An Arabic language video of an Al Azhar professor, Dr. Salim Abdul Galil, is instructive of how that Egyptian institution sees the relationship between Muslims and Christians.
In it he discusses Koran 3:28: “Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels rather than believers: whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah—unless you but guard yourselves against them, taking precautions.” Galil began by explaining this verse as meaning Muslims must never befriend or aid non-Muslims, especially against fellow Muslims.
However, if Muslims find themselves under non-Muslim authority and fear for themselves, they may, in the words of the Koran verse, “guard” themselves, by “taking precautions.” The sheikh explained that this means that it is permissible for Muslims to pretend to be “one of them,” the infidels, but only on the outside.
By way of example, he said that if the Muslim is under the authority of Christians, and the cross is everywhere, the Muslim can wear the cross and hang it up— despite Islam’s well-known virulent hatred for the cross; he can also pretend to be a Christian and conceal his Muslim practices. Sheikh Galil called this strategy—also known as the doctrine of taqiyya—as a “license” granted by Allah to Muslims to protect themselves against infidels.
Here, again, is a reminder of why Al Azhar is regularly accused of teaching the same brand of Islam that “radicals” adhere to. Al-Qaeda has published a long treatise on this very topic, “Loyalty and Enmity,” calling on Muslims to hate non-Muslims, but permitting them to pretend to be one of them whenever circumstances make it prudent to do so.
And here again is a reminder of why it is that Egypt’s Coptic Christian population lives under unenviable circumstances.
I know you’ve covered this topic before Raymond but unfortunately it has to be constantly repeated.
Taqiyya is a concept that most non-Muslim are not familiar with and have trouble believing. It has to be explained repeatedly with the explanations backed up by citations from the Koran, hadith and Islamic jurisprudence.
Keep up the good work Raymond Ibrahim.
Viralent hatred how unfortunate for the person who holds such eternal pain in their heart. The scriptures declare for it is written:
Malachi 1:4
The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi.
I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,
And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation
Hast not easu come from Ishmael
they will swim like huge schools of fish in hell,s fire…………..
More taqiyya, so it seems…it seems that Christianity is based on truth, while Islam is based on deception and scheming.
@R.Arandas. Ahemmm! ….”so it SEEMS…”???? Wow! Time to smell the FOUL ROTTING corpses left by the ‘allah-god’, R.A. Izzzlam and taqiyya and mo-ham-dead ARE an evil trinity of satanic deception! Sounds like your understanding of “Christianity” is seriously lacking the element of REALITY! Jesus said, “I AM…THE TRUTH….” –NOT, ‘I think, hope or ‘SEEM’ to be’…..
just tell people that the murdering pedophiles will lie through there teeth to any non muzloid they meet and then try to rape and or murder your children and then your women and in that order because these cowardly pig demons are truly afraid of what a of what a god fearing adult will do to them…..
From what I read from translations of the Koran it is OK to deceive if for the benefit of Islam!
Muslims don’t realize that Moses appeared with Elijah in God’s presence, before Jesus but not before Muhammad. This was a sign that these two witnesses would appear again in Jerusalem ( also known as Sodom or Egypt where also our Lord was crucified). The first of the 10 commandments written with God’s finger states that Egypt (modern day Jerusalem) is the house of bondage. So Moses and Elijah will be sent again to Egypt(modern dayJerusalem) to lead all mankind out of the house of bondage. That bondage is coming thru digital money and icon (image) of the beast on our mobile phones. This prophecy is not in the Koran yet is steadily marching towards fulfilment exactly as mentioned in the Book if Revelations.
All filth, violence, savagery, and screwed up false religions always come from either brown colored people or jews. When you stand back and take a broader look at the big picture, it’s basically white caucasians being attacked by everyone else. Jews are at war against white christians and have done so by installing an international banking debt based usury system in western civilization to enslave and overthrow the white race. The jews use the brown colored people to pepper in amongst the white populations to muddy the waters with violence, poverty, degeneracy, savagery, and false religions. The jews are able to do this because they have been able to use their unlimited capital acquired from the debt based usury banking system that they privately own to finance politicians, create anti-white anti-male laws, opening borders for brown colored people, and redistributing wealth from whites to social programs to give “free this” and “free that” to the brown colored people to live as parasites amongst the whites and produce more rats. Feminism, drugs, abortion, no-fault divorce, promiscuity of females, etc. all can be traced back to jews.
It’s a war against whites and Christianity of which has it’s roots going all the way back to the money changers. The international wealth of jews today can be traced back to the money changers. That’s where Satan planted the seeds to develop into the cultural war we are seeing today 2000 years later. It is truly good versus evil.
I must wonder at the complete and total ignorance and stupidity of your statement. How long did it take you to develop such a hatred of those who have done you no harm, specifically the Jews. You claim their is a war against whites and Christianity going all the way back to the money changers, i surmise of te times Christ over threw the tables in the temple areas. Exactly what proof do you bring to the table this is the case? One final thought… you condemn the people of which Christ is one, the Jewish peoples. In doing so, you have condemned yourself to an afterlife of fire and brimstone. Those are not my words but the words of the prophets and Jesus.
@disqus_2wLv2fdUf6:disqus. OMG! You’re insane racial hatred is beyond the pale! Here are a few concepts for you to ponder, “ghost…” Jesus–(that would be God-Almighty, come in the flesh)–Jesus personally HAND-PICKED a BLACK man to share the INSURMOUNTABLE weight of his CROSS! Not to mention, Jesus (that would be GOD) likewise maneuvered a miracle of out-of-body transportation in order for Phillip to preach the Gospel to the ETHIOPIAN eunuch–that would likewise be a BLACK man!!! YOU’RE A BLIND FOOL, ‘ghost…’–a complete and total utterly ignorant BLIND FOOL!!!!!
The funny thing in this mess of stupidity is that you actually think you’re Christian.
More a religion for the prince of lies than anything else. Taqiyya and its practice leaves no room for trust.
THIS why it was written of them that they would be IMPOSSIBLE to get along with because of their belief in the MURDER and the LIE.
That is why Yahuah has to DESTROY Satan. You can NEVER get along with a murderer and a liar. You will be his NEXT victim.
I’ve told intellectually dishonest liberals who are supposed to be “book smart” (even an MIT grad I know) a number of times about “taqiyya”; but they choose to let it go right over their heads. Taqiyya’s obviously worked on them.
I totally Abhor your RACIST view . Jesus in His humanity was a Jew . you need to repent of your views and totally surrender your life to Jesus .Take captive every thought that is at enmity with the Word of God . We are to love our neighbours not hate them .That does not meen agreeing with them . That does not meen accepting the teachings of islam as Islam is a false faith – led by a false prophet teaching of a god that speaks a gospel or teachings at odds with the Gospel of salvation as taught by the Apostles called by the Lord Jesus Christ . In loving our neighbours as Jesus commanded us and showing love and compassion to all mankind [but not necessarily agreeing with them in what they believe and teach] we open the door to them believing in the Gospel of Salvation and repentance from sin to live a crucified and overcoming life . Sir you have a need of Jesus -that is obvious .
everytime a muslim opens their mouth to an infidel (us non-believers) they are practicing taqiyya and kitman.
taqiyya – lying to reach a goal that can’t be attained by the truth
kitman – lying by omission
In other words, muslims are permitted, even encouraged, to lie in order to help their self or to further the cause of islam.
Thank you once again for sharing the truth about this demonic ideology called Islam. They are encouraged to lie. Enough said. So think about who was elected twice as the POTUS. So many deceived and still not awake to what is going on.