As American talking heads continue to express their “moral outrage” at Donald Trump’s call “for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” perhaps they should first consider what is the official position of foreign Muslim governments on Americans—beginning with U.S. “friends and allies.”
As it happens, jihadi hate for non-Muslim “infidels” is not limited to the Islamic State, which U.S. leadership dismisses as neither a real state nor representative of Islam. Rather, it’s the official position of, among others, Saudi Arabia — a very real state, birthplace of Islam, and, of course, “friend and ally” of America.
Saudi Arabia’s Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Issuing Fatwas[1]—which issues religious decrees that become law—issued a fatwa, or decree, titled, “Duty to Hate Jews, Polytheists, and Other Infidels.” Written by Sheikh Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz (d. 1999), former grand mufti and highest religious authority in the government, it still appears on the website.
According to this governmentally-supported fatwa, Muslims—that is, the entire Saudi citizenry—must “oppose and hate whomever Allah commands us to oppose and hate, including the Jews, the Christians, and other mushrikin [non-Muslims], until they believe in Allah alone and abide by his laws, which he sent down to his Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings upon him.”
To prove this, Baz quotes a number of Koran verses that form the doctrine of Loyalty and Enmity—the same doctrine every Sunni jihadi organization evokes to the point of concluding that Muslim men must hate their Christian or Jewish wives (though they may enjoy them sexually).
These Koran verses include: “Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your friends and allies” (5:51) and “You shall find none who believe in Allah and the Last Day on friendly terms with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger [i.e., non-Muslims]—even if they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers, or their nearest kindred” (58:22; see also 3:28, 60:4, 2:120).
After quoting the verses, Baz reiterates:
Such verses are many and offer clear proofs concerning the obligation to despise infidels from the Jews, Christians, and all other non-Muslims, as well as the obligation to oppose them until they believe in Allah alone.
Despite documenting its official hatred for all non-Muslims (albeit on a website virtually unknown in the West), in the international arena, Saudi Arabia claims “to support the principles of justice, humanity, promotion of values and the principles of tolerance in the world,” and sometimes accuses the West for its supposed “discrimination based on religion.”
Such hypocrisy is manifest everywhere and explains how the Saudi government’s official policy can be to hate Christians and Jews—children are taught to ritually curse them in grade school—while its leading men fund things like Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (the real purpose of which appears to be to fund influential “Christian” academics to whitewash Islam before the public).
Our other “good friend and ally,” Qatar, also officially documents its hate for every non-Muslim—or practically 100% of America’s population. A website owned by the Qatari Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs published a fatwa titled “The Obligation of Hating Infidels, Being Clean of Them, and Not Befriending Them.”
Along with citing the usual Loyalty and Enmity verses, the fatwa adds that Christians should be especially hated because they believe that God is one of three (Trinity), that Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified and resurrected for the sins of mankind—all cardinal doctrines of Christianity that are vehemently lambasted in the Koran (see 5:72-81).
Incidentally, this same Qatari government-owned website once published a fatwa legitimizing the burning of “infidels”—only to remove it soon after the Islamic State justified its burning of a Jordanian pilot by citing several arguments from the fatwa.
In short, it’s not this or that “radical,” who “doesn’t represent Islam,” or isn’t a “real state,” that hates non-Muslim “infidels.” Rather, it’s the official position of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which are presented to the American public as “friends and allies.”
This little discussed fact might explain why the majority of terrorism in America is committed by Muslims and why the majority of Americans support Trump’s measures.
[1] The Committee is known by other English names including The Standing Committee for Scholarly Research and Fatwa, or The Committee for Research and Religious Edicts, or The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research & Verdicts, or The General Presidency of Scholarly Research and Iftaa,’ or in Arabic, al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah lil-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa.
And hating sowdi arabia and qatar is the policy of American citizens, not including our corrupt government that bows down to these hate-filled bottom feeders, gives them hundreds of billions of our tax dollar, and supports our enemies.
True and yet the US government is still in bed with the barbaric Saudis, Qataris and the genocidal Turks. You would think that America would learn their lesson about these brutal islamic nations after 9/11 terrorist attacks where islamic jihadists who were taught, funded, indoctrinated and sent from
these countries murdered 3000 innocent American civilians in a single
day. The world is upside down!
Would you wear a T-shirt with a Mohammad cartoon printed on it?
You might in Montana. Don’t try it in Mecca.
Because, Islam trains a small number of its most devout believers it’s OK to kill. And Islamic killers have been trained to kill anyone who insults Allah and/or Mohammad.
In Montana you’d have a good chance none of these Islamic killers would see you.
In Mecca you wouldn’t last five minutes. One of Islam’s killers would come from out of nowhere and kill you. It is that simple.
You don’t believe me? Ask any Muslim!
Read it all at:
Another great article Raymond. You were very polite in your quotations of the Qatari website you referenced . Here’s a translation of major portions of the Fatwa for the readers to judge. I wonder whether the despicable characters of the British Parliament whom lined up to throw insults at Mr. Trump would see themselves referred to in this official Qatari Muslim fatwa.. Please, read..
The reasons to hate Christians and Jews are many. As to Christians, you could say what you like about a community with the essence of its beliefs: that Allah is a third of three, that Mary is his girlfriend, and Jesus his son, and he descended from his majestic seat and got attached to the womb of his girlfriend, and happened what happened till he got killed, died and buried. Its (the Christian community) religion is the worship of crosses, and praying to pictures hanging on walls and painted in red and yellow, and they say in their prayers: you mother of God bestow upon us, forgive us, and give us your mercy! Their religion is drinking alcohol, eating pigs, leave circumcision, worship the mucky, and the violation of all malignant from elephant to mosquito. What’s sanctimonious and what’s unholy is what their priest decides and religion is what he legislate. He forgives their sins and delivers them from the tormenting blaze.
As to Jews, those are the nation of anger, the people of lies, treachery, deceit, and trickery. The killers of prophets and the eaters of unclean wealth –which is the usury and bribes- the most insidious of all nations, and lowest of temper, and farthest from mercy, and closest to resentment. Their custom is loathing, and habit enmity and abhorring: the house of black magic, lies, and trickery. They don’t see in those who disagree with their disbelief and lies a sanctity, and when facing a believer they tend to insult, and even those who agree with them have no rights nor mercy among them, and so are those who join them are given neither justice nor remedy, nor have those who mix with them given any tranquility nor peace, and those who employed them are given no advise. For their most wicked is their wisest, their smartest is their biggest cheater, and their good intending –God forbids one exist among them- would not be a Jew in reality. The most intolerant of nations, their most oppressive of houses, their most rotten yards, and their most barren of tempers. Greeting them.. a profanity, meeting them.. a sacrilege. Their motto ..anger, and their precept.. disgust.
The Arabic part is here:
والأسباب الموجبة لبغض النصارى واليهود كثيرة, فأما النصارى فقل ما شئت في طائفة أصل عقيدتها: أن الله ثالث ثلاثة، وأن مريم صاحبته، وأن المسيح ابنه، وأنه نزَلَ عن كرسي عظمته والتحم ببطن الصاحبة، وجرى له ما جرى إلى أن قتل ومات ودُفِنَ، فدِينُها عبادة الصلبان، ودعاء الصور المنقوشة بالأحمر والأصفر في الحيطان، يقولون في دعائهم: يا والدة الإله ارزقينا واغفري لنا وارحمينا! فدينهم: شرب الخمور، وأكل الخنزير، وترك الختان، والتعبد بالنجاسات، واستباحة كل خبيث من الفيل إلى البعوضة، والحلال ما حلله القس والحرام ما حرَّمه، والدين ما شرعه، وهو الذي يغفر لهم الذنوب وينجيهم من عذاب السعير، وأما اليهود فتلك لأمة الغضبية، أهل الكذب، والبُهت، والغدر، والمكر، والحيل، قتلة الأنبياء وأكلة السُّحْت ـ وهو الرِّبا والرِّشا ـ أخبث الأمم طوية، وأرداهم سجية، وأبعدهم من الرحمة، وأقربهم من النقمة عادتهم البغضاء، وديدنهم العداوة والشحناء، بيت السِّحر، والكذب، والحيل، لا يرون لمن خالفهم في كفرهم وتكذيبهم حُرْمة، ولا يرقبون في مؤمن إلا ولا ذمة، ولا لمن وافقهم عندهم حق ولا شفقة، ولا لمن شاركهم عندهم عدل ولا نصفة، ولا لمن خالطهم طمأنينة ولا أمنة، ولا لمن استعملهم عندهم نصيحة، بل أخبثهم: أعقلهم، وأحذقهم: أغشّهم، وسليم الناصية ـ وحاشاه أن يوجد بينهم ـ ليس بيهودي على الحقيقة، أضيق الخلق صدورا، وأظلمهم بيوتا، وأنتنهم أفنية، وأوحشهم سجية، تحيتهم: لعنة، ولقاؤهم: طيرة شعارهم الغضب، ودثارهم المقت
I did a line by line translation using google translate. This is what I got:
And regardless of the reasons for the Christians and the Jews many , either Christians , say what you want out of range in the faith : that God is the third of three , and was accompanied by Mary and Christ
His son , and that he came down from the chair and his greatness docked Alsahbh stomach , and what happened to him was to be killed and died and was buried , Vdenha worship crosses, and the prayers of images engraved in red
And yellow in the walls , they say in prayers : O Mother of God Arozkana and forgive us and Arahamina ! Vdenhm : drinking alcohol , eating pork , and leave the circumcision , and worship
Is burdensome , and the violation of all malignant elephant to the mosquito , and analyzed by the muslim priest and Haram as sacrosanct, and religion as prescribed , it forgives them , and delivers them from sins
Blaze torment , and the Jews, then Algillah nation , the people of lying, Fading , and treachery , and deception , tricks , killers of prophets and eaters haraam wealth which usury and bribes the most insidious Nations
Maintainence , and Ordahm temper , and pushed them away from compassion , and the closest of resentment habit hatred , and enmity and hatred Didnhm , the house of magic, lies, tricks and , for those who do not see
Disagreed in the sanctity of their disbelief and discredit them , not watch a believer neither pact nor , for those who do not have the right of vision and not pity , nor those who have joined them justice, no remedy , nor for those who
Khalthm tranquility nor safe , nor those who have used them advice , but Okhbuthm : Oaklhm , and Ohzgahm : Ogchehem , and Salim corner and forbid them that there is not a Jew on
Indeed , the creation Sdora narrower , and Ozlmanm houses , and Ontnem yards, and Oouhchehem temper , greeting : a curse , but interviewees : Tirat motto anger, disgust Dtharhm
Obvious nonsense. Is there a proper online translation machine for Arabic to English?
Thank you, Ralph for your attempt. However, since when do machine translations replace human understanding of cultural terms? Your machine is “culturally” stupid and the Arabic to English dictionary relied on by translator software is very limited in its vocabulary, and hence the numerous mistakes you have in translation. Fatwas are notoriously known to use obscure Arabic words to mimic Koranic verses.. words that are no longer used today by native Arabic speakers, including myself. I am a scholar in my field and I respect my work, hence, the requirement to put the original Arabic portion next to my translation for other scholars to verify. Thanks.
In simple words you are an idiot.
You’re ill-mannered person. I thought this place does not attract your kind. Don’t spoil a discussion with your foul mouth.. go to church.. get some compassion and love.. you need plenty.
u r an ignorant fool . ppl like you have been slaughtered by muslims over the last 1400 years and it continues. ISIS just yesterday blew up a church in syria that had stood for over 1700 years.
Christian woman are sold as sex slaves by IsIS …you go to church and keep praying like an idiot.
Thank you, Dave.. appreciate your advice. God bless you.
wake up and do not defend a muslim , especially criminal suppporters if you value your life or of other christians. Just going to church won’t save you , just like christians in Iraq, syria are finding out.
The classical APARTHEID doctrine of Islam is called ‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’. It is one of the three ‘usul ud deen’ (essential doctrines of the Islamic faith) as well as the best supported with Koranic scripture and hadiths. HATING KAFIRS is what Islam is all about. 60% of the Koran is the rant that Allah hates kafirs and want Muslims to treat them violently.
Islam is really scared of Christianity, they know that Christianity is the real and the only religion! They still stuck in the medieval time, how sad!!
We are told Islam means ‘Peace’. But, that would be an incomplete statement, because without referring to the original Arabic because there is often not a word for word correspondence… In Arabic, the word Islam means;
“There will be PEACE, when all the world submits to the will of allah.” (Little ‘a’ deliberate)
There is only one way to interpret this. For a nice little story explaining it, see;
Another great article that will be buried by cognitive dissonance. The left and cino’s greatest force field.
Some report came out claiming an average of 50% Moslems are inbred due to too much incestuous relations causing deformities and low IQ.
It’s time to kick every last one out of the United States. They are our enemy. We are at the start of World War III and we need to act. These swine would kill all the American men so they could use our women as sex slaves.
The Islamic extremist terrorists would also make your daughters into concubines as war booty. Mohammed himself evidently began sexual relations with his child bride, aged six, when she turned nine years of age. Under Islam, females have the status of property, hence not really sex slaves but merely objects for due enjoyment as with all property.
This citizen strains to understand how the Muslims can embrace the doctrines and the dogmas of Islam which subtract from the recognition of the full dignity of females while at the same time promulgating Islam as an all-encompassing teaching. Islam in fact excludes part of the community, females, from participation in it equal to that of males. Islam thus promotes a social duality.
This definition of Islamic extremism sets Islam apart from other social orders:
“Islamic extremism has been defined as any form of Islam that opposes ‘democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.'” [found at:
By opposing democracy in favor of theocracy, extreme Islam automatically opens itself to inequality, whether social or otherwise. This inherent potential inequality of the social order of Islam finds expression in the inferior status of females in the Muslim community.
Thank you for identifying the governmental position of these two Muslim nations against infidels.
It was a mystery why on the day after 9/11 was Riyadh not attacked. Quite apart from the fact that 15 of 19 terrorists were Saudis, it was well known that SA was spreading the Wahabbi venom in mosques around the world. Does Craig Unger’s “House of Bush/House of Saud” Provide the answer?