Why are Christians, as a new Pew report documents, the most persecuted religious group in the world? And why is their persecution occurring primarily throughout the Islamic world? (In the category on “Countries with Very High Government Restrictions on Religion,” Pew lists 24 countries—20 of which are Islamic and precisely where the overwhelming majority of “the world’s” Christians are actually being persecuted.)
The reason for this ubiquitous phenomenon of Muslim persecution of Christians is threefold:
Christianity is the largest religion in the world. There are Christians practically everywhere around the globe, including in much of the Muslim world. Moreover, because much of the land that Islam seized was originally Christian—including the Middle East and North Africa, the region that is today known as the “Arab world”—Muslims everywhere are still confronted with vestiges of Christianity, for example, in Syria, where many ancient churches and monasteries are currently being destroyed by al-Qaeda linked, U.S. supported “freedom fighters.” Similarly, in Egypt, where Alexandria was a major center of ancient Christianity before the 7th century Islamic invasions, there still remain at least 10 million Coptic Christians (though some put the number at much higher). Due to sheer numbers alone, then, indigenous Christians are much more visible and exposed to attack by Muslims than other religious groups throughout the Arab world. Yet as CNS News puts it, “President Obama expressed hope that the ‘Arab Spring’ would give rise to greater religious freedom in North Africa and the Middle East, which has had the world’s highest level of hostility towards religion in every year since 2007, when Pew first began measuring it. However, the study finds that these regions actually experienced the largest increase in religious hostilities in 2012.”
Christianity is a proselytizing faith that seeks to win over converts. No other major religion—including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism—except Islam itself has this missionary aspect (these faiths tend to be coterminous with their respective ethnicities: Buddhists, Asians; Judaism, Jews; Hinduism, Hindus). Thus because Christianity is the only religion that is actively confronting Muslims with the truths of its own message, not only is it the primary religion to be accused of proselytizing but, by publicly uttering teachings that contradict Muhammad’s, Christians are accused of blaspheming as well. Similarly, this proselytizing element is behind the fact that most Muslims who apostatize to other religions overwhelmingly convert to Christianity. Finally, if indigenous Christians are many in the Middle East, because that is the cradle of Christianity, in other regions with large Muslim populations, such as sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia, Christian missionaries have won over millions of converts to the faith—many of whom are now targeted and persecuted according to Islam’s anti-apostasy law, which often calls for the death penalty.
Christianity is the quintessential religion of martyrdom. From its inception—beginning with Jesus followed by his disciples and the early Church—many Christians have accepted martyrdom rather than recant their faith, in ancient times at the hands of Romans, in Medieval and modern times at the hands of pious Muslims and others. Few other religions encourage their adherents to embrace death rather than recant, as captured by Christ’s own words: “But whoever denies me before men, I will deny him before my Father in heaven” (Matt 10:33; see also Luke 14:33).” Conversely, Islam teaches Muslims to openly renounce their faith (taqiyya)—not just when their lives are threatened, but even as a stratagem of war—as long as they remain Muslim in their hearts. Other religions and sects also approve of dissimulation to preserve their adherents’ lives. Back in the 1800s, for instance, Samuel M. Zwemer, a Christian missionary, observed that in Iran “Bahaism enjoys taqiyya (concealment of faith) as a duty, but Christianity demands public profession; and hence in Persia it is far easier to become a Bahai than to become a Christian.”
To summarize, because of their sheer numbers around the globe, including the Muslim world, Christians are the most likely targets of Islamic intolerance; because sharing the Gospel, or “witnessing,” is a dominant element of Christianity, Christians are most likely to fall afoul of Islam’s blasphemy and proselytism laws, as even the barest pro-Christian talk is by necessity a challenge to the legitimacy of Islam; because most Muslims who apostatize to other religions convert to Christianity, it is as Christians that they suffer persecution; and because boldness in face of certain death—martyrdom, dying for the faith—is as old as Christianity itself, Christians are especially prone to defy Islam’s anti-freedom laws, whether by openly proclaiming Christianity or by refusing to recant it, and so they die for it.
Another terrific, article which explains the
situation, using easily understood language, clear examples, and, as
always, a fabulous ability to “connect the dots”. Thank you, on behalf
of all of us.
For many years, I bought in to the romanticized rendition of the
Islam story. Like so many other Western- educated observers, clueless of
truthful history, I believed the fairy tale of the horrible Christian
West, which “perpetrated” horrific aggressive acts against innocent,
victimized Muslims. I know MANY people who still believe that Christians
are the “Big Bad Wolves” compared to the “Little Red Riding Hoods” of
How many people really understand that the First Crusade was
launched as a counter offensive against Muslim jihad? I wonder how
Muslims would have felt if the tables had been turned on them. In other
words, if the road to Mecca was blocked, religious pilgrimage was
deterred, and the Grand Mosque was stripped of its minarets, and
replaced with crosses? Can anybody imagine the reaction?
It is so
important to connect the dots, because the most important issue,
regarding all of this, concerns freedom to choose, equality for all
people, and separation between church and state. Voltaire, in his
defense of free speech, said that he might not agree with what somebody
had to say but that he would defend, “to his death”, their right to say
it. That’s the point, isn’t it? The fact that the 21st Century Christian
West is tolerating this intolerance is beyond belief and completely
What’s it going to take for people to WAKE UP?
There are a variety of words Muslims use to describe Jews pretending to be Muslims. Because such words exist we can safely assume without hitting the conspiracy button, that there are Jews living in Muslim societies who seem Muslims outwardly, but who are in reality devoted to the Talmud, and at another level Israel, the perennial haven and insurance policy where Jews can run to in times of strife for safety.
The distinction between Muslims and Jews are a little sharper now, because of
the state of Israel, and the course of history, but at one time the distinction would not have been so great. In the great Muslim empires we see the role of Jews within the
Moorish and Ottoman empires. We know that Mohammad the prophet of Islam was
partly inspired by their religion as a merchant, in his earlier life when he traveled to Palestine and Damascus. If we observe the Samaritans of Israel today, of whom a few remain, who still follow the old form of Judaism that came out of Egypt, we can see where Mohammad got some of his ideas from for his new religion. Indeed Many Jews fully, or ‘partly’ converted to the new Abrahamic religion after its foundation.
OK, so we know there are Crypto-Jews in Christian societies, but what about their network in Muslim societies? The animosity of traditional Christian societies to the presence of the Jew has meant there is some literature which points to the Crypto-Jew amongst them with some certainty, without it being derided as malicious gossip——it is a practice by Jews which is well identified by Christians. However the general harmony that Jews have enjoyed in traditional Muslim society has meant that this consciousness or awareness against the Jew never developed or never had to develop until now, even though Jews used this stealthy deceptive avenue to progress in all matters socially and become accepted, just as they did in Christian societies.
So who are the wealthy powerful Crypto-Jews within the Muslim world? I am afraid I do not have a secret list which I could share with you, but merely a repetition of the gossip out there:
With a wink, he says “Shalom Habibi, and say hello to uncle Hyam in Haifa” and “Hey uncle Hymie when can we expect an attack against Lebanon?
What can we do to help you there?”
Jews have lived in Saudi Arabia for over 1400 years. Several Arab/Muslim intelligence agencies think the Saudi royal clan are Crypto-Jewish. There mission is to spread for The UK an extreme form of Islam which is wholly irrelevant in the twenty-first century, keep Muslims backward, destroy progressive thought in Muslim society—where it was the leader in such matters in the world at one time, progressive movements and progressive persons within the umma.
Whilst the Saudi Royals live the most unholiest of lives, even by moderate Islamic standards—-Western prostitutes, call girls, casino’s, wild parties, massive palaces, extravagant spending in the face of Muslims suffering around the world……………….
Thus we see the Saudis funding ‘Operation Cyclone’ and ‘Operation greenbelt’
dollar for dollar for the creation of Islamic holy warriors in the wake of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Osama and some of his most closest cohorts came from Saudi—–more on him later. The Saudis also funded the Taliban partly.
Being leaders of the two most holy places of Islam they seem to be providing minimal leadership to the umma where it matters, when Arabs are victims of genocide left, right, and center around them—-Iraq, Palestine and Somalia.
Finally the Saudis were installed through the good grace of the British; Rothschild Britain.
‘Crypto Jews ‘, eh? Nice try, Hitler!
Marranos, Conversos & New Christians
Christian-Jewish Relations:
Sources: Internet FAQ Archives; Encyclopedia Judaica; Mystica Encyclopedia; Wigoder, Geoffrey. The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia. Facts on File, New York, 1992.
Conversos and Marranos
The terms “Marrano” and “converso” were applied in Spain and
Portugal to the descendants of baptized Jews suspected of secret adherence to Judaism.
Converso, from the Latin conversus, meant literally the converted.
Various origins for the term “marrano” have been suggested, which include the Hebrew marit ayin (“the appearance of the eye”), referring to the fact that the Marranos were ostensibly Christian but actually Jews; mohoramattah (“you are excommunicated”); the Aramaic-Hebrew Mar Anus (“forced convert”); the Hebrew mumar (“apostate”) with the Spanish ending ano; the Arabic mura’in (“hypocrite”); and the second word of the ecclesiastical imprecation anathema maranatha. All such derivations, however, are unlikely. The most probable is from the Spanish word meaning swine or pig, derived from the Latin verres “wild boar.” The term probably did not originally refer to the Jews’ reluctance to eat pork, as some
scholars hold; from its earliest use, it was intended to impart the sense of loathing conveyed by the word. Although romanticized and regarded by later Jewry as a badge of honor, the term was not as widely used, especially in official circles, as is often believed. In Latin America, as a rule, it is not found in official documents, and there is little evidence of its unofficial use in most places. It is not clear if the “Old Christians” only, or the secretly practicing Jews also called themselves “marrano.”
“Marranos” started appearing with the first riots in the Juderias of Spain.
Many were forced to convert to Christianity to save their lives. The laws in 14th and 15th century Spain became increasingly oppressive toward practicing Jews, and conversion was provded as an alternative to death. Large numbers of middle class Jews
outwardly adopting Christianity to avoid the laws, while secretly practicing Judaism.
“New Christians”
“New Christians” is a term applied specifically to three groups of
Jewish converts to Christianity and their descendants in the Iberian
Peninsula. The first group converted in the wake of the massacres
in Spain in 1391 and the proselytizing fervor of the subsequent decades. The second, also in Spain, were baptized following the decree of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492 expelling all Jews who refused to accept Christianity. The third group, in Portugal, was converted by force and royal fiat in 1497. Like the word Conversos,
but unlike Marranos, the term New Christian carried no intrinsic pejorative connotation, but with the increasing power of the Inquisition and the growth of the concept of “limpieza de sangre,” cleansing the blood, the name signaled the disabilities inevitably heaped on those who bore it.
The New Christians who continued secretly to observe the precepts of Judaism as much as possible after their conversion were not regarded as voluntary apostates. The basis of this decision was the statement by Maimonides that although one should allow oneself to be put to death rather than abandon one’s faith in times of persecution, “nevertheless, if he transgressed and did not choose the death of a martyr, even though he has annulled the positive
precept of sanctifying the Name and transgressed the injunction not to desecrate the Name, since he transgressed under duress and could not escape, he is exempted from punishment.” In accordance with this ruling, other rabbis ruled that those New Christians who remained in their countries because they were unable to escape and flee, if they conducted themselves in accordance with the precepts of Judaism, even if only privately, were full Jews; their shehitah could be relied upon, their testimony in law cases accepted, and their wine was considered kosher.
sure, there were also “crypto Christians” and there are even “crypto muslims” too. You should focus more on those similarities between the Talmud and the Koran, this is helpful information, as it piles on the proof that Islam is a mimicry and mockery of the Torah and Gospels, the ideas and thoughts and want and needs of a sinful and wicked man, mo.
The Mother of Mohammed, Amina was of Jewish birth. Von
“Mohammed, who was the only son of Abdallah, a Pagan, and Amina, a Jewess, and was descended from the noble but impoverished family of Hashim, of the priestly tribe of Koreish, who were the chiefs and keepers of the national sanctuary of the Kaaba, and pretended to trace their origin to Ismael, the son of Abraham and Hagar, was born at Mecca, August 20, A.D. 570 …’
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, vol. 5, p. 205 (speaking of his grandfather and father), although debated, also witnesses to this:
“The glory of Abdol Motalleb was crowned with domestic happiness; his life was prolonged to the age of one hundred and ten years; and he became the father of six daughters and thirteen sons. His best beloved Abdallah was the most
beautiful and modest of the Arabian youth; and in the first night, when he consummated his marriage with Amina, of the noble race of the Zahrites, two hundred virgins are said to have expired of jealousy and despair. Mahomet, or
more properly Mohammed, the only son of Abdallah and Amina, was born at Mecca, four years after the death of Justinian, and two months after the defeat of the Abyssinians, whose victory would have introduced into the Caaba the religion of the Christians …’
Then, in a footnote on page 205 we read this: “Amina was of Jewish birth. Von Hammer, Geschichte der Assass. p. 10 …’
At that period, there were many “Jews’ in that area. Again from The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, volume 5, page 202:
“Seven hundred years before the death of Mahomet the Jews were settled in Arabia; and a far greater multitude was expelled from the Holy Land in the wars of Titus and Hadrian. The industrious exiles aspired to liberty and power: they erected synagogues in the cities, and castles in the wilderness; and their Gentile converts were confounded with the children of Israel [Jews] …”
Christians are the most persecuted group in the world today for one good reason; there are few if any Jews left to kill ( especially in the Muslim nations ). But if Iran is allowed to go nuclear all bets are off.
What the problem is that militant liberals/atheists/secularists aid and abet this persecution- they are the loudest as well in screaming Islamophobia and invoking some kind of irrational multicultural madness in defending Muslim activities in the West.
The Muslims have learned well from the political machinations before of feminists, cultural Marxists, and the like.
In essence, these militant secularists/ atheists/liberals (also opposed to Christians-disciples of Saul Alinsky aka Obama) are no different from the militant Muslims- different sides of the same coin. In both cases, reason and truth are lost and sacrificed in some kind of triumph of the will. In the Islamic case, it is justified by an appeal to an abrogating and capricious deity. In the latter, the atheists’ self anointed godhood.
If we American Catholics waged jihad on our Baptist neighbors we would force them to drink beer, smoke cigarettes, and play bingo — or face the consequences.
When it comes to religious ideologies and practices both Muslims and Christians are bad and dangerous. If observed one will find that in Christian dominated areas Muslims cry that they are persecuted and Muslim dominated areas Christians make this cry. In fact there is no systematic persecution going on anywhers!
That is absolute nonsense. Muslims have been living in Christian countries for centuries and it is ALWAYS the Muslims, no matter where they are, even in Sri Lanka and Burma, they wage an UNHOLY JIHAD on the INNOCENT unsuspecting native populations. Islam is a crime against humanity and political islam should be banned as the first step towards curbing the MUSLIM islamist wars and deliberate creation of chaos, in order to expand their evil pagan death cult.
Lea, thank you for your straight comment. You go and live for sometime in countries where Muslims and Christians stay together like Turkey or Iran and see how cunningly each group is trying to convert people from the other religion. This is the root cause of the hatred.
If all religions just minded their work the world would just be peaceful.
Further, it is meaningless to cry out ‘Ban Islam”. Who has the authority to ban a religion which is the second largest religion in the world.
I have one more request-don’t just blindly believe what the press and media say. think about the problems of the world in an unbiased way as a broad minded citizen of the world.
Dilip, if I had to cite to you the number of responses I get that just the same as yours, from muslim commentators. Humanity can stand up and declare Islam a crime against humanity based on its historical, but mostly, on its current track record. Islam must be separated from governance by the Muslims themselves, if they are in anyway serious about stopping the atrocious and appalling trajectory that they are on. I have done substantial research on the subject and let me tell you something, the media is not telling the truth about Islam or about Muslims, nor are the human rights activists, neither is the UN, or the US. In fact it appears that the media is following the NWO masonic Marxist agenda which is currently using muslims to wipe out peoples of other religions. Both muslims and the Marxist freemasons think they will be the ultimate winners, but both are failed ideologies as we know from historical facts. Islam created the first Dark Age and it is now threatening to do that again with its demonic desire to dominate the world. This is why it is imperative to subdue Muslims and the Marxist Masons.
Is this a joke???
How many Christians can walk down the street without being abused or given a dirty look? In most western countries I bet most are safe.
For Jews however this is a different story.
Christians have nothing to worry about.. Unless they are in a densely populated third world country run by a Muslim government!!
Wake up!!
or living in their own country minding their own business, while the MUSLIMS increasing practise the evil tenet of their psychotic death cult, the UNHOLY JIHAD, on the non muslims and particularly Christians. Jews are in the line of MUSLIM fire as much as the Christians are, and neither have abated since 630AD.
Luke 12:1-3
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
12 In the meantime, when so many thousands of the people had
gathered together that they were trampling one another, he began to say to his disciples first, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees,
which is hypocrisy. 2 Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.
Jesus said: “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees”!
The LEAVEN of the Pharisees was the Oral Tradition/Tradition of the Elders (Matthew 15), which we have today – The Babylonian Talmud. It was only printed in English in 1937 & about 99% of Christians are ignorant of its 35 volumes. WHY?
If you don’t know its contents, how can you be wary of Talmudic Judaism?
So-called “Judaism” is nothing but Babylonian Talmudic
Pharisaism, which at base is crass paganism concocted through the centuries.
Descriptions concocted for this very old demonic activity, such as “immanence” (Spinoza) “emanation” (Talmudic Cabala), “dialectical materialism” (Marx) merely dress up old pagan concepts… …
All forms of demonology were adopted by the Pharisees and incorporated into so-called Judaism. Demons of the privy, of the night, of every phase of nature, were and are catered to by the tenets and customs of this sect. The Talmud book of Yadayim (hands) is, for example, on ritual hand-washing in connection with Pharisee demonology. The Talmud is larded with occult works and practices.
The Pharisee custom in Jesus Messiah’s time of drizzling water alternately on the hands, to carry off demons (who presumably live in water) is still in force. The “Code of Jewish Law” (Schulchan Aruch), which is a digested “Mishna” of the Talmud, holds that an evil spirit takes over a sleeping person:
“When he rises from his sleep the evil spirit departs from his entire body excepting from his fingers. From there the unclean spirit does not depart unless he spills water on them three times alternately.
One is not permitted to walk four cubits without having his hands washed.”
(Schulchan Aruch, Vol. 1, Chapter II: Hebrew Publishing Co.
77-9 Delancey St., New York, copyright 1927).
Says the Soncino Edition of the Talmud, in the Introduction to Yadayim
“This … rite … formed one of the chief breaches between Jesus
and the Pharisees.” (page 545) When the Pharisees came to Jesus, baiting Him about His Apostles not doing these hand-washing rituals, He came back at them, saying that they were hypocrites,
“teaching for doctrines the commandments of men
… Full well ye reject the commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition.” ( Matthew 15):
Well that’s like, your perspective, man. Get a bigger look at the picture and like Raymond says, Christians are much more in the minority population of many countries, in great numbers all over the world.
Reports like this are highly suspicious, since the most anti-Christian country in the world, by a very long way is Israel.
Dozens of churches were bulldozed in 1948 and the destruction continues. Pogroms against Christian villages go unpunished.
This Catholic owned “property” was bulldozed by the Israeli state just in November last year.
The Mother of Mohammed, Amina was of Jewish birth. Von Hammer.
“Mohammed, who was the only son of Abdallah, a Pagan, and Amina, a Jewess, and was descended from the noble but impoverished family of Hashim, of the priestly tribe of Koreish, who were the chiefs and keepers of the national sanctuary of the Kaaba, and pretended to trace their origin to Ismael, the son of Abraham and Hagar, was
born at Mecca, August 20, A.D. 570 …’
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, vol.
5, p. 205 (speaking of his grandfather and father), although debated, also
witnesses to this:
“The glory of Abdol Motalleb was crowned with domestic happiness; his life was
prolonged to the age of one hundred and ten years; and he became the father of
six daughters and thirteen sons. His best beloved Abdallah was the most
beautiful and modest of the Arabian youth; and in the first night, when he
consummated his marriage with Amina, of the noble race of the Zahrites, two
hundred virgins are said to have expired of jealousy and despair. Mahomet, or
more properly Mohammed, the only son of Abdallah and Amina, was born at Mecca,
four years after the death of Justinian, and two months after the defeat of the
Abyssinians, whose victory would have introduced into the Caaba the religion of
the Christians …’
Then, in a footnote on page 205 we read this: “Amina was of Jewish birth. Von
Hammer, Geschichte der Assass. p. 10 …’
At that period, there were many “Jews’ in that area. Again from The History Of
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, volume 5, page 202:
“Seven hundred years before the death of Mahomet the Jews were settled in
Arabia; and a far greater multitude was expelled from the Holy Land in the wars of Titus and Hadrian. The industrious exiles aspired to liberty and power: they erected synagogues in the cities, and castles in the wilderness; and their Gentile converts were confounded with the children of Israel [Jews] …”
When one studies the Quran, it is clear that Muhammad had Jewish scribes & also Jewish “converts”. The Demonoly of Islam is a carbon copy of Talmudic Judaism.
“Obviously the spirits can help as well as harm the living … An observant visitor to the tomb of Simon bar Yohai, for instance, at Meron, Palestine, will discern a host of written entreaties for the saint’s aid [Note: the “saint” was a second century Talmudic
voodoo-worker associated with the Zohar, principal multi-volumed work of the Jewish Cabala] … The ancient practice of visiting the cemetery to entreat the offices of deceased relatives or scholars persisted …
In addition to such individual visits, there grew up the custom of the entire
congregation repairing to the cemetery annually on several occasions, such as
the seven ‘rain fasts,’ and on Tisha ‘B ‘ab … and on the eves of New Year and
the Day of Atonement, ‘that the dead may beseech mercy on our behalf.’ “ (Jewish
Magic and Superstition by Trachtenberg, page 64)
“The custom of washing the hands after a funeral is very widespread … . Efforts were made to find a Biblical precedent for this act, but … there was a general admission that it was done ‘to dispel the spirits of uncleanness’ which cling to one’s person, these being ‘the demons that follow them home.’”(page 179, same publication).
Today, one may note Jews at such places as Temple Sholom, on elegant Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, dripping water on their hands after a funeral.
The Jewish Encyclopedia (under “Cemetery”) refers to the custom of visiting the cemetery to consult the spirits, and cites the Talmud, Niddah l7a.
There it is stated that one “spending a night in a graveyard in order that a
spirit of uncleanness may rest upon him — to enable him to foretell the future
might sometimes be exposed to danger.” (Talmud, Soncino edition, Niddah, page 113)
Reference to this practice is also made in Sanhedrin 65b That cemeteries are infested with spirits and demons is the general idea.
You will find in the Hadiths & Sira that Muhammad spent a lot of time in cemeteries & the place was full of Jinns (demons). The Evil Eye is another Jewish/Muslim thing.
It would take pages to quote the stuff Muhammad “took” from the Talmud.
Muhammad & Mossad had the same tactic: BY WAY OF DECEPTION……………..