Yesterday I was interviewed on Tru News with Rick Wiles. We discussed a number of topics including how popular Western culture (or depravity) only serves to embolden Islam, as well as America’s presidential candidates. The 30-minute interview follows:
,,,,,,,,,,The beast owns America’s body politic. It has for generations. The most difficult thing for most people to grasp is that the plan for the destruction of America spans several generations. Same old money familial banking families have carried the torch from generation to generation.
Since W. Wilson’s term the globalists agenda has been to destroy nationalism here and overseas. W. Europe is close to becoming Islamic caliphate with the leaders pushing it, with the citizens being decadent and apathetic idiots going along with it regardless of the high crime rate the invaders bring in.. Europeans believe in nothing and care about nothing even if it means soon mass killing and mayhem. Civil unrest is already happening and lawlessness. Real men don’t seem to exist over there and few there are in America who will stand up now and in the future. Few (if any) church national associations stood against gay marriage. It will happen here as gov. allows Muslims into this country and states cannot act against it the courts ruled. Open borders means the nation has fallen. Many will not vote in Nov. incl me, or have voted in years knowing it won’t get fixed. Politicians are bought and controlled by special interest groups and ignore the citizens.
So sad, so true!!
What about depraved Islamic culture? Their abuse of women and their sexual abuse of little boys?
Our depravity destroys our culture. Their depravity is halal and strengthens their culture. Our depravity denies God. Their depravity praises Allah.
The only depraved Islamic culture is Wahabbi, invented by the British/Saudis and not Islam at all. Better worry about Noahide law rather than Sharia law. Sharia will never take hold, because the Joos’ Noahide law is what will bring down Western civilization. Divide and conquer. Christian against Muslim. True Muslims venerate Jesus. The Joos hate him and crucified him. So you really want to support Israhell and the Pharisees against Jesus of Nazareth? If you do, you’re gonna lose.
The decisions made by the Politicians make them look Insane,but,those Politicians are directed by others who hide in the shadows,and,they have an Agenda…
An interesting analysis of the situation in Syria and the rise of ISIS.
I refer to our secular, popular culture as an “anti-culture.” On the Fox News Facebook page right now, there is a discussion about whether or not Donald Trump should stop using profanity on the campaign trail. The responses, from people whom I am guessing would for the most part describe themselves as conservatives, are almost unanimous that profanity in public does not matter. That’s discouraging because if even conservatives are not interested in preserving the best of our culture (and respond hostilely to anyone who thinks we should), then nothing else really matters. The left has won the culture war and there is really nothing to fight for any longer. Kind of incredible that so many people who vote Republican cannot see that they are embracing the destruction and decay brought to us by leftists.
I was happy to see that one woman posted and said that she had been at a Trump rally and DT would not use off color language even when the crowd tried to get him to.
I understand your concern about profanity, my take on it is that it shows a lack of vocabulary. However, our society/civilization will not stand or fall on the words we do/don’t use, but rather on the intent of our hearts.
I have to disagree with you in all counts, I’m afraid. Words of course matter. And I have never believed that using profanity shows a lack of vocabulary; rather, I think that it shows anger and aggressiveness, a lack of restraint or respect for others, and sometimes even emotional problems. There is a ghetto way of being that has infected a lot of our culture. I find nothing charming about ghettos and I don’t want my culture turned into one. I am a nurse and I have asked many patients, usually young guys, to watch their language. I ask nicely and the response is almost always that they apologize and no longer swear in my presence. Most people will live up to standards if you set them.
I have seen the idea circulated on Facebook that “research” has shown that that people who swear manage their anger better or are more intelligent, honest, and trustworthy. There is nothing intuitively or in my experience that would suggest to me that any of those things is true. So I have to return to my original belief that the mainstreaming of vulgarity is not something to be indifferent to if we care about maintaining a culture.
LIEberalism is DESTROYING the West and overtaking Christianity as the new fangled religion people are unknowingly embracing and practicing when they put their Bibles away.
Of course this guy has to throw in the gas chambers and ovens into the conversation. Germany in the 30s was a cesspool of pornography and drugs, Hitler came along and kicked the Jews out of his country(for the 200th time) and immediately turned the nation around into one of the most powerful prosperous nations on earth. The zionists punished Germany in the worst way possible, a world war. It’s obvious Zionists do not like proud, white Christian nations, look what their doing to western Europe and America. Amnesty, gun control, multiculturalism, socialism all pushed by powerful zionist neo-cohen Jews and their cohorts of the establishment. No other force in the world does this, no Asian, African, Muslim nation or power Has the track record of the zionists. They are of the “synagogue of satan” and those who call themselves Jews and are not. They hijacked Judaism long ago and thankfully there are people out there who know the difference between a Jewish person and a zionist. Because there is a big difference and I always make that distinction.
Thank you for your post. I know the difference between true Torah Jews and the SOS, Khazarian imposters who should be called “Joos” because they’re fake. I’m so encouraged to see so many people like you who know the truth and I now feel that the many years I (and many others) have spent attempting to educate people concerning zionism have not been in vain. The truth WILL win out, it’s a hard battle but then it always was and always will be, but will always be worth fighting.
So sad that they hijacked God’s chosen. Its such an awesome, ingenious plan that our brothers and sisters have been fleeced. No one has time to think about it, being slaves to the system it’s all about our jobs and kids and football American idol and csi. Sad really.
What Hitler ultimately turned Germany into…is a smoldering heap of ruins. Get your facts straight, please.
Hitler bombed Germany? Dresden?
His declaration of war against the rest of the world led inevitably to Germany’s destruction. The responsibility for Germany’s destruction can reasonably be laid at his door.
That’s like saying Saddam Hussein is responsible for 911 and the aftermath that followed. You revisionist only have the establishment and the law on your side, the truth has history on its side. It needs no laws to defend it. It requires no threats to believe it. It just is, truth.