While some in the West bend over backwards not to be “Islamophobic” or critical of Islam — and while Muslim heads of state and the OIC scold the West for the same — below is an idea of the sorts of cartoons that appear regularly in Arabic language media (my translations appear beneath each image):
The man to the left, who is labeled as a “moderate Muslim” — and who represents the Muslim Brotherhood — says, “Before he slaughters you, permit me to tell you that he does not represent the true Islam…”
At the very top, the turbaned man tells the other, “Whoever wants to believe or not to believe [in Allah/Islam] is free to do so.”
The man responds, “I choose not to believe.”
“Wrong choice!” says the turbaned one as he slices the other’s head off.
In the first image (to the right), the man exclaims, “Islam is a religion of mercy and peace!”
In the next image (to the left), we see what he’s about as he says, “Now which SOB says otherwise?!”
Top: “Who among you desires the enforcement of Sharia?”
Middle: “Who among you desires to live in a nation that enforces Sharia?”
Bottom: “Who among you desires to live in Europe or America?”
An Africa jihadi (representative of Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, and the like), rebukes a poor, starving villager woman: “It is forbidden to eat the food delivered by the UN because it is infidel!”
The woman replies: “And that grenade in your hand which was made by the infidels — is it permissible?”
Thank you – a good illustration of Islamic hypocrisy; even so, the West continues to be blind and deaf by choice.
This is brilliant stuff
May those cartoonists rest in peace.
All the cartoons are extremely revealing of the sick nature of Islam. The one about the masses of Muslims and their conflicting sentiments regarding sharia illustrates the peril of Muslim immigration the best.
With any luck at all, the cartoonist(s) likely just discovered what those 72 “virgins” actually look like..
Are these appearing in Christian Arab sources or Islamic? I’d be surprised if they were Islamic sources.
Actually Juan, I was reading an article just two days ago. It said that the Arab states who aren’t Islamic, like the Christian, Druze and Baha’i, put these kind of comics in newspapers, magazines etc. all of the time.
There are many religions in the Arab states that are kind and respectful, however the Muslims have infiltrated the Arabic nations as they have every culture on all of the continents, to try and take over world domination. The same as Hitler and Genghis Khan, countries like Holland, England, Spain and of course the Aribic countries. The United States took over Hawaii, Alaska and some of the Islands in the Pacific. The problem with Islamic rule is it demands you become a Muslim or you die.
All the cartoons are extremely revealing of the sick nature of Islam. The one about the masses of Muslims and their conflicting sentiments regarding sharia illustrates the peril of Muslim immigration the best.
There is a need for people worldwide to become knowledgeable of the history of Islam and the abominable verses in the Qur’an that incite terrorism and violence against non-Muslims in many countries with the future target being the United States. An article that exposes the repressive ideology of Islam in a peaceful way and benefit both Muslims and non-Muslims is provided via the following link:
These cartoons are “ahkbar”! Thanks Raymond for translating.
Some truth makes good humour. Too much truth makes it news.
It’s beyond my understanding, there are so many who feel it’s unjust to ban Muslims from our country. If someone brought rattle snakes into there home and set them free with there children there, you would call this insane. Yet to fight the Gov. to have them allow Muslims into this country is, not insane????? Seeing what they do, aka Paris, London, 911!!! and what they do to the Jewish people now and back to biblical times, what their laws are aka Sharia, the only intent they have is to kill ALL who don’t believe in their ways, It gives me great pause, to wonder what in the hell is wrong with those who have sympathy for these mass murderers and insane people tells me, you are the problem, you are the ones who need to go to the middle east and become one of them.Would you allow a child molester or rapist babysit your children???? Really! Got your proverbial shit together and smell the roses guys. The fact remain’s, THEY WANT TO RAPE US, TORTURE US AND KILL US SIMPLY BECAUSE WE DON’T CHOOSE TO BE MUSLIM!!! AT ALL COST. THAT IS THE TRUTH AND A FACT, SO WISE UP.