See update below denying that the bishop was targeted
Followers of the Muslim Brotherhood reportedly tried to assault Coptic Bishop Paul (“Boula” in Arabic), who represents the Coptic Church in Egypt’s 50-member constitution committee, during his visit to the inauguration of Coptic Bishop David in New Jersey.

According to Coptic-American activist Adel Hanna, as reported by Ahram Canada on December 12, “Hundreds of followers of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States tried to attack the main hall where Bishop Paul was giving his first lecture in the state of New Jersey on the new constitution [of Egypt]…. they smashed the main gate and destroyed the seats of the main hall, until the FBI intervened, taking them out of the place.”
New Jersey has a relatively large Egyptian population, both Copts and Muslims. Thus, if true, it is not surprising to see the same bullying tactics that prevail in Egypt coming to America, according to “Islam’s Rule of Numbers.”
Update: A new report published hours ago, appearing via email, denies major portions of this story, as was reported by Canada Ahram and other Arabic language media yesterday. Apparently Bishop Paul was not directly targeted. Rather, it was a meeting specifically about the new constitution in Egypt, where both Bishops Paul and David and other Egyptian leaders attended. At the back of the hall four Muslim Brotherhood protesters began to cause a disturbance, a fight broke out, one Copt was injured, and New Jersey police had to come to remove the protesters.
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