Last week I appeared on the Glazov Gang discussing Pope Francis’ increasingly strange remarks:
This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents The Raymond Ibrahim Moment with Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
He discussed The Pope Who Gained the World, But Lost His Own Soul, unveiling Pope Francis’ Jihad on Christianity.
Don’t miss it!
Also make sure to watch Raymond discuss Islamic Hate for the Christian Cross, exposing what really lies behind Muslim hatred of the Crucifix: CLICK HERE.
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Raymond, I was at a gathering when the topic of the Pope came up. A devout Liberal made the comment that this Pope was “awesome”. I couldn’t let that comment pass without chiming in. For many, who view this socialist ex-pat Argentinian as some kind of rock star, the reality of his Islam pandering is not understood. When I launched my debate, the response was a blank stare. I was labeled as a bigot, a hater, an Islamophobe, AND,….a TRUMP supporter ( which, btw, I am).
I’d like the “awesome” supporters to consider a few MORE things:
1) [When] “The Prophet Muhammad was asked: ‘What city will be conquered first, Constantinople or Romiyya?’ He answered: ‘The city of Heracles will be conquered first’ – that is, Constantinople… Romiyya is the city called today ‘Rome,’ the capital of Italy. The city of Heracles [later to become Constantinople] was conquered by the young 23-year-old Ottoman Muhammad bin Morad, known in history as Muhammad the Conqueror, in 1453. The other city, Romiyya, remains, and we hope and believe [that it too will be conquered]. This means that Islam will return to Europe as a conqueror and victor, after being expelled from it twice – once from the South, from Andalusia (Spain), and a second time from the East, when it knocked several times on the door of Athens.” ( source: Richard Rubenstein ( “The Clash of Civilizations”).
2) Urban II, who launched the First Crusade in 1095, did so as a defensive stance, against the Holy Land being shut off to Christian pilgrims. Yes, it is true that subsequent Crusades were less successful. But, Urban II, a dutiful Vicar of Christ, launched the First Crusade for all of the right reasons. In other words, Urban II, following the the footsteps of Christ, was not about to let his flock become human “doormats” to Islam. He didn’t send the Normans to the Levant to wash the feet of the rapists, murderers, and pilferers.
3) Going further back in time, I wonder how Charles “The Hammer” Martel would feel about the betrayal by this “Vicar of Christ”. A quick history lesson: Charles Martel was the grandfather of Charlemagne, aka the first Holy Roman Emperor, AFTER the fall of Rome. But, it was Charlemagne’s grandfather, Martel, who prevented the Muslims from overtaking Europe. That was in 732 ( The Battle of Tours). Again, Martel recognized the threat to “Christendom” and he took a stand against it. And, again, Martel took a defensive stance against the invasion of Islam’s sword.
4) Ever hear of Mustafa Kemal? I’m sure that he would have been able to bend your ear about Islam. Had it not been for the brilliance of Kemal, and his forward thinking, secular worldview, the Turkish Republic might have been lumped into the Sykes-Picot agreement. But, the Turks have him to thank for the creation of the “former” Republic of Turkey.
5) Jorge, here’s the big question,..are there churches in Rome? Indeed, they stand. But, are there churches in Wahhabi Saudi Arabia? Absolutely not. Churches are banned in Saudi Arabia. Further, in the Western World, church and state are separated. But, in the Islamic World, Islam IS state and vice versa. Sharia Law , in its purest form, does not respect nor does it adhere to anything having to do with a “Constitutional Republic”.
6) Last but not least, ( and I have to add this because it goes to the “purity” of Jorge’s heart). This “Pope” actually had the audacity to refer to Donald Trump as “not Christian”? WHAT? From where I’m sitting, Trump is displaying far more “Christian” behavior than Jorge could ever dream of doing. What a shameful comment for a sitting Pope to make.
For all of you Lefties, “know-it alls”, uneducated, and/or under-educated, please understand that RELATIVISM can be a very dangerous thing. This Pope isn’t the rock star that you think he is, unless your definition of “awesome” entails said “vicar” leading his flock to proverbial cliff,……
I like 90% of what you wrote, but I must take issue with Trump’s “‘Christian’ behavior.” Does that include the reviling of people personally, bearing false witness in conspiratorial claims (“9-11 an inside job” “Cruz’ father helped kill Kennedy”) and insisting that the military commit war crimes? Behavior isn’t the determiner of whether someone is a Christian, although we should “bear fruit that befits repentence.” Trump has explicitly said he doesn’t think he needs to be forgiven for anything. That outlook of itself is the direct opposite of Christian faith. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us.”
Trump’s title isn’t “Vicar of Christ:”, so I don’t hold him to the same “Christian” standard as a Pope. I found it offensive that the Pope called Trump “not Christian”. That doesn’t seem like a very Christian thing for this “foot washer” to say, does it? Based on his own words and deeds, shouldn’t he be washing Trump’s feet as well? My focus is on this Pope, and his true agenda. He’s either a fool or a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If I had to bet, I’d bet on the latter.
And I find it offensive that the pope is titled “vicar of Christ,” as if he could substitute for the Savior. A standard to hold anyone (not just the pope) to if he calls himself a Christian, is whether he acknowledges that he is a sinner in need of the forgiveness Christ provides.
I also find the title to be offensive, but many Catholics regard the Pope as such. As far as Trump goes, he’s acknowledged many times in his life that he’s made mistakes. He knows that he isn’t perfect. Who is? But, to know him is to know that he has a heart. If he makes mistakes, and people are hurt by them, he tries to make up for the transgression. My guess is that’s why he said what he said. In other words, he doesn’t just go to church and pray for forgiveness. He takes action to rectify the transgression.
He has the capacity to be very kind, despite the sometimes bombastic diatribe.
I am not a Catholic, but I do follow Catholic news and information. The fact so many liberals love this pope is because they have only gotten their information from a liberal press that uses selective quotes to make the pope sound liberal. He does have some liberal idea. He also has very conservative ideas. I would encourage you to read his full quotes in context as well as any notes about the translation (he doesn’t speak English well at all so everything he says is translated from another language into English). I encourage you to read thoughtful commentary on what he says from authors like Jimmy Akin. He has an almost weekly column untwisting the pope’s words from the liberal press.
The press made the pope out to be pro-gay marriage. Nothing could be
further from the truth. But he did say to lead with love and meet people
where they are. Work on the sin problem after they come to a knowledge
of Jesus.
I am very conservative. I am not Catholic. I believe Islam is a tremendous danger. And I do not believe the pope underestimates Islam or is unfamiliar with what it is all about at its core. If you believe what the liberal press says about him, then you do not understand him at all.
However, he is in the business of Jesus. Love your enemies. Try to build bridges. It doesn’t mean you agree with them or even personally like what they are doing. But the goal is to lead with love. Everything else comes afterword.
So, what you are saying is that persecuted people shouldn’t defend themselves? Should Islam’s victims turn the other cheek and wash feet whilst a genocide is underway? That sends a wrong and VERY dangerous message, IMO. If memory serves me correctly, even the young Joan of Arc went to war. From what I remember from history, the entire Middle East was once Judeo-Christian, until Islam’s RAPID conquest. It’s kinda hard to engage in peaceful, loving dialogue when you’re being given three choices: covert, die, or pay extortion tax to be kept alive, as chattel.
I’m not sure how you got that out of what I wrote, but the Pope believe in using force against ISIS. This is yet another way the liberal media has twisted his image to fit their agenda. They make it sound like he’s Islam’s best friend and thinks they should get a free pass. That is simply untrue.
These stories may clarify his position.
“Pope Francis says Isis violence against minorities in Iraq must be stopped”
“Pope Francis Endorses Use Of Force Against ISIS In Iraq”
I trully believe that pope francis..needs to go to the Angelicum university in Rome and study Tomistic (st Thomas Aquinas) approach to Islam.. at best Thomas Aquinas regarded islam as a very fickle religion. He did not approve of islam. Nor condone their actions as this foolish pope today does.. francis is not stupid but i jave to say he is not a lover of the USA.. as.most south Americans,, believe most their problems dirived from our own military and spec op. Clandestine works down there over the years..such as iran contra.. drugs for guns. Etc.. at any rate does this man francis know he is bringing the world to a possible genocide?? By accepting and endorsing islamists?? Because thats whats unfolding before the whole worlds eyes as we speak.. God bless and protect us all and have mercy on all the souls martyred there..may they rest in peace amen.. and Jesus sees all the blood of these new martyrs.and He will not forget..amen.God bless you all!!
Great work, Raymond!
Good commentary Raymond. I agree with you completely. And I’m Catholic.
Hi, just a suggestion to help give anyone who’s interested some insight to the historical background of the church. I watched a video series called ‘know Your Enemy’ by an organisation called The Fuel Project on YouTube. For me, it was one of the most significant eye openers in my Christian Faith and helped change the course of my direction. My wife and I now run an outreach Ministry called I recommend this to everyone I meet. Bless you Raymond – you’re doing a great job.