised to learn of her heritage as to the educated the horror and knowledge of the near extinction was very real like meeting a survivor from the Titanic. I thank both Yahoo for putting this story on the web and for Mr. Ibrahim for taking the time to put it to text and paper.
There was a person of note who recently (about 7 years ago) made a statement “islam is the most beautiful religion”. History has a way of repeating itself and it is high time for the educated world to see and understand that the muslim practice of the islamic religion is to dance with the devil himself.
This is, primarily, why we have the second amendment. If every Christian was armed, it would just be too hard to do a large scale genocide. The Lebanese Christians still exist because they are armed. That is the only reason.
The article is good but not entirely accurate. The two quotes attributed to Adolph Hitler are not correct. Hitler never made these statements. The first quote was actually made by Taalat Pasha, and so that fact is far more significant a revelation than if the quote had come from Hitler, which it didn’t. The second quote if famous and is commonly attributed to Hitler, but there is actually no proof at all that Hitler made such a statement.
It is about time that we remember what was done and what is currently still going on in Muslim countries against Christians and human rights say nothing since the UN Human Rights Division is headed by a Saudi, which means the Muslim have bought themselves into the UN so that nobody will raise flags when Christians are persecuted.
We can see by the article penned by Theodore Roosevelt—but read “Armenian” as “Christian” and “Turkish” as “Islamic that political correctness was practiced even then. This was done then, as it is done now, so as to not alienate and insult Islam. Islam, the religion of peace. Indeed.
Islam ideology is right from hell itself and is a cult made up of many demonic bodies that are not from earth . I spent 4 short months in Armenia and the pain has never stopped for Armenians this I know. The genocide done by Turks was a lot like the Khama Rouge torturing and murder done in Cambodia along with Hitler era of Jews , the atrocities were done by minds that act below human standards . Revenge will come to where blood will rise to neck of horses from the enemy’s of the living omnipotent God. Islam is a bunch of brute beasts made only for destruction , this is assured.
I have many opinions of things written here, however, and most important, quotes in this article are attributed to the wrong sources. Your fact checking failed which taints your words. “Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention.” was not said by Adolph Hitler. In fact, Hitler had no real stance during those times and wouldn’t have been quoted as he was not an important man at the time. The quote is actually from Mehmed Talat as cited in The Evil 100 (2000) by Martin Gilman Wolcott, p. 35.
You are clearly not a historian or an academic.
I honestly stopped reading after I read the quote I cited above. It took 30 seconds on Google to confirm my suspicion that it was incorrect.
Anyone heard of INQUISITION in Spain before the killings of the Armenians in Turkey? Ferdinand, Isabella? They even killed the Jews and left no sign of Muslims in Spain who rued there for 800 years. The Muslims did not forcibly convert people in masses to Islam. Otherwise 800 years would be enough to dispense off all non Muslims from Spain.
Recently Pakistani Muslims killed hundreds of thousands of Bengali Muslims in E. Pakistan. The Bengali speaking people won their independence on the basis of nationalism (Bengali language nationalism, NOT religion) in 1971.
Any idea who killed who in the former Yugoslavia?
Who killed who in former USSR?
One should always be wary of half breeds… a product of 2 religions and 2 cultures. They are given more space everywhere in the media for their supposed NEUTRALITY!
If the author or writer who wrote about The Armenian Genocide did he remember about the Native Indian American as well, this tribes were wipe out leaving few to tell the story, to what happen to them. What about the huge battle between France and Puebla Mexico where 2 million civilian Mexican’s fought the army of France. What about the War in El Salvador where thousands of innocent people die in this country, for your information entire villages were wipe out including thousand of innocent children.
if we gonna talk and remind people and the world about just about one Genocide because it is unique, them we are selfish there is many other horrible casualties that perish due to ignorance at the mercy of others.
The Armenian Genocide is already written in the books of history. United States is not going to recognize it Native Americans does not have anything to do with this internal affairs between Turkish and Armenians back in 1915, If you are looking for our country USA recognize it and let’s declare a Holiday for the Armenian Genocide is not going to happen.
They’re all genocides and war crimes. And in due time, they will be recognized. Especially now since US and Turkey the Islamic Cult are no longer buddy buddy like they were before.
We need to always remember the past to make sure it isn’t repeated. Seems like that isn’t happening. I have an idea. Bring all those Christians to nations with Christian majorities. Leave all the Muslims where they are. Let them kill each other. Problem solved.
The hateful ideology of Islam targets not only Christians, but Yezidi’s, Buddhists, HIndu’s, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics….the list covers all of the rest. It is up to non-Muslims to unite and fight this evil. Islam conquers you through the book (dawah), sword, when all else fails through seeking your kindness as refugees. No one should support this hate filled, irrational ideology in any form.
I am Kurd and i live at southeast of Turkey.I remember that my gradfather used to tell us how Turkish army came and killed Armenians.Even babies,pregnants,old or young people.And they colud hardly save some Armenian kids. We still have cemeteries of Armenians at our villages. They used to live together at our villages. There was still a church, i remember. Turkey deny the genoside. But we know it happened. I belive that everyone will pay,or paying for this crime in this world. Anyone who in this genoside will pay for it.This is Justice of God. What goes around comes around.
Kurdish Hamiden regiments were established in 1891 to protect the Moslems of whom Kurds were a major part, against atrocities of Armenian militia .The inspiration came from Cossacks of Russia where the Kurdish tribe leader was the chief commander .
Long live Barack Hussein Obama, fronting for Islam, celebrating Ramadan in OUR White House, going to mosque in Baltimore. Taqiyya, Hussein!
allah is no god and muhammad was a homosexual puppet
Here is a little note for you also to consider, a dichotomy of sorts. By continuing to revisit the atrocities of the past, we continue to incite new anger in younger recruits, who at innocent ages didn’t understand these concepts of death and murder. When they learn of the many injustices and weave through their identity, they are firmly ready to be soldiers for their tribe and commit further atrocities, and it doesn’t matter if they’re Muslim, Christian or Hindu buddy……you’re not helping matters globally at all with this shit. Everyone needs to move on.
So very sad. Yet the fact remains. Jesus Christ saves.
shhh..we must be politically correct and cover these atrocities…that Turks and Albanians did in the last 100 years of history…but then we remember conveniently what the Serbs and the Croats did…but Europe is sick in its soul…which after all is “christian”…
Every year I discussed this at length to my history classes while I was teaching. The importance of the Armenian Genocide cannot be overestimated, just as the magnitude of the suffering cannot be calculated. It served as an introduction to the horror that characterized the “Terrible 20th” century. There is a solitary monument to this horrific event when you enter downtown Detroit from the Lodge freeway. It’s a black marble obelisk, and if you blink as you’re going by it you’ll miss it. It simply states that 1.5 million Armenians were exterminated by the Turks during WWI. When teaching Holocaust studies, if we only concentrate on what happened in Europe during 1933-1945, we’ve missed the point. The point is that ANY people can be targeted at ANY time for ANY reason, and the results are beyond what we can conceive of when we use inadequate words like “tragic.” Things like this happened before WWII, they happened after WWII, and they are happening RIGHT NOW. THAT is the reason we engage in Holocaust studies, and that’s why we call genocide a “crime against humanity.” We also suffer when this happens, in ways we cannot even fathom. It’s happening now in the Middle East…so, with people mouthing the words “NEVER AGAIN,” why are we then allowing it to happen again and again?
Oh my Gosh, If I tell about other genocides that has happened during the existence of our planet, Why Armenians Genocide are so Especial. How can you get people embrace your pain that happen many years ago, that surely those who died in such Genocide are happy in heaven, and you are here making a BIGGGG scandal about it. You must have an stone heart that no matter how many years passes by, you still bleeding in pain like this has been a unique Genocide. how about the Hiroshima Japan Atomic Bomb that blew up, disintegrated thousands of thousands of Adults, children,Animals,Elders in just one blow. Why don’t you learn from the Japanese people that learned to forgive and make peace with United States. Why do you want USA to embrace the Armenian Genocide that USA and its people DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT. If you haven’t been able to forgive what are you teaching the world, Resentment, Grumble, Unhappiness. to create more chaos and spread hate. I have worked with many Armenians and let me tell you, you are not that friendly with any other race that is not yours, you in fact alienate people that is not Armenian, party’s, celebration is only about you and no one else, therefore by experience your attitude and behavior towards others I don’t think people will embrace your pain and support you, since you can easily exclude people that are not your race from being part of your community.
This excrable detested picture exemplifies how effective and powerful the Armenian genocide lobby is .There were definitely horrible events but those atrocities were from both sides .Guess how this lobby’s uncomparable effectiveness against Ottomon a century back.Even today any picture exemplifying Armenian terror organisations/militia against Ottomon Moslems similar to this one can not be published neither on international nor in Turkey.An example would be as told by eye witnesses and passed over the generations Moslem babies on Armenian militia bayonets and mothers…Istanbul was conquered in 1453,Armenian patriarchate was established in 1461 to bring the Armenians settle in Istanbul.They were referred to ”Loyal Nation”.This lasted three centuries then hostility aroused with nationalisation/nation state .Armenians with the support of leading countries strived to establish their independent state and Ottomons tried to remain intact .
Surely this article is very biassed. It goes on and on of the persecution of Christians by Muslims.. quoting Roosevelt “the Armenian [Christian] massacre was the greatest crime of the war” and replacing Armenian with Christian to fit it’s point of view. Also stating that their is no difference between Armenians, Greeks, or Assyrian… really? The only difference between them and Turks is that Turks are Muslim and the others are Christian? Just to name a few differences (besides religion): Language, Culture, Heritage, History…. The opinion piece also makes an example of Boko haram killing Christians.. as if that is their only target. I guess the writer does not find it relevant to his story that most of the people killed, raped or maimed by them are Muslim?
To be clear I in no way support the Turks treatment of Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians. Let us also not forget generations of prejudice, racism and ethnic cleansing of Kurds (Muslims) at the hands of both the Turkish state and it’s folk…
Good that persecution of godless individuals committing murder against Christians in the name of Allah in Muslim lands is discussed. How is that different than what godless individuals, with the tacit approval of popes and Protestant clergy, did in the name of Jesus to native peoples across the globe, and even against other Christians (example: the Vatican vs. France’s Cathars in the 12th and 13th centuries)? Systematic murder of minorities, regardless of the piss-poor excuses to justify them, is just that – murder. Nothing more. Nothing less.
It is a known fact that more Christians have been martyred for their faith since the beginning of the 20th century than in all 19 previous centuries combined.
Interesting that the author, no doubt a Christian, are not going to talk about what the Christians did to Muslims in Jerusalem during the Crusades. Conquered the city at one point, but didn’t know what to do with the civilians. So took them outside the city and massacred the unarmed civilians. Muslims remember, but Christians have conveniently forgotten. So your implication that all Muslims are murderers and cover up their crimes and all Christians are innocent victims, is a popular view, but is quite inaccurate. Must feel good that all Muslims are evil and all Christians are good, huh?? Nothing like being self righteous. I guess it is inconvenient for you to discuss the Christian Serbians killing Muslim Bosnians. Spread your hate somewhere else.
Islam is an evil and vile religion and anyone who is a member is part of its evil doctrine. Ultimately there will be an all out war and we must ultimately exterminate all muslims for their intentions are to do that to us first. This is a terrible reality that we are grinding towards faster and faster.
These are the people the left make excuses for and insist Europe allow to invade their countries by the millions. Muslims if allowed to grow in population will do in Europe what they did in Turkey and the Middle east. Of course they always have Obama as their spokesman and protector.
Dear Mr Putin, Please take care of Turkey for us.
When religion becomes the dominant force in politics and government, anywhere, these atrocities happen. Even amongst people of the same faith, sectarianism is disastrous. After the US destroyed Iraq it unleashed inter Islamic warfare. In Ireland, in the north, catholics and protestants slaughtered each other with great abandon. Much if religious belief is united with racism and intolerance, as the genocide that was practiced against the Native Americans by the Europeans. This type of action is still going on in South America in Brazil. Religion was used in the US in the South to justify first slavery then lynchings. People need to realize that once religion is institutionalized bad things will happen. England had a disastrous civil war between protestants and catholics. The catholic church exterminated the Albeigensians and later the Cathars. The list goes on.
“What do Americans know of the Armenian Genocide?” A lot. Read “The Ghosts of Anatolia: An Epic Journey to Forgiveness.”It won the Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Award in Multicultural Fiction in 2010, and was written by American Steven E. Wilson
it can happen in the good ol’ usa too
Very nice, and accurate statements, regarding past and present genocides carried out by islam against Christains, and any other religion. The ultimate goal, of islam is to convert, subjegate, or kill all non believers. The goal is the complete control and domination of the entire planet, under islam. Simple as that.
Islam must reform, or be pacified and contained, before it obtains too many weapons of mass destruction. When this happens, all out war against the infidels will occur.
Why so many current leaders in the west, and civilized world continue to refer to islam as the religion of peace, and that those of islam that commit murder terrorism, and such are unislamic is absolute idiocy.
Islam is a violent, dark ages supremacist political movement, with religiously condoned rules that allow this murderous behavior.
The muslim world must reform itself, or be pacified and contained until it doies so.
Where is Charles Martel the Hammer when you need him? Or Vlad the Impaler?
Astonishing .
What is wrong with all of you ? Why do you devide yourselves into these artoficial segments ? We are all people. What happened 100 years ago, has happened let’s learn from it and learn how to leave together and move on. There are more issues NOW that we can fix.
Let’s vector on issues of today not tjose 100 years ago.
Elchin, history repeats itself. Its important to know the past to avoid the same mistakes in the future. You yourself stated that “lets learn from it” well, its happening again which is the whole point of pointing out what has happened in the past.
silverhorse, I agree that we need to learn from history. But there is a difference between learning from it and not letting it go. Letting go is a very important step to moving forward to the future.
Call for aggression against muslims, is exactly the same as the call against Armenians. This is 21 century, what did we learn if we cant deal with barbarian violence? Antagonizing one religion is proven wrong many times throughout the history. Bokko Haram or Kosova muslims have nothing to do with Sufis or Malesian islam. Look deeper in to the cause, and you will quickly see occupational tendencies by groups hidden behind religion, from ISIS Bokko Haram to Saudi Arabia and American Government.
Seldomly equalled effective communication
My sympathies for this tragic event. Feels like this article has been written a bit out of proportion and it has focused more on demonizing Islam and Ottoman Turks, and actually, calling war against Islam. (!) Mr Ibrahim must have forgotten dark side of Christianity and all other religions that caused destruction and mass killings in the name of God such as crusades killed mass number of Muslims, crucifixions and burning non Christians, inquisitions of non believers and Jews for ages. Yep. No religion is immune. We’d like to read these stories too next time 🙂
it is already too late to realizethat that all the atrocities begining with crusaders result from relegion, which should be erradicated from humanity, alltogether.
You would see deceitful articles like this one as part of a propaganda campaign aimed at totally deceiving the Western public. Any civilised and educated person would care to hear the other other side of the story as well, and view facts objectively. Not religious hatred or racism.
The Armenian genocide claims is a total distortion and misrepresentation of WWI facts, campaign based on fabrications. It has been made into an industry, by which the Armenians sell movies, novels, etc.
The truth is, the Armenian separatists militants were acting as very effective domestic terrorists, for years, inside the Ottoman state, throughout the years leading to year 1915. Assasination attempt to kill the president of the country by bomb explosion – the attempt killed 20 people – another bomb explosion in the central bank of the country that killed many, etc., numerous terrorists activities like those were committed by the Armenians.
And, in 1915, when Russian army invaded Anatolia, the Armenians betrayed their own country by collaborating with the invading Russian army. Ottoman Armenians put on Russian army uniforms, and with Russian arms, killed many thousands of Ottoman soldiers. And they were killing large number of civilians as well, behind the fighting lines inside the Ottoman state. (The Russian archives show that the Ottoman Armenians killed many more Ottoman soldiers than what Russians killed.)
Russians (and the collaborating Armenians) were so succcesful and captured so much land in Anatolia and were advancing that it came to a point, for the Ottoman government, to either surrender totally, or fight; but to be able to fight they decided to move the enemy collaborator and backstabber Ottoman Armenians away from the war zone so that they can not be effective on the side of the Russians. Hence the government decision to relocate Armenians to another part of the country, a place still within the Ottoman land at the time.
During the relocation many Armenians died obviously, because the Ottoman army was not able to properly protect the Armenians, since that was the times of the WWI when the Ottoman army was fighting in several WWI fronts, including the Dardanalles and the war in the Arabian Peninsula. That was the very times and the conditions the Armenians have chosen to betray their country, in which they had been living for centuries, and collaborate with the invading army.
It was WWI times. The Turks lost millions of people during the same years.
The Armenians must have been attacked by bandits and the like, and also possibly by civilian groups for revenge of the “ethnic cleansing” that the Armenian separatists had been committing in the previous years (as preparation for the independent Armenian state promised to them by the Russians.
Who were the civilians that might have reacted for revenge? Not the Turks… (Any person with any education can find out that the moslem people that lived in that part of Anatolia, in the same area with the Armenians, was not the Turks, but were the Kurds. That is a demographical and historical fact. If any moslem people attacked the Armenians during the relocation journey for reasons of revenge, it could only be the Kurds, because Kurds were the moslem people killed by Armenian militia.)
On the genocide claims, the Turkish side has challenged the Armenian side numerous times to a legal discussion before an international court where all evidence from all government archives will be presented, historians will speak. The Armenian side refuses to sit down for the discussion. That fact by itself is telling enough.
The Armenians are playing the racism card, religion card. Deceiving the Western people with religious propaganda. If one indulges in racism, religious discrimination, hatred, they can surely enjoy ignoring all facts of the WWI and of any other era.
Every piece of information stipulated in the Armenian campaign is a lie. They have created false documents, etc. purportedly attesting to the intent for a genocide. They all have been disproved. And that’s why they will conveniently run away from an opn confrontation. They will always say “they are not prepared to discuss this matter…” Really? That’s what I would expect from a 10 ten year old lier who thinks he is clever…
The number of peopel that died…Surely the loss of any number of lives is a tragedy but who why distort the numbers…
I am calling on everyone that writes this type of articles to attach to facts and learn facts: A work by the christian church estimated the number of Armenians in the Ottoman state BEFORE WWI, that means before the relocatıon, at 1.3 million… Surely a large part of Armenians survived the journey, and from there the Armenians had gone to where they are now: to the US, France, Latin America… Where do you think the Armenians in all those countries came from?
Also, a significant number of Armenians went to Russia, together with the Russian army when that army later went home, after the prolongation of the war, leaving the territory that had been invaded. Many Armenians chose to stay no longer in their homeland… Hence the Armenians that lived within the USSR, and who are are living in today’s Armenia.
Another part of the Armenian population went nowhere, they stayed in the Ottoman land, later the country of Turkey.
One fact that Western people should acknowledge is that not all Armenians in the Ottoman country were subjected to forced relocation, the Armenians in the western part of the country were not included; only the Armenians in the east that were able to affect the Russian invasion war were moved from there.
In Istanbul, the capital of the country where the government that decided for the Armenian deportation was sitting, the Armenians were NOT touched. Any person with logic should be able to see for themselves that if the intent was to commit a genocide the government would most easily have reached the Armenians in the capital city.. They did not.
(Armenians have come up with the idea of an Armenian genocide many years later, after WWII, obviously upon the Jewish Holocaust, and the idea of demanding a retribution and compensation from Turkey – which did not even exit at the time of reloaction – but, Germans have collected not only all Jews in their country, but brought to Germany even Jews from other countries, that they invaded, like Greece. The Ottomans did not touch the Armenians in the western part of their own country. Dos that look like a gneocide to anyone with any logic?)
Also, at least 200.000 Armenian children were left behind. That is a number estimated by Armenian genocide claimers, not by Turks. Armenians estimate that around 200.000 children had been left behind, to moslem families, since the children would not endure the walking journey, obviously, in war times. Those children have been raised by moslem families, as moslems.
Therefore, the claim that 1.5 million Armenians have been killed is absolutely out of this world. In years, every Armenian campaigner raised the number freely… 500.000 victims… no, 800.000… 1.2 million… 1.5 million,. 2.000.000 victims… 3 million… 4 milllion…
The whole population of Anatolia before WWI was 13 million. How come 2 million of that number was Armenians? Totally bogus.
In those years of horrible WWI conditions civilians of all ethnicities were dying of diseases, epidemics, malnutrition all over Anatolia. Talk about the number of moslems killed in the Balkans, and how many of them died while trying to walk back to homeland Anatolia…
So, why did the Armenians betray their own country and acted as traitors, collaborated with the invading enemy?* Were they obliged to that? What if they had not done that but stayed in the country and helped in the formation of and became first rate citizens of the modern country of Turkey?
For civilised and objective people, is there such a thing as a country’s right to defend itself, its land?
If there is, it’s obvious that the Ottomans were only trying to defend their country, against the enemy, which the Armenians had chosen to be a principal part of, in that case. What was the alternative? Surrender. And the Armenians would continue for more ethnical cleansing for the “Armenian Empire”…
OK, if domestic terrorists explode bombs to kill the president of YOUR country, killing many people, explode bomb inside the central bank of YOUR country to kill many, you would sympathise with those terrorists, if you like…
If Russia attacks YOUR country and invades like one fourth of it, with the Armenians of YOUR country fighting against you in Russian uniforms, causing massive casualties of your soldiers and civilians, you would decide if doing something to stop the Armenian collaboration and damage would be a nice thing or not…
Religious discrimination, hatred?
If it is “the christians sympathising on Armenian domestic terrorists since Armenians are christians”, those people should explain who did the the greatest damage to the city of constantinople in the history of the city? Who destroyed the city, looted every single piece of everything of any value, killed 5.000 men (when the total men population was 15.000), raped women, took them to sell as slaves; got drunk and feasted and raped nuns inside the most important church of christianity at the time, the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople??
Who were those vandals? Christians…
Yes, christians were who did all that to then capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, to the people of Constantinople in the Fourth Crusades. Starting in year 1204, and continuing for 58 years… And causing the subsequent fall of Byzantium.
For educated and developed individuals, this is not the time to fall for religious and racist propaganga campaign. Better develop respect towards learning the facts, towards maintining objectivity.
“There is considerable evidence that Talaat, Minister of the Interior, Grand Vizier from1917-18, and also considered the “boss” of the Young Turk party,intentionally and knowingly ordered, solicited, contributed to, and incited others to genocide.” –
The American administration only grudgingly admitted the Christians in the Middle East are undergoing genocide after a unanimous resolution by the House of Representatives, a body that could not agree what day it is. But the administration’s shame is nothing compared to that of the American Church which has barely uttered a peep.
Muslims are the scum of the Earth religion of peace?
Sure, the guy that killed 77 innocent children in Norway was not a moslem, and he did preach about his hatred of islam as his reason for the massacre of the 77 children and it surely did make sense… Thank god we have non-moslems around who constitute a gift for humanity and who lift it to a whole another level…
Some of you guys collectively belong in mad house for your crazy hate of moslem people, your living and feeding on that hatred only.
You have been reduced to a herd of some type of creatures which can be easily manipulated since you have lost all ability relating to independent thinking and being governed by your own conscious…
I:m not sure though if the concept of conscious would mean anything for those people, or if they have heard that one.
You can read this.
Those crimes are happening but they are not the daily norm.
It’s not just persecution of Christians, it’s persecution of people of different faiths. When a country is run on religious ideology, whoever is in power will persecute and try to eliminate the other religions. This atrocity occurred and will be repeated whenever we allow religion to rule.
Islam is a cancer of man that will need to be cut out if man is to survive.
it is time for the real Christian Americans, and else where, to first annihilate the marxists which are in power in the west, and then to annihilate islum entirely from the planet. This should have been done decades ago. Satan is using those two groups as his main avenues of taking control and decimating the world today. Both are pure stanic creations, and both must be wiped out, before they wipe us all out.
An entire world political movement, with the only plan that will end (not just reduce) world poverty and suffering, practically overnight, has remembered the sacrifice:
There you go, again . . . Who are you ?
I responded to your question in the comment section on the other article.
This article is an example of what happens when men believe in gods and related religions. They justify their actions via their holy books. Mankind has not yet become fully enlightened until all organized religions have been dismantled. We should all respect others, and especially those that are atheist. Just read the comments here and feel the hate because of one’s beliefs versus others.
Islam is the horror of satanism legitimised by a vengeful “god” ……..they are going to hell,so lets ignore them till they rot in their own sewage.
Thank you brother for your articulate comparison between the Armenian Genocide and what is happening today. You state, “we “condone it” and had better cease talking “mischievous nonsense” of a utopian world of peace and tolerance.” Those who speak this way are actually allying themselves either directly or indirect with Islam. They hate the western world and particularly Christianity. For them wiping Christianity off the face of the earth would be a large step toward “peace and tolerance.” The irony is that they some how think that they will escape the fate of all infidels. When the Republican Guard were rising to power in Iran, they allied with the communists in their midst. Then when the Republican Guard won their victory, the communists were the first to go. I pray that the world will wake up, but ultimately I trust in our Lord who knows every drop of blood that is spilled by his martyrs.
Erdogan continues grandparents work and would like to finalize with his wet dream, to make the world their Islamic empire. fuck the muslim
I am Armenian and I am proud of my Heritage. I listened to my Elders when they spoke of what they experienced during the Genocide. I empathized with them when they cried for their lost loved ones. I cried when I saw the photographs of what the Muslim Turks did to the young Armenian Girls (some of whom were pregnant at that time). I cried when I met my Great Aunt for the first time…her Face Tattooed with 9 of her Muslim Masters’ names. I listened to her stories of what she suffered at their hands. I cried when she showed her scars of beatings and whippings…..of being called a ‘Christian Dog’…….. No I wont forget. No I wont forgive. I have seen the results of what the Muslim teachings are,,,,,HATE….CRUELTY…..and worst of all the SHEER HATRED of WOMEN…by blaming them for any little thing gone wrong.
To think that Abraham is considered the ‘Father’ of Islam and Christianity and Judaism Religions……WHAT???? How can three Religions with the same ‘Father’ be so divergent.
I am so tired of the BS….I am tired of hearing of the Beatings, the Stonings, and the absurd ‘Honor Killings’.
I say to people….Wake the Hell up!!!!!!!!!! or what happened to the Armenians…WILL happen here. Wake up. But of course you wont wake up….You are just too happy in your own little world and your own little family….just wait until it happens to someone in your family….then maybe you will wake up then…..when it’s too late.
We must never forget the Armenian genocide…or the equally brutal Bengali genocide perpetuated by Pakistan against its own minority citizens in 1971.