Saudi Arabia—the world’s greatest hypocrite—is at it again.
On February 12, 2016, the Munich Security Conference (MSC) was held. It’s described as “the world’s largest gathering of its kind”; “the most important independent forum for the exchange of views by international security policy decision-makers,” where “about 350 senior figures from more than 70 countries around the world to engage in an intensive debate on current and future security challenges.”
It’s apparently also where lying about one of the “current and future security challenges”—Islamic terrorism—goes unchallenged.
Enter Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi Arabia’s foreign affairs minister. This representative of the one nation that has done more than any other to spread radical Islamic ideology spun lie after lie during his 20 minute presentation before a captive audience.
Jubeir began by trying to kill two birds with one stone: distancing Islam from ISIS in a way to demonize and incite the world against Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad:
Daesh [Arabic acronym for ISIS] is a terrorist organization composed of psychopaths who have no religion and no morals. They attract other psychopaths and it’s a cult. And it will be defeated. But in order to defeat Daesh, we have to deal with what I call the two elephants in the room. One of those elephants is Bashar al Assad. We cannot defeat Daesh in Syria unless we bring about change in Bashar al-Assad. He is the man who helped create it by releasing radicals from his jails, by allowing Daesh to operate without attacking them, by even trading with them. He is the man that allowed them to become what they are.
So the Saudi minister of propaganda would have the world believe that the secular, non-Sunni, Assad is the man who “created” and empowers ISIS—a radical Sunni jihadi group born and bred on Saudi Islamic indoctrination and dedicated to overthrowing none other than Assad himself.
Jubeir concluded his Assad rant with a barely veiled threat: “unless and until there is a change in Syria, Daesh [ISIS] will not be defeated in Syria. Period…. When Assad goes, the fertile environment in which Daesh operates in Syria will be removed and we can deal with them.” When one appreciates how intricately connected Saudi Arabia and ISIS are, this sounds more like, “we will not reign in our mad jihadi dogs until we get our way.”
But it was only during the very brief Q&A portion following Jubeir’s act that the Saudi truly shined. After he was asked by a brave soul in the audience if ISIS didn’t in fact adhere to certain Islamic tenets, Jubeir responded by mouthing all the main lies, half-truths, and discredited apologias the world has ever heard about Islam[1]:
Every religion has perverts and psychopaths who try to hijack it. ISIS is as much Islamic as the KKK is Christian. Don’t they have a cross? Don’t they do everything in the name of religion and Christ? Don’t they believe that Christ compels them to lynch and kill people of African descent? …For anyone to argue that DAESH is Islamic is preposterous.
Of course, the Bible does not call on Christians to discriminate and kill black people. Not a single verse. Christ called for love, mercy, and altruism. That’s why the KKK represents about .00003% of American Christianity and is vociferously denounced by the other 99.99997%. (For more read “Are Judaism, Christianity, as Violent as Islam.”)
On the other hand, the Koran does call on Muslims to hate and fight non-Muslims; it does call for beheadings, mutilations, and crucifixions; it does call for the collection of jizya or extortion money from subjugated minorities; it does permit the sexual enslavement of non-Muslim women and children. (See “The Islamic State and Islam” for references.)
In short, the Koran does support the actions of ISIS—not to mention the actions of Boko Haram, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hamas, Al Shabaab, and 41 Muslim nations that make the lives of Christian minorities a living hell. That’s why a PEW poll found that at least 63 million and as many as 287 million Muslims in just 11 countries—and 81% of Arabic language Al Jazeera respondents—support what Jubeir dismisses as “psychopaths who have no religion and no morals.”
The Saudi minister also managed to invoke the one Koran verse that is forever on the lips of Islam’s apologists:
In the Islamic faith the Koran reveals that you have your faith and I have my faith [109:6]. You are free to practice your faith and I am free to practice mine. What greater sign of tolerance and acceptance do you have than this?
Jubeir didn’t bother telling his audience that mainstream Islamic jurisprudence holds that Koran 109:6 and the few other tolerant verses have been abrogated by more “final” verses that call for eternal violence against all who reject Islam, such as Koran 9:5 and 9:29, the notorious “sword verses.”
Otherwise, why does the Saudi government ban the existence of a single church, synagogue, or temple? Why does it storm the private residences of foreign Christians holding prayer meetings, arrest and torture them, and confiscate their Bibles and crosses? Why is it the 14th worst nation in the entire world to be Christian in? Why does it imprison, torture, and kill Muslims who seek to leave Islam? Why does it openly declare that all Muslims must hate Christians, Jews, and all other non-Muslims?
Where, O Jubeir, is all this Islamic “tolerance and acceptance” you gush about?
And this is the grandest point, the true elephant at the Munich Security Conference that no one seemed to notice: most atrocities committed by ISIS that provoke shock and horror in the West, and which Jubeir claims have nothing to do with Islam, are being committed by Saudi Arabia as a matter of state policy—and also in the name of Islam.
The real question isn’t whether ISIS is Islamic; only fools and clowns are still trying to figure that one out. The real question is why a nation that behaves like ISIS is allowed to speak at a conference dedicated to “intensive debate on current and future security challenges,” and then given free rein to spew lie after lie?
From here, one begins to understand that Saudi Arabia and its premiere role in exporting “extremism” around the world is only one part of a more complex problem.
[1] He even found time to invoke the politically correct, glorified version of Islamic history, the one that has little basis in reality. According to Jubeir:
The Islamic religion and Islamic civilization was the civilization that preserved the history of Greece and Rome and passed it onto the West. Western civilization would not exist without the Islamic Arab civilization. The Islamic civilization was the civilization that connected China with Europe, so it was global… If Islam was intolerant and DAESH represented Islam would Islam have preserved Aristotle and Socrates and passed it onto the West? Would Islam have connected Eastern civilization with Western civilization? Of course not.
makes me want to scream!
may GOD have a mercy not allah he have none
Lies that are tolerated and condoned are sure signs we are living in dark times. The people who sit around and allow these lies are in cahoots with the liars. Europe is lost.
it is just an Amazing Fantasy what that Saudi tells about Greek and Latin civilizartion He Ignores Massiveluy in Facts and Litterature!
The truth often hurts. Nevertheless, it’s still the truth. There are three types of Saudi apologists: 1) The petrol dollar takers. 2) The clueless (the relativists and/or the under educated and/or the uneducated.) 3) The liars ( lying, especially to the “infidels” is AOK, as per the dogma). I’m making a solid guess that there’s a reason why many folks read and trust what Raymond writes. SO, I am also guessing that you all can relate to what I’ve just written. My guess is that you either know one ( or all) of the aforementioned species OR, a hybrid. Great article, Raymond. “Shukran”.
”Otherwise, why does the Saudi government ban the existence of a single church, synagogue, or temple? Why does it storm the private residences of foreign Christians holding prayer meetings, arrest and torture them, and confiscate their Bibles and crosses? Why is it the 14th worst nation in the entire world to be Christian in? Why does it imprison, torture, and kill Muslims who seek to leave Islam? Why does it openly declare that all Muslims must hate Christians, Jews, and all other non-Muslims”
What I would like to know, is why **not one single person** present at this charade, asked the questions written by Raymond in the above paragraph. Thy hypocrisy is utterly monstrous and sickening.
The clueless west is in the grips of political correctness, multi-culturalism and an inability to recognize and evaluate the readily available evidence. There is also a firmly and widely held view in the west that it is a
virtual impossibility for any religion to encourage or condone violence, at any level. And to any inference that Islam is in any way uniquely violent, the west is quick to respond that ancient and modern Judeo/Christian
religions were even worse despite the fact that there is extremely limited evidence of this in modern times. This view is so ingrained in the western psyche that the extreme brutality and bestiality committed by masked Muslim men in black, waving black flags with Arabic writings, or individuals shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “kill the infidels,” cannot possibly be, in any way, connected or affiliated with a religion, most especially the religion of Islam.
How many times has “Islam is a religion of peace” been regurgitated by Muslim clerics and Islamic organizations such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and a long list of other Muslim
organizations with Muslim Brotherhood roots. And how many times have non-Muslims repeated the same Mantra.
More important and far more alarming is the vast number of prominent individuals, organizations, and leaders in government, academia and the media in the west who eagerly join this Muslim propaganda chorus and fervently express their pro Muslim attitudes while strongly condemning and marginalizing any who dare to question the prevailing dogma, labeling them as reviled “Islamophobes.”
This has not occurred by accident or by random events. It has been a carefully and very cleverly orchestrated strategy to infiltrate, influence and condition non-Muslim western societies to react to any criticism of Islam or Muslims with extreme revulsion and disbelief. The Muslim Brotherhoods openly declared strategy to destroy western civilization from within, using their own (infidel) hands, that is being actively executed brilliantly. And few recognize the increasingly obvious fact that Islam is the only religion that is so fiercely and effectively protected from any criticism or from being portrayed as having any connection with Jihadism or any violent,
terrorist acts whatsoever. Any public commentary that in any way reports, discusses or infers such a connection is immediately condemned and those media and individuals who do report these events actively edit out any and all verbal and visual evidence of Muslim culpability or motivation.
This is indoctrination bordering on insanity. Modern western societies must come to grips with reality before
another one or more, perhaps far more horrific events than 9/11, force them and all their fellow citizens, to
face the results of their self destructive attitudes. Muslims are on a religious crusade to make Islam, not the dominant but the only religion on the planet.
Today many educated Muslims want to leave Islam but are afraid that they will be killed by their fellow religionists. By adapting the Sanatana way of life they can overcome their dilemma as by adapting the Sanatana way of life they need not change their name, diet, customs or undergo purification ceremonies; or say prayer in an alien language or visit places of worship; all these which attract the
attention of their neighbours. As non-Muslims we have a moral obligation to spread
this message and help liberate Muslims
Just support the Assads, who helped kill 200 marines. The truth hurts Ibrahim, doesn’t it?
Very true words Tom, Assad has always held a soft spot for Hezbollah. Unfortunately he is the lesser of two evils in the latest round of horror in the Middle East.
Why not just destroy them all? Islam is the enemy of mankind.
Muslim’s shameless TAQUIYYA pandering always makes me want to puke. Do these killers actually thinks that anyone believes the LIES that they spew? Even devout Muslims knows that these are deliberate LIES to make Islam look good. Putting lipstick on a PIG does not make the Pig a Woman. It is still a pig, but may be just a halal PIG! NONSENSE !
The nation’s represented at this security conference have accepted Dhimmitude. They will gladly pay Jazzya in hope that they will be spared the Muslim invasion, but to no avail. Our hope, and everyone with common sense should hope that we can unveil Islam, as the Satanic cult it is.
Note ‘minister”s (i.e. ulemma’s) chosen sweet, mesmerizing voice.
Taqiya for external consumption…
Note Saudi (i.e. ulemma’s) ‘minister”s chosen sweet, mesmerizing voice.
Taqiya designated for external use.
Useful idiots everywhere.
Also, Jubeir two times mentioned the achievement that “islam had connected China with the West”. Not “conquered” what lies between them but “connected”.
As if any other civilization is not capable of connecting them in better way avoiding islam’s perpetual bloody clashes and conflicts.
Lie following another lie.
In addition, he presented some problems of his country not as originating “from islam” but “societal” ones, e.g. women’s ban to drive. Islam shapes societies in islamic countries all the more Saudi society and culture.
Another lie.
Mr Raymond Ibrahim, you may send your concise & clear analysis right to the München Conference, with its Cc to that ulemma minister.
At the Conference, they must read aloud your text before the world’s audience while preventing them from listening to another islam bamboozling.
To add a line:
92% of the Saudis approve of the islam’s state as ‘islamic’: “IS conforms to the values of islam and islamic law”: