Muslim attempts at “reformation” continue to be limited to words not actions. A few days ago, efforts to set a minimum age for marriage in Saudi Arabia “received a blow after the Grand Mufti said there was nothing wrong with girls below 15 getting married.”
Two years earlier, the justice ministry began pushing for setting a minimum age in the Arabian kingdom. According to Gulf News, “It submitted an integrated study on the negative psychological and social effects of underage marriages to religious scholars and requested a fatwa that sets a minimum age.”
However, the ulema—the “religious scholar,” the learned ones of Islamic law—responded by totally ignoring the request. Saudi Arabia’s highest religious authority, its Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdul Aziz, shrugged the whole matter off by saying “There is currently no intention to discuss the issue.” In other words, case closed.
Although the brief Gulf News report focuses on the age 15, going back to earlier reports when the justice ministry began bringing this issue up, one discovers that the issue at stake is full-blown pedophilia.
Back in 2011, for example, Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, issued a fatwa asserting that there is no minimum age for marriage and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”
Appearing in Saudi papers, the fatwa complained that “Uninformed interference with Sharia rulings by the press and journalists is on the increase”—likely a reference to the justice ministry’s advocacy—“posing dire consequences to society, including their interference with the question of marriage to small girls who have not reached maturity, and their demand that a minimum age be set for girls to marry.”
Fawzan insisted that nowhere does Sharia (or Islamic law) set an age limit for marrying girls: like countless Muslim scholars before him, he relied on Koran 65:4, which discusses marriage to females who have not yet begun menstruating (i.e., are prepubescent) and the fact that Muhammad, Islam’s role model, married Aisha when she was six or seven, “consummating” the marriage—or, in modern/Western parlance, raping her—when she was nine.
The grand point of the Saudi fatwa, however, is not that girls as young as nine can be married, based on Muhammad’s example, but rather that there is no age limit whatsoever. The only question open to consideration is whether the girl is physically capable of handling her “husband.” Fawzan documented this point by quoting Ibn Battal’s authoritative exegesis of Sahih Bukhari:
The ulema [Islam’s scholars and interpreters] have agreed that it is permissible for fathers to marry off their small daughters, even if they are in the cradle. But it is not permissible for their husbands to have sex with them unless they are capable of being placed beneath and bearing the weight of the men. And their capability in this regard varies based on their nature and capacity. Aisha was six when she married the prophet, but he had sex with her when she was nine [that is, when she was deemed capable].
Fawzan concluded his fatwa with a warning: “It behooves those who call for setting a minimum age for marriage to fear Allah and not contradict his Sharia, or try to legislate things Allah did not permit. For laws are Allah’s province; and legislation is his exclusive right, to be shared by none other. And among these are the rules governing marriage.”
Once again, case closed.
Fawzan, of course, is not the first to insist on the legitimacy of pedophilia in Islam. Nor is this just some theoretic, abstract point; the lives of countless young girls are devastated because of this teaching. Recall, for instance, the 8-year-old girl who died on her “wedding” night as her “husband” raped her; or the 12-year-old who died giving birth to a stillborn; or the 10-year-old who made headlines by hiding from her 80-year-old “husband.”
Finally, it should be borne in mind that Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz—the highest Islamic authority in the land of Islam’s birth—not only dismisses calls to place an age restriction for marriage, but is the same Grand Mufti who called for the destruction of all Christian churches on the Arabian Peninsula (as first reported here).
The consistency makes perfect sense. After all, in the eyes of non-Muslims, or “non-believers,” Sharia law is nothing less than a legal system built atop the words and deeds of a seventh century Arab, whose behavior—from pedophilia and sex-slavery to war mongering and plundering to destroying non-Muslim places of worship—was very much that of a seventh century Arab.
Islam has cancer eating away at its core.
and muslims Wonder why we hate islam
And they wonder why we associate Islam with Pedophilia…
Absolutely disgusting … it must be stopped.
And throughout the uk muslims men assault and rape non muslims girls in their thousands, simply because it is condoned in islam.
Pray for the 1400 girls in Rotherham in the north of england who were abandoned by the local child services, the police and were actually willfully put in harms way by these organisation.
The left wing progressive marxist enablers are sick to the core and seem to have an affiliation with pedophilia. Our institutions are full of them.
This is one reason why the leftists have such a happy marriage with islam
Search for Labour25. You will be disgusted.
This should be recognized as pedophilia, and a human rights abuse by the West, and no Western country should do business with any government who allows this practice within their borders. I’m so sick of hearing from our leaders about how Islam is a ‘peaceful’ religion. Sweden is a horror for rape on account of the influx of Muslim immigrants. This ideology is against all reason and decency, and has no place in the modern world.
And the outrage from the feminist left is…
Come on. The disgusting leer in the picture alone is enough to make me want to grab a nuke and start lobbing.
You won’t see or hear any outrage from the feminazis because they hate Jesus just as much as the muzzies do. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
WTF? If you hate feminists so much then why the hell do you care what happens to a little girl in a foreign land? Without feminism in the West, women would still be chattel and sold off for marriage just like these poor children in Saudi Arabia. Whether you love, hate, or just don’t believe in Jesus has no bearing whatsoever on feeling moral outrage over raping and enslaving female children. I am indeed an outraged feminist. Focus your anger on the subject at hand and try not to get distracted by your pet prejudices.
Silly tart. Did I say I hate anyone? Nope I care about any who are helpless.Without feminazis like you in the West, 23 million babies would likely have LIFE and had not been aborted. Hey, Diana, why don’t you point your feckless, liberal, feminist, bull shit gun at MUSLIMS who are killing, raping and depraving women every day instead of putting words in my posts? You feminists are freaking cowards because you only pick on those who won’t call your weak azzes out. Equal pay….blah blah blah….BS. Abortion. Baby killing filth is all you advocate. Call the muslims out for their treatment of women and get some respect. Loser
That should do it. Nice job.
Thank you for that Paine quote. Shall use it wisely.
These are the smartest people in Saudi Arabia. Issuing fatwas on the permissability of doing the un-natural things “The Prophet” did is where all the intellectual firepower of the Kingdom goes. Saudi synapses fire over the wonders of the fraudulent Koran. It’s just too bad. Nothing great will be discovered there. Only a hypnotic nostalgia for a drug like fantasy of a glorious past that will never happen because it probably never happened in the first place.
Guess that makes sense why so many join Islam, any sane person would run a million miles from a group that condones marrying a baby, the perverse minds of Islamists know no bound, and some of our girls run over there to marry them
There is sometimes no cure for mental illness esp those that don’t see the pure evil behind this
And to make sure the girls are even more debases they mutilate them, what a wonderful religion that the Pope, Cameron, Obama and so many damned liberal minded Politician claim to be a religion of peace, and all this evil is no reflection on true Islam, I beg to differ, this is the True Islam they want
Stop them if possible, no girl will be safe from these animals
And liberals scoff when we call islam the demon infested moon god cult. Only the Devil could dream of such evil.
I know I am repeating complaints, but I am looking if someone can give me a thoughtful and serious answer about why the liberal media and feminists are OK with this. I just don’t get it. (serious replies only please)
No feminist who is truly for the rights of women is OK with this. There are people who have taken the word feminist and turned it into something ugly and use it to create discord and use it as an insult. For example the phrase “You must be a feminist if you don’t agree with me!” This isn’t a very good use of the word. In the truest sense anyone who supports a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her life, career, body, finances, living situation , and religion the same as a man does is never going to be OK with this. A real feminist supports everyone’s rights, not just a woman’s, because boys who grow up in an unequal society are being cheated, too. As far as a liberal media, it’s driven by forces I can’t understand and the right wing media agenda isn’t much better so I have no good answer for that part of the question.
“A real feminist supports everyone’s rights.” Herein lies the problem. They used to call knee-jerk liberalism. I haven’t heard that one in a while. Maybe this is knee-jerk feminism. You support the rights of Islamists to have their opinion, even if that opinion is that women must be beaten if they disobey their husbands. If you would consider the consequences of your actions and the consequences of the support you give to those who “only want their rights” then maybe you would have a different opinion. Maybe this is why there are so few american-styled feminsts in Russia: they like chess.
You’ve twisted my words. This is why I rarely if ever comment on line. You’ve taken my statement that “A real feminist supports everyone’s rights” and twisted it to mean that I would
support the rights of abusers to take other people’s rights away, and that is not what I’ve said, not what I meant, and not at all the context of my comment. I will no longer respond to you since your only goal here seems to be stirring up an argument.
Sorry Shelly, no offense, its just the internets.
Good for you. I get exhausted too by this weird side argument. Here we are, women, feminists, people who are deeply disturbed by the gross gender inequity in Islam way more and a lot more personally than any man of any faith or race, only to have to read the bizarre and hateful comments from those who seem to think that feminism is somehow connected to these atrocious acts. It’s truly fucking weird.
That’s super obviously not what she meant. Supporting everyone’s rights may be a somewhat lazy or unclear statement but if you know what “rights” are then that word cannot, categorically, be applied to any action which takes someone else’s rights away. Rights of the individual, by definition, do not extend to taking control of another person, because that would be an obvious contradiction.
This is just evil. I nearly puked when I read the bit about it’s ok to have sex with a girl when she is capable of bearing the weight of a man during sex. I’m sure that lots of Muslims do wait until a girl is properly old enough before getting married, but with these kinds of rulings, paedeophiles are just given the green light to carry on their evil activities.
we can never be like mohamed peace be upon him , and allah allowed it to him because he had a point , not to understand it as rape or pedophilia , besides it’s not our place here to say anything about mohamed. and nowadays people want to marry young girls because they just want to , but let’s not mention islam here .