A human rights group recently published photos documenting the Islamic State’s fanatical and virulent hate for Christians — even dead ones. The photos show the Christian cemetery of Qarqoosh, Iraq that was vandalized by the Islamic group. Among other things, the jihadis opened coffins and desecrated the remains of the dead– in the picture below, by snapping off the head of a formerly resting-in-peace corpse and throwing the crucifixes surrounding it on the ground.
This type of hatred is demonic. Human hate stops when the enemy is dead. Demonic hatred drives Mohammedans to the graveyards to attack rotting defenseless corpses. This kind of irrationality reminds me of the Nazis during final months of WWII who prioritized the evacuation of Jews (so they could finish killing them) over troop movements and evacuation of wounded soldiers. ISIS is now prioritizing the desecration of graves over their own tactical and strategic situation.
THE MUZLOID is a coward they can only fight with dead men and be assured victory
They were saved long before they’re encounter with evil
The West and its allies must join in common interest to find and snuff all active Muslim terrorists, wherever they lurk, doing so for as long as necessary to achieve this object.
Take off the gloves and pull out all the stops to achieve victory here. Cast aside national pussification. After all, wartime necessitates and justifies extreme measures.
In unity, the West has beat back the Muslim horde in the past. It can do so again, by mustering power and political will for this long battle.
Let us take heart from the example of the Spaniards who spent 770 years during the Reconquista to drive the Muslim horde from Spanish territory.
we should save a few and see if they can be cured of this insanity they suffer from…..
you all have to remember the lowly muzloid demon is a coward they cannot engage live men in battle because we can fight back unlike the woman and children they so love to rape and murder ….are we sure they just werent hungry and decided to have a snack you know we are dealing with demonic little critters……………….
what 3 letter agency from the USA coaches these swine?
why ramp up the disgusting evil now?
makes people want war.
makes lots of $$$$$ for who?
ISIS is just following the examples of their Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad and Islam are the ideological sources for terrorism.
We need to ban Islam and Muslim migration to the West.
Hear, hear!
Save your Pig grease and bacon bits for their mosque ….. they will have to move ….
@Freedom… No, no, no…. Bacon grease makes GREAT scrambled eggs–My Lord have mercy! Better to use the stuff that comes out of the other end of the pig….
1,400 years of Christian persecution in the Middle East… The world speaks by accepting the savage religion (Islam) into their country. If the west continues to accept Muslims into their country, then we are all doomed. God help us all.
Pure evil. I don’t want to hear about the damned to hell religion ever again.
This is just proof positive of the enslavement and total demonic possession of MUZZLUMZ! izzzlam is NOT an alternative “religion” to know God–IT’S A FIRST CLASS TICKET TO HELL!!!!!
THEY are insane with HATRED. Just like the sodomite Negro obama and Demoncraps.
Is anyone really surprised at anything islamics do anymore?