Although many in the West insist Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are “sibling” religions with a foundation to build on—also known as the Abrahamic Myth—top Egyptian cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb says that Judaism and Christianity are not even religions. In a televised interview, he gave the mainstream Islamic view on “religions”:
There is only one heavenly religion. All the prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, came to call [people] to that one religion. What is the name of this one religion? In the Koran it is named “Islam.” Thus, as the religion, Islam is not only the message that came to Muhammad, but rather the message that came to Muhammad, along with the message that came to Isa [Jesus], along with the message that came to Moses, along with the messages that came to all previous prophets.
Tayeb proceeded to explain that it is acceptable to speak colloquially of separate “religions” that were delivered to Muhammad (Islam), Jesus (Christianity), and Moses (Judaism)—including when in dialogue with the adherents of the latter two.
However, in the language of the Koran, in science, in reality, there is no such thing as “the religion of Islam,” “the religion of Christianity,” and “the religion of Judaism.” No, there is only one religion; Islam is its final form. Christianity was a manifestation of it, and Judaism was a manifestation of it—but all of these are now called Islam.
Now if Judaism and Christianity are not stand alone religions in the eyes of Islam, what are they? They are discarded (and discredited) shells that served their purpose of paving the way for the one final and true religion, Islam; they are, in a word, kufr—infidelity—and those who still adhere to them, kuffar, infidels—precisely what Muslims are commanded to “fight … until the religion, all of it, is for Allah” (Koran 8:39).
From here the unenviable lot of those non-Muslim minorities living under Islam—such as the Copts, Tayeb’s infidel kinsmen—should become self-evident.
I have no problem with this cleric believing and saying anything. The problem arises when his ideology translates into law and societal norms. His ideology, aka, Sunni Islam is hostile to the Constitution, hostile to the Bill of Rights and COMPLETELY hostile and alien to the Western tradition of liberty. That’s why I reject Islam and I support the cessation of ALL immigration of Muslims into the West, especially the USA. Sunni Islam wages the demographic jihad far more than SHIITE ISLAM can or does. Our Sunni “allies” are nothing more than a Trojan Horse.
Well said, I agree with banning islam in the west as has happened in Angola, and expanding on other places. Well written MR. Ibrahim
Banning Islam is not likely to happen in Europe and North America, while the majority choose to reject the one and only true living God and kowtow to Islam instead. By doing so, they have forfeited wisdom which is a gift from God.
That’s the kind of honesty we need to hear more of!
Another brilliant piece by Raymond Ibrahim, read and pass on,
I have no problem with this cleric believing and saying anything. The problem arises when his ideology translates into law and societal norms. His ideology, aka, Sunni Islam is hostile to the Constitution, hostile to the Bill of Rights and COMPLETELY hostile and alien to the Western tradition of liberty. That’s why I reject Islam and I support the cessation of ALL immigration of Muslims into the West, especially the USA. Sunni Islam wages the demographic jihad far more than SHIITE ISLAM can or does. Our Sunni “allies” are nothing more than a Trojan Horse.
Oy vey! The West sups with the devil.
So when the oic called for a ban on the criticism of “religion,” they were calling for a ban on criticism of islam…only. They would never call for a ban on the criticism of the faiths found in the Bible as these are proof that islam is a false religion and comes from s.tan the d.vil, just as ba’al worship did.
And when hilary clinton agreed with them to “shame” people who have freedom of speech, she was not including Christianity and Judaism in her agreement that “religion” should be protected from criticism.
The Egyptian cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb believes that Judaism and Christianity are not even religions. However, this cleric has no idea that the Judaic, Christian and Islamic religions were born from the first formal religion of Egypt. Few people know that AMEN was the greatest Egyptian God for 2,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. In Revelation 3:14, Jesus announced for all those who hath an ear that, ” Amen is the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.” These are words of truth from a man of God.
Getting back to the Egyptian cleric who lacks an education in the history of religions, he has been brainwashed by the abominable verses in the Qur’an. People who desire to learn about what are those abominable verses that incite bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of people who do not follow Islam are invited to read the following article, .
Nicholas Paul
Your Freemasonry pedigree is showing sadly I’m afraid from your use of the word Amen. I fearctge brainwashing you refer to has a finger pointing back to freemasonry which is the eierdhip of Baal. I hope you escspebone day.
Thank you Raymond for keeping us updated.
Another excellent article Raymond Ibrahim. Keep them coming.
As they say, the sheik is entitled to his own OPINION but he is NOT entitled to his own FACTS. Yet another concoction! never heard of this one before. Ah, I get it. In that religion, you make it up as you go along!
Pernicious, malicious twisted “interpretations” of a single man amounts to ZILCH.
When their book acknowledges that Jews and Christians are people of the book, and now after all these centuries this joker comes up with a hypothesis… this is ludicrous, ridiculous, and beyond laughable. Flush it down the sewer!
Top Egyptian cleric is an ignorant fool, and a biased and bigoted one.