Popular and widely read Egyptian newspaper Al Wafd published the above picture today portraying U.S. President Barrack Hussein Obama as Satan himself. The unflattering picture has been making the rounds on Facebook in the Middle East and, according to Al Wafd, is representative of the hatred growing numbers of people in the region have for the American president, thanks to his staunch and unwavering support for Islamists and jihadiis — whether in Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, or Syria — even as they terrorize, murder, rape, and burn down Christian churches, that is, even as they engage in diabolical activities.
Well, it appears there are people here in America that think Comrade Zero is the messiah.
I pretty sure Zero is not the messiah. Devil???? hhhhhmmmmmm????
If he isn’t Satan he is the precursor….I don’t know who could possibly be worse…but hey Syria, Russia, and anyone else able, you know our immigration system is broken…so feel free to send someone over to Mr. Satanorsimilar’s place and handle up on him yourself. I doubt you find anyone in this country willing to question you, much less accuse you of anything. He is about the sorriest SOB to grace the White House in history.
if Satan had a son… he would look like Obama…or Berry…. what ever his real name is!!!
Obama did all of this to be loved, and now he’s hated. It’s almost like a fairytale. The lesson to be learned is not to tamper with other people’s lives. Simple.
For a short while I likened Obama to the anti-christ. But then I realized that the anti-christ would be much smarter, so I don’t think he’s smart enough to be Satan.