How far will Muslims go in their attempts to follow as literally as possible the teachings of Islam, especially the many countless and colorful fatwas that appear from their ulema, that is, “the ones who know”—the “scholars” of Islam?

Many are aware that Islamic law bans men and women who are not married or related from being in each other’s company. Recently, however, a Saudi cleric, Sheikh Abdullah Da ‘ud, took it a step further on live Arabic TV by insisting that “it is forbidden to be around handsome youth, those beardless boys who have a touch of temptation in them [fitna].”
Nor is Sheikh Da‘ud the only one to suggest that beardless youth are sources of temptation for Muslim men. Islam Web has an English-language fatwa supporting Sheikh Da‘ud’s assertions. And here is American Muslim preacher Khalid Yasin saying that “among the companions of the Prophet, they used not to even look at a man who shaves his beard for fear they may have desire for him.”
Perhaps this explains why Abu Islam, another notorious Egyptian preacher, recently insisted that one of his secular opponents, Bassem Youssef, whom he referred to as a beardless “pretty boy,” should wear the niqab, the face veil worn by some Muslim women.
As Wael Ibrashi of Dream TV, who aired the most recent clip of the Saudi Sheikh, put it, “At a time when the world is busy trying to find cures for cancer and for all the diseases that afflict society, and trying to advance and develop technology, unfortunately some of Islam’s preachers take us backwards in time through their backwards fatwas”—fatwas which seem to get worse with each passing year, such as the recommendation that Muslims drink camel urine for its salutary benefits, based on prophet Muhammad’s advice.
Beardless boys now….sheep and goats to follow.
Actually John, the military has caught qulte a few mooslum men pleasuring themselves with animals on video. And the ayatolalalalala khomenini, the child rapist, in his little green book, which reads like a parody, but isn’t, says it is okay to have sex with animals as long as you don’t eat the meat afterward. He goes on to say it is okay to slaughter the animal and sell it as meat to the town down the road though. Only the person who had sex with the animal can’t eat the meat. Probably a mooslum respect thing, I’m guessing? You know they celebrate the ayatolalala’s birthday in America now! You should also listen to the story about him taking a fancy with a three-year-old girl, whom he raped all night long, at the father’s approval. I guess it was an honor to have the ayatolalala have sex with your baby daughter? The witnesses to the incident, who were traveling with the ayatolalala said they could hear the child crying all night. You can find the translated first-hand account on YouTube. And do check out his LGB, although, be forewarned, it’s pretty sick. I’d say ignorant, but he is only regurgitating moehammy himself so he is schooled well in the religion of pieces.
Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil
I really don’t get it are they still living in the dark ages?
What is it you don’t get?
Maybe they should just deal with their latent homosexuality like an adult instead of blaming the people they want to rape?
Lefties keep on insisting we are all the same. As some can see they, lefties, are besotted with Muslims, does that mean we are all homosexual? Eventually they will win by default if something isn’t done soon. Sweden is lost to them.
Now we know why most muslim men look like ugly bearded garden gnomes, its to repel each other !!!. I must say they do a good job . As a woman I marvel at their hairy ugliness, I also feel great sympathy for the other objects of their desire, the sheep, donkeys and goats.. Islam is a great religion for sexual deviants it seems.
So that's part of the reason they always have beards.