Editor’s note: The following account was written for RaymondIbrahim.com by an American teacher in the Muslim world.
I recently called a relative in the USA to get her view of the current republican and democratic primaries. Our conversation quickly turned to Islam and its existential threat to the free world and I was happy to see that she clearly understands the dangers posed by the so-called “religion of peace”. When I asked about her neighbors thoughts on Obama’s plan to bring in more Muslim refugees from Syria into the USA, she answered that most people she knew were against the idea, but that there was still a substantial number of individuals that agreed with the President. She said that they pitied the poor women and children they saw on our major news networks and fell for Obama’s narrative that those women and children are no more a danger to our lives than ordinary tourists.
Sadly, those people are being very naïve regarding the dangers Muslim women and children can pose to our families and communities. If the example of the San Bernardino massacre is not enough to demonstrate that Muslim women can be as effective in killing innocent people as any Muslim man, maybe the recent events in Libya will help them get a better grip on reality.
Since the February US bombing of ISIS positions in the western Libyan city of Sabratha, the surrounding Islamic militias (who also have no love lost for non-Muslims) have launched numerous attacks on ISIS positions in the city and the surrounding areas killing and capturing dozens of terrorists. To the consternation of the anti-ISIS militias, several women were armed and fighting on the same side as the Islamic State. When the fighting was over, a few women terrorists were captured with another three killed in action. One of those killed was suspected of being a SNIPER for the terrorist organization.
Besides the enlistment of women terrorists into their rows, the Libyan branch of ISIS is also actively recruiting children. Last December, the Islamic State proudly celebrated the graduation of 85 kids, known as “Caliphate Cubs”, into their ranks. According to an ISIS statement, the children’s ages range from six to sixteen years and they were trained for suicide attacks, arms shooting and the set up of booby traps.
With these facts in mind, Americans need to drop Obama’s narrative that those women and children are no more a danger to our lives than ordinary tourists. With the number of Muslims from Islamic State controlled areas entering the USA, it is only a question of time before a “Caliphate Cub” blows himself up with his American classmates or that a Muslim woman shoots up a daycare center filled with infants. Every American needs to wake to the dangers of Obama’s Muslim refugee resettlement program before it is too late.
Self evident to anyone with an inkling of knowledge of islam: the children were called “janissaries” if they had nonmuslim parentscannon fodder if they had not, and and Islam’s history is fraught with suicidally homicidal women. IMO both are equal value targets with the males. Compassion is wasted upon them as only superior violence works
The moslim woman carrying the head of the child for whom she was hired to care. was a *migrant* and willingly beheaded the little girl.
The boy in Texas who took the *clock works* to school has a sister who threatened to take a bomb to school before he staged his acts to frighten his teacher and classmates.
The devout, trained to fight for islam, need only a good opportunity with ready-made victims. Age and gender are not specified for the job of terrorist.
It was Obama and his friend Cameron that unleashed these insane Muslim amongst civilized people, to lay it’s seed and spread this satanic way of evil. Obama, it understandable why he turned to them, himself not long out of the jungle. He blames it on his mother, and not having a father, like all blacks. Cameron is something else, and will be Hung by the people, for his crimes, as will many more British politicians. The British legal system is that corrupt, justice means nothing, unless you have got a few more pounds, then the man next door. Nazi Socialism, is back and stronger then ever, from the EU, who are allowed to openly preach anti Jewish, with out any arrest, and that was in London only a few months past.
Great Britain and the EU. GB have wonderful NHS, and benefits system for the people when sick, out of work or disabled. This is paid for from the NIC(National Insurance Contributions), at the 1st class rate, that is taken out of our wages before payday. The government pay nothing, but allow the world to thing that the NHS is paid for by the government, and taking funds from this system to give to the EU is nothing more then embezzlement of our monies, that we have paid for. MP’s. local councillors, self-employed, do not pay anything, but get the full benefits of the NHS. When in fact they should not get any treatment at all, until they have paid for it. There was a system in Great Britain, that should we all pay a small amount, we will all get the same benefits. The Tory party stopped all that! They are in politics for them selves, and not to run the country, their ideology is the same as the Muslims.
Treason by elected Human Cretans.
Cameron, Osborn, Hunt and his wife, Blair and his wife, Kinnock and his wife, Corbyn and his female Muslim MP’s, Benn, not one of these are English, and we allow them to destroy our country, and eradicate the English race. Because of the lust for greed, power, and profit, they are destroying the very essence, of our democracy, freedoms, and the English race, in supporting a Nazi EU. Even Black MP’s are openly, voicing of against white English, with no arrests. It’s time to say it, all Blacks out of England, along with the Muslims. We have now got the Black Power Movement here in our country, that has come from the USA, and like there is voiced by elected MP’s. When it comes to Civil War the English will do to the Blacks what they did to us when we administrated their countries. They now have two choices, walk out of our country, or go out in a box, but leave our country they will!
In Israel there is a current Intifada: many of the car rammings, and knifings are carried out by women and children. Women support the Terrorism and bring up their children to carry out the attacks.
Germany is seeing angelic looking young Islamic girls stabbing police officers. The US is opening its doors to the same chaos.
Raymond, I have no doubt the future scenarios you are describing will actually happen.
But it’s not just the US that will be on the receiving end. Our new Canadian Prime Minister is fast tracking immigration with no security checks so it’s only a question of when the next attacks will happen in Canada.
We tend to treat the Ottawa attacks of a few years ago as ancient history that is no longer relevant,