We often hear about Egypt’s Christians being attacked by Muslim mobs. What we rarely hear about is what happens afterwards.
Are the culprits imprisoned? Are the victims compensated? Do authorities take measures to help prevent such attacks from happening again?
While the acquainted reader may correctly assume no, the anatomy of what always takes place is of interest.
First, the attack itself is often based on the accusation that some Christian dared overstep his bounds, that is, he broke Islam’s supremacist dhimma contract.
Christians trying to build a church, romantically involved with Muslim girls, or insulting Muhammad—all banned according to Islam—are typical violations that prompt large, armed Muslim mobs to attack all the Christians in that village (and their church if one exists) as a form of collective punishment, which is also Islamic.
While the attack is in progress, the besieged Christians do the only thing they can: frantically call the local police and/or state security.
Based on private conversations with those involved, formal complaints from the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt, and objective media reporting, here’s what happens practically every single time:
Police and state security take their time to get to the scene, allowing the mob ample time to riot with impunity. It is not uncommon for authorities to arrive two or three hours after a mob attack commences—even when they are closely stationed.
For example, after 3,000 Muslims rose in violence against the Christians of a village near Alexandria in 2012, it took the army an hour to arrive—even though it was stationed a mere mile away: “This happens every time,” said a Christian eyewitness. “They wait outside the village until the Muslims have had enough violence, then they appear” (Crucified Again, p. 175).
After the uprising has fizzled out, authorities arrive. Instead of looking for and arresting the culprits or mob ringleaders—or, as often is the case, the local imam who incites the Muslim mob against the “uppity infidels” who need to be reminded of “their place”—authorities gather the leaders of the Christian and Muslim communities together in what are termed “reconciliation meetings.” During these meetings, Christians are asked to make further concessions to angry Muslims.
Authorities tell Christian leaders things like, “Yes, we understand the situation and your innocence, but the only way to create calm in the village is for X [the offending Christian and extended family, all of whom may have been beat] to leave the village—just for now, until things calm down.” Or, “Yes, we understand you need a church, but as you can see, the situation is volatile right now, so, for the time being, maybe you can walk to the church in the next town six miles away—you know, until things die down.”
Needless to say, things never “die down” or “return to normal.” Christians who agree to banishment are seldom allowed reentry and churches rarely resume being built, for the mob will rise up again.
To be sure, when the authorities arrive to the scene of the crime, beaten and robbed Christians regularly reject the idea of being placed into a room with their persecutors in a mock reconciliation meeting that has proven time and again only to add insult to injury.
But when they rebuff the authorities’ offer and demand their rights as citizens against the culprits, the authorities smile and say “okay.” Then they go through the village making arrests—except that most of those whom they arrest are Christian youths. Then they tell the Christian leaders, “Well, we’ve made the arrests. But, just as you say so-and-so [Muslim] was involved, there are even more witnesses [Muslims] who insist your own [Christian] youths were the ones who began the violence. So, we can either arrest and prosecute them, or you can rethink our offer about having a reconciliation meeting.”
Under the circumstances, dejected Christians generally agree to the further mockery. What alternative do they have? They know if they don’t their youth will certainly go to prison and be tortured. In one recent incident, wounded Christians who dared fight against Muslim attackers were arrested and, despite serious injuries, held for seven hours and prevented from receiving medical attention.
This issue of reconciliation meetings is so prevalent and prevents Copts from receiving any justice that a 2009 book is entirely devoted to it. According to a review of the book, which is titled (in translation), Traditional Reconciliation Sessions and Copts: Where the Culprit Emerges Triumphant and the Victim is Crushed:
In some 100 pages the book reviews how the security apparatus in Egypt chooses to ‘reconcile’ the culprits and the victims in crimes where churches are burned; Coptic property and homes plundered, and Copts themselves assaulted, beaten and sometimes murdered; and when even monks are not spared. Even though it stands to reason that such cases should be seen in courts of law where the culprits would be handed fair sentences, this is almost never allowed to take place. And even in the few cases which managed to find their way into the courts, the culprits were never handed fair sentences since the police invariably fell short of providing any incriminating evidence against them.
The farcical scenario of reconciliation sessions has thus without fail dominated the scene where attacks against Copts are concerned, even though these sessions proved to be nothing but a severe retreat of civil rights.
Politically speaking, the authorities aim—through the reconciliation sessions—to secure a rosy façade of the ‘time-honoured[’] amicable relationships between Muslims and Copts’, implying that they live happily ever after. The heartbreaking outcome, however, is that the only winners in these sessions are the trouble mongers and fanatics who induce the attacks in the first place and who more often than not escape punishment and emerge victorious. The Coptic victims are left to lick their wounds.
Worse, not only are the victims denied any justice, but the aggressors are further emboldened to attack again. As Coptic Bishop Makarious of Minya recently put it in the context of discussing how Coptic Christians are now being attacked at the rate of every two or three days:
As long as the attackers are never punished, and the armed forces are portrayed as doing their duty, this will just encourage others to continue the attacks, since, even if they are arrested, they will be quickly released.
Serious question here: was this the situation during Islam’s first years when they have been portrayed as being benevolent rulers over the Christians and Jews they conquered?
It never was, that’s a historical myth perpetuated by the west
I know that. I was wondering, since he said that the authorities bully the Christians into accepting the terms they set during these so-called ‘reconciliation meetings’ so they ‘can secure a rosy façade of the ‘time-honoured[’] amicable relationships between Muslims and Copts’, implying that they live happily ever after’, whether this was the tactic the Muslims used during that time.
For context: https://www.raymondibrahim.com/2015/08/31/how-the-islamic-world-was-forged-an-exercise-in-common-sense/
Read the book: The Myth of Andalusian Paradise, by Mario Fernandez-Morera.
Shocking! Entirely bloody shocking that this is not mainstream media! Was it not in Cairo that Obama made his pact with the unholy pagan islam by proudly stating: The future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of islam??? TRUMP is right! Obama is the founder of ISIS.
He and Hill-Billy Clinton criminals have been aiding and abetting islamic jihadists for a long time now, so much so, that we can make a sound statement that ISIS could never have risen as it has without the help of the USA. Obama left behind billions in a stash for ISIS to takeover, those 2300 humvees among them, while the Iraqi Army ran away.
ISIS robs bankers and storekeepers to keep afloat, targeting kaffirs and apostates viciously, using takfirs freely, whilst ransoming kidnapped victims, just like the false prophet o islam did when he attacked caravans, enslaved his victims, and plundered their property. Islam is sure one evil political ideology.
And Obama and Clinton the leaders of the most powerful country in the world have submitted America to the Muslim Brotherhood, just as the UN as submitted to the OIC. The muslims and marxists and masons are overthrowing our western kaffir and apostate civilisation, so that they can wipe Israel off the map. While the USA protects Israel, these muslims cannot attack Israel. So this stuff is really very important. And TRUMP IS RIGHT!
Islam must be stripped of its privileged status as a religion and declared a crime against humanity. It is a subversive violent barbaric political movement that breeds psychopaths prolifically.
Obama isnt the founder, a spirit who called himself an angel of Allah created all this. Its the same god as Baal-god of Force. Obama joined the gang of cutthroats, as have many threw out history. Many are playing along (including muslims,) out of fear, greed or lust! we battle not against flesh (Obama) or blood but spiritual powers in dark places. (BTW ISIS is a female goddess of perversion since before the flood.lol)
Islam is unmitigated evil, and if it is not stopped in the 21st Century once and for all it will continue to plague Humanity with violence and injustice. It must be eradicated from the face of the Earth a.s.a.p.
Under Sharia, there are only Muslim rights and non-Muslims are merely tolerated. That is why the Egyptian police/army slow roll to respond to Coptic cries for relief – the rights of the Mohammedan mob takes precedence over the persecuted Christians. That is why the reconciliation meetings address the rights of the persecuting Mohammedans and not the rights of the violated Christians – Christians have no rights. That is why the police/army arrest the Coptic young men who dare defend themselves and not any Mohammedans who were raping and pillaging – only the complaints of the Mohammedans are valid to the Mohammedan policemen and army officers. Since the Christians somehow forfeited their “protection”, it remains for the authorities to set a new higher price for “protection”.