What began on December 28 as local protests against high food prices in the northern city of Mashhad, Iran, has spiraled into mass protests consisting of some hundreds of thousands of Iranians in some two dozen cities, including if not especially Tehran, the seat of government. So far over 20 protesters have been killed and many hundreds arrested in what has been widely described as “the most serious internal crisis the country has faced this decade.”
The protests have morphed from mundane topics concerning the economy to more existential topics concerning Islamic leadership. Reportedly hundreds of thousands of protesters have been heard shouting “We don’t want an Islamic Republic,” and calling blessings on Reza Shah, the staunch secularist and political reformer who did much to Westernize Iran, until his son and successor, Muhammad Reza Shah was deposed during the Islamic Revolution of 1979. According to Mideast media, women—such as Maryam Rajavi—are spearheading the current protests (and symbolically rejecting Islamic impositions by publicly removing their hijabs).
Even the Iranian regime sees the current unrest as a revolt against Islam. In his initial remarks after demonstrations first erupted, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said, “All those who are against the Islamic Republic … have all joined forces in order to create problems for the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Revolution” (note the recurrent and telling adjective “Islamic”).
Even so, “mainstream media” see growing poverty and frustration at the lack of social freedoms as the only reasons behind the current unrest. Overlooked in their analysis is that, because Islam is not meant to be a “spiritual thing” one does privately, but is rather a complete system of governance, permeating the whole of private and social life, the ongoing protests in Iran, while ostensibly revolving around economic, social, and political issues, are ultimately protests against Islamic teachings concerning economic, social, and political issues, which the Islamic Republic of Iran has been imposing on the populace since coming to power in 1979.
This is evident even in the new rallying cry of the protestors—“Death to the Dictator”—in reference to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei himself. By its very nature, Islamic law—both Sunni and Shia—calls for dictatorial rule. So long as the caliph, sultan, or emir governs society according to Sharia, Muslims must obey him—even if he is a despicable and cruel personage. After examining a number of Islamic rulings from authoritative exegetes, as well as a number of statements attributed to Muslim prophet Muhammad and in the Koran concerning the importance for Muslims to follow Islamic law—which is the only relevant question of when Muslims should and should not seek to overthrow their ruler—Ayman al-Zawahiri writes,
To summarize: It is forbidden to overthrow a tyrant, but it is a duty to overthrow an infidel. If the ruler is despotic, it is unlawful for a Muslim to rally other Muslims in order to condemn him, for if they do so then they become the aggressors and it becomes incumbent for the sultan to fight them (The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 122).
As it happens, the social oppression currently being protested against in Iran—from second-class status for women, to bans on all forms of expression critical of Islam, its prophet, and his representative on earth—is mandated by Islamic law, thereby making the protesters “the aggressors.”
But even the economic aspects of the protests are largely by-products of Islamist aspirations. As Donald Trump tweeted last Friday, the Iranian “people are finally getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism.” Indeed, the economic suffering of the people has come at a time when the regime has grown rich—not least by Barack Obama giving them over $100 billion as part of a nuclear deal. The reason for the disparity is that the regime has been and continues to spend much of its wealth in trying to realize its stated Islamic ideals; that is, it prefers supporting Hezbollah (currently Forbes wealthiest terrorist organization) and Hamas (third wealthiest) against Islam’s arch “infidel” enemy, Israel, in the name of and for the greater glory of Allah, rather than feed its people.
Incidentally, because the right to protest is a given in the West, and thus occurs often, including over trivial and/or absurd matters—as when university students planned a “sh*t-in,” occupying restrooms as a way of demanding more “gender-neutral facilities”—the grave consequences of the current protests in Iran (which are unsurprisingly also connected to Islam) are as underestimated in the West as they are indicative of just how frustrated many Iranians are:
Protesters could also potentially face the death penalty when their cases come to trial, according to the head of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court, the AP reported. Iran’s semiofficial Tasnim news agency quoted Mousa Ghazanfarabadi as saying: “Obviously one of their charges can be Moharebeh,” or waging war against God [Allah], which is a death penalty offense in Iran.
Moharebeh is precisely what al-Zawahiri was referring to in the above excerpt: the only legitimate reason to overthrow an Islamic ruler is his failure to govern according to Islam—which Khamenei and his regime can hardly be accused of (from a Shia prism, that is). Seeking to depose him because he is personally corrupt, despotic, cruel, or spending more money on jihad than food is forbidden, and transforms the protesters into aggressors against Allah, a crime worthy of punishment, including death.
Are you proposing the West should intervene to help them? At all costs that must NOT happen. The only thing Trump should do is what he has already done – give them some verbal encouragement – absolutely no more than that. I also do not accept that they are acting against Islam as much as you believe they are. Even if some of the protesters’ aims are to kick Islam out, the dynamics within a Muslim-majority state (with a likely majority of Muslims who have a religious and cultural allegiance to Islam) surely dictate that if the current regime is removed, it will merely be replaced with another sharia-oriented regime. They are quite capable of seeing that through without our help, and without further risk to our countries of more ‘refugees’ who supposedly want a better life but simply end up making our societies more Islamic.
I think Raymond wants to shed light on the truth and not incite an intervention by the ‘west’. In my view its best of the people in Iran to resolve it through their own eyes being opened to the real root cause of their suffering.
I am genuinely hoping you may address these concerns in some way Raymond because I have great respect for your analysis, having listened to many many hours of your talks and read two of your books. Many of my conservative friends and critics of Islam I am speaking to, like myself, are very skeptical.
I agree with PhilLC. I don’t think Raymond is stating the west should get involved. We all know that would be a mistake and unwelcomed by the Muslims. They need to make the change themselves, but receiving encouragement from the top leader of the world is not a bad thing. I wish we did the same before ever entering Iraq (false flag re; WMD)…
As an Iranian with strong understanding of Persia’s history
and Islam, I can address your concerns: Iranians have never been as ease with
Islam. Ever since the Arabs conquered the Persian Empire in 651, they faced uprisings
and rebellion. But the military uprisings did not succeed and resulted in more
bloodshed, so Iranians started attacking Islam from within, and changed the harshness
of it. Shia form of Islam that is practised in Iran today is much
more liberal that the Sunni version (for example, you can compare the status of
women in Iran and Saudi Arabia). The Shia sharia laws of the clerical rulers of
Iran have been constantly challenged (especially by women) since the tragic
takeover of Iran by Shia clergy, shamefully helped by President Jimmy Carter.
The current protests address the heart of the Islamic theocracy and demand removal
of it. I fully appreciate the difficulty of fathoming out the politics of the
region and its cultures for the Western reader. I can only speak for my
country, with some knowledge of the neighbouring countries after having
followed the events in the region for several decades- it is a herculean task!
Thank you for your input. What many westerners don’t understand or are not familiar with is that the ‘cultural’ allegiance of the indigenous people of ‘Iran’ is to Persia, not to Arabia via Islam.
Thank you for your input! What many westerners may not fully realize is that the cultural allegiance of the indigenous people of the ‘Islamic Republic of Iran’ is Persia not Arabia via Islam and I believe that this is exactly the point that Mr. Ibrahim is making and that you are also communicating.
You have my utmost respect and I hope to see Iran/Persia return to her former glory before 651, Arabs slaughtered millions all over the middle east and Central and far east Asia. They are a different breed and worse still interbred so their IQ is also very low.
Thank you for your kind comments. Iran was the United States’
strongest ally in the Middle East until the tragic takeover of the country by
deceitful Shia Moslem mullahs in 1979, helped by the Liberal Left Democratic
Party President, Jimmy Carter. As a result, the Iranian people have had to
endure the most barbaric tortures and executions commanded by the murderous Ayatollah (translates ‘Shadow of Allah’) Khomeini. His grandfather was sent to Iran by the ‘British East India Company’ to spy on the country. But the Iranian nation, having a strong sense of nationhood and culture, have ‘civilised’ the mullahs and they do not (and dare not) commit the atrocities of the earlier times of the revolution.
Nevertheless, we are still in bondage and need every support we can get to eradicate the mullahs and Islam from our country. Majority of Iranians
are very pleased that President Trump is supporting the current protests. It
would benefit United States in the region too, if the mullahs were removed. It
would save many American soldiers’ lives, as Iran supplies arms and expertise
to enemies of the United States in the region and beyond.
One important issue that I need to point out in Raymond’s article,
concerns the person of Maryam Rajavi: she is the co-leader of a terrorist
organisation called ‘The People’s Mujahedin of Iran’. They are a Marxist-Islamist organisation who receive financial aid from enemies of Iran (and have been involved in murder of Americans in Iran), like Saudi Arabia, and in the absence of a viable opposition, have collected a crowd of misguided supporters abroad. But they have very little support within Iran, and there has been no mention of them in the chants of the recent protests. They were instrumental in bringing the mullahs to power, but fell out with them later. To know more about them, see the Wikipedia article on the web. They are not connected to the campaign of removal of hijab which was started by a lady journalist. Maryam Rajavi always appears with a headscarf!
May He be with Iran in her battle for freedom, Iran is certainly receiving a lot of support. Now we need to get idiotic Europe on Iran’s side but dipsticks like the women in the Swedish government clearly do not know their history or the greatness of Iran up until 1979. The Brits did not strike a good deal with Iran way back viz a viz OIL, but Iran won out. Never underestimate an Aryan mind, still I suppose we can forgive the Brits this was at the height of the British Empire, note the Empire died with little blood shed so maybe they are not so bad after all.
I agree with you. Let them solve their problems.
Iran will solve her own problem, note Russia is very quiet.
Are you from Ireland? Did you know that some scholars believe that Persia’s ancient name and Ireland’s share the same root word?
I live there yes, it is not my home it is where I pitched up, and now you mention an intellectual Irish friend of mine pointed this out to me. This does not surprise me, the natural appearance of Irish women and men is clear skin, blue green or light brown eyes, absolutely blue black hair, the bone structure is similar. Then there is the viking mix which produces the red hair. According to ancient Irish history this people came from the East, Central Asia, it is almost the first chapter of Irish History. The Irish are pretty smart, as one Professor of Geology {not Irish} pointed out “you can speak with an ancient farmer and be astounded at his innate knowledge of the land mass of Ireland.” Ireland is predominantly surrounded by hills and the middle is peat lands, flat like a caldera, Ireland is made up of two land masses one moved North and the other moving south. Bearing in mind Ireland is close to the Atlantic ridge which is volcanic in parts. Iceland sits on two tetonic plates which then brings us to the Icelandic Sagas the destruction of Valhalla or Ragnarock. I must stop my mind is racing making too many connections. Just let us hope Persia/Iran is the first central Asian nation to cut herself from any form of Islam for this will have a domino effect. As for Saudi who cares? Ishmael finished up there and this is where Muhammad came up with his evil religion of atrocities and blood cult, onc sect of these people still bury wives alive when the Islamic husband dies. Remember Sutti, this had to come from within Islam. Happy New Year 2018
Raymond Ibrahim explica que a revolta no Irã é contra o Islã pois pela Sharia é proibido a um muçulmano se revoltar contra seus líderes não importa o quão desumanos sejam. A única exceção é quando este líder abandona o Islã. Por outro lado a pena da Sharia para os revoltosos pode ser a morte. Não é brincadeira.
And another brilliant piece by Mr. Ibrahim, have been following for the last four years.
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim, for giving us the real facts, for as usual, the ‘snake news’ does not. It is too bad that so many people do not realise to what extent Obama aided and abetted Islamic Iran to the detriment of Iran’s ordinary citizens.
If a people want islam out then they have to do it. Just as with communism – the people either vote it in or out. And if they have to fight for what they want then let them do it. It is about time we take a step back when moslems kill each other and stop thinking we have to go in because in the end, they keep biting the hand that feeds/helps them. I am sick of the whole lot of them – here and abroad.
The Persians are indeed nothing like the Arabs…or the Turks, for that matter. Generally speaking, they seem to be much less radical than the other Muslim communities. You don’t see Iranians typically stabbing or killing people in Britain or Germany.
This is so true, the dilution of Iranian/Persian blood with Arab marauders back in the 7th century is a travesty. What could women do when raped? In order for these savages to achieve lighter skin and higher IQ’s. How I would like to see an Islam free Iran/Persia, anyone have the courage to use the Silken ribbon against these predominantly Arab Ayatollah’s? Child marriage was unheard of before Islam I simply cannot respect Islam it is too full of laws against humanity. Yes the Turks are quite savage, as my grandfather pointed out (deceased) “none so brutal and savage as Turks in war” Omar Khayam is a great poet, philosopher, healer & mystic and he certainly enjoyed wine. A great grape came from Iran which produced Shiraz a more Persian name one could not make up. I simply cannot imagine Omar Khayam would have taken a girl child to wife, he preferred women. Getting carried away, have many exiled Persian friends none of which I have to say are Muslim.
The Iranians are such a great people…they deserve more than this failed Islamic Republic. They deserve more than this cruel religion.
I hope to God that they will walk free one day, free of Islam’s influence forever.
Iran supports the group Hezbollah (Lebanon, mostly) because it’s Shiite but doesn’t support Hamas (Gaza, Egypt) because it’s a Sunni group, mostly supported by Saudi Arabia, Iran’s archenemy. Over the years, the Mideast countries learned to “accept” Israel… Best for the New Year 🙂
I pray the young Persians who hate being ruled by Islam will win and have Hezbollah and Hamas removed from among them. Persia & Israel were on good terms until the Ayatollah’s came to power. Neither shiia nor wahhabi islam can be respected. I simply cannot accept it is a great religion. It is merely Muhammad having stolen from the Torah the two sons of Abraham, one of which was Ishamael? When I was a little girl growing up in middle class England these people were always referred to as Ishmaeli’s, unspoken words told me of their origins. One could almost say as in the case of Easau, Cain & Ishmael all represented the dark side of humanity and so today’s Ishmaeli’s play out according to their destiny.Genesis extract from 18 “Arise, lift up the youth and grasp your hand upon him, for I will make a great nation of him.” He did not specify in what way great but HE did say such a nation would be ruled by the sword and so it is. The emblem of most Islamaeli nations is the crossed sword in particular Saudi where Hagar & Ishmael finished up, in the desert of Paran. So we know where Muhammad got his ideas from but he neglected to observe the ten Commandments. Muhammad confessed his sin on his death bed but this is sadly left out of most illiterate Muslims creed of today. Success and good will for the New Year 2018.