Finger Lake Times, by Dan Hennessy
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”
— Matthew 5:13
As far as human beings go, we’re not so very much unlike those who came before us and are probably not much unlike those who will come after us. But, the fact that large-scale crimes against humanity are ignored, even when public news of such horrors abounds, remains a stain on the soul of the species, especially in the aftermath of the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, Rwanda, etc., etc.
It is the week following the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, and the world has so far, tragically … inexcusably … unthinkably … done to Christians what it did to the Jewish people last century: ignored them as they were slaughtered … men, women, children, grandparents, grandchildren … in mass numbers over an inexcusably long period of time.
You would think we’d have learned our lesson. But, according to Raymond Ibrahim, writing for the Gatestone Institute on March 17, the Obama Administration’s original rejection of the term “genocide” was changed to include Christians only after the House of Representatives voted 393 to 0 on a resolution that does describe Christians as victims of genocide. And yet, still there is no initiative to “fast track” Christians for immigration as they are publicly targeted for destruction. Despite the fact that, according to the Congressional Record, there is precedent to authorize “fast-tracking” due to religious persecution: in 1989 … 2004 …. 2007 … Senators Lautenberg, Specter and Kennedy, respectively, passed bills that granted priority status to specified religious minority members. [114th Congress, 2nd Session, March 17, 2016]
But do we really need any legal precedent to do what’s obviously so morally right? Do we need legal precedent to instigate a rescue action of such great human consequence? In Syria, Christians, who totaled 1.25 million in 2011, are now down to about 500,000. [“Persecuted and Forgotten?”Aid to the Church in Need, Executive Summary] According to Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D, the Christian population in Iraq has been decimated in a little over a decade, dropping from 1.4 million in 2003 to just 275,000 today. The Chaldean Archbishop of Erbil, Bashar Warda, has testified that for many long centuries the Christians of Iraq have experienced hardships and persecutions “but what we have now experienced are the worst acts of genocide in our homeland. We are facing the extinction of Christianity as a religion in Iraq.”
But this is not really about numbers, is it? This is about the heart and its intersection with memory. Is there a Christian mandate for fast-tracking Christians for immigration to safety in the United States? How about this: “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?” [Proverbs 24:11-21]
It is the church that ought to be leading the effort to rescue Christians abroad, in keeping with the Torah and with Jesus’ teaching. The church did not “love its neighbor” during the Holocaust. Nor did it behave as the “good Samaritan” to the Jewish population of Europe and others as all were led to slaughter. Its silence was deafening. It is deafening still.
Holocaust survivor, professor and Nobel Prize laureate Elie Wiesel says that “indifference” is “the epitome of evil,” going so far as to specify that “the opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” [US News & World Report, October 86]
Jesus said to his disciples, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” It’s hard to read any “indifference” into that statement. And yet, one is want to say, as concerns Christian leadership at this time in history: Is anyone listening?
Bat Ye’or in “Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis” discusses how the Christians cooperated with the Muslims conquerors. “The culture of dhimmitude was characterized by surrender and passive submission, imposed by leaders who had been won over to the service of Islam by ambition and financial interest.”
That is the book that started me on my journey against Islam. She is brilliant.
I am amazed how all that she described in her book we can see unfolding.
I hear you…America and Canada are where live the most lukewarm Churches of this modern century. Especially Canadians Christians who avoid at any cost any kind of confrontation, and of any kind of persecution. Canadians have the reputation of been very tolerant. They accepted the lies and the deceptions; they have accepted the strong delusion. This strong delusion is even taught at school.
The greatest misconception is in the belief that no one can interpret and understand the bible; therefore, avoid looking for the truth. It comes from the false ideology that there is “no absolute.” This principle comes from the indoctrination of the Catholic Church, who for centuries convinced their followers that they, the priesthood are the only one qualified to teach the substance within the Bible and that the Bible is too complicated for the layman to comprehend. Yet, the whole truth is rightly available in the Bible in all it simplicity for every class of citizen in the society. “What is truth?” Pilate asked Jesus, John 18:38. Yet the truth was right it front of him, the living God. All is required is to decide to believe.
The Canadian Churches are weak and divided. Some like the United Church of Canada waste their time to promote a boycott against the nation of Israel and neglect the ministry of winning soul. Many denominations have endorsed and willing to marry same sex couple. Majority of Canadians do not believe the truth and have pleasure in unrighteousness, 2 Thessalonians 2:12. Canada is rated to be among the top three countries with no abortion law, Canada being number one, followed by China and North Korea. Yep, there are no abortion laws in Canada. It is legal to have an abortion at any point during pregnancy for any reason right up to the point of giving birth. Canadians murdered more living being than ISIL, and we call ourselves civilized. Thanks to PM Justin Trudeau our doctors can now kill the infirmed. By June 2016 Canadian’s doctors, nurses and pharmacists will be allowed to kill those who are depressed, sick or are suffering anguish. They will even be allowed to kill children in three years. The Superior Court Justice is now the institution that fashion the law of the land to fit into our modern civilization, and not the federal government. Since the society accepted the origin of man on the false premise base on the theory of evolution, the court therefore conjugates the law with evolution to come to it decision.
Even if they could get out, no country would seem to obligated to take them. Of course some country could exercise some sort of moral leadership and go against the UN, but that would apparently be too much to ask.
I am.
Rather than face its moral responsibilities, the West seems determined to embrace evil in the form of Islam.
But Lo! There is hope! The Pope is already in the habit of kissing Muslims’ feet. I wonder if he would kiss mine, too?
Meanwhile Pope Cretin the First has just taken another twelve Moslem invaders to Italy, but no Christians