A Muslim man crept up behind a Christian man and slit his throat, killing him in Alexandria, Egypt, on the evening of January 3.
Adel Suleiman, 48, the Muslim man who committed the murder, did so because his Christian victim, 45-year-old Joseph Lam‘i, owned a shop that sold alcohol, which the murderer deemed “contrary to the shar‘ia [Islamic law] and the religion [Islam],” according to an Arabic language investigative report.
A surveillance video captures the moment of the attack (see below). The Coptic shop owner can be seen sitting in a chair right outside his shop. Then a bearded man appears casually walking along in the background. He stops behind the seated Christian, pulls his head back, and very forcefully and deliberately slits his throat. The Copt instinctively jumps up and away from his assassin, though he quickly succumbed to his wounds by bleeding to death.
According to a preliminary investigation by the national security department of Egypt, “The accused was not prompted by any political or criminal motives but had embraced takfiri [“radical”] thinking four years ago.”
What is clear is that the assassin is a Salafi, one of those Muslims who closely follow the lifestyle and teachings of Muslim prophet Muhammad and his original companions. Both his appearance (the traditional Salafi beard with clipped mustache) and his actions (“defending” Islam from the “corrupting” influences of “infidels”) testify to this fact.
That bastard should be put to death. According to sharia law itself, Christians are allowed to buy and sell alcohol in muslim lands, and muslims may even invest in their businesses (but not consume it themself)!
Christians are being wiped out in Egypt and the ME, and we are letting them pour into Europe to outbreed us. When are we going to wake up?
Terrorism works.
By now, everyone knows islam is nothing more than a terror gang and all muslims are at least potential terrorists.
When confronted by fear, people can respond in two ways:
1.) Honestly – they admit they’re afraid, and so then try to do something about solving the problem; (Conservatives;)
2.) Dishonestly – they pretend to be martyrs, but remain masochists, advising everyone else to Submit, too. (Liberals).
Guess which category most politicians (self-promoting salesmen and liars) fall into?
The solution?
Whenever any organism is attacked, it counter-attacks. (Organisms which submit to diseases like islam, die off).
Cells which have already been successfully co-opted by the disease are also destroyed by the white blood cells.
No problem was ever solved by ignoring it, yet the criminally negligent greed-creed motto of those in charge always seems to be the exact opposite, that: “There’s No Money In Solutions! Whee!” (and its corollary: “It’s not broken, so let’s fix it!”)
The real reason the islamic threat is being ignored in public, is this not-so-nascent “Globalization” movement, which is clearly treason to ALL sovereign national people’s governments. It’s a plutocratic kleptocracy to be run by all those corporazis who never want to pay any taxes to anyone, anywhere, ever; by the global communazi labour guys who want free movement and the same lowest common denominator wages for their 3rd-world slaves, and of course by the moslems who want their one-world islamic ummah, to be run by their theocratic caliphate government. It’s a triple-threat. Against all these evil forces, we have only the Truth … while only they currently control both the fear and the greed.
As long as ONLY the enemy controls both the behavioural conditioning binaries of the stick (fear of personally having one’s own family firebombed or beheaded by the Jihad) and the carrot (greed for oil-money bribes), those sales-puppets we laughingly call “our leaders” and their complicit media presstitute pets will insist on maintaining their preposterously backwards, victim-blaming “narrative” that only we are to blame for the Qur’an’s 1,400 years of hate, so that we should all “Submit and learn how to be better victims!”
As long as we remain the lesser threat to them, “our leaders” will continue to ignore islam.
Demons cannot accept that hell is hell because of their evil. The more hellish hell becomes, the more they double down on their evil. So it is with Islam. As Islamic countries become more Islamic, Mohammedans, in their Sharia induced misery lash out at everyone and everything that is not Islamic believing that their ‘unclean’ presence is the reason for their squalor. Mohammedans cannot accept that their Islamic hellholes are hellholes because of Islam. Naturally, they wish to escape their Islamic hellholes, but not Islam.
If you don’t stop Islam, it will stop you.
Probably the best we can do is not elect someone soft on islam as is obama, in whose treacherous hands the world has descended into an abyss of evil. Most thankfully, I think we’re turning away from that now.
Russian street fighters Russians VS Muslims
Russians doing what France Germany and England should be doing.