A young boy in Egypt, apparently no more than six-years-old, was recently raped by a Muslim Brotherhood member “angered” at the child for singing praises to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, widely seen in Egypt as the hero of the revolution that saw the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood in July 2013, and likely Egypt’s next president.

The details, including video interviews with the boy (whose face appears alternatively blotted out or hidden by his hands to protect his identity and dignity) and his father and mother, recently appeared on Egyptian journalist Wael Ibrashi’s television program (the same program that exposed Egypt’s “first sex-slave marriage” and how women were drinking camel urine in connection with Islamic teachings).
The story goes as follows: One day when the boy was singing praises to Sisi near his home, a neighbor, Ahmed Abu Sa ‘id (the Brotherhood member), called him over and took him to a nearby shed, saying he needed help with something. Once inside, Sa‘id locked the door, began tearing the boy’s pants off and raped him, saying, “You’re always holding pictures of this Sisi and singing his praises. Come, I’ll humiliate and break you—and your Sisi.”
The boy started screaming aloud, until the man was finished and released him. According to his mother, “I heard him crying and left my work [in the field] and ran up to meet him. He was holding his pants up. I thought some kids had beaten him!”… (She bursts into inarticulate tears when describing what actually did happen to him.)
When the mother tried to confront her son’s rapist, he and his crew beat her on the head with iron rods.
According to the boy’s father, Ahmed Abu Sa‘id is a well-known Brotherhood member, living in the neighborhood, who often appeared with leading MB members back when Morsi was in power. Sa‘id often tried to enlist the support of the boy’s father but he refused.
Similarly, the raped boy’s mother said that Sa‘id’s wife also tried to buy her support, and once offered her a considerable amount of money—much more than she was earning working in the field—to go and support the Brotherhood “sit ins” in Rabia (where rape, torture, and mass murder were taking place).
In other words, constant refusals from the boy’s family to join and/or support the Brotherhood earned the Sa‘id family’s wrath—culminating with the boy’s rape and degradation, for daring to sing songs in praise of Sisi and the anti-Brotherhood revolution. And now Sa‘id and his Brotherhood allies are threatening the boy’s family to keep silent about the rape, or else.
Of course, none of this should be surprising, as it conforms to earlier Brotherhood patterns. For example, back in December 2012, when Egyptians in mass first rose against Muhammad Morsi, Fox News reported that “Egypt’s embattled Muslim Brotherhood regime is paying gangs of thugs to rape women and beat men who gather in Tahrir Square to protest the power grab of President Mohamed Morsi, say activists.”
This is to say nothing of the fact that, under Brotherhood leadership, rape in Egypt skyrocketed.
More broadly speaking and beyond the issue of rape, during Egypt’s presidential elections back in June 2012 (and as I reported here), Islamist parties in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular made perfectly clear that they would do anything—lie, cheat, steal, threaten, beat, and kill—to get what they want, for example:
- One man “beat his pregnant wife to death upon learning that she had not voted for the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Muhammad Morsi.” According to police reports, “despite her pleas,” the husband “battered and bruised” her after discovering she had voted for Ahmed Shafiq, the other candidate. She died later in the hospital “from injuries sustained.”
- Another 52-year-old man and “supporter of Morsi” slapped his mother for voting for Shafiq. The man took his elderly mother to the voting booth, informing her that she must vote for Morsi; after she voted, he pressed her to confirm that she did in fact vote for him—only to be told that she did not. The man “lost his temper” and slapped her in front of the other voters and electoral supervisors.
- Based on the Brotherhood’s own directives, whole segments of Coptic Christians were prevented from voting. According to Al Ahram, in Upper Egypt, where millions of Copts live, “the Muslim Brotherhood blockaded entire streets, prevented Copts from voting at gunpoint, and threatened Christian families not to let their children go out and vote.”
- A peasant farmer was “stabbed” by a “supporter of Morsi,” simply for putting up a picture of the secular Shafiq on his motorcycle—reminiscent of the recent rape of the boy singing praises to Sisi.
In or out of power, then, the Muslim Brotherhood continues exposing its true colors—at least to those not colorblind.
And these are the people that Obama loves.
Obama must to be a Brotherhood member himself
I believe that President Barack Hussein Obama’s half-brother is a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Kenya.
Obama, is an agent of the muslim brotherhood and a traitor to the USA.
Obama and the US administration are terrified that if they publically admit what muslims are doing that the retaliation by muslims would be so severe that the police or military would be unable to protect us. It would be world war on an unheard of scale. Hundreds of millions would die within weeks. I don’t agree with this, but it is what they are terrified of. It’s been reported by a few media outlets. Their strategy is to attempt to deradicalize muslims in the west because any attempt at removing them would result in massive retaliation. But if the people took to the streets and did this themselves, they couldn’t stop that either. World revolution is necessary, to rid us of Muslims, of Religion, and of Capitalists who have been exploiting this problem to turn nations into Fascist Police States.
The Obama supported Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Savages in Egypt rape a little boy, when will the left tell President Obama to stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Savages?
Stop calling them the left, call them what they are, communists and muslims.
Islam has cancer eating away at its body.
islam itself is a cancer. that is why a woman muslim like me wants nothing to do with any of these brotherhood groups. they love people in the abstract and kill and rape them in reality.
Agreed, stay safe.
Brava to you, Rashida. “Its Obvious” is oblivious to what is really going on. However I believe that Islam is good — but it is these extremist groups who make up their own interpretations who are bad. They are making a very bad name for Islam.
Your belief is fine. But do you have concrete evidence that islam has ever been good, given its apparent blood lust.
Well, do you know about the 5 pillars of Islam?
1. Shadada. Acknowledge your belief in God (Allah = “the God) and that Mohamed is his prophet. Don’t forget: Islam encompasses both Christianity and Judaism. Iessa (Jesus) is the next most important prophet, and Ibrihim (Abraham) is very important as well.
2. Salat. Make prayer 5 times per day.
3. Zakat. Give alms to the poor.
4. Sawm. Fasting during Ramadan.
5. Hajj. Pilgrimage to Mecca if you can afford it.
Now what sounds so bad about that?
Religion is not bad.
But what some people make of religion (for personal power or greed) is blasphemy.
Are you suggesting that man made islam bad?
I am saying that religion is good. Islam, Christianity, Buddahism, etc. But ‘man’ twists it if he is greedy and craves power. And unfortunately there are a lot of people who have done this over the 1000s of years of ‘civilization.’ Kings, Popes, Imams, priests, etc.
Not forgetting the ‘prophet’ himself in that list.
I agree with that statement, with one exception. Christianity has the same problem.
And Well, as I am not interested in sinking to your level any more, this will be the last day that I am replying.
Wasn’t talking about Christianity, but anyway, toodlepip
Islam is the cancer eating away at the body of humanity. Read the history of Islam, amazing it it’s cruelty and imorality.
So is Christianity. Read the history of Christianity, it’s amazing cruel and immoral, even though the initial word from Jesus and others is amazingly beautiful.
I have. Christians were laughtered by the Romans for the first few hundred years, then the Muslims tried to conquer them 400 years later. Took the Europeans 700 years to kick the muslims out of Europe. They are quite literally saints compared to the caliphates. Save for the crusade reaction to the attempted muslim conquest of Europe.
Islam did not try to conquer Christians in the 6th c AD. It was either convert, or pay a tax and live together. All other religions and their people in Europe, etc, were squashed / killed / tortured if they did not convert to Christianity. Female healers were burnt at the stake. If you had a difference of opinion as to whether Jesus was God — or the son of God, you suffered terrible torture / death thru the inquisition, Auto de Fey, etc.
Cortez and other north and south American conquers killed entire tribes and cities in the name of religion (example of using religion for greed and power). The Vatican gold is lined in Inca blood — lot’s of it. Many, many Christians died in the Crusades when trying to spread the word of God (conversion) and attempting to conquer the Holy Land. Richard Lion-heart alone killed all Muslim women and children (over 2000) in one fell swoop when he broke a truce agreement with Sulieman. Lionheart agreed not to attack this town w/only women and children — and he broke it (lied).
Hawaiians were decimated by mercenaries attempting to convert them — and (probably unknowingly) infecting Hawaiians with measles /dying. Jimmy Jones killed almost 1000 himself in a few hours based on his form of Christianity. Shall I go on?
Saints? Realllllllly……….The incidents I listed above don’t sound like the work of saints.
You really need to read history. You probably don’t even know who Charles Martel is. ISIS is simply carrying on its Muslim heritage. Slaves to violence…..all of them.
YOU really need to read history. All the stuff I said in my previous post is 100% true. Your ‘comment’ name should be “its Oblivious.”
the muslims don’t need your history lesson “if it’s in the koran we already have it, if it’s not it’s haram” Burn all the other books. Western education is haram
yes, I am praying for another Charles Martel.
Are you kidding me? Spain being invaded my Muslims wasn’t conquest?
Thanks. Completely forgot about that one, and (just read about it in Wikipedia), it sounded very involved. Thanks for pointing that out.
Ah Yes wiki, such a robust source. You should see the wiki entry for mohammed, makes him sound like a saint. I’m thinking of editing that one myself.
Ooooh. Still nasty and arrogant, huh? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
I only emulate the debating style of those muslims encounteted so many times on these boards. You don’t like it do you when someone plays it the same way? You poor poor dear. If you can’t take it don’t dish it.
Poor little, lost, misinformed boy. I suggest that if you can’t take it, then you shouldn’t dish it out.
Bwahahaha. Ha ha
Repeating what i said is adding so much to the debate. How intellectual of you.
After these exchanges I think most people now know what they are dealing with when you comment on these boards.
Happy New Year to you.
Well, as I am not interested in sinking to your level any more, this will be the last day that I am replying.
Bye bye, missing you already
Ahhh yes taqqiya is such a wonderful thing really!
Something that moslems are the experts at!!!
I’m not Muslim.
Oh here we go, another round of moral equivalence.
“Cast the mote out of your own eye, before you cast the beam out of mine.”
What are you talking about? There has been some cruelty but it cannot be compared to what Islam has done to the world. I believe God helped Christian godly powers conquer countries in the past -and it was for the better of them. They became Christians and developed much better than countries left on their own. For ex, Burma still uses the trucks, busses the British left when Burma gain back independence. As for the Old Testament, I see how dangerous God thinks it is to mix with unbelievers – unlike society at large.
“Some cruelty?” How many Aztecs and Incas were killed? How many women burnt at the stake? How many tortured in the Auto de Fey? etc. I’m not knocking the words of Jesus — they were beautiful, as were many others. But what I am knocking is what ‘man’ has made of Christianity (and other religions), when using it for selfish, ruthless gain. See that’s the part that has bothered me since I was a child. One of the 10 commandments is “Thou shall not kill.” Yet there has been so much killing over the centuries done by Christians. God is good; but many people are bloodthirsty and blasphemous.
Especially when they do it in the name of God, as those are doing in our current MidEast crisis. (Allah = “the God”).
What did Satan show and said to Jesus from the mountain, Uuta?The whole world is his and gives it to whomever he wants. The truth is often not with the mighty and powerful. Those people did Satan’s things even if they wore religious ‘hats’ because that is obviously not what Jesus taught. The multitudes and the powerful crucified Jesus. It is the poor widow that cast in her only dime that is close to God not the mighty ones – often. So learn some basic distinctions here. But as far as protecting Europe from muslim invasion, I say ‘thank God for that!’
Not even sure where you are going with this, Belle. Perhaps you would tell me your point?
Islam’s atrocities stem from the most pure form of islam. What people have done in the America’s, the wars on Irak, etc. does not come from pure Christian values. To learn about pure Christian values, please read the New Testament.
I have. The New Testament is 1/3 of the Quran. The other 1/3 is the Old Testament.
Islam’s atrocities are the same as Christianity has had. Crusades, Inquisition, Auto de Fey, etc. It was common punishment to pull people’s limbs out of socket, behead them, torture them cruely, and kill them alive by burning. But Christianity and Islam are not bad — it is those horrible people who twist the words and use them for their own purposes who are/were.
Hmmm when was the last time you saw a group of christians behead somebody because they criticized god?
When was the last time you saw a Christian blow up a bar?
When was the last time you saw a Christian murder someone while screaming “god is great”??
Stats from 2013 secured from FBI, RJ Rummel, International homicide rate, US Dept of Justice.
1) When comparing the US against 17 ME countries, the US has the third highest murder rate
2) 7 times more people have died in Christian wars than Muslim wars, from 500 – 2000 AD (113.8 million to 16.4 million)
3) From 1900 to 2000 17% more people have died in Christian wars than Muslim wars (73.3 to 4.4 million).
The list goes on and on.
In the past 1400 years more than 270 million people have died at the hands of moslems and the so called “religion of peace “.
you say your not moslem ok then, but you sure look like a real good apologist.
Just telling the truth. Moderate Islam is a good thing, Terrorist Islam is not. The stats that I quoted above say that many, many more people have died in Christian hands over the past 1400 years than in Muslim hands. But I must say, that if Daesh continued to have their way, those stats may be reversed in our time. Eliminate Daeash and any other terrorists who cannot allow others to have their own path, and stop them by killing.
Still far less than what the “religion of peace ” has done!
Look at the link I provided before you make hasty responses. Christian deaths in wars they started are 7 times + greater than Muslim deaths in wars that they started.
To expect christianity to not have these episodes of evil break out within its ranks is unrealistic since humans are fallen beings. However, the difference between islam and christianity is that islam legalises crimes against humanity and calls that which is evil as good and vice versa. Leading to the worldwide manifestation of wickedness that muslims are perpetrating based on their religious right to oppress, degrade and subjugate others. Christianity has no designs for world domination, only islam has, out of all the religions that exist. The idea of world domination is what is at the heart of the muslim crimes shattering lives of millions upon millions of innocent human beings in the process, and islam started this way and it has continued unabated since.
“Christianity has no designs for world domination?” You need to read your history. When Christian countries would take over, they would send priests to convert the people of the new lands. Inquisition, Witch Burnings, Auto deFey and more were all legalized crimes against humanity. Or at least they were readily accepted by governments and practiced by the church.
Depraved wretch! Only Jesus can love a sinner like that!
My heart goes to the boy and his family especially his father. Being a father myself I would be beside myself with anger.
We never hear any negative news from the BBC or any other ‘reputable news agency’ concerning the M.B. which is at least suspicious and at the most complicit!
More people are waking up to the true and ugly nature of Islam and the lying cohorts selling it as revelation from the Almighty God! What a disgusting ideology!
Martin — it is not Islam, it is what some people have made of Islam. Like Charels Manson’s cult, like Jimmy Jones’s cult, Wako Texas, etc, etc. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!
I agree, it’s utterly disgusting what was done to that young boy, and I imagine it has been done to others many times but because of social acceptance, incredibly few have reported it. But I sure am so happy to see this one in print. We have been dealing with this over here and it frustrates the hell out of me not to see Western news sources reporting it. I thought women had equal freedom in the West. A Coptic woman was slaughtered by pro MB a few weeks ago for having a cross hanging in her car. But I have only seen one Western article on this. I found out about it from Egyptian journalist articles. Maybe Obama is mysogenous (sp) [women hater}?
It’s exactly what mohammad would have done or ordered his muslim soldiers to do to non-muslims
No “Tanks-a-lot” — you are full of sh*t. It appears you like ‘freedom of religion’ — for yourself. Such a hypocrite.
You want muslims to be free to emulate mohammad
you are pure evil, just like mohammad
Obviously you don’t know Islam. You are talking about off-shoots of Islam, not the moderate form which most Muslims practice. Just like Christianity has offshoots, like Jimmy Jones (Giana [sp]), David Keresh (Wako), Rasputin. Shall I go on? Or have you never heard of these people?
nope, mohammad is the core of islam.
A sick evil twisted genocidal maniac.
And that’s why Christians murdered 9 million women in witch trials, because of Mohamed? And that’s why Christians (in the 18th century) gave measel-ridden blankets to the American Indians, because of Mohamed? And that is why Christian Adolf Hitler tried to eliminate the entire Jewish race, because of Mohamed?
If you really want to talk about ‘sick evil twisted genocide’ read my words again and think — think real hard.
“9 million women”
“gave measel-ridden blankets”
“Christian Adolf Hitler”
Ok, you spewed some propaganda and hope it sticks. Silly liar. Now everyone can see that you are just chock full of idiotic propaganda.
good for you for being such a sponge for lies
Not propaganda. Read your history books. It is all in black and white.
post links, you are a terrible propagandist if you can’t source your propaganda history.
Post your source, Tanks-a-lot. Let me guess, “History of the World by Pee Wee Herman?”
You have not read history books, you have merely read anti christian propaganda, and it is very, very obvious.
I am Christian, idiot. I went to Christian school and church every week.
Wow. You have a random number generator helping you with these things. American expansion is not a religion based thing– it was a political tactic. Islam on the other hand is indistinguishable from politics, wars, and other things that its sex and power and money hungry founder himself practiced, including taking his own stepson’s wife as his concubine.
Hmm. Go from discussions of comparing Adolf Hitler and Mohamed Ali to American politics? You know, Rashida, there is a teeny weeny bit of a time element here.
Oh, and Rashida — how can you say that American expansion was NOT a religious based thing. Or maybe political but wrapped up in the religious blanket. Same thing with Mexico, South America, Japan, etc, etc, etc.
Remember: “cast the mote out of thine own eye before you cast the beam out of mine.”
“American expansion is not a religion based thing?”
People came to America to get freedom of religion. It is in the first paragraph of the Bill of RIghts. Perhaps you should read it. Then they wiped out the American Indians, putting the few remaining on reservations on the most unwanted land in America.
“Sex and power and money hungry founder?”
Ever hear of hemophilia, also called the Royal Disease in Europe as it was prevalent in royalty? Do you know why? Too much intermarrying between bloodlines kept passing the disease on to the male children. And they intermarried for power and money as well, so “money hungry” applies to European royalty as well.
From UULA’s own admissions, Muhammad was no better than incestuous European Royalty. Yet his 1.6 billion dummies keep putting him up on a pedestal and kill innocent people for not following his random lunatic rules. In reality Muhammad was considerably worse than the Euronabobs, the guy was a raging pedophile and a pillaging sex slaver. But of course, his followers are going to be rapists, murdrerers, deceivers, and anti rational savages.
Rashida, I take it by your name that you are Indian, Pakistani, etc? How are your women’s rights records? Didn’t women have to burn themselves alive by flinging themselves on their husband’s funeral pyre?
How many innocent people have been killed under your ‘random lunatic rules?’ Where are your ‘pillaging sex slaver’ concepts when husbands marry their wives for money — and then legally kill them?
It seems as if you and all like you are “rapists, murderers, deceivers, and anti rational savages.”
“Cast the mote out of your own eye before you attempt to cast the beam out of mine.”
Sure what you are saying is Mohammad was comparable to and not worse than the scum of the earth. But that is a rather low bar, isn’t it?
Actually it is a high “bar.” All religions have terrorists in them because they are made up of people. Unfortunately right now Islam seems to have the majority. But that could change any time and quickly.
Those who are so arrogant to think that this might not happen in their religion are extremely naive and full of themselves. FX: Jimmy Jones and Guyana is a very good example. He claimed to be a Christian minister — but was he? After having his ‘people’ force their kids to drink cyanide koolaide and then kill themselves as well? No — he wasn’t a real Christian. So compare Islam and Christianity to Daesh and Jimmy Jones.
Just curious: does India still make a dead man’s wives commit suicide by throwing their bodies on their husband’s funeral pyre and burning to death alive? Is “caste” still so important in your culture that men go on killing their “arranged” wives just so they can steal her money? Or perhaps because the woman’s mother-in-law doesn’t like her?
Have you tried to get your information about contemporary India from places like Wikipedia? Or are you still getting transmissions from some 19th century telegraph pole? The Sati custom was outlawed in 19th century, by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, and to the extent that there are dowry deaths in India they are not due to religion but in spite of it, because of cultural baggage that takes time to shed. And criminals who do that are prosecuted to the full extent of the law (which is British Canon law, modified by Indian secular legislature).
Gee, thanks Rashida for that nice answer!
Perhaps you should now tell me about this Indian custom of “Dowry Deaths.” Note that one quote came from 2010.
“Dowry deaths are deaths of young women who are murdered or driven to suicide by continuous harassment and torture by husbands and in-laws in an effort to extort an increased dowry.
Dowry deaths are found in India,[1] Pakistan,[2] Bangladesh,[3] and Iran.[4][5] India reports the highest total number of dowry deaths with 8,391 such deaths reported in 2010, 1.4 deaths per 100,000 women. Adjusted for population, Pakistan, with 2,000 reported such deaths per year, has the highest rate of dowry death at 2.45 per 100,000 women.[6][7]
Dowry death is considered one of the many categories of violence against women, alongside rape, bride burning, eve teasing, and acid throwing.”
Yes, Rashida. Explain the above quote before you start telling me that the prophet Mohamed Ali was a bad guy………………………… Daesh is bad — they are like what Jimmy Jones is to Christianity. Blasphemers.
“Cast the mote out of your own eye before you try to cast the beam out of mine.”
Ah, yes I can see why you don’t want to address the issue of Jimmy Jones, David Keresh, Rasputin, etc. Just don’t have any answers.
Sorry there is no difference between an extremist and a moderate, there are only moslems!
Very wrong and very, very narrow minded. It is horse-blinder thinking like that that exacerbates the situation. Freedom = respecting others’ rights to religion — only if that religion does not hurt others. You want your religion? Allow moderate Muslims to have theirs. They don’t hurt people — terrorists do.
If you are American, shame on you. The first article in your Bill of Rights created by your founding fathers includes freedom of religion. As long as the rights of others are not infringed upon. Moderate Islam does not infringe.
I don’t see any pictures of Moderate Muslims above, or actions taken by modern Muslims.
Perhaps I should post pictures of the 900 people that your Jimmy Jones murdered via commanded suicide with cyanide capsules with the caption, “Sorry, there is no distinction between fanatic Christians and moderates” because moderates kill children in the same way as fanatics.
Islam is not a religion. Why do you think secular humanists considers Islam their friend, when you and I both know that muslims consider then kuffirs? Because Muslims embrace such godless acts as paedophilia, necrophilia, and bestiality, as well as slavery, since the perfect man, the savage bandit of Arabia, did these things. There is absolutely nothing hypocritical about calling evil what it is, evil, and we see what Muslims are doing and we know it to be evil because one and only Word of God, THE BOOK ,tells us so. America is a Christian nation.
Then why is ‘freedom of religion” in your Bill of Rights? Why did the founding fathers put it there? Man, are you ever uneducated.
Islam must be stripped of its privileged status and declared a predatory terrorist organisation that seeks world domination, just like communism and nazism. Muslims should never be granted the freedom to practise their evils on innocent people, anywhere.
Hmmm. Another fanatical, predjudiced, bigoted individual. Ho hum.
Terrorism needs to be eradicated, Islam does not.
Islam is terrorism.
Now you are going to tell me that “my dog is better than your dog,” right?
See ya, I’m out of here.
This troll is desperate and has obviously been assigned to harass people on this site specifically.
After this thread I believe that when this muslim spews off again we should all just flag it and not respond.
As was the leader, so are the followers. Sleeping with six year old, and selling captured women as slaves, while going on making revelations that suited his insatiable appetite for power, money, land and sex– Islam is a fake religion with billion plus in its control (who can’t leave it due to apostasy being punishable by death).
A religion started by a raving lunatic, sex crazy fiend. What else can it be?
Well, by your outlandish words, one would think that you are the ‘sex-crazed, raving lunatic.’
So, you have dreams of possessing 6-year olds, buying female slaves, making revelations suited to sustaining your insatiable appetite for power, money, land, sex…………….?
How interesting! I’ve always read that the fanatic mind blames others for his personal desires………….
We consider islam a crime against humanity since the freedom of muslims to practise their pagan death cult, violates the right to life and freedom from oppression of four fifths of humanity. Islam must be banned and muslims should be arrested as members of the biggest terrorist organisation in the world.
Gee, sure wouldn’t want to meet you as a Christian fanatic terrorist in a dark alley, armed with Molotovs and Kalishnakofs.
Is that not what the muslims do in dark alleys with their molotovs and guns? You have lost the argument and are now merely resorting to inane and false fallacies, all in an attempt to pretend that there is nothing “wrong” with islam, when it is evident that there is something very “wrong” with islam, and this is not just on the fringes of islam either.
Naw, it is just that with all of your raving and close mindedness, you appear to be a fanatic. And fanatics do unspeakable things, right?
There is absolutely no comparison with the so called Christian cults when speaking of the so called off shoots of Islam. It is as Erdogan said just the other day, there is no moderate Islam, or other Islam, Islam is Islam. At least he has straightened that out for us.
You see “Christians” of the likes that you cite, are doing what they are doing in defiance of Jesus Christ, whereas when muslims do their wicked godless acts, and they do it on a exceptionally large scale and worldwide too, it is irrefutably in obedience to their false prophet of islam.
If you have the intellectual capacity, which is a hallmark of western civilisation, then you will know that there is a vast difference between the lifestyle of Jesus Christ and that of the psychopathic pervert that founded Islam.
Rape of a child, pre-pubescent boys, is found to be attributable to Islams tenets and its founder. And many boys experience this awful degrading trauma at the hands of muslim men, something they will never admit, and will go on to persecute homosexuals in their confused state of self hatred. There is nothing redeeming about Islam at all.
Amazing, Lea! Wasn’t there a big scandal in the US about Christian priests having sex with their young boy students? How many priests were involved in that one? Many, many many, from the lowest order to the highest. “Cast the mote out of thine own eye before you attempt to cast the beam out of mine.” That is in the Bible, isn’t it. Maybe you should read it sometime.
Were those Roman Catholic priests? You seem to not be able to understand what it is I am writing. Perhaps you should read it again:
You see “Christians” of the likes that you cite, are doing what they are doing in defiance of Jesus Christ, whereas when muslims do their wicked godless acts, and they do it on a exceptionally large scale and worldwide too, it is irrefutably in obedience to their false prophet of islam.
Then practice what you preach and recognize that for the past 2000 years, millions have been murdered (and murder is a ‘wicked godless act,’ yes?) in the name of Christ to spread Christianity. All over the world. And you claim that only Islam does this on a “exceptionally large scale and worldwide too?”
And, after cold blooded murder and genocide, the victors went on to steal the gold of the deceased (remember the Incas/Aztecs?) while the blood of the dead was still warm and soaking the earth. Gold which — if you will remember — went to the Vatican and decorated the cathedral. Gold covered with tons of blood spilt by good Christians.
Ah, you couldn’t answer about the outrageous number of Christian priests who were accused of — and sentenced — to pedophilia over a 20 year period. It was the scandal of the century. I am going to assume that a) either you condone pedophilia, or b) you have selective reading, hearing, and memory problems.
Oh, almost forgot. Somewhere in your responses you said something like Hitler was a freemason with Islamic leanings? Then why is it that “The eight year old Hitler took singing lessons, sang in the church, and even considered becoming a priest.”(Shirer 1960, pgs 10–11, from Wikipedia). This most certainly implies that Hitler was a Christian.
And Freemasonry is not a religion, it is a fraternal orgainization that that differs by lodge (also Wikipedia).
And with that, even though I gave you more comments below, I have decided that this conversation is incredibly boring and a complete waste of time as your mind appears to be so incredibly closed. I have better, more constructive things to do.
Hitler can hardly be called a Christian simply because he went to church as a child. Being a Christian is dependent on a person’s personal repentance and commitment to Jesus Christ and thereby receiving the Holy Spirit, a renewing of the heart and mind.
As for Hitler, you can take a look at the following info:
cheers, I trust that I have been able to clarify some things for you. Reject Islam. It is not what you would like to believe it is. This is not a competition, it is about finding the truth and freedom that is only available to you in Christ Jesus.
I don’t reject Islam; I don’t reject Christianity or Buddahism, etc. I don’t reject God in whatever form a person can find him — or her. This is not competition.
But it would be good if you could understand that “truth” wears many faces. Jesus may not have been the last one that came from God. If God cares about us, then Mohamed may not be the last one either.
Religion is not the answer; but the goodness and truth within your own heart is.
If you do not reject islamism then you are morally complicit with the communist, nazi ideology that is islam, possibily even the root of islam. Anyone who thinks there is truth to be found in islamism is about as morally bankrupt as a satanist.
blah, blah, blah.
I am aware that the Jesuits who were false Christians infiltrated the Roman Catholic church and that this phenomenon and many other things have been perpetrated by them and through their corrupting influence of the church. I am not a Roman Catholic and I consider their rites and some beliefs as unbiblical, pagan even, in fact I see some correlations between them and Islam. Paedophilia appears to have been a common phenomenon it seems judging from the false prophet of Arabia and his lifestyle, because man has a tendency towards sin, but Christianity is the reason that changed, but this is a purely demonic attack on children. It would be ridiculous to believe that Lucifer does not infiltrate the church but paedophilia is not a Christian practise, it is mortal men sinning by harming children. Essentially, if a man has received the Holy Spirit of God, he would never dream of doing such a thing for Jesus warns: Mark 9:42
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea.”
Whereas paedophilia is a part of sharia law, an accepted religious practise in Islam, and so it is widely practised by muslims too.
Blah, blah, blah. where are your own words, your own thoughts? Can’t you speak or thing for yourself? Do you always have to hide behind quotes?
When you think about Islam today, think about Christianity yesterday. If you think the Inquisitors were Christian but bad, then you need to look at terrorists today, with the same mental capacity.
You are absolutely exaggerating about millions being murdered by Christians. I am glad that the Aztecs are on longer around with their vile practises of pagan human sacrifice so I have not much to say about that. Perhaps God wanted them wiped out because they were such an ungodly bunch of people. As I have stressed previously that I sincerely doubt that the Spanish and whoever else entered these lands to spread Christianity but the missionaries went along and yes some of those missionaries were evil unredeemed people, but most of them were not and the spreading of the gospel is what brought on western civilisation were there has been human progress etc. As you said yourself, they went there for the gold. The Roman Catholic Vatican church has done a lot to destroy the credibility of the true church of God. It seems like satan is in the Vatican.
Christianity did not spread by the sword. Christians were the ones who were persecuted, you should read up about that. It was when it became evident to the Romans that they were not going to stop Christianity from spreading that Constantine became a Christian and so it was made the religion of the Empire. But Christianity was never meant to be the State, like the Roman Catholics made it, probably for the sake of power and wealth, they themselves persecuted the true Christians who would not bow the knee to Rome. Christians believe in separation of religion and the state. There were instances of this happening but it was never ever over arching like Islam.
Whereas first-century Christianity spread via the blood of martyrs, first-century Islam spread through violent conquest and bloodshed. Indeed, from day one to the present—whenever it could—Islam spread through conquest, as evidenced by the fact that the majority of what is now known as the Islamic world, or dar al-Islam, was conquered by the sword of Islam. This is a historic fact,
attested to by the most authoritative Islamic historians. Even the Arabian peninsula, the “home” of Islam, was subdued by great force and bloodshed, as evidenced by the Ridda wars following Muhammad’s death when tens of thousands of Arabs were put to the sword by the first caliph Abu Bakr for
abandoning Islam.
What is the only way a muslim can be garuanteed entry into heaven per the koran? To die fighting (and killing) infidels (nonmuslims) right? Otherwise they are to be weighed/judged by Jesus, right? What is the way christians are garuanteed entry into heaven per the bible? By the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ. Jesus said to be wise and settle with your adversary on the way to being judged or you will pay the full price for your wrongs. And he provided himself as an atonement for your wrongs by accepting him as the Messiah. Bellieve, repent, confess him, be baptized in water and the Spirit in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is how we in Christ are saved, not murdering others. The early church had martyres, but these were those who died rather than fight and kill – as human torches even. Muslims, however, murdered, stole, raped, and enslaved to establish Islam.
At one point, even, Mohamad told his men to rape the wives of a captured area in front of their husbands and even they would not, it was so disgraceful – so Mohamad had one of his visions and said god told them to through this angel. How very disgusting! This from your god? Your god said to do this? To rape women in front of their greaving husbands?
Ever hear of “Brave Heart?” I do believe that the Christian English were raping the Scottish women — on the day they married — so they could increase their good English stock.
Religion is good. But unfortunately their are many narrow minded people who use it to increase their personal power.
FX: Like Hamas right now. Shame on them for offering up their women, children, and elders as human shields. That is sooooooo un-Islamic.
However, “Cast the mote out of thine own eye before you try to cast the beam out of mine.”
And you might want to work on some of your English writing skills, as well.
Really? Hundreds of millions murdered? Christianity isn’t smallpox. What battles? Who was converted by the sword? Christianity has always been a take it or leave it religion. If you leave, you leave. Apostasy isn’t a reason for death. The true God doesn’t want someone who doesn’t want Him. Its your choice. Not His. Its called free will.
Reeee-ally? “Christianity has always been a take it or leave it religion?” Have you ever heard of the Inquisition? The auto de Fey? How many people had their limbs torn off because they disagreed on if the Christian Jesus was God or the son of God?
Speaking of smallpox, wasn’t it Christian American soldiers who gave American Indians blankets infected with smallpox, so they could kill them and steal their land?
Hey, the “true God” wants us all to love each other, treat each other with respect, and live together peacefully. “Allah” means “the God.” Practice what you preach, dude.
Oh, and please exercise restraint when dealing with your rioters in Ferguson MO. Try to respect International law, and stop killing un-armed African Americans.
I swear, when I see pictures of the unrest in Ferguson — the military armed police, the bullet proof vests, the tanks, the teargas, the Molotov cocktails, protesters shooting protesters to gain international support, idiot US lawmakers calling for more protesters to join up and create more havoc, and the 24-hour TV coverage of it that gives the protesters more power to do more/worse — well, what can I say? %$#@
You have been sniffing glue too long. Small pox killed 1 in 3 Europeans for millennia. And they brought it with them whether they wanted to or not. You know they brought smallpox infected blankets because they were ALL exposed to it pretty much. Ignorance is bliss.
Yes, “Its Oblivious” — your ignorance is obvious bliss — for you.
Ah, but “its Oblivious”, it was the US army (mainly Christians) who passed out blankets infected with smallpox to the Indians. Perhaps you should revisit YOUR history book.
Wow. The US Army handed out blankets with small pox. They were so aware of germ theory before Pasteur? Were they crying out fusion in the 1800’s too?
Wow. Not that difficult if you give yourself a second to think. Small pox has been around for a long time. It is deadly and that is why we have vaccines. When people had small pox they were sick and put to bed — under blankets. Then they died. Wow!
It was actually at a rate lower than the general population. You will find pedophiles trying to get in positions of trust everywhere, from teachers to boy scout leaders to get this, Imans! Wasn’t the Ayatollah Komehni a pedophile?
Weren’t scores of Christian priests arrested for pedophile activities with their choir boys. That was a HUGE US scandal in the 80s and 1990s — yes?
Yes, let’s talk about pedophiles.
Lower than the rate in the general population…..and it definitely wasn’t ok to have a temporary marriage with a 5 year old….institutionalized. Bizarre and savage.
And it is not OK for anyone — including Americans — to make pedophile websites? Websites where young children are being sexually abused? Ever hear of NAMBLA (North American Men/Boy Love association) based in New York and San Fran?
Let me give you figures on Catholic priest/child molestation/sexual abuse. From 1960 to 2002 there were 10,667 allegations of pedophilia against Catholic priests made by over 2000 children whose cases were verified against 4392 priests. 81% of the victims were male. 23% of male children were under 10 yrs old; 51% were between 11- 14 yrs old. Girls that were abused were between ages 3 to 10 yrs old.
Many of these allegations ended in multi-million dollar lawsuits that the Catholic church paid. And the majority of the Catholic/pedophile cases occurred in the US.
Yes, “Its Oblivious,” this stuff is pretty obvious. Google NAMBLA or go to Wikipedia and find out for yourself.
And what was the general population? Marriages to 5-yr olds are bizarre and savage. Perhaps you should go on a campaign with NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) instead as it is happening a lot in YOUR country in this time period.
man boy love has been going on in muslim communities for centuries upon centuries, Bacha Bazi boys?
Man-boy love has been going for almost 2000 years. Ever hear of the Catholic priest scandal?
man boy love has been a feature of humanity’s fall into sin for far longer than 2000 years. It was christians that declared this act a crime, but the muslims practise as a matter of course, part of islamic upbringing is for men to abuse boys and girls before they reach puberty. The catholic priests are a scandal because christians have made it a scandal, but muslims never do such a thing, the only crime is to be discovered.
And that is why many priests through out the Christian period, as they were denied women, had very young male lovers, right? Because it was a crime. Gee, that makes them Real good priests, yes?
but it is OK to have sex with a small boy? google nambla……
Pedophilia has always been rampant in islamism. Mahomet himself set the standards here, and therefore muslims emulate him in worship of this one mortal and very sinful man. In islam, the crime is in being exposed to the public, not in the actual deed, since most muslims ascribe to them anyway. There is only one truth, only one, if there are more than one truth. To have an alternate truth, means one of these truths must be false, for they cannot both be considered the truth when they are in conflict to each other. Either one or the other is false.
So were how many Catholic priests during the past 30+ years? (Probably the past 2 millenia as they were denied women). Most went to court and the church was sued big time in America. Worst part was all the innocent lives it affected. Pedophilia is a horrible thing — where ever it is.
But to claim someone is a pedophile without any kind of documentation whatsoever, is also very, very bad.
So when will mosques start being sued for harboring and condoning rockspiders in their so called religion?
Terrorist do that; Moderate Muslims deplore that. Take off your horse blinders.
Uuta, I want you to know that Christians are commanded to love their enemies and to do good to those that despise them. I apply this concept to my Muslim friends on and off the web. So, with love I say Islam is making the lives of Christians and other minorities 2nd/3rd class in so many Muslim states. Boco Haram in Nigeria Just to give one example! How can you be sure that the Islam you follow is Islam and that their Islam is the wrong Islam. I assume you believe Mohamed.
Uuta, gentle, I say that your religion makes my Lord Jesus a prophet jesus after mohamed. Uuta, Jesus was at least a prophet, in fact he fed the hungry and healed the sick and raised the dead and then gave his life for the sinner. That is why I am a Christian, because I have security in him for forgiving my sins. Can Islam offer me that:)
Why are you a Muslim?:)
I’m not a Muslim. But I do live in the Middle East.
To many Muslims, it can. And Martin, “Allah” means “the God.” Islam has three parts: Judahism, Christianity and Islam. Christians and Jewish people worship the same God, as does Islam. There is just more scripture involved as it encapsulates 600 years more of history than Christianity.
You have a very subjective understanding of Christianity.
Islam is not an Abrahamic religion. If you think this claim comes through Ishmael then you need to know that Ishmael was born to Abram, 13 years before God entered into a covenant and renamed him Abraham. Ishmael was born due to the distrust and impatience that Sarai and Abram displayed towards God. Ishmael was born to Hagar, an Egyptian slave, and not Sarah the one chosen by God to be the mother of Isaac, the miracle child, through whom the lineage of Jesus Christ began. Furthermore, there is no proof that mo descended from Ishmael and even if he did, the God of Israel did not mandate Ishmael to utter even one word in the Name of God of Israel. There is only one message to humanity and one plan of redemption of the soul, and this is the Word of God, Jesus Christ.
The stuff you are talking about, Lea, all happened way before Islam was formed. You need to get in the present and read carefully. I never said that Mohamed was a descendant of Ishmael. As far as religions go, no one has to be a blood descendant, but if you belong to a religion you must be heart/soul dependent. But if you want to talk about ‘evidence’ check this out: for 2000 years, Christians have labeled Mary Magdelene a prostitute — yet just this month evidence thru Harvard said she was Jesus’ wife. So I guess that is another blasphemy — calling the wife of Jesus a prostitute. Cute, huh?
The God of Israel went to a lot of trouble to create a lineage for Jesus Christ, I wonder why he did that if it did not matter when it came as something as important as saving humanity and making sure we are able to identify the one true message of God? Also, Allah is not a substitute word for the God of Israel, even the Malaysian muslims know this and they have a problem with Christians using that word as God. We do not worship the same God, the allah of the Koran bears no resemblance to the God of Israel.
I get the emails in my inbox so I thought I would share this with you:
Furthermore, the bible is the source for Mary Magdalene being called a prostitute. And I don’t see how you link her to this papyrus. This doesn’t move me because from the outset of Christianity there have been many false writings about Jesus, a lot of them were circulated by the Jews, and later the muslims and atheists have taken over in that department. Jesus warned us that there would be deceptions. I have a relationship with Jesus and I know his presence, nothing else counts. You could have that too.
Martin, how can you be sure that the Christianity that you follow isn’t the ‘wrong’ Christianity? The 900+ people who followed Jimmy Jones’ order to suicide probably thought that they were following the ‘right’ Christianity. I am not trying to be abrasive, but I want to get that point out there.
Here is how, Study! The word of God comes from God, not Jimmy Jones and Jimmy Jones.
Ah, but that is EXACTLY what I am getting at. You need to study as well. Then you would find that the MB, al-Qaeda, etc, Islamic cults, have their own interpretation of the Qur’an — and it is not the mainline one. Just as Jimmy Jones did. Just as the Spanish Inquisition did. Just as the witch trials did. Just as Rasputin did.
Which gets back to the subject of this article (way above); that Islam does not encourage pedophilia — but certain members inside the MB do.
Thank you
for your advice, now apply it to yourself because your view of Christianity is biased. Christianity was not founded in the 4th century it was founded in the 1st century by Jesus Christ himself and good news of his death and bodily resurrection (a historic event supported by the evidence) by which sacrifice we receive forgiveness of sins began to spread from the eyewitness, the first believers how were still Jews who believed the prophecies. Original they were not called
Christians they were called followers of ‘The Way’. The new covenant or the good news first spread into neighboring states, and into the east then the west.
After three centuries of sporadic and sometimes intense persecution from non believers in and outside of the Roman
Empire Emperor Constantine wrote the edict of toleration towards the Christians AD323 (check me on the date will you because I am writing this from the top of
my head). In 325 he held a council at Nicea that people like you, and others who try to revise history, claim that the concept of the trinity became the official Christianity. A claim that cannot be supported by history! If you want
to know more contact me privately and we can exchange ideas off blog because I am getting off topic.
The point I am making is this, to get to the truth we need to study the available material closest to the time of the event
and when we do that with Christianity we see a Jesus who performed countless miracles for the sole benefit of others. He forgave sins and read minds, healed the sick, fed the hungry he also saw no difference between men and women, rich or poor, slave or free. All were equal in his eyes because he was God in flesh.
Now if we go to the earliest material for Islam, what will we learn about your prophet? What was Mohamed like? What was Islam doing in the first 3 centuries?
You see, a blog site like this helps me in my study of The Truth about the false prophet – the anti-Christ!
Martin, I am a Christian. Christ was born in the 1st c AD, yes, but Christianity didn’t officially begin until the 4th c when it was approved by Constantine. I am not revising history. But a bit of religious tolerance goes a long way. All the religions that I know of claim that they are the one, that you won’t go to heaven unless you belong to their faith, etc, etc, claiming that they are the best and only one. To me, that is control. To you, it may be truth, and that is fine if that is what you believe, but to me it is control. Think about how the split between Catholic and Orthodox came about, between Catholics and Protestants, the Inquisition where people were tortured and killed simply because they had a different idea of the religion (is Jesus God or the son of God?, etc).
Now, the reason that any of these conversations has been started is because of intolerance on the part of the people that I was conversing with (if you want to call it that). To come up with statements of “Islam is evil,” etc, etc, is pretty childish and uninformed, so I was trying to inform them of the differences that go on when off-shoot cults start up. Christianity is also guilty of this, but none of the others seem to get that, want to turn a blind eye to it, or simply don’t want to listen. OK, that’s it for this article as this subject has been hashed over too much.
Before you sign out, Jesus and the Church He started began in the 1st century, political Christianity in the 4th century, Islam in the 7th century. Back in the 1st century Jesus laid out the plan of God. There is no other way to the Father except through Jesus. There have always been those who kill to expand their territory and they have used various religious banners to do so, that is mans business religion and politics all mixed up like your Christianity that started in the 4th century! Mohamed is a false prophet and his believers have been lied to. Why do we need another prophet from God when we have his son. It really is far more simple that you would like to believe. God bless you.
Martin. I respect your words. But, I don’t believe in any man but my father, son, brother or husband, If you read my comments before this you will understand why.
Well, I meant no harm. I only had good intentions. For my part, I truly believe God came to earth in the human form, Jesus ( Joshua), to save sinners like me.
Trouble is trash is still trash even if you try to put a whole load of perfume on it. Momad was sick, and what he created is sick, and unfortunately has sickened a fourth of this planet. One day enough people in Islamic lands will say to themselves enough of this nonsense, let’s stop living this lie called islam, stop torturing women, stop selling daughters, stop beheading and chopping people’s arms and legs, stop running around trying to find who is insulting the Mo madman. The Momad man is living it up somewhere in his seat right next to his Saturnine lordship.
Hey, you could say the same thing about Christianity. Religion is what PEOPLE make of it. And unfortunately, some people (Christians or Muslims or any other religion) love power so much that they twist the words of important prophets to suit their own selfish needs…………………….
If Religion is to be judged by its followers, Islam has even more to be ashamed of — its followers are kidnapping and enslaving women, chopping off their genitals, killing their own daughters and raping their own nieces in the name of “honor”, and stoning men and women to death while six of eight countries that rank highest in Google porn searches are muslim nations. Don’t take my word for it, just do your own research; for you are apt to find some other excuse to defend the indefensible fakery that is Islam.
I did do my research. The US is the number one ‘porn hub.’
Let’s see: in the US girls are snatched out of their bedrooms, raped, killed, and left tied up dead in abandoned factories (See Petaluma “Klass vs R Davis”).
The US didn’t get out of their ‘female captivity” until the 1970’s. Good work and it seems that the ME is trying to catch up. Good for the ME.
In the US, my grandmother’s new husband was constantly feeling me up, standing by my bed (when he thought I was sleeping) and stuck his tongue in my mouth on the night of my grandmother’s funeral. That was when I finally told my parents. Why wait? Because I didn’t want to hurt my grandmother.
The US was the place where a man attempted to rape me when I was 6 years old.
Yeah — I can do my own research. And I don’t even have to google.
Mainline islam adheres strongly to the religious obligation of jihad on the kaffirs and apostates. Ordinary muslims murder their own family members and people in the community on an ongoing basis due to islamic teaching. This is nothing new, it began 1400 years ago with mahomet in arabia. And Christians are commanded to follow only Jesus Christ, so when groups of people follow cults, they only have themselves to blame for failing to follow only Jesus Christ. Islam itself is a cult since all of islam is based on the life and sayings of a mere mortal, and an exceptionally depraved one at that.
Blah, blah, blah. All you say applies to Christianity as well. Boring!
None of this applies to christianity. NONE. While evil men used the banner of christianity to do their deeds, it was ordinary men and women whom changed this world, tansformed it into the advanced western civilisation that stands at such an opposite spectrum to islamic hellholes.
But that is what goes on in Islam. You have “evil men using the banner of ‘Islam’ to do their deeds.” THAT is what you are not understanding. Terrorist claim they are of Islam, but their ideals are twisted. Just like the Christian guys who performed all of the atrocities in the Auto de Fey, Inquisition, pulling people apart, ripping out stomach organs while still alive, burning people alive (seems like Daesh [IS] borrowed that from Christianity).
But you don’t even know if I follow Islam.
And, for that matter, how do you know that the Christianity that you follow isn’t the wrong Christianity?
Belief is in the heart. Follow your heart and try to make it white.
“Belief is in the heart” If that were true then there would be as many versions of Christianity as there are hearts. Also, how would I answer your question as to how confident I am in the Christianity I hold to be true? How would I know if go with my heart? My heart is not the measure of truth. I follow what is true.
I am done with your dogma. Carry on with your life as you see fit, and I will do the same with mine.
wrong Again this is islam in it’s pure form this is muhammad all over Again, and plz tell me Again your not a muslim, you sure go out of your way to defend islam and vilify Christianity
Read my response to the guy above. And figure it out for yourself.
Oh, and I was baptized Christian when I was 3 months old.
And my brother’s favorite priest was imprisoned for constantly sexually abusing many, many young boys over a great many years. Thank God — Il ham dull Allah — my brother wasn’t one of them.
You cannot be baptised as a 3 month into christianity. You can only be considered a christian when you have encountered Jesus Christ in a real transformative way.
Blah, blah, blah. My life does not run by your rules.
It is Islam, clearly. It was started as a religion that conquered by force, killed others, stole, raped, enslaved – all at the force of mercenary armies (initially) and it is one bloody religion. Just read history. When Islam returns to it’s roots it becomes bloody, cruel, and evil. When Christianity returns to it’s roots it becomes peaceful. No way Islam is from the same god as the God of the New Testiment.
I have read history. And Christianity is no different than Islam as you have discussed it above. Religion is good — but what some greedy people have made of it is bad.
And Christianity has been extremely bloody. American Indians, Japan, Aztecs, Incas, Crusades, etc, etc, etc. The gold of the Vatican came from the blood of the Incas.
The M.B. is doing their best to brainwash & force Americans to accept their totalitarian crap here in the U.S. Those of us who are aware of the truth are being labeled as racist toward islam, a perverted and sick ideology to begin with. People who do this to little children should immediately be executed, no remorse, no jury, nothing. The little boy’s father should walk next door and blow this piece of crap’s head off. I know I sure would.
Agreed — except for the point that “Islam is a perverted and sick ideology.” People that do those disgusting acts that the journalist wrote about are not true Muslims. They have some other agenda that is totally selfish, sick, dominating, and crude.
yes they are true muslims doing what their sick perverted profit did
Wow — are you all Americans? Amazing! How do you interpret ‘freedom of religion?’ I thought you were supposed to be so educated!
With such intolerance to not even be able to accept that there are bad offshoots of Islam (as there are in Christianity — how many women was it? 9 million I believe were burned at the state for witchcraft. And Jimmy Jones ordered the suicides of over 900 men, women and CHILDREN).
Is it true that America breeds hypocrites — or are these token responses only representing the US’s ignorant ‘hillbilly’ culture?
Why are you here?
Nobody here is ignorant of mohammad and his evil life.
Why are you here? Isn’t America founded on the principle of freedom? Or is that just freedom for a few? Ignorance, ignorance.
islam is founded on the principles of genocide and slavery because that is what mohammad did.
You are not speaking with any kind of intelligence at all. Why don’t you try to understand things before you write them? Speaking from ignorance makes me laugh. And you guys think that you are better? Better laugh!
Not all cultures and civilisations are equal, no matter how you throw the bones.
Arrogance, arrogance. Tsk, tsk tsk. And is that the excuse that people like you have for stealing Africans from the arms of their families and selling them into slavery?
Did you know that western civilisation was built by peoples of all races and that it is therefore not based on race, but on intellect, the ability to choose life and not death, and emanates out of the changes that Christianity brought to the hearts and minds of human beings?
Once again, you are mistaken, the enormous responsibility that the Arab muslims bear for enslavement of humanity, is quite evident to see since it still occurs today and it is 95% the muslims that are the perpetrators.
Once again, you are very mistaken, Christianity stopped the slave trade, but today, muslims are doing it brazenly once again, as if they think they are still in the 7th century, like the Boko Haram in Nigeria. This is the true face of the mohommedian Arabian pagan death cult.
Once again, your ignorance and arrogance has gotten the better of you. Perhaps I should say that all Christians are baby killers since there are many abortion clinics. Some Christians say that ‘it is the will of God’ and as it is His word, who can anyone kill a child. Meaning, judging God incorrect? And what about slave trade? Nevada is filled with legalized prostitution houses? Some say ‘yes’ and some say ‘against the word of God.” So, once again: there are bad offshoots of Islam, but the majority is good. Don’t be so childish as to paint all of Islam with the same brush.
Excuse me Uuta, if you were an informed and intelligent person then you would not be calling me ignorant or arrogant, you would realise, even as a muslim, that the points I am making are based in FACTS. Is it arrogant and ignorant to state FACTS. You, on the other hand, are not doing the research and you are in flat out denial of the FACTS, yet I do not call you names, how is that? Christians are anti-abortion, pro life. We consider abortion a form of child sacrifice. Once again, you are the one lacking in comprehension of the true facts. In America, and all over the world, we have what we call, the Atheist Darwinian cult who also play their role in humanity at this time, the Marxist liberal leftists, the ones that the Muslims are cosy with in their combined attack on Christians. The only true Christians are those who have received the Holy Spirit of God through accepting and believing in Jesus Christ and his redemptive work on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.
And the imposters who pretend to be Christians are really easy to spot since they preach and practise that which is not bible based. Ordinary muslims say, like you say, that the psychopaths of Islam have hi-jacked your cult, yet they are in fact practising the Koran according to its injunctions, the way your muslim forefathers did, the way mo did, and they consider you the apostate, worthy of death.
Yes, most muslims are not like those jihadist criminals, but those muslims will give their finance towards their evil cause, they get murderously outraged over a cartoon, but we see none of that rage or condemnation towards those who have supposedly hi-jacked Islam. Instead, we see the opposite, we the nice westernised muslims in almost complete agreement with the conduct of these supposed hi-jackers. There are some, but few, who in fact can see what the muslim imams, the OIC, are attempting to do and they are wise enough to stand against their evil conniving since they understand what living sharia truly comes down too. But so few. Instead, most are like you, who will do whatever it takes to win, to get dominance over your opponent, for the sake of a cult that is at present a threat to global security.
Believe me, I never paid much attention to muslims or islam until it was forced upon me, and when I studied the works of the life of the false Arabian prophet and his Koran, I was appalled to the very core of my being, in fact, I was ill for a week, could not eat. The Koran is a extreme diaboloical teaching and you dear, don’t know that, and don’t want to know that, since your islam is Christianised in the west.
Thank you very much — once again! It seems that I am the only informed and intelligent person in this conversation, and I really appreciate the fact that you pointed this out.
Christians DO get abortions, even thought the pope says ‘not allowed.” I know this how? because I know many Christian women who have had abortions.
“Koran” is spelled with a “Q” (Quran), not a “K.” — Just wanted to help you get informed.
You probably couldn’t eat because you realized you had been practicing an ‘off-shoot’ Christian cult for most of your life, and this is what most likely made you sick.
I am not Muslim and people do not push me to become Muslim, even though all of my friends, etc, are Muslim.
Lately I have been bored, but, thanks to you, now I am incredibly entertained. Thanks!
Can we be friends now?
yes not forgetting having sex with his dead aunt in her grave + the nasty stuff in the hadth
Who had sex with ‘his dead aunt?’ Your father? Sister-brother attraction, huh? Don’t you know that that is incest? And against the laws of your Christianity?
muhammad had sex with his aunt in her grave that’s who, that’s why muslims in Egypt are allowed to have sex with their dead
wives uptil six hours after they have died. And you are not in any form or shape a christian, you are a taqiyya muslim pretending to be a christian.
That is untrue propaganda and that is something that you cannot prove (muhamed/husbands sex w/dead wives). Muslim men CRY when their wives died — not have sex with them. You are really, really sick.
Oh, yes, and try to prove that I am a ‘taqiyya muslim’ and not a Christian. Seems like that is something in you very narrow view of ‘odd cult Christianity.’
Egypt Islamic Arab Parliament attempt to legislate early child marriage and death sex, during the time of Morsi. Why? Because the false prophet of Arabia did these things, therefore they must be acceptable. This is Islam. Perhaps you didn’t know?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7z5M4QTINY Egypt death sex
Yet another example of many of your inability to broaden your telescopic views. I do believe that you are a follower of the much dreaded anti-christ — and his time is coming now, right? Look at the date on your article and please, try to use your brain for once. Perhaps you don’t have one? Ah this happens sometimes. I’m so sorry! Well, let me help you.
The date of the article is April 2012. The time when Morsi was president. That proposed bill (which was one of the many things that drove 30+ Egyptians from their homes to oust Morsi and his MB) never passed due to public outrage.
Thank you very, very much for supplying me with the article. Yes! Because it is a perfect example of how the MB twists their version of the Quran to suit their sick, controlling needs.
The main reason for this is that there are enough secularised educated muslims in Egypt, who can no longer identify with the 7th century false prophet, they want to reform Islam, yet for this to happen the Koran will have to be edited severely. Also there are a lot of Christians in Egypt too. The MB is not something unlike Islam, it is based on Islam’s Koran and hadiths. Muslims who are westernised are naturally repulsed and embarrassed by the truth of what Islam is, so they deny that these fundamentalist muslims are practising Islam when in fact it is the other way round. You are the one who is telescopic in your view. If Egypt did not have a strong military everyone in Egypt would be at the mercy of these muslim psychopaths, like is happening in Libya and Syria etc etc etc etc etc. Even so the muslim sharia based government has still not succeeded in separating religion and state. I am afraid you missed my point, and that is that these laws were to be legalised based on the fact that the false prophet of Arabia practised them, and this is not a feature applicable only to Egypt.
I’m afraid that, once again, you missed my point. In addition, you don’t read my messages well, do you? It sounds to me like you are one of those people who like to hear your own voice — only.
I’ve only responded to you about 10 times that the MB is an offshoot of Islam that others do not believe in. MB govt was trying to implement that 7th c form of Islamic law, and what did the rest of the Egyptians do? Go along with it? No, 33 million protested TWICE, with 22 million pre-collected signatures.
In your desperate arrogance, you miss the point, once again. The 33 million Egyptians are in fact rejecting the Koran and Mo, and Islamic sharia. Since the Muslim Brotherhood, who wanted to implement Islam as it was practised by their false prophet of Arabia, are practising a more authentic, purer form of Islam. The muslim psychopaths are attempting to do the same thing in Syria, implement pure Islam, and they are murdering the nice muslims calling them apostates. Muslim propaganda, even in the West, goes like this: Islam will dominate, Islam is the solution to all the problems in the world, Islam is a perfect way of life. And when we point out the fact that the muslim majority countries are more like hell holes than utopias, then the muslim says: That is because Islam is not being practised in its authentic form. Thus we have this movement in Islam among the nice muslims to practise more authentically, something more along the lines of the MB’s Islam, since they adhere more closely to the koranic injunctions and mo’s lifestyle.
You are not even close to the truth. In your ‘desperate arrogance’ you don’t have a clue — not one single clue. Egyptians aren’t ‘rejecting the Koran;’ they were rejecting Morsi and the attempt of his party to turn the govt to their view point.
And your ‘purer form of Islam’ as you claim the MB have, is an out there interpretation that moderate Muslims won’t even come close to approving.
It is fanatics like you that give Christianity a bad name.
Time for you to go back to your own planet.
They are rejecting the Koran, but not Islam. They are rejecting the false prophet of Arabia since they are refusing to practise it they way he did. Why? Because they know it is wrong. If you have read the Koran then you will know exactly what it is that I am referring to without referencing individual texts. There is only one Koran, is there not? Morsi is was just trying to put the full sharia “jurisprudence” into practise which is based on the life and sayings of a psychopath who lived in the 7th century, much like the muslims are now doing in Iraq and Brunei. It does appear that even Turkey is losing its secularity as this movement towards a purer Islam is occurring amongst the muslim ummah. The term moderate muslim is in fact referring to muslims who choose selective texts without applying the total harsh Koran, a more Judaic form of Islam, therefore they are in the eyes of the fundamentalist muslims, apostates, which makes Egyptians, apostate in their eyes and also in the eyes of the false prophet of Arabia. Don’t worry, girl, Christians are well aware of the fact that most westernised muslims are nice muslims who are unaware of the true face of Islam. We love them, but we hate Islam. Get it?
No, I get you. You follow the anti-christ; the devil is your god. And you are ignorant as hell. That is why, after you die you will most likely return to hell.
Christians are supposed to follow the teachings of the Bible. Some misinterpret many of them, twisting them in such a way that only their personal needs are addressed. Gee, how many popes had mistresses? How many priests forced young boys of their congregation into sodomy? How much gold did Christians take from the Inca and Aztecs to adorn their grand cathedral in the Vatican? How many ‘witches’ were burned at the stake for purportedly practicing black magic?
Granted, the majority of Christians do not do this and I am happy. But their are fanatics like yourself who do not understand tolerance, which makes me eternally grateful that I was not born into YOUR family. You are broad-brushing a huge issue and a huge region like it is a fly on your forehead. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Shame on you for giving Christians a bad name. And shame on you for blaspheming a religion that serves the same God.
Your muslim vitriolic hatred disguised as inane piousness and your counter blaming in order to escape guilt, does nothing to move me. Muslims love to damn people to hell, it is a common motive in dialogues. It is part of the way they practise their religion, for muslims consider themselves supreme in the eyes of their god. Human beings are inherently evil, it is part of their make-up ever since they fall when their very DNA was altered. For this reason evil exists in your very flesh and there is no way out of the dilemma unless you are literally regenerated and this can only happen by receiving the Holy Spirit of God that comes through Jesus Christ ONLY. One truth and one salvation for one humanity. The only way muslims can attain salvation is through their unholy jihad on humanity as they seek to extend the hell of allah around the planet. No broad brush, many muslims are being saved by Jesus even as we speak since he knows those who are seeking him, and even when they think they are seeking allah, they find Jesus. Islam is the most intolerant ideology on earth, so you are just a cynical laugh. You are presently on a website that explicitly details the evil ideology of Islam. Are you hoping to convince someone that Mo was a great guy and that Islam is peaceful? We have been through all your accusations and I have made an adequate answer, I believe. Even so the so called atrocities that you assign to Christians pale in every way against the magnitude of murdering, raping, thieving of muslims, and the worst part of it all is that they believe they are righteous in doing so. May Jesus Christ be your only blessing.
There you go again. Read your own comments. Condemning ‘the false God’ and condemning Mohamed to sodomy is why we are getting so vicious right now. You are the one that started that. Oophs — forgot again! You don’t have a long enough memory to realize that. Even when it is in fine print in front of your very nose. And you still haven’t given a proper response to the witch hunts, the priests having sex with young boys, etc, etc, etc. Why? Because you are afraid to address this issue. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
I have given a proper response to every single one of your so-called counter accusations, brought with the only intention of distracting away from the truth about islam and its false Arabian profit. I am stating facts, if you dispute them then bring your defence because up until now you have not done so.
Thanks for the laugh.
But — I’m getting really bored with these conversations. It is like the same thing is said over and over. So I am simply leaving it. My views haven’t changed except to be appalled at the lack of tolerance, and your arrogant my-way-is-the-only way attitude.
Thank God and – il ham dul Allah – you represent only fanatical Christianity. You want to live like that — hey, it’s your life, go for it.
But I don’t need to be a part of it.
But dear muslim you are very much a part of it, since you are a member of the Arabian pagan death cult that is intolerance and supremacist arrogance and a demonic fanaticism, all the things that muslims accuse others of when we bring facts to the table.
As a muslim you are complicit in the crimes against humanity in the name of Islam since you make excuses for it , and therefore you condone it.
Perhaps you will find this interesting, and remember, Jesus Christ is the only sinless one, and if you just ask him, he will open the eyes of your heart so that you can see him. Cheers, fare the well, and may He be your only blessing:
If we are to believe Time, not only is Boko Haram un-Islamic but so is the grand mufti that Time quoted to prove Boko Haram is un-Islamic.
And so is Mohammed.
If Mohammed is un-Islamic because he raped girls, enslaved women and murdered religious minorities in a campaign of violence and slavery… is there even an Islam?
Either Mohammed, the founder of Islam, is un-Islamic so that Islam, as defined by the Muslimsplainers, doesn’t exist. Or the Muslimsplainers are lying about Islam.
Muslim countries are some of the world’s most religiously intolerant places and they are also the places most likely to treat women and girls like dirt. You can either believe the independent statistics, the quotes from Muslim clerics and from Mohammed… or the Muslimsplainers who claim that the condemnation of Boko Haram by a totalitarian Islamic country whose religious police shoved schoolgirls back to die in a burning building because their hair wasn’t covered proves that the group has nothing in common with the moderate form of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia.
Muslimsplaining by Muslims is even more offensive to the victims of Islam.
Sheikh Mostafa Elazabawy of the Masjid Manhattan mosque resigned from the interfaith advisory panel to the 9/11 Museum and warned that a documentary about terrorism would offend Muslims.
This was the same Sheikh Elazabawy who called Jews a “cancer.” Muslimsplainers like Elazabawy want tolerance, but they aren’t willing to give it in return. They aren’t really for tolerance, but for carving out spaces of Muslim privilege.
That’s not any different than what Islamic supremacist groups like Al Qaeda or Boko Haram do. The only difference between Muslim supremacist “moderates” and “extremists” is that the extremists are honest about their supremacism while the moderates hide behind tolerance.
Once again — completely ignorant.
I am not Muslim — but definately Muslim-tolerant.
You think that Christ is the only sinless one? Well, I guess that means that you will have to pay for YOUR sins. Including the blasphemy of your words.
Boko Haram is one of those minority ‘crazed’ Islam offshoots. I guess your statement means that you have not been reading — or comprehending — my words. Have you forgotten to take your meds today — this week — last month — the past year? Sweetheart, go see your doctor. You’re going to give yourself a heart attack or brain embolism.
‘Raped women,” “enslaved girls,” “murdered religious minorities.” Ah, forgot — you were speaking of Christianity!!! Let’s see: the armies of Soliman raped and then killed the Islamic women that they conquered: to rape a young girl meant (if you were a good Christian) to enslave them ‘to protect and feed them.’ How droll, as it just means that he can also f*** them whenever he liked!
“Murdered religious minorities?” Honey — you haven’t been reading your history books on the spread of Christianity. Wake up, sweety.
It is time for you to differentiate between off-shoot psycho muslims (boko Haram) and the moderate Muslims. You see, you don’t hear a lot about moderate Muslims — because they move along in life not creating problems.
FX: if you want me to describe Christianity like you are describing Islam, then I would focus only on: Jimmy Jones, David Keresh, Abortion clinic murderers, Invasions of US, Mexico, Peru, So American countries (in the name of Christ), Japan, Hawaii, Inquisitions, the Crusades, Witch burnings, Auto de Fey (do you even know what the Auto de Fey IS?), etc, etc, etc.
Oh, sorry – I have been referring to these events — but you have either been ignoring my words — or are simply too ignorant to understand their implications.
Islam is not a religion to begin with, it is a militant political ideology. We are educated and we do use our critical thinking skills that is how we know exactly what Islam is about based on empirical evidence, not like some people who adhere to a cult based on a book that spouts many clear and irrefutable errors. If you were educated you would understand also that muslims are abusing the democratic freedoms and rights that Americans have freely included you in.
Those numbers of deaths pale in comparison to the 270 million that died when the demon infested Arabs left their ancient homeland and descended in their savage cruelty upon INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO HAD DONE THEM NO HARM, converting them to islam by the sword. And today more people die at the hands of a psychotic muslim in one year than those who died during the 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition.
As for the charge of being hypocrites, nothing like that, we thought that our Christian values of inclusivity and freedom was worth sharing with the rest of humanity. We now have discovered that the awful truth that muslims are hostile towards us and are working to subvert our western civilisation and replace it with their barbaric savage pagan death cult sharia. We have decided that we don’t like muslims in our country anymore and we want laws passed that will subdue muslims severely, in the words of the false psychopathic profit of Arabia.
I have found that it is the muslim who has been fed a Christianised form of Islam for the last few centuries that is ignorant of their own cult and its history. Anyone who uses their god given brain is able to see and understand that Islam is not what muslims want you to believe despite the abundant evidence to the opposite of what they are saying. It is best if you and your loved ones return to Saudi Arabia, or any one of the 57 muslim countries, so that you no longer have to feel oppressed by our western culture and democratic freedoms.
Lea, tsk, tsk, tsk.
1. Islam is a religion. Ever hear of the Qur’an?
2. I bet you haven’t even been to the Middle East, judging by your lack of knowledge of it.
3. Isn’t Pride one of the biggest sins of Christianity. I think you should rethink your religion and meditate on your own Pride. Just re-read your response and you might be able to figure it out.
4. “Innocent people who have done them no harm.” You wouldn’t happen to be talking about the Aztec and Inca cultures that were decimated by the sword in the spread of Christianity, would you? Or maybe you are referring to the 9 million women burned alive for witchcraft when they were just herbal healers? Or possibly you are talking about the great Christian Adolf Hitler who tried to wipe out the entire Jewish community during WWII? What about the Inquisition, the Auto de Fe, the 15 Crusades whose armies marched thru Europe, stealing and raping their own women? Or perhaps Richard the Lionheart when, upon making a peace promise with Saladin, went in and murdered an entire town of women, children and old people. Ah yes, you must be referring to this!
5. I don’t live in the US but I have visited many times. Nice place if you can get past the anti African American racism that is so prevalent in the south. Or that was there 10 years ago when I was New Orleans. Hopefully Katrine wiped out that sentiment. If it did that would have been the only good thing that Katrine did.
1. The Koran is a man made book. Ancient documents were found in Yemen that attest to the fact that it was developed over a long period of time and that it includes a hodgepodge of unrelated stories, in no particular sequence, and a whole lot of it is beyond comprehension even in Arabic to the Arabs. It includes Zoroastrian, Christian, Jewish Torah, Talmud and pagan poetry, and was developed as a militant political ideology disguised as a religion. If you are really interested in knowing more then you could inform yourself better: http://www.faithfreedom.org/oped/sina50218.htm
2. I doubt if pride has got anything to do with what I am saying, but it does seem that your pride is getting pricked. I do enjoy our western civilisation and it is great to be able to include others who are less fortunate. It is a real pity that they are indoctrinated into an ideology that prohibits them from being our true allies and friends, an ideology that leads them to believe that their god has declared war on humanity and they are fodder for the war machine. I stand by my commentary above.
3. Doubt if Columbus went to America to spread Christianity. Perhaps you identify more with the savages holding spears who met him on the beach than with Columbus?
Some authors claim that millions of witches were killed in Europe, while modern scholarly estimates place the total number of executions for witchcraft in the 300-year period of European witch-hunts far lower. William Monter estimates 35,000 deaths (see table below), historian Malcolm Gaskill 40,000–50,000. About 75 to 80 percent of those were women.
The pre-Christian Twelve Tables of pagan Roman law had provisions against evil incantations and spells intended to damage cereal crops. In 331 BC, 170 women were executed as witches in the context of an epidemic illness. Livy emphasizes that this was a scale of persecution without precedent in Rome. In 184 BC, about 2,000 people were executed for witchcraft (veneficium), and in 182–180 BC another 3,000 executions took place, again triggered by the outbreak of an epidemic. There is no way to verify the figures reported by Roman historians, but if they are taken at face value, the scale of the witch-hunts in the Roman Republic in relation to the population of Italy at the time far exceeded anything that took place during the “classical” witch-craze in Early Modern Europe. Persecution of witches continued in the Roman Empire until the late 4th century AD and abated only after the introduction of Christianity as the Roman state religion in the 390s.
The Councils of Elvira (306), Ancyra (314) and in Trullo (692) imposed certain ecclesiastical penances for devil-worship and this mild approach represented the view of the Church for many centuries.
The general desire of the Catholic Church’s clergy to check fanaticism about witchcraft and necromancy is shown in the decrees of the Council of Paderborn which in 785 explicitly outlawed condemning people as witches, and condemned to death anyone who burnt a witch. Emperor Charlemagne later confirmed the law. The Council of Frankfurt in 794, called by Charlemagne, was also very explicit in condemning “the persecution of alleged witches and wizards”, calling the belief in witchcraft “superstitious”, and ordering the death penalty for those who presumed to burn witches.
Similarly, the Lombard code of 643 states:
“Let nobody presume to kill a foreign serving maid or female servant as a witch, for it is not possible, nor ought to be believed by Christian minds.”
This conforms to the teachings of the Canon Episcopi of circa 900 AD (alleged to date from 314 AD), following the thoughts of St Augustine of Hippo which stated that witchcraft did not exist and that to teach that it was a reality was, itself, false and heterodox teaching.
King Kálmán (Coloman) of Hungary, in his First Legislative Book, Decree 57, published in 1100, also referenced here in English, banned witch hunting because he said, “witches do not exist”.
Current scholarly estimates of the number of people executed for witchcraft vary between about 40,000 and 100,000. The total number of witch trials in Europe which are known to have ended in executions is around 12,000. (wiki)
It appears that pre-Christian pagan behaviours kept resurging for a time until it finally died out. Terrible, as terrible as the pagan practises that held sacrificial rituals, cannibalising infants, etc.
Hitler was a freemason occultist. He actually preferred Islam to Christianity.
I think war turns men into beasts very easily, the cruelty that they are exposed to, especially if they have been exposed to prolonged brutal attacks and rapes of their peoples, which in this case was due to the constant and very savage muslim invasions. It seems that the crusaders took on the characteristics of their attackers too, just like the poor Christians did in C.A.R Africa after they had endured a sustained unholy muslim jihad on them for about 2 years.
5. I am not an American.
Hey Lea, thanks for taking out all that time to do so much research, but your words are still fanatical — extremely so.
“Columbus was probably attacked by savages holding spears?” Not in any history books that I have read. You didn’t refer to all the Inca and Aztec deaths — nor the stealing of their gold to decorate your Vatican. Wow, a cathedral dripping with blood.
And I am referring to the witch trials between the 16th and 19th centuries — not the Roman period, especially before the 4th c AD when Christianity was actually founded. And (I assume you are a woman?) you did not address the issue of holistic female healers burned at the stake for being witches? My sources say 9 million — yours say between 40,000 to 100,000. If your sources are correct, does that mean that you condone the burnt by the stake deaths of so many?
What about the Inquisition? the Auto de Fey?
Yes, “war turns men into beasts very easily.” Look at how Bush went off on his Iraqi war campaign. And he certainly was Christian.
How many people did Christians murder in your Crusades? Check out the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” if you want to get a visual.
How many Christians removed Africans from their homelands, stripping families apart, only to be sold into slavery? Of course, Christians thought of them as ignorant savages.
Get a clue to my point, Lea. You got to practice what you preach. And if you can’t accept the fact that Christians are responsible for worldwide bloodshed, then your vision still remains very, very, very narrow.
Persecution of witches continued in the Roman Empire until the late 4th century AD and abated only after the introduction of Christianity as the Roman state religion in the 390s. No, I do not condone these murders, and I also condemn those pagans who were still carrying child sacrifices at that time too.
Christianity did not happen over night. People’s minds and hearts were changed but it took some time. When
Christianity came to the Roman Empire it performed one of the most significant cultural revolutions in the history of the West. In general, Christian values stood directly opposed to those values of classical thought, that is, of the Greco-Roman tradition. From about 100 to 337, the Church in the Empire remained an illegal and persecuted sect who were often murdered. Still, the Church succeeded in adding to its
The remark about Columbus was a figure of speech, and once again I am not a Roman Catholic. I am a born again believer, free and independent from any man made dogma or doctrine etc. Turn to Jesus Christ, read his words, may he open up the eyes of your heart.
And, Freemasonry is a Luciferian religion. They say they are something else, but they lie.
OH, and forgot. The Bible was also a ‘man-made’ book…………………………
And Christianity is one of the greatest ‘hodgebodges’ of religion that I have ever seen. Not meaning to downgrade it at all — I think it is kind of cool at the way that it embraces all of the earlier religious (pagan) traditions into the ‘heart’ of Christianity…………………..But I have never been happy to think of Mary Magdalene as as whore. She was Jesus’s wife and disciple. And the other aposltles seemed so afraid of her that they denigrated her in the only childish way that they knew — by labeling her a whore.
Is that as far as your advanced culture has taken you? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Hi Lea. Excuse me. I have to stop laughing before I write my response! Do you wear horse blinders or glasses? It is just that you views are so incredibly narrow! Ohps, that got me laughing again……………….
The way of truth is narrow. Enjoy the laugh!
I am — I am laughing even harder now!
Islam is both a religion and a militant ideology — that’s why it’s able to pass as just a “religion” in the States. When communism was a huge threat, the US govt knew better cuz there’s no worship of a deity attached to communism.
That is exactly the problem with Islam, it masquerades as a religion, an Abrahamic religion also, making false claim on the Judeo-Christian legacy for humanity, even presuming to abrogate and consume this legacy, and in so doing it perverts the One true message that comes only through Israel, and is Jesus Christ. Islam is communism with a god.
I like that analogy: “Islam is communism with a god” 🙂
So is Christianity. I guess that is why so many women were burned at the stake, why women can’t (even today) become priests, why Christianity does not tolerate other religions (or maybe that is just true of its intolerant members?), why priests — denied of sex with women — resorted to their boy congregation members in search of sex, why Christians hoping to convert ‘pagans’ instead killed US Indians in the ‘name of God’ — same thing for Mexican and South American Indians — and ‘pagans’ of numerous other countries — including Celtic women many centuries ago………. And then stole their gold to decorate the greatest Christian church — the Vatican. Hmmmmmmm. Sounds like you got a problem, Lea.
Please start taking your medication again. You certainly need it.
You don’t have “critical thinking” skills. And your ‘education’ seems to lack a certain human quality. If you could think ‘critically’ and have such vast ‘education’, your comments wouldn’t be so flammable, and religiously biased. Your ears just might be opened — but alas — they are not.
And who says that democracy is the correct govt form in the world? You? Democracy almost destroyed Russia. And the MB took Democracy, twisted it to their own satisfaction — and then abandoned it to pursue their own agenda.
Lea — unfortunately you are a helpless cause. A total fanatic who can not see the forest for the trees………………..
wrong no 9 million women where burned at the stake for witchcraft, maybe you should read up on how islam where spread. so now tell me why muslims are killing Christians in Syria Egypt Nigeria Sudan Pakistan? why are sunnis killing shiat? right now the M.E is one big bloodbath everybody is killing everybody, it went so far as they beheaded one of they own ppl and went ups sorry wrong head
Ah, thanks Ninna. You got us right back to why I posted my first comment. The MB has their own form of Islam which does not agree with the ‘popluar’ Islam. The MB are the ones killing Christians. I suppose you didn’t hear Sisi’s speach 2 nights ago? Something like ‘we are all Egyptian whether we are Muslim, Coptic, or Jewish. If anyone goes against Egypt, they are not Egyptian.’ Not the exact words but that was the gist. And you still haven’t addressed any issues of dead Aztecs, Inca, Hawaiins, American Indians, why so many women were burnt, the Auto de Fey, the Inquisition, etc, etc, etc. I can only assume that is because you know I am right.
wrong because I don’t live in the USA and I didn’t live then, islam on the other hand are still doing the same shit as did muhammad and his ilks, spare me B.S “we are all egyptian whether coptic or jews”, and BTW why include muslims, the M:B are the true follower of islam so with every murdering raping muslim
I don’t care whether you live in the US, Mexico, or Peru or not (American Indians, Aztecs, Incas). And spare me your distorted views on Islam. But I do know — as does the rest of the world — that there was a terrible problem within the Christian world (and still is) because many priests were convicted of raping their young boy Christians, yes? And your homework was done by a nursery school child when you say “MB are true follower of Islam”……………..Incredibly ignorant, narrow, arrogant, and full of yourself. And tell me again about how Protestantism ever formed, about how Catholics tortured killed other Christians about a difference in religious interpretation?
You are not getting my original message. Islam (like Christianity) has bad offshoots (like the MB, etc). If your religion (Christianity, I assume) is guilty of something, how can you be so duplicitous as to point your finger at another religion and say, in effect, “We are good. They are devils?”
Look at the theology of Christianity and the Muslims. Look at the teachings of Christ and compare that with the false prophet of Arabia. Roman Catholicism resembles the Roman Empire with its power structures and ampitheatres where watching people die a cruel death was entertainment. The pomp and the ceremony, the rituals, this is all very anti-Christ, very unlike the way of Jesus Christ. While the RC were doing anything evil to hold onto power and wealth, the common Christians were changing the world. Since Jesus Christ spend a great deal of his ministry on earth casting out demons who do understand how it is that the demonic spirit of child abuse, sodomy works amongst men even the Jesuits who were not Christians but infiltrators of the RC, who knowingly installed them as a part of their pagan cult.
And Uuta, there are many good, and innocent people who are very humane, and they are muslims, mainly because they were born muslim, they are ignorant of the Koran and the traditions, for if they were not, then they would not speak as you do. They would perceive the very enactment of Islam today, as the resurgence of the 7th century form, just like those who are on the objective side of Islam are doing. People seldom think for themselves, but Jesus Christ is revealing himself to many, many Muslims and pagans right now. The harvest of souls is happening even in amongst all the destruction, so we are not afraid.
Ah, another misinformation that I must correct you on. The Islam from the 7th century — that one that you are referring to — is Islam of the Islamists such as the Salafi, MB, and al-Q, is not Islam as it is practiced today by the majority of Muslims. And of the Salafi, MB, and al-Q, the Salafi-iin are actually kind of cool. They are kind of like Jehovah Witnesses, or Mormons who go door to door, preaching but not hurting people.
Oh no — in your next response you will claim that there is no such thing as Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons, right?
Can I borrow a cup of sugar?
Is this how Islam is practised today?
And JWs and Mormons are not Christians because they do not base their beliefs on the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Simple. You can research this for yourself, since you are so well informed.
You keep forgetting to respond about Jimmy Jones; tell me more about his doctrine.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonsترجم هذه الصفحةMormons
are a religious and cultural group related to Mormonism, the principal
branch of the Latter Day Saint movement of Restorationist Christianity,
which …
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah’s_Witnessesترجم هذه الصفحةJehovah’s Witnesses is a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity.
Amazing how “Christianity” is attached is the first sentence of descriptions from Wiki about Mormons and Christians, don’t you think?
You forgot the sugar. Oh, and do you have any sunscreen?
Well, I am not American, but it appears that Jim Jones had an obsession with death as a child, he infiltrated Christianity in order to preach communism and exploited the vulnerable African Americans while implementing his cult, which was anti-Christian. He also held an interfaith rally with the NOI muslims. Based on these facts and this:
In a 1976 phone conversation with John Maher, Jones alternately stated that he was an agnostic and an atheist. Despite the Temple’s fear that the IRS was investigating its religious tax exemption, Marceline Jones admitted in a 1977 New York Times interview that Jones was trying to promote Marxism in the United States by mobilizing people through religion, citing Mao Zedong as his inspiration. She stated that, “Jim used religion to try to get some people out of the opiate of religion,” and had slammed the Bible on the table yelling “I’ve got to destroy this paper idol!” In one sermon, Jones said that, “You’re gonna help yourself, or you’ll get no help! There’s only one hope of glory; that’s within you! Nobody’s gonna come out of the sky! There’s no heaven up there! We’ll have to make heaven down here!”
I say he is not a Christian. Do you know what a Christian believes?
As for the JWs and Mormons, I am sure you can do the research yourself as you dig a little deeper than wiki.
Enjoy the sun, sorry I can’t help you with some protection.
Still missing the point, sweetheart. I’m talking about Islam sects. You are talking about Christian sects that you claim didn’t/don’t label themselves Christian, but they did/do.
You are missing the point. The MB is not a sect of Islam since it is practising the injunctions of the Koran but nice muslims are not, or rather in a selective manner. Whereas the JW and Mormons have their own “bibles” and they are not following the teachings of Jesus Christ and the gospels, therefore even though they call themselves Christian, they are not. Both these cults are basing their beliefs on the teachings of one man, just like Islam does.
You are not getting anything and you are completely missing the point. If you are representative of all Christians (and thank God I don’t believe you are) then I would end up hating all of them. But I don’t because you are simply a bad apple. A very bad apple and nothing more.
“MB is not a sect of Islam” is about the stupidest statement that you have made so far. I asked you before if you have ever even been to the Middle East and you didn’t reply. I’m taking that — in conjunction with your idiotic, narrow-minded, ignorant remarks — as a big fat ‘NO.’ And you think that you are intelligent? Sure you are — but certainly not more intelligent than a baboon. They display a far greater mental capacity than you do. Maybe you came from Pluto, where there is possibly no life?
Go home. Now. Before you start Armeggedon.
We don’t need you.
And we don’t want you,
“Oh black satanic devil worshiper Lea.”
You should realise at this point that you have lost the debate. But thank you anyway for trying, most muslims end up lathering and foaming, at the mouth, ready to start the third world war attempting dialogue with Christians, denouncing Christians as devil worshippers, and damning them to hell. It is common thing for muslims to do. And there a lot more Christians out there just like me. They make no attempt at pacifying the muslim. Who is “we”? Is it the same “we” that mo used when he spoke on behalf of Lucifer? You total inability to prove to me that there is a difference in ideology between true Islam and the Islam of the psychopath muslims in Syria and Libya and Nigeria etcetcetcetc. is your weakness. Islam is a violent and expansionist militant political ideology. It is communism with a god. May your only blessing be Jesus Christ.
Well, at least you are starting to hear me, just a tiny bit. I think it is kind of fun to watch you ‘lathering and foaming at the mouth.” What a sorry excuse for a human being you are. Oophs — forgot. You are not human. You aren’t intelligent and tolerant enough, Oh Black Satanic Worshiperette Lea.”
Shame, poor muslim.
That’s because you don’t use your ears to LISTEN — unless, of course, it is to yourself only. Same thing with your eyes when you read.
As for starting the ‘third world war’ you don’t need Muslim help to do that: your mouth-foaming is enough. People like you give Christianity a very bad name. Think about that before you make another rabid comment.
THEY believe that they are a Christian sect. Wake up and THINK about what I am writing. You are not God — neither am I. but you sure act like you are. Isn’t that blasphemy? Isn’t that against the 10 Commandments?
Hey Lea! I haven’t heard from you for so long! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
More people are killed in one year today, than what were killed through the 350 year Spanish inquisition. Extensive examinations of archival records, modern scholars provide lower estimates, indicating that fewer than 10,000 were actually executed during the whole history of the Spanish Inquisition, perhaps around 3,000. Even if it was more, it still has no patch on what the muslims have been doing since the 7th century. If you read the history of the Roman Catholic Vatican Empire church you will read something that is akin to the Islam’s history, yet even in that, the Catholics still do not measure up to the atrocities and barbarism of Muslims. Yet, perhaps it is their similarity which now leads to the interfaith movements, where Catholics and Muslims are even worshipping together. As Christians we cannot join Jesus with mo, since the two are worlds apart. A brief study will reveal this to you. Based on theology, Islam incites violence, the Gospels do the opposite. A cursory glance decides this fact. Take a look at Islam 100 years ago, and we see the muslim turks committing the most heinous atrocities upon the Armenian Christians. Today we see the arab muslims hunting down the Armenian Christians in Syria. In Nigeria we see the African muslims killing Christians. Of course, all of these muslims will kill other “moderate” muslims as well. All muslims are bound by the same Koran, all muslims may not be disposed towards beheading someone but they will happily provide their money towards the cause, and in this way they please allah and obey the Koranic injunctions. Therefore, you yourself are in danger from the muslim psychopaths that Islam breeds.
Once again, “Q” not “K” (for Quran). “Quran” starts with a “qaff” not a “ka.”
I don’t believe your study includes all of the Aztec, Incas, and other cultures that were decimated (many, many killed) when you cite your “1300” figure during the Spanish Inquisition. Such a pity you keep forgetting little things like this.
You suggest that Muslims have no tolerance. Yet you forget people like Galileo (ca 1630) who had conflicting views on the make up of our solar system, claiming that the Earth went around the sun, which was contrary to church doctrine. And he was incarcerated for the rest of his life for ‘suspicion of heresy.’ And the church didn’t give him a reprieve until, I think it was in the 1990s (about 400 years later), way, way, way after the fact was proved that the Earth DOES revolve around the Sun.
Can we talk more about tolerance?
Aztecs and Incas were civilisations that were amongst the most brutal and exceptional in their primitive, barbarism towards their own, and continually waged war on the peoples around them, did you know that?
Yes, let us talk about tolerance, in particular the intolerance of muslims and let us make it contemporary. In comparison to Israelis, the muslims look like demon infested monsters, non humans:
I asked if we could talk about ‘tolerance’ not ‘intolerance,’ but OK, if you want to talk about intolerance, let’s start with yours.
It is unwise and suicidal to tolerate intolerant Islam that breeds muslim monsters that have no conscience, calling evil good and good evil, especially in our lovely democratic freedom western countries. Muslims are indoctrinated by their koranic teachings into willing subjugating themselves to mere men, the cruellest of men, whom they believe are the direct representatives of God on earth, much like the Roman Catholic Papals do.
Come on, I want to know, since muslims are waging their unholy jihad on the Armenian Christians even now in Syria, what is it that you see as so tolerant and peaceful about muslims and islam?
I’m not sure I should even waste another second with you. But what the hell?
Islam is JUST like Christianity — there are offshoot sects with different religious interpretations that sometimes are not very pleasant. You can’t wipe away Jimmy Jones for example — just because he was obsessed with death as a child. Who do you think you are today anyway, Sigmund Freud?
It’s not a good idea to treat like gospel things that you know nothing about — or what you do know about, have twisted them in such an arrogant, intolerant, finger-pointing manner. THAT is what makes you look really, really dumb.
Islam does not have Muslem representatives on Earth. Imams are not priests. On the other hand, YOU have a pope who Christians believe is God’s representative on Earth. And sodomy has been practices by Catholic priests since time immemorial because they are forbidden women and forbidden to marry. I take it you condone unwanted, forcible sodomy? Of young children. Hooray for you, “Oh devil worshiping Lea.” We don’t want it.
Quite by accident I recently discovered that Jim Jones was an atheist and that he is used as an example of what gives atheism a bad name. It is said that he used the church to turn people towards atheism. “He said that he “took the church and used the church to bring people to atheism”.
No Christian is Jimmy. But he is also a prime example of how evil men deliberately infiltrate the church and operate as if Christian when their motives are purely diabolical.
Christianity is not like Islam at all. Islam has merely tried to imitate it and in the process mock and distort Christianity. The theology proves that once and for all. If it appears that Christians are doing evil then it cannot be based on the teachings of the Gospel of Christ Jesus, this is an impossible thing to do. Whereas with the muslims the scenario is the exact opposite, the evil that muslims do is based on their theology, except they call this evil as good, which is purely diabolical.
The many, many muslim groups in this world that are waging an unholy war on innocent human beings, like the Boko Haram, the Al Shabaab, these are just the more well known ones to westerners, there are thousands of these groups wherever you find a large enough gathering of muslims. These muslims base their every act and word on the Koran and on the life of the false Arabian prophet, and the scholarly works of muslims throughout the ages and the tenets have remained the same for 14 centuries. The off-shoots of Islam is purely Islamic, and does not deviate, but in fact intensifies the practise of islam as put down by mo. Christian off-shoots cannot be termed Christian, even though they operate in this name, since they deny the central idea of Christianity, which is only one thing, Jesus Christ, the sinless one. It may give you some false comfort to convince yourself that Islam and Christianity are the same, but this is another lie.
I merely state the facts as I and many others have observed them to be. We don’t have to embellish anything because the muslims themselves provide ample overwhelming evidence that what I have said to you is true, whether you like it or not, the facts are as they are. Your labelling and insults are not going to make any difference to the fact that you are believing in lies.
I suppose when muslims falsely brand Christians as polytheists this is not arrogant and an irrefutable koranic error, or when they imprison a pregnant Christian woman in Sudan for being a muslim apostate, and sentence her to death, this is quite okay with you, for anything that comes out of the diabolical mouth of mo, and enacted by muslims, is considered good by you. In the same vein, the muslim psychopaths in Syria are also good since they too are doing what the false prophet of Arabia did and what the Koran tells them to do, right? So these muslim psychopaths are not just off shoots of Islam are they? When muslims destroy churches and murder Christians while they worship, abduct their children and turn them forcibly into muslims then this is not evil, since it is according to the practise of islam, just the way mo did it.
And then you think that this equates with evil men in the church who do things that are against everything the God of Love taught us while he was on earth. And then you have the brazen cheek, like only muslims can have, to tell me I worship the very thing that the false Arabian prophet served in his craven, depravity.
We well know that it is the imams that control the muslims, who incite them to murder and rage in destruction. This is
power over people, only because people believe that what
the imams are telling is what allah is saying, they are taught
to never question their imams but to obey them blindly.
Caliphs are the exact equivalent to the popes, and equally if not more evil since the blood that has been shed at their behest is far greater in magnitude to what the popes ever did. But get this, Christians are actually admit that many of the popes, if not all, were evil in their ways, whereas muslims make their evil caliphs heroes. Christians have actually owned up to the sins of their forefathers and made active reparations on their behalf. Western Europeans have paid compensations to the countries that they colonised, to the slaves they kept. Even though the European colonisation advanced those countries and broke the stronghold of Islam, since muslims have been colonising other peoples countries for over a thousand years already, and still are, setting them free, and also stopped slavery, which was and still is essentially a muslim thing, and is practised because they worship and emulate a wicked mortal man, the false prophet of Arabia.
Still not getting it, are you? Oh my, what iron curtains you hide behind! And you still haven’t answered the question, “Have you ever even been in the Middle East?” Yup, big fat ‘NO.” And you seem to have the temerity to make sweeping, ugly accusations about it, its people, and its religion. I’m so happy there are only a few pig-headed, mentally blind Christians like you. But watch it — your words continue to give the silly sect of Christianity that you obviously follow, a very, very, very bad name. And your sect is what? Hail Lucifer?
Typical muslim. The Middle East belonged to Christians and Jews before the muslims invaded, raped, enslaved the women, and sold them, just like their false profit of Arabia did. the North of Africa also belonged to growing Christian peoples, before the raping, mutiliating, beheading, vicious arab muslims arrived and ever since then Africa has been at the mercy of Islam. There are many many Christians and non muslims and even some ex muslims just like me, plently. This website, in case you haven’t noticed, is dedicated to exposing muslims like you who try to obfuscate the fact that Islam is inherently a violent militant expansionist ideology which is driving their psychotic jihad groups like Boko Haram. I prove you wrong and you cannot even admit it. You are a muslim trying for discourse but failing since all you can launch into is the normal vicious muslim hate speech. I state facts, it is all there for you to take a look at yourself, in the satanic Koran. Armenia is one of the most ancient nations on earth and it was also the first kingdom to become Christian and that through the love of Jesus Christ who demonstrated acts of healing for the peoples. Islam on the other hand is continuously at work in traumatising and degrading and destroying and deceiving. Islam is very similar to Nazism, that is why the mufti of Jerusalem collaborated, along with other muslims, with Hitler. Muslims are so stupid they even call jews Nazis, or they just do it because they know they are the Nazis and of course, a nice little muslim tactic is to accuse your enemy of the very crimes you are committing yourself. confusion reigns with islam, even the muslims don’t know what is really potting most of the time, they are just helpless but very willing pawns, manipulated by the Marxists and the masons.
Whoa. The first act of violence towards women occurred when Mary Magdelene — the WIFE of Jesus Christ — was labeled a whore/prostitute, and her biblical canon — and those canons of all other women — were rejected from being included in the bible.
“Cast the mote out of thine own eye before thou attempt to cast the beam out of mine.”
Once again — but I keep forgetting that either you don’t have ears — or you don’t know how to use them — I am Not Muslim.
Think of Boko Haram as Jimmy Jones. And I don’t care what the critics think: Jimmy Jones thought that he WAS christian, so that point is moot.
And the rest of your fanatical raving doesn’t deserve the time for my comments………………………………..
Jimmy Jones was nothing else but an deceiving infiltrator, one of many, who knew and openly stated that he was a Marxist, so your point is destroyed. As for your fanatical raving and pagan rants, who cares? Just so much more rubbish. Even with Jimmy Jones worst faults he still could never be compared to Boko Haram, and since you attempt that, you are not worth dialoguing with. Cheers!
Wow. You are waaaaaaaay out there — and definately not worth ‘dialoguing’ with. You are kind of scary, really. Why? Because fanatics like you start wars — and the world does not need any more wars right now.
But forget the ‘Cheers.’
Just stick it where the sun don’t shine.
Hey bad people are everywhere in all religions, but you missed one very important point! The most important point! Make a text study! Study all the NEW TESTAMENT and tell me if you find any, but any violent no tolerant teaching and crime instigation against non believers! Also study all the Quran ( Koran whatever) and tell me if you find crime instigations text against non believers! Tell me after how Christ and apostles teach their followers to behave toward non christians and how Quran and Mohamed teach his followers to behave towards non believers! THAT’S THE POINT! One ideology is PURE peaceful and the other one is PURE WARRIOR!
Do you want some Quran texts to prove? There are some 109 if i remember well! If you wand I am gald to search them and copy paste it to you! Also I am glad if you copy paste me any crime instigation text you cane find in New Testament!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that is why Christians burned people at the stake, right? And that is why Christianity says that if you don’t believe in God, you go to hell, right? And that is why the Vatican is lined with gold stolen from massacred Incas, right.
Rant on, baby. It’s pretty funny, and very naive.
Women you are totally brainwashed! You can not make difference between ideology and doctrines of those 2 books? The rest is IRRELEVANT! Both did mistakes! But what about the texts???? Which teaches PEACE and LOVE for the infidels and which teaches WAR and HATE for the infidels??? Could your 2 neurons work just a bit as to understand the point????Could you make an effort or you are left unineuronal and no sinaps is possible anymore ????
Again, nilil, read your Christian history. It’s in black and white. And your screaming is rather amusing; makes me think of, “he who hath overprotests’ ….., is hiding something…….or simply afraid to look.
So is it Christ’s fault that so called “christians” did terrible things ? Did Christ teach Christians to do so? That’s the important thing! What Christ did teach not what perverted Popes and politics did during inquisitions and crusades! Those Popes, those clerics did not follow Christ teaching they did contrary( they took politic power and mixed it with religion just like imams do today in islamic states) just served for their own purposes! Did you know that before Protestant Reform, Bible was not allowed in christian homes, but they were punished even killed if possessed it? Did you know that the sunday church ceremony was kept only in latin when most of medieval people didn’t speak latin anymore? People were kept in dark and obscurity by corrupted clerics and church, they were just victims! But was this Christ fault??? Did he Teach corruption, manipulation, war, crime in his Name??? Please make the difference? Also you include all christians when you criticizes but what about the orthodox christians? Did they do crusades or inquisition? The answer is No! What about protestant and reformat christians? Did they do inquisition and crusade? No! So be honest and stop all amalgam when you speak about christians! Did you know that is thanks to protestants like Martin Luther , Calvin, Huss, Jeronim that catholicism cruelties ended? They brought a reform that helped our humanity evolve together with Renaissance, and thanks to this kind of christians today we are not in middle age anymore? Could you please be objective? Stop hating and generalizing and again is not Christ’s fault for all the murders and atrocities those criminals did in His name that’s why I asked you to make difference between the 2 ideologies and 2 doctrines! Christ doctrines is pure, is peace is love! Islam doctrine is peaceful only if all the word is muslim as their prophet told them to kill all infidels ( christians, jews, atheist and polytheists). Also all the countries you call christian today they are LAIC states, you cane easily change your religion withought any government interference, unfortunately we can not say the same about islamic states, most of them are not LAIC, Sharia is the state constitution so any muslim who would ever want to convert is punished conforming with sharia law! That’s the difference , no free will, no freedom to choose not even freedom to chose to be atheist but State dictates your conscience and your religions same as Popes did hundred of years ago ( Popes during middle age hundreds of years ago and islamic countries in 2015), islamic states puts themselves between you and God!
Wow! Your rants are amazing!
You know, if you would read what I wrote, you wouldn’t have to expend all of this energy. It is as if you read one sentence — and then go hysterical without attempting to comprehend the rest.
Like there is some djinn inside of you, whispering things in your ear. Where is an Exorcist when you need one?
I sure am glad I’m not your husband (or wife). I’d be on vacation all of the time.
Yep, when you miss arguments you just start offending and debitating fallacious arguments! Honestly you don’t havé the power and the knowledge of débate you have just old préconcepts and you just use them to justify ur frustrations and hate! I feel pitty for you! Maybe you should search for professional hélp or even better émigrate to Saudi Arabia to find your peace there!!! ;-))))
Be careful — you might start stabbing yourself between the legs, just like Regan in the Exorcist. Better find a priest quickly for that Exorcism!
“stabbing” a tipically muslim peaceful word, dear paranoid unlettered Uuta you are definitively coming from a stubbing muslim culture ;-)))))) Did you take your tickets for Saudi Arabia or Boko Haran? Or the Islamic Caliphate? All do stubbing stuffs so it’s embrace of choice for you !
Oh you are way too funny! Where do you come up with this soap-opera stuff? “Stabbing” a typically (not “tipically’) ‘muslim’ peaceful word?” And Daesh and Boko Haram (not “Haran”) claim to be Islamic but they are not.
Better learn some good English first if that is the only way you can attempt to attack me :o). Because it is not an attack. Now everyone I show your comments to is laughing and shaking there heads at your desperate actions. It’s not just me anymore.
hahaha, you should learn to spell and write english as you are american!!! What a shame! I’m neither american nor anglophone ;-)))) but you are and you are torturing your maternal language that’s why I call you illiterate :-))))) But in Saudi Arabia they will accept you don’t worry, you will feel so home!
PS: yes I like making fun of you 🙂 and your stupidity ( action-reaction)
OMG, are you still talking to your imaginary friends??? Before or after the cold shower??? ;-)))))
No, they are all corporeal, and are laughing even harder at your latest remark. Their eyes are even rolling.
I allready prove you are a liar and I made you a nice checkmate! hahahaha Go few lies below to see it!
And by the way you are muslim and lier! djin is a muslim Word and concept and you are à Coward histerical muslim lier who can not argument in a civilized way! Shame on you!
Wow! This time I actually fell off my chair, I was laughing so hard. I could imagine your head spinning around in circles.
Keep ranting — it really makes my day!
Same as I was laughing by your so ‘ cultured’ ” If I would read” tsk tsk tsk :-)))))) If stupidity hurt you would cry all day long ouch ouch ouch ;-))))) The way you torture your english language is amazing! Do you have limits or I should expect for more pearls dear Uuta “if I would read”:-)))))
“if I would read” is not a proper quote. I wrote “if YOU would read.” And obviously you haven’t.
I have way more important things to do rather than reply to a Barbie doll who is wound up with Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric — and who has no concept of creative thinking.
Keep stabbing away, darlin’ — at yourself. I am out of here. No use responding anymore, as you continue to repeat yourself. Boring!
If conditional Uuta, If conditional grammar rules; you are torturing english wowww and you keep doing it!!!!
For your général culture, you said” if you woul read” hope you are not américan as Would never used after if!!!! And i’am not an anglophone, neither américan!
Still ranting, huh? Your poor husband!
Keep it up because I’m laughing my a** off!
OH — so now your are condemning Christianity? Amazing — what a switch!
Have you ever considered that you might be bi-polar?
Have you consider emigrating to Saudi Arabia it suits you so well, ideal country for brainwashed fanatic unlettered people like you! ;-))))) – ” if I would read ” that was huge if conditional error —tsk tsk tsk
Honestly i feel just pity for you; it should be so sad being yourself! You offended all the people from this forum, you are unable to give civilized replicas, there is a name for your sufferance it is called paranoia! For your own sake search as soon as possible for psichiatrical help! I don’t say it with hate at all it’s just a constatation you poor litle thing…
If you want to talk about fanatics, perhaps you should look in the mirror.
Oh I’m terribly sorry, they probably don’t have mirrors in psychiatric wards………………………
Uuta when 10 people tell you are drunk you should go to sleep, same in your case most of the people you argued here told you have deep psychiatric problems so you should go make a check! Or go to Saudi Arabia as I said it suites you so well :-)))))
As I feel deeply pity for you I’d like to make you a happy day and continue my special dedication of “peaceful” verses of the pedophile criminal prophet :-))) All so peaceful
Quran 8:67 “It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land…”
Quran (8:59-60) – “And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah’s Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy.”
Quran (8:65) – “O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight…”
Quran (9:5) – “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.” According to this verse, the best way of staying safe from Muslim violence is to convert to Islam (prayer (salat) and the poor tax (zakat) are among the religion’s Five Pillars). This popular claim that the Quran only inspires violence within the context of self-defense is seriously challenged by this passage as well, since the Muslims to whom it was written were obviously not under attack. Had they been, then there would have been no waiting period (earlier verses make it a duty for Muslims to fight in self-defense, even during the sacred months). The historical context is Mecca after the idolaters were subjugated by Muhammad and posed no threat. Once the Muslims had the power, they violently evicted those unbelievers who would not convert.
Quran (9:14) – “Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people.”Humiliating and hurting non-believers not only has the blessing of Allah, but it is ordered as a means of carrying out his punishment and even “healing” the hearts of Muslims.
Quran (9:20) – “Those who believe, and have left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives in Allah’s way are of much greater worth in Allah’s sight. These are they who are triumphant.” The Arabic word interpreted as “striving” in this verse is the same root as “Jihad”. The context is obviously holy war.
Oh my! Such similar phrases in the Bible. Ooops, forgot (but perhaps you need to be reminded): Islam is only 1/3 pure Islam: the other 1/3 is Christian, and the last 1/3 is Jewish. I take it you have nothing better to do in the psychiatric ward?
As I asked you before, give me similar phrases from New Testament! Search, search dear Uuta the paranoid illiterate!
Context, darling, context.
Go to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, Afganistan, and you will see the context there! They will be glad to teach you Quran’s peaceful ideology how and to whom it applies! I told you, you will feel so home! What are you waiting for? You hypocrite, you blame the american “christians” for killing amerindians but in the same time you live in USA and take profit of all that! If you are so honest why don’t you give up your citizenship, why don’t you sell everything you have and give it to amerindians as you also stole their land and country ??? You, as american citizen, are also responsible if I follow your logic! Hypocrite, hypocrite darling Uuta!
“I live in America?” Your psychic skills are lacking — pretty much non-existent. Watch out — the “psychic police” will soon be on your doorstep.
Thanks for such a good time. As you write more and more, I can see your head spinning around in circles, as if you are possessed. It’s really quite amusing.
Time to visit your local priest for that Exorcism.
Oh — has your husband returned from ‘vacation’ yet?
Keep lying, keep lying, you exposed yourself and your location in past posts, few months ago, surely you forgot about it , but considering you’re paranoid I’m not surprised :-))))
Naw, my husband sleeps right next to me every night — and talks to me every day. In fact, we are on vacation together as I write — and having a great time.
So, I’ve asked you this question many, many times — but you never answer. “Is your husband still on vacation?” Seems like he is as you get so defensive and hysterically reactive.
And the way you massacre English is so amusing — especially when you massacre it when you are trying to ‘correct’ my English.
It’s amazing now you justify in front of me, wow, like if I care about you and your husband, you missed the point, the point is i caught you lying and proved you’re coward! Checkmate!
Uh — but you didn’t catch me lying. If you would read, then you might be able to figure it out.
Such a pity that you are a ‘woman’ of Boko Haram or IS. But that is your problem, not mine.
Again “If you would read” wooww, illiterate Uuta go on, go on killing english!! I am not muslim to be adept of Boko Haram or Isis au contrary, you on the other hand as a muslim lover you might be a good fit for them, except you’re too old , hehehehe!
My pleasure to dedicate you another peaceful verse of the peaceful Quran:
Quran (9:29) – “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” “People of the Book” refers to Christians and Jews. According to this verse, they are to be violently subjugated, with the sole justification being their religious status. This was one of the final “revelations” from Allah and it set in motion the tenacious military expansion, in which Muhammad’s companions managed to conquer two-thirds of the Christian world in the next 100 years. Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths.
I guess you don’t understand what “context” means. It is in the dictionary; look it up. But then again, even if you wrote a thesis (which includes context) on this comment site, I wouldn’t bother to read it all. Too much mindless, boring repetition.
When you don’t have the level of debate, when you are not able to bring arguments, it rests one solution lying! And you are an expert on lying, right Uuta??? Liar, liar
Don’t know how to use a dictionary? Or perhaps you don’t know what a dictionary is? Well, it is a book that explains the meaning of most words in one language. It even explains context, as in C-O-N-T-E-X-T.
You can usually find them in all bookstores, or — hey! Why don’t you just Google the word D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.
I know very well what context means, a text out of context is a pretext! You see I do have general culture not like you, and I do have the respect to speak my maternal language( not english) in a impeccable manner not like you, that’s how educated persons are supposed to speak their maternal language, is about self respect and the respect for your language!
The context is: Mahomed was a worrier and a brigand so he used all the pretexts he needed to make war to conquer the others! Religion is the best pretext! So as a smart boy he invented a new religion, based on his character and on the way he lived his life( robbery, war, betrayal, cruelty, pedophiliy, sadism, etc) and stupid or evil-minded people dare to say and to convince us it’s a religion of peace hahaha! And you are part of the morons who sustain this ineptitude !
I have nothing agains naive and well-minded muslims, they are just victims, but their religion sucks, Quran nothing better than Mein Kampf and Mahomed nothing better then Hitler!
I did not condemn christianity at all or at least what means christianity for me, but as you are unlettered I see you couldn’t understand my sayings as it is too much evolved for you and you don’t have the level for high quality debates, you are restrained to retrograde fanatic muslim things with paranoia accents ;-)))))
You switched again! Makes my head spin.
First you rant against Islam. Then you rant against me. Then you rant against Christianity. Then you rant against my education (which you have absolutely no clue as to what it is). Then you rant against my religion (not even knowing what it is). Then you rant against my evolution.
You are stabbing in the dark wearing a blindfold, darlin’.
I take it your husband is still away on vacation. If he is a smart man, he will never come back.
Your education???? Did you ever heard of if conditional grammar rules in your life???? Poor little unlettered Uuta :-))
As about your religion sure it is muslim even if you cowardly do not admit it, you use muslim vocabulary words, that’s why I call you coward and lier, you do not assume it at all!
“Liar” (correct), not “Lier” (incorrect).
“Did you ever heard of if conditional grammar rules in your life???” (incorrect way). Should be:
“Did you ever hear of conditional grammar rules pertaining to the word, ‘if?'” (correct).
“As about your religion sure it is muslim even if you cowardly did not admit it” (incorrect form), should be:
“And about your religion; of course it is Muslim, even if you are too cowardly to admit it” = child’s argument as well.
Your husband still hasn’t returned, has he?
As I said I am not an anglophone, english is my 5-th language, and I am an autodidact concerning english, so I assume making mistakes no problem! But for you dear unlettered Uuta it’s different as you are american and english is your maternal language so making so huge mistakes of spelling and not knowing basic ” if conditional” grammar rules shows the low level of your so called education tsk tsk tsk!
By the way still talking with your imaginary friends??? Before or after the cold shower??? ;-)))))
“People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”
My English is very correct, but yours is very bad. This I don’t mind as English is not your first language. But it is a very childish way that you have chosen to be critical of me. It leaves you open to attack — way open, as your English is very poor. It makes you look ridiculous when you attack me in that manner.
As you don’t know my nationality, nor my religion, it is silly to attack me in those areas, because you have no clue as to who or what I am. Kind of like you are grasping at straws, because you can’t think of any other route to offend me.
Additionally, instead of reading and copying what I have previously written, perhaps you should think of something new on your own? If you choose to continue portraying yourself as hysterical and a copycat — it’s not my problem.
“Creative Thinking” is an asset. You should try it sometime.
Liar, liar and coward you try to find a way to twist, but everything is already said! You are a coward liar, you are american if you have the right to vote for USA president, you are an american living in Egypt but you are still american, you can not speak and write properly you language as you are illiterate and uneducated! You are a fanatic muslim bigot who insulted everybody on this forum, patronizing everybody, hidden in front of your computer! You are unable to have a decent debate or conversation and you are unable to bring valid arguments!
“Uuta 8 months ago
Yeah, well she has my vote if she decides to run. I was very upset that Obama won the primaries — and not Hillary. America finally having a president that can actually think — that is a phenomena that should not be un-praised.”
Here another copy paste of your posts:
“Uuta bcbob425 8 months ago
No kidding. My son graduated from US boot camp under Bush — and I was terrified!”
Checkmate Uuta! ;-))))) You still have the freedom crying on the shoulders of your imaginary friends tsk tsk tsk, they will consolate you :-)))
Hey Sweetie, you might want to watch that demon racing around inside of you before it gives you a hernia. Such vitrol!
Ah, I get it! You belong to several men in Boko Haram or IS, and this is the only way you can expiate your hatred. Or perhaps you like them so much (and all that they do to you), that they are dictating to you what to write.
You make no sense — but you are very entertaining!
Hey old lady do not listen to those voices anymore! I told you , you get worse and worse and I do feel pity for old people getting senile! By the way you lost confrontation! Ciaooo
Special dedication for you Uuta your beloved texts from your peaceful Quran:
Quran 2:191-193 – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing…
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)”
Quran 2:216 “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.
Quran 2:244 “Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things.”
Quran 3:56 “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”
Quran 3:151 “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority”
Quran 4:89 “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”
Quran 4:95 “Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-
Quran 4:114 “And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain…”
Quran 5:33 “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
Quran 8:12 “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
Quran 8:15 “O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey’s end.”
Quran 8:39 “And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion should be only for Allah”
Quran 8:57 “If thou comest on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may remember.”
Quran 8:67 “It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land…”
Quran 8:59-60 “And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah’s Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy.”
Quran 9:5 “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.”
Quran 9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
Quran 9:30 “And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!”
Hey do you want some more???? There are pleeeeentyyyy!!!!!!
So stop your ignorant bullshit , read that book and after come to teach us! And read the other book too ( New Testament) and tell me if you find similar texts in it!!!!!
“Stop the ignorant bullshit,” huh? Perhaps you should do that. Read your Christian history, look at all who have been killed for not believing in Christian God, look at how many people were destroyed in the name of Christian God.
I am not disregarding the email/book/dissertation that you have written above; all I am saying is this: The things you have written have happened quite a horrible bit, IN BOTH RELIGIONS. And I assume, in many others as well………..
God makes the word —- and man interprets as he sees fit. If it works for personal power and the person is greedy (for power, recognition, wealth), they will use it.
And blaspheme.
You always deflect away any criticism of Islam by finding fault elsewhere. Islam is in a mess why don’t you just admit it.
America is also a mess. Why don’t YOU just admit it. And, for the past 3 weeks, Obama ignores it. ISIS, Syria, Israel/Gaza, Malasyan Air, Algeria Air, Libya, US border infiltration. Just to hit a few top points. Because Obama has more important things to do. Fundraising.
Doesn’t sound very presidential to me. Sounds like he is playing hooky while the school is burning.
I am not deflecting criticism of Islam, but simply trying to point out that Christianity has made the same mistakes.
Yes but Obama is an enabler of the left, of the MB, of the rise of Islam in the US. He is also a closet muslim
Yeah, and that thought is pretty scary. At first I thought he was just stupid. Then that moved to naive. Now I am beginning to wonder if his actions have an “un-transparent” twist.
Islam doesn’t have cancer — but the MB, Ajnad Misr, Ansar Beit-el Maqdis, al)Qaeda, etc DOES.
wrong islam is dying away with cancer and by the GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY it will die soon very soon
If you don’t open your ears ninna, you will be the one dying of cancer. By the “grace of god almighty it will die very soon” are words of blasphemy. You are only human — what gives you the arrogance to think that you can speak for God?
She is not speaking on behalf of God, she is speaking on behalf of herself and hoping God will hear her plea, as many of us agree with her. Islam is a great evil upon this earth and has bred a large number of psychopaths who are behaving this way simply and truthfully because of the evil tenets of Islam.
Lea, you really should watch that “PRide” issue you have. Arrogance is not best, it only hinders. If you say all of Islam is a great evil, then you are also speaking about your own religion, as Islam encompasses Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Tsk, tsk, tsk — more blasphemy!
Reject Islam. Anything good in the Koran comes from the Bible. Islam plunged civilisation into the Dark Ages for a thousand years and is threatening to do that again, or have you not noticed what is happening in the Middle East? I am merely stating the facts as I know them to be true from my own observations and research. You obviously don’t appreciate that since you find it disagreeable. Blasphemy, now there is a common muslim word. Blasphemy, you have insulted islam and the false prophet, off with you head. Muslims are still doing this in our modern age. Christianity overcame that through the transforming power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sure Lea. Did you know that medicine and science came thru ancient Greece to the Western world via Islamic scholar’s translation? Why is that? Because Europe was in their own Dark Age for a long time. That is why the Italian/European Rennaisances (sp) occurred, right?
“Christians overcame (murder?) thru the transforming power of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Is that why so many millions — after Christ was born/died — killed in the name of God? Hypocrite.
here we go Again with this medicine and science stuff, islam have brought nothing but suffering and pain period, we don’t kill our children when they convert to islam we pray for them in love, whereas muslims Loose their head when they convert
And just how do you convert people to Christianity? By conquering nations and decimating them. Tsk, tak — you have forgotten the Inca, Aztec, American Indians, Hawaiins, etc, etc, etc. And converting with love? Ah, that is why you burnt so many women at the stake. What do you call that? Tough love?
and you can prove that we today convert ppl to Christianity by burning them, killing them, raping them etc.
Jimmy Jones at Guyana (sp) did a heck of a trick, didn’t he? And then there was the Wacko disaster, right? (David Keresh). I am not so sure that those were for conversion, but a heck of a lot of people died because of one person’s peculiar beliefs connected with Christianity. As for proving things, how can YOU prove that Christianity hasn’t brought nothing but ‘pain and suffering?’
This is on the fringes, not based on the teachings on Jesus Christ, not Christianity either. Their aberration did not emanate from out of the Holy Bible. But Muslims are declaring their sharia cult as dominant over all humanity, now there is a huge cult of over a billion souls loving death, and very busy working at it too, as every day they take out innocents, in particular Christians and Jews, since it is Christians and Jews that understand most clearly how it is that Islam is a false religion based on the recitations of the fasle prophet of Arabia. Islam began in violence and it went on to spread through violence, and it continues in violence, not only of the body, but of other peoples right to property and democratic freedoms. Christianity did not, and no matter what, you have to lie, to say that it did.
“Islam began in violence, and it went on to spread thruough violence.” Ah yes, that is so. Yes, uh huh, and that is why Judas betrayed Jesus in Gethsemane, and that is why he was allowed to have his hands hammered to the cross and die from crucifixtion. And that is why Christianity kept getting more and more misogonistic — especially during the period of John (Peter, Paul, Luke, John) who wrote one of four foundation ‘books’ of the Bible. And that is why women were burned at the stake, because the church was afraid of their ‘false religions.’ Uh, huh — I totally get you.
Your method of reasoning is faulty since you appear to lack the skill of critical thinking. All human beings have a propensity towards evil, thus the plan of redemption through believing in Jesus Christ as Saviour. Are you saying Judas was a Christian, along with Jesus, Peter, Paul, Luke and John? The term Christian only arose after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, during the persecution of his followers who imposed the label “Christian” in a derogatory manner. Jesus Christ did not create a new religion, unlike mo, the false Arabian prophet. Christianity, meaning the message of Jesus Christ, can never be termed misogynistic, but men can be misogynistic.
You seem unable to grasp that the theology of the Gospels is non violent. The theology of the Koran is violent. To put this simply.
As for the witch hunts. This was a pagan phenomenon. Christianity cast out demons and came against the practise of burning women or men to death because there was a bad harvest. However by the 15th century the RC Vatican cult had been possessed with demonic influences. This you can easily verify just by reading the history, in particular of the popes.
To consider Christianity violent because it depicts Jesus Christ dying on the Cross through the blind hatred of human beings who despise the light and love the darkness, is diabolical in itself. This world is filled with men and women who carry out these diabolical acts on a daily basis, as we can clearly note from what is happening in just Syria and Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, right now. The Roman Catholic church persecuted the common Christians who were able to heal through the power of God. Surely we cannot accuse the Vatican RC of being Christian.
This is not to say that pagan Satanists did not practise sorcery leading to atrocities upon innocents for this has also happened throughout history, and was the way of the world prior to the incredible event of Jesus Christ which has indeed been and still is the greatest force for good and most powerful agent for change. You cannot base the actions of evil men on the Gospels of Jesus Christ, but you definitely can base the evil actions of men on the violence and hatred so evident in the Koran. This is the simple truth that you cannot deny.
Oooooh — a Fanatical Christian at that! Oh my :o).
I thought that one of the things that Christ preached was to ‘love thy neighbor as you love yourself?’ and
“Thou shall not steal” (but Spanish Christians stealing lives and gold to decorate the vatican was OK?).
“Love thy father” — how many christian daughters have been raped by their fathers — maybe just a little too much love, huh? How many Christian priest fathers raped their choir boys?
Oh, and I’d always wondered, which one of the following is correct? “If thy neighbor hits you, turn the other cheek,” or “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?” That one has always confused me.
Rape of children is not an acceptable thing amongst Christians and cannot be justified through doctrine, but this cannot be said of Muslims, since Muslims marry their daughters off at a very young age, because they are emulating their false prophet, as muslims are enjoined to do. Sex slaves etc, this is all muslim doctrine, and is found in the Koran, even sex with pre-pubescent boys, this is found in the Koran, hadiths and sunna, along with necrophilia.
Islam is a perversion, calls that which is evil good, vice versa. I understand Islam and muslims well. Christianity is never ambivalent about things. Since you clearly do not understand Christianity, and I do not blame you, especially since there has been a great deal of obfuscation and attempts to destroy Christianity, I can only ask you to take a good look at what it is that Christians do believe and why:
In Matthew 5:38-41 , Jesus made three radical statements. First, He said that a person should turn the other cheek when someone strikes him. Second, He declared that His followers should give those who sue them more than they are asking. Third, He said that a person conscripted by a Roman officer to carry a load for 1 mile should offer to go 2 miles. Does this mean that we should never resist when somebody attacks us? Should we let everyone take advantage of us?
This can’t be what Jesus meant. After all, Jesus denounced the Pharisees who attacked Him ( Matthew 23 ), and objected when He was struck by one of the officers of the high priest ( John 18:22-23). Further, He advised His disciples to take measures to defend themselves ( Matthew 10:16; Luke 22:36-38 ). He also declared that they shouldn’t worry beforehand about how they should respond to their enemies’ charges, because He would give them the right words to say so that their adversaries wouldn’t be able “to contradict or resist” them ( Luke 21:14-15 ).
Similarly, the apostle Paul aggressively defended himself against his enemies, asserting his rights as a Roman citizen, and making it clear to his attackers that there could be consequences if he were unlawfully harmed ( Acts 23:1-3; 25:14-27 ).
What Jesus asks of His followers is not passivity, but surrender of the right to personal revenge. His three radical examples make His point about the attitude we should have toward those who wrong us. Rather than getting even, we should be willing to go to the opposite extreme. We need to be ready to humble ourselves for the kingdom of God. We need to understand that vengeance isn’t ours, but the Lord’s ( Romans 12:19 ).
The natural human tendency has been to seek the emotional satisfaction of revenge for perceived injury ( Genesis 4:8 ). Our instinctive response to any kind of injury is hatred and desire for vengeance. This is why Jesus made it so clear in His Sermon on the Mount that not only outward murder but also inward hatred is subject to God’s judgment ( Matthew 5:22-23 ).
The Old Testament law placed limitations on vengeance ( Exodus 21:23-25 ). Although, the “eye for an eye” provision of the Mosaic law has often been misunderstood as requiring vengeance, its actual purpose was to place limitations on it. The law prescribed that punishment must fit the crime. The law wouldn’t permit taking a life in revenge for an insult or a minor injury. If an eye were put out, only an eye could be taken; if a tooth, only a tooth.
Jesus went much further than the law, making it clear that He wasn’t merely calling for more limitations on vengeance. In Matthew 5:38-48 , He implied that we must give up personal vengeance altogether. But as illustrated above by both Jesus and Paul, there is a difference between confronting evil and seeking personal revenge. It is possible to confront evil with a desire for the redemption of its perpetrator. We are called to love a sinner while confronting his sin, but when we seek vengeance we are motivated by hatred—a desire to make someone suffer for what they have done to us.
If Matthew 5:38-48 were taken literally at all times, we would have to let everyone take advantage of us. Turning the other cheek would become an encouragement for evil. This isn’t what Jesus had in mind. His vivid examples illustrate His disciples’ need to give up any sense of entitlement to personal revenge, to be purged of the motivation of personal vengeance. By asking them to turn the other cheek, Jesus meant that His disciples should be motivated by love and a desire for the redemption and forgiveness of offenders—even when opposing their actions
How many muslims grooming gangs raping white underage non muslim girls on an almost industrial scale across Europe? You can try to deceive with your tactics, but the truth of Islam will out.
You are still running from the big, bad wolf, little red riding hood. During the last hundred years, Western countries (Christian) caused 7 times more unnecessary deaths than Middle Eastern, Muslim countries.
Why do the Scots have so much English blood? Because when a girl would marry (a white, underage, non Muslim girl), the English army would have her first before her husband, so they could fill Scotland with ‘good’ English blood.
What total and ‘Uuta’ bollox. The wolf is among us, dressed in sheeps clothes. While the politicians, msm and lefty progressive liberals are prepared to misinform or brush it under the carpet, the wool cannot be pulled over my eyes. I see you!
Islam is jihad and sharia. There is no moderate or radical islam, there is just islam. (from the Turkish prime minister), who by the way has just had a student arrested and remanded in custody for suggesting that he could be criticised. Freedom of expession and speech from supposedly the most “moderate” islamic country. God help us if they are ever allowed to join the EU.
The culteral, political, social and violent jihad is in full flight. No one can deny this… Maybe not even you, but i won’t hold my breath.
Non muslims, our politicians and useful idiots from the likes of hopenothate and united against fascism ought to actually listen to what muslims are telling them when they say what the ultimate aim is, i.e. domination and subjugation of all non muslims.
The jihad is on…. White british girls being sytematically raped and sold into sex slavery for the delight of dirty old muslim men. Not isolated incidents either, in many towns across the country. 1400 underage girls in just one town, Rotherham. But also, Sheffield, manchester, london, rochdale, dewsbury,oxford……and on and on. Our prisons are heaving with muslim inmates that only goes to show how incompatible islam is with civilisation. Less than 5% of the U.K. population are muslim yet this small percentage manages to provide us with more than 13% of the prison population, quite impressive really. (government figures in case you plan to dismiss them as false).
Islam has brought do much to this country, fraud, electoral fraud, benefit fraud,ghettoised no go areas, gang rape, gang violence,beheadings, sharia courts oh and lest we forget, terrorism.
Before you try to fob these off as not being traits of real muslims, these are all happening here and now in the UK.
Dare you admit that any of these traits are problems within islam. I know they are, would a muslim dare
Poor LittleRedRidingHood: the terrorists have been in Europe for quite some time, and you think that “if they are allowed to join the EU?” They are already there, because you let them in. In a way it is good for me, because it means that we have a few less. But non-moderate Muslim jihadis are not good for the world. No, no, no.
My, what a rant you went on! I can just picture you frothing at the mouth — just like a jihadist! Perhaps you are one? My dear, you over-protest!
My, my: don’t you ever read your newspapers? “Fraud electoral fraud, benefit fraud, gang rape, beheadings, gang violence, terrorism,” are things that have been in England ever since William the Conqueror took over (and probably before) – and all done by Westerners. Guess you just forgot your history lessons. Oh my!
“Ghettoized no go areas?” Isn’t that what all of Europe and Russian did to the Jews for about 1000 years? That’s nothing new either. Tsk, tsk, shame on you.
The Arabs creating terror in the ME (and your country), claim to be Muslim, but they are not. They are prideful, horse-blinded, raging pr**ks, whose only power is in destruction, and who do not listen to reason.
If your eyes and ears are open, you might “see me.” But as they are closed, you do not.
Ha ha heh. More disjointed ramblings and subterfuge. I didn’t expect you to address any if my points, you’ve only served to reinforce inability or unwillingness to engage in any dialogue concerning islam, as that is what we are supposedly discussing here.
Far from foaming at the mouth I’m actually listening to Christmas carols on classic fm, very relaxed actually. I leave the foaming of the mouth to the perceived victimhood of muslims, who appear to go off, some literally, if anyone dares to suggest a problem in islam. I believe it is probably something to do with inbreeding. First cousin marriages tend to lower the IQ and lessen the ability for rational debate. What really tickles me is you appear to be under the impression that you’ve scored some sort of victory. So have your victory dance, but i suspect that is a five fingered shuffle whilst reciting the shadada. God bless.
Nope. You have not addressed any of the points that I made. Just (like a little scared boy with a shriveled penis) walked around all of them. Ho Hum……………….
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. Not going to get any sense out of you are we? I’ve given you my opinion, can’t do more than that. Typical muslim sympathiser though, unable debate.
Ho hum. tsk tsk tsk.
talking about foaming at the mouth…………….you really should relax a bit before you give yourself a hernia………
Far from it love. I couldn’t be more calm. Naturally low blood pressure you see love.
Well, I think of Islam in the same way I think of Christianity, or Judaism, or Buddahism, etc. That the original word is always good. But what is horrible and totally blasphemous, is that power-hungry, jealous people make of it.
Especially those people who use a threat of (like) excommunication to bring someone else in line.
Freedom. If you can’t allow someone else to have it, how can you have it for yourself?
Here we go again. I’d take excommunication over death any time. But heyho. What about sharia and jihad? What do you think of them? Both used since the dawn of islam.
Those were not holy wars, they were wars for conquest. Not even historians consider them holy wars. Christianity did not spread through the sword. The men who did this under this banner, were no better than the muslims, AND they did it in defiance of the teachings of Christ. But let us take a look at Islam, not even in the past, today, 300 girls kidnapped by African muslims, uttering the same things that the Arab and Turks muslims do, for they have the same Koran. And there is just so much more, that muslims are doing in the name of Islam, based on the Koran, everywhere. Today, increasingly so.
Christians did not kill millions. Where do you get that from? It is the muslims who waged a Unholy War on humanity and spread Islam by the sword within 100 years from India to Spain. All those lands were basically in the process of being Christianised peacefully, in accordance with the manner of Jesus Christ. You are spewing out rubbish in your attempt to defend the indefensible Islam and its Koran.
The revisionist history is a common theme nowadays, taken up by muslims and atheists all in a combined attack on Christianity, they do this because they hate the light and love a lie. And yes, since muslims are in fact human beings like the rest of us, some muslims have excelled in the sciences, but this has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with their invasion of lands and cultures that they assimilated, calling it their own, much like you were trying to say that Islam encompasses Christianity. But this simply is not true.
Arabs were nomads and Arabia had only had a few towns, mostly built by the Jews. Europe was far advanced. It was Islam that posed a threat to Europe for over a thousand years that can be blamed for any lack of progress. Yet, ultimately it was the economic and industrial progress of the Christian Europe that made Islam irrelevant and so the arab muslims lost their ascendancy as they once more slid back into their nomadic backwardness, and today muslims are choosing to enter the primitiveness of the pagan death cult as it was practised in all its barbarism and cruely 1400 years ago. It is on display, on record for the world to see. And many muslims are rejecting Islam as they learn more about the history of Islam, and the revealed writings of the false prophet of Arabia.
Islam does not encompasses Judaism and Islam. Stupid comment
Uh — actually it does. 1/3 Islam, 1/3 Christian, 1/3 Jewish. Perhaps Chip, you should try to learn something.
OK. 1st greatest prophet = Mohamed; 2nd greatest prophet = Iesus (Jesus). Other prophets/important people = Abraham (Ibrahim), Soloman (Suliman), Noah, Adam, Yusef (Joseph), Miriam (Mary), etc, etc, etc.
Same people in that thing that is referred to as the Bible (Old Testament = Jewish; New Testament = Christianity).
Check it out yourself.
Mohammed was not a prophet in my view, he was a killer and Jesus was the exact opposite.
Then I guess you are just simply a fanatical, bigoted, intolerant idiot.
The End.
Mohammad was a killer and you cannot prove otherwise. That is not being bigoted you just have your head in the sand,
You can prove it? Wow!
Mohamed was also a political prophet. Meaning, that instead of sitting back and saying ‘crucify me’, his job was to actively protect the city he lived in. And where there is fighting, there is death.
I mean no disrespect to Christ — only disrespect to you.
Interesting Uuta. For a non muslim you have a bit of a love in with old Mo’. Is it just your opinion that Mo’ is No1 or do you have some documented proof? Who do you see when you close your eyes? Better not be Mo’ else that is blasphemy and one of those fine fellows of eeeeslam may pluck your eyes out for creation of images of the prophet.
I personally think all muslims are blasphemous, simply because they usurp God by being judge jury and executioner. Who are they to speak for God?
Now if they are all dancing with the devil, that is another matter.
What you are writing is blasphemy. I see my husband when I go to sleep. To me, he is Jesus and Mohamed.
For a non muslim its not blasphemy. As a non muslim yourself I’m surprised you even mention it. Ah but you’re ok you have an idol.
Why do you call yourself ‘LittleRedRidingHood? In the original story the wolf ate the grandmother, and then ate the girl. Sounds like you have a serious ego problem.
Or perhaps you are a pedophile?
i see you’ve found your intellectual level of argument. It’s amazing how many times when “debating” with a muslim, ahem! I mean non muslim in your case (yeah right) the word peodophile crops up. I guess something that is so rampant and accepted within islam just rolls off the tongue for you doesn’t it!
That aside the logic of you latest comment really defies, well , all logic. What does littleredridinghood have to do with peodophilia?
And frankly if you don’t understand the analogy i am making it is no great loss to the world.
thanks and yes I was speaking on behalf of myself and I know that GOD heard my plea, I know that GOD will crush islam very soon or else we’ll have a World wide genocide like this World have never seen according to the Word of JESUS
maybe you should open your ears as far as I know your not islam are you?
My ears are open. Maybe you should practice tolerance.
I am not Muslim — and I practice tolerance.
wrong your ears are close, so is you eyes, maybe you should re-read your post and see this, I ask GOD to let islam die of cancer and you in your tolerance, answer like this “you will be the one dying of cancer” you have a strange way of showing tolerance. You are a hypocrite
I am not a hypocrite. But it seems that you don’t follow the words and practice of the Christian god. If you did, you would realize that my ears and eyes are open — and yours are sealed shut.
LOL for sure. And your ‘picture’ is a pig. Guess that says a lot. Does that also mean that you wear ‘wife-beater’ t-shirt?
It’s actually a dog. I tell you, first cousin marriage is a real leveller. That’s D for Dog muppet.
So you have something against pigs, dogs and cousins? Pretty twisted!
But then “littleredridinghood” got thrown into an oven and got baked — right?
Ha ha ha, oh dear oh dear. Do you actually read your previous comments? The padded cell awaits you. No little red riding hood didn’t get baked in an oven. The woodsman killed the wolf and rescued lrrh and the grandma. Muppet. I guess education is not what it was.
The world has the wolf that is islam to deal with. Will the woodsmen please stand up.
ha, ha, ah. My DEAR!
My dear son, little red riddinghood was cooked in the oven. And it was done against the ancient celtic religon. Not muslim nor christian.
Did you give me away after i was born? I’ve only ever known one mother. I’d no idea she was really my step mum. I’d better break it to her gently. Although i will be in touch with you for the arrears in child support.
Must be new edition of the childrens favourite. But let’s argue about childrens stories, like little red riding hood or maybe even hansel and gretal and then we can avoid talking about islam
Good. I will be waiting for those child support payments that are 15 years in arrears.
Yawn, I guess it was lost on you. (Shakes head in pity)
Naw. You just still didn’t get it.
Wow you are right. I doubt many people get what you are saying. Guess it’s just a curse you’ll have to live with.
Whatever. You are not worth anymore of my time. Don’t want to sink to your level. This is the last day that I will reply to you. I’ve got better things to do.
Hilarious that you started the insults and make out the opposite. Ta ta for now
Ah,,,,,,poor little boy…………….you need mommy to help you , yes?
The worrying thing is….. I think you may be serious.
Maybe pigs are hairy and look like yorkshire terriers where you come from.
Yorkshire terriers ARE really cute, aren’t they?
Actually they can be quite viscious
Ten Obvious Reasons Why
Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace
#118,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islamin just the last ten years. (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).
#2Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion. This included women. Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
#3Muhammad said in many places that he has been “ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.” In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that.
Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. Hebeheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
#4After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other.
Fatima, Muhammad’s favorite daughter, survived the early years among the unbelievers at Mecca safe and sound, yet died of stress from the persecution of fellow Muslims only six months after her father died. She even miscarried Muhammad’s grandchild after having her ribs broken by the man who became the second caliph.
Fatima’s husband Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and was raised like a son to Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army raised by Aisha, Muhammad’s favorite wife – and one whom he had said was a “perfect woman.” 10,000 Muslims were killed in a single battle waged less than 25 years after Muhammad’s death.
Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad’s closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad’s two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.
The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad’s family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad’s death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war…
And that’s just the fate of those within the house of Islam!
#5Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands.
A mere 25 years after Muhammad’s death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.
#6Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves. To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah.
None of these other religions are at war with each other.
#7Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by threatening to kill anyone who leaves. This is according to theexample set by Muhammad.
#8Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human. Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for murder, but that a Muslim could never be put to death for killing a non-Muslim.
#9The Qur’an never once speaks of Allah’s love for non-Muslims, but it speaks of Allah’s cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims more than 500 times.
#10″Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!”
(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)
Wow… very much agreed. #4 is something I just learned today, thanks!
No. You are talking about the weird off shoots of Islam, like the Brotherhood, Hamas, Al Qadae, Ansar Beit el-Maqdis, etc. Those off-shoots have serious problems.
Religion is good — but what some “men” make of it is bad.
And have you forgotten what happened during the 15 Crusdes? &^%$# Rape, stealing and killing all thru Europe as they trekked to Mecca. Richard Lionheart killing a city of 2500 women and children after he agreed to a truce between him and Soliyman. Richard was Christian, right?
Where did the gold from the Vatican come from?
How many Popes have had mistresses?
How many boys were raped by priests in this past century?
How many Muslims have killed Muslim?
How many Indians did the Americans kill in the name of God and expansion? Same questions for Aztecs, Inca, Women, Inquisition, Auto de Fey, Jimmy Jones, David Keresh (Wacko, Texas), abortion clinics? How many Catholic priests have raped boys during the last 40 — or 400 — or 1000 years?
You are a lost soul
Ah, Chip the pig again. And a pink one at that!
Maybe I am a lost soul — maybe we all are. But at least I still have the ability to reason and think.
Obviously you don’t like pigs shame they are nice animal and are one of Gods creatures, but don’t tell that to a Muslim or you may have your head chopped off.
Did you know it was a Ramadan to remember, with Muslims crushing the competition and doing what it does best.
This year’s season for fasting and blasting produced a
record-breaking 2,429 dead bodies across 27 different countries.
Yeah, sucks doesn’t it. We are getting real tired of all this unrest.
The pink pig is your id pix. Why shouldn’t I mention it?
No reason to be so patronizing; of course I know what Ramadan is about. Those not respecting the holy month of Ramadan, or Eid il-Fitr (feast afterwards) don’t qualify in any branch of moderate Islam that I know of. Hamas starting a war with Israel during Ramadan (and ISIS’s actions) are a show of disrespect to Islam, not to mention the people that they have killed, injured, left homeless, etc.
Good comment, thank you.
You are welcome. Merry Christmas and happy new year.
And the crusades would have been unecessary had christian lands not been sacked by violent muslim conquest
Sacked? I do believe it was Rome who destroyed Israel and caused the Jews to disperse to other countries (Titus 70 AD).
And how many religions has Christianity destroyed or attempted to destroy? How many people were burned at the stake for even hesitating on how to answer the question, “Do you believe Christ was God?”
Crusaders were a threat to Muslims (Richard Lionheart murdered 2500+ women, kids, oldsters [hostages] who were supposed to be granted freedom). Crusaders hurt their own people on their way to Jerusalem as well. They’d pass thru a town — and then leave it with no food, and most of the women raped.
President Obama has been supporting Muslim Terrorist savages throughout the middle east. Vladimir Putin asked countries to put their differences aside and come together to stop the genocide of Christians going on around the world by Muslim Terrorists, and President Obama ignored this request because he has been supporting some of the worst Muslim Terrorists who have been beating, raping, torturing and murdering innocent, unarmed Christian men, women and children. President Obama is not in anyway supporting Real Freedom anywhere, not even in the United States. He has been placing Muslim Brotherhood members and their supporters in U.S. government positions, he is allowing fifty to one hundred thousand Muslims a year into this country for the next five years and you’ve got to be naive to think that the radical Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and al-Nusra Muslim Terrorists he supports throughout the middle east won’t be entering the United States. He and the left have and will continue to lie, deceive and do all they know how to take Americans 2nd. Amendment Rights away from law abiding citizens. Americans should be disgusted and not be supporting the beating, rape, torture and murder of any innocent, unarmed man, women or child as is regularly done by the Obama supported Muslim Terrorist savages, but yet still many on the left by their silence, excuse or approve this behavior. When the President of the United States is placing these Muslim Brotherhood members in U.S. government positions and tells the citizens that “I shall stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction” all the while supporting radical Muslim Terrorists, then the evidence is clear and every American should be able to read the writing on the wall.
You are right about Obama and the MB. Not a good situation at all. But you must understand that the MB has their own twist on Islam. The sad part is that there are quite a few ME groups that have their own twist which results in terrorism. It is sad for the majority of Muslems who believe in peace, their own god, and helping out your neighbors, etc.
And what the heck is going on with the US’s southern border and all of these children crossing it and the US doing nothing? THAT’s insane.
And Obama invited them into his White House……………. and opposed and cut off aid when he was removed. Figures………………
Obama is clueless. And he is selling America. This is very bad.
whenever the muslim faith is attacked on its ideology, morals,and countless other vile practise, more often than not, the defenders of Islam counter with how horrible the crusaders were of how sick the pedaphile priests were or some other perverted anomaly in the West. It’s true there are a lot of sick people in all religions BUT only Islam condones these practices in their holy Koran and the examples of prophets life. The world has moved on from the medieval ages whereas Islam has not. Islam id not just a set of beliefs, it is a way of life that has brainwashed 1.5 billion people.
Islam is a cancer, freedom of speech is the answer.
Egypt should be sent a powerful message from the west: a nuclear bomb. For each child that is raped, drop one on the country.