Possibly as a response to Prime Minister Erdogan’s Islamist-led government of Turkey — which, like its U.S. counterpart, has been condemning and threatening Egypt for trying to liberate itself from the yoke of the Muslim Brotherhood — Veto news agency reports that,
Egypt today [August 17] decided to sign onto the international document recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Said Egypt’s interim president, Adly Mansour, on his twitter account: “Our representatives at the United Nations will sign the international document that acknowledges the Armenian Genocide, which was committed by the Turkish military, leading to the deaths of one million.”
Sadly, inasmuch as Egypt moves in the right direction, so, too, does the United States — which was once the leader of freedom and human rights — condemn and attack it, under the Obama administration.
I am starting to feel an intense liking for these brave Egyptian men.
Steadfast for their country while the leftist west spits upon them and
even courageous enough to know who the west’s real enemies are
while the gutless, leftist mediatrash run west cries crocodile tears.
I wish my father was alive to see this. He survived the march into the Syrian desert in 1915. His brothers and sisters died in the march. Turks and Kurds killed many of our relatives. We Armenians carry this wound, this suffering, this loss, that will not heal.
Turkish contribution to history *
– Stealing other cultures and history
– Genocide of several nations (Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Pontic, Syriac and more…)
– Destruction – Killings – Stealing – Rape – Forcibly converting children and women to Islam
– Genocide denying …and more
Oh, God…
Has anyone noticed that the new military government is now being all warm and fuzzy toward Christians? First it offers to rebuild churches destroyed by the Muslim Brotherhood, now it’s going to acknowledge the Armenian genocide.
It would be great if it weren’t for the fact that the Islamists will take this as evidence that the Copts really were instrumental in ousting Morsi, and then they will further blame them for the violence.
What are the Islamists going to do kill them twice.
Well, they’ll continue burning churches and Christian property and kill Copts they haven’t already killed. (Though they’ll probably do that more regardless if the new government is nice to Christians or not.)
God blass Egypt, the leader in the Arabe world.
Today I was privileged to meet a 25 year old Egyptian man in Toronto, Canada. I approached him to ask what language he was speaking. “Arabic”, says he. And then he told me he was from Egypt(Cairo in fact) and was returning there today. He was on the same page as myself as he told me of the horrors of the Muslim Brotherhood’s rule under Morsi. We had an immediate rapport. I asked if he were Coptic, and he replied, “No, I am Muslim!” To meet this young man showed to me how reasonable and honorable Egyptian Muslim’s can be. He told me he was returning to Cairo later in the day, he and a large number of his family, who had just a week ago cancelled plans to return. I told him to be careful, and then we embraced; and we gave each other our e-mail addresses. Indeed there is great hope for Egypt! “I would hope that “this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”! A retired Catholic priest in Canada.
Thank you Egypt.
Thank you, Egypt.
I am of Armenian descent and I somehow find this funny. Egypt’s motivation (getting back at Erdogan) is pretty transparent.