In “an astonishingly savage tirade”—to quote from the UK’s Express—Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban recently tore into the European Union “over migration and taunted Angela Merkel for failing to protect German people from Islamist terror.”
(Click here to learn why central and eastern European nations, Hungary chief among them, are wary of Islam.)
In the course of his speech, Orban made two important points that I habitually make, and which explain the true reasons behind the unprecedented rise of terrorism in EU nations: 1) Islam’s Rule of Numbers; 2) Western enablement of Islam.
In regards to the first point, Orban
issued a stunning rebuke to Mrs Merkel on migration, blaming recent terror attacks on the mas[s] influx of refugees… Migration, he argued, “increases terrorism and crime” and “destroys national culture” in a thinly-veiled swipe at Mrs Merkel’s decision to roll out the red carpet to millions of people from the Middle East.
This is as simple as it gets. Over three years ago, in May 2013, a Muslim man decapitated a British solider with a meat cleaver in the middle of a busy London street. I explained it as follows:
It reflects what I call “Islam’s Rule of Numbers,” a rule that expresses itself with remarkable consistency: The more Muslims grow in numbers, the more Islamic phenomena intrinsic to the Muslim world—in this case, brazen violence against “infidels”—appear….
Thus as Muslim populations continue growing in Western nations, count on growing, and brazen, numbers of attacks on infidels—beheadings and such.
And so it has been. While EU leaders and Western media scurry to find pretexts to explain the rise of terrorism—from “Muslim grievances” to wars for “money” and “natural resources,” as Pope Francis recently claimed after Muslims slaughtered a priest in France—reality is much simpler: Islam promotes hate for and violence against non-Muslims.
Accordingly, wherever Islam is in power, such as the Muslim world for example, non-Muslims are grossly persecuted—and not just by ISIS, but by “regular Muslims”—from heads of state, to police, to educators, down to the mob.
If Muslims persecute non-Muslims where they are strong, is it any wonder that, as Muslim numbers grow in Europe, as they have in recent times, attacks on non-Muslims grow with them? Or, as Orban put it, Muslim immigration “increases terrorism and crime.”
The Hungarian prime minister’s second important point agrees with another point I’ve been repeatedly making, most recently last week in an article titled, “Eject Western Traitors, Beat Islamic Terrorists”:
Those who seek to reverse this situation [growing Islamic terrorism] must begin by embracing a simple fact: Islam is not terrorizing the West because it can but because it is being allowed to….
Today [as opposed to historically], Muslim terrorists, rapists, and criminals are not entering the West against its will but because of it….
Orban agrees:
We must make it clear that our problem is not in Mecca, but in Brussels [capital of the EU]. The obstacle for us is not Islam, but the bureaucrats in Brussels. We would be able to deal with Islam if we were allowed to deal with it in the way we think we should.
Simply put, whatever Islam is or teaches—whether it is violent or not, whatever it does “over there” in Mecca and elsewhere—is not the immediate problem.
Rather, the immediate problem is that EU “bureaucrats in Brussels” are imposing Islam “over here,” or, as I had more bluntly concluded:
Western policymakers who insist that Islam is peaceful (despite all evidence otherwise) and that the West is “obligated” to receive Muslim migrants, are 100% responsible for the daily victims of jihad, most recently an octogenarian priest…. The war begins with them. Kick them and their suicidal policies out, and watch Islamic terror on Western soil fizzle out.
It’s all very simple: More Muslims equals more violence against non-Muslims. This formula acknowledges that not all Muslims, or even the majority, are inclined to acts of terrorism. However, as Muslim numbers grow in general, it’s only natural that the numbers of “radicals” grow with them (e.g., 10 % of 100 is only 10, but 10% of a 1,000 is 100).
And the immediate issue isn’t whether or why Islam is violent; the immediate issue is that Western leaders are the ones enabling and importing it into the West.
It still remains to be seen if Orban is right “that other European nations would come around to Hungary’s no-nonsense way of thinking as the reality of regular terror attacks set in.”
Hate & violence is a “battle tactic”, power, wealth , land & booty is the reward. Politicians must pay their voters for voting for them. Voters mostly vote for Something in return.Whatever the promises are, it takes money! There must be a Lot of money trading hands to keep this going.
The German economic machine, which has made ample use of money stolen from Jews who were precisely killed in the 40s so as to steal their money, now needs cheap labour and the destitute Syrians risking their own lives to make the crossing into Europe and paying out of their own pocket to make their way to Germany were excellent candidates to fill the gap.
before they get to Europe, someone baths, shaves, haircuts & nice cloths them. These arnt refugees, these are dangerous young men! The Gulf states are afraid of them But Im convinced are paying for a lot of this just to keep them out .Of course like all western governments who need more money coming in (broke) & business men who need cheaper labor, are encouraging this!.Germany is just smarter than most EU states. The men go for the best benefits, Norway, Sweden Britain, Germany. Most come thru Turkey, hummm,, bordering Germany.
A lot of them were well off and living comfortably in Syria before they decided to make the journey…apparently, some of them refused to apply for asylum and decided to travel back to Syria when they heard that applying for asylum means giving up all their property rights back home…I have seen some of the men. The looks they give you are out of order completely (I am a young woman myself) but there are those that seem really poor and genuinely affected by the war. However, if they settle in Greece, I would expect them to be peaceful simply out of gratitude for having been given refuge, but not necessarily their offsprings who would be born in times of peace and have no real reason to be peaceful. So this is what makes me feel uneasy as well.
As Muslim numbers grow, instead of employing Taqiyya, the Muslim is able to act his true beliefs.
I agree with Orhan and Raymond, however, in addition to this would like to add, it is not immigration from just anywhere that increases the crime rate, but immigration from Muslim and war-torn countries. Why didn’t anyone work it out that the reason why at least a percentage of those “refugees” were getting out of Syria because they were losing the war against the secular government and they could have easily been fighting on the side of the caliphate? The immediate rise in violence comes as no surprise.
Moreover, not sure if the EU is to blame, or more the behaviour of one particular German politician, Angela Merkel, who in co-operation with the PM of Greece, Tsipras, the Turkish coastguard and the UN have been encouraging these people to come here. Their expectation to cross borders unhindered till they get where they want is simply ILLEGAL. International law says you should claim asylum in the country you enter first and since when is it ok to cross borders unchecked and without any documentation? Who is going to bring those responsible for this to justice?
Europe must eject all Muslims who lack citizenship, and return them promptly to their home countries. Nothing less will do to prevent the Muslim horde from overrunning Europe.
Even the scholar Mr. Ibrahim overlooks to emphasize (here, anyway) that two incompatible social orders now confront each other today in Europe: Democracy and Theocracy.
Democracy means rule by the people. Theocracy means rule by religion (or by priests).
The history of Europe demonstrates its rejection of theocracy as its organizing principle in favor of democracy.
Now the adherents (Muslims) of a theocracy (Islam) have begun accumulating in numbers in Europe, with some influence on public policy to accommodate both the practices and the dogmas of Islam. Unbidden, however, religious violence erupts from the Muslim community, directing itself at non-Muslims. Yet, European leaders appear unable to think or say that Muslim religious violence arises from the Muslim community, and from nowhere else.
Burying one’s head in the sand and reflexively conveying this action as leadership in fact misleads the citizenry, by effectively blinding it to the clear and present enemy: Muslims following the violent teachings of Islam as Allah and Mohamed command. Islamic extremism arises straight from these teachings.
More accurately, as Mr. Ibrahim has clarified elsewhere (if I understand him correctly) the expression “Islamic extremism” tries to separate Muslim terrorism from a moderate Muslim community that lives in peace. Instead, the teachings of Islam call for Muslims everywhere to conduct religious violence against non-Muslims (infidels).
Further, Islam has two faces, one for itself (preaching jihad against infidels) and one for infidels (portraying Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance). Mr. Ibrahim discusses these two faces in his book, “The Al-Qaeda Reader.”
As bad if not worse, the teachings of Islam call for Muslims to lie to infidels to cover the true intention of Muslims to spread Islam everywhere. This practice continues the two faces of Islam.
Philosophically, then, Islam suffers from a duality. We may call this two-facededness a knowing moral dualism, between good and evil. The texts of Islam set forth this duality as a doctrinal practice under the banner of religion.
By this irreducible finding of a split between good and evil found right in the avowed intentions of Islam, a rational person must wholly reject Islam as a worthy belief system.
After all, Islam falls short of intellectual integrity, resulting in a practice of intellectual dishonesty and producing its child dissembling. By this deceit, Muslims deliberately conceal their motive of spreading Islam.
This deceitful conduct introduces a falsity into dialog with Muslims, preventing trust in the word or in the actions of Muslims, without exception.
Trusting the word of another has long characterized a foundational social practice in Western civilization. By religious mandate, however, Muslims cannot faithfully engage in this trust of another on his word.
For this reason alone, but among others, the West must actively oppose Islam whenever found on Western territory, where democracy prevails.
Islam once again imperils the West. Our time needs a strong leader to resist and beat back the Muslim horde. Europe may consult its own history for shining examples of such leadership.
Nice post. Well said and thorough.
Thank you.