More information about the Coptic Christian family — mother, father, and daughter — killed in Libya continues to surface. In an interview with the mother’s brother, he explained how the murderers broke into the house in the middle of the night. They handcuffed and killed the father. Then they entered the children’s bedroom, three girls. The mother was there, cried out, tried to fight back, and was killed. They took the oldest daughter, Katherine, and fled with her. The girl’s body was later found in the desert, shot three times (graphic pictures here). The other two younger daughters were left for two-and-a-half hours in their bedroom with the body of their slain mother. In the early morning, they fled the house and ran toward their school where they were intercepted by the principal who asked them, “Why are you coming to school alone today? Where’s your father?” They answered, “Daddy is in heaven.”
Ansar al-Sharia — the “Supporters of Islamic Law” — an Islamist organization that rose to power during Libya’s “Arab Spring” is believed to be responsible for the targeting of this, and other, Christian families.
Some pictures of the family follow:

The west needs to stop muslim immigration and have an open door policy to dhimmies living in islamic countries. Ideology matters. It matters what ideologies immigrants adhere too.
The problem is, the majority of westerners are too ignorant or in denial that this persecution could ever occur in the west. Despite it already occuring anyway we stupidly believe it will get better as Muslims become more richer and perhaps reform. Sadly this will not occur, islam will never reform and islam keeps muslims poor as it greatly discourages innovation.
7 billion people – minus – 1.5 billion Muslims = 5.5 billion infidels who could move to the west. Why must our immigration so relaxed on only the 1.5 billion, not the majority 5.5 billion??
Keep up the great work, Mr. Ibrahim. The combined global forces of Islamic Jihad are the most ruthless and dangerous enemies ever faced by the civilized world, and the majority of us in the West are still asleep at the wheel.
Thank you, your comments are always appreciated.
Hang in there. Slowly but surely the world is waking up, and the Big Lie of Islam is beginning to crumble. As Jon Stewart says, keep calm and carry on.
The West needs to honestly and openly confront this terrorism and its Muslim background and claims to Islamic legitimacy. While the Koran states that all Muslims are the allies of other Muslims, against the Infidels, Muslims need to decide if these perpetrators are in fact Muslims with whom they can ally.
This year marks the beginning of the Armenian Christian Genocide, in 1915. The followed decades of demands by the Great Powers to the Ottoman Empire for non-Muslims to be treated equally within the Empire. The Sultan and his government would have nothing to do with it.
This year also marks the beginning of “100 Years of Muslims Acting Badly.” The Genocide was followed by the anti-Jew pogroms of 1934, attacks on the predominantly-Yezidi Kurds, and other war crimes and crimes against humanity. Human rights ARE universal, and while “some animals are more equal than others” in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, that’s not the law and it should never be.
It is true that classical Islam was far more tolerant: there really were 2 million Armenian Christians living in the Turkish part of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 and thriving Jewish communities. Baghdad really was once 20% Jewish. All of this is long since gone, though, and who shall we say “is Islam?” The Muslims in Paris who came out for Charlie Hebdo, or the ones in the middle east, where 86% of all Egyptian Muslims believe it is acceptable to murder someone, if he or she converts from their faith?
Radicalization is spreading in Bangladesh’es rural areas and the wandering Baul players are being hunted down and persecuted. Reports published in December show a huge rise in attacks on non-Muslims and Muslim minorities like the Ahmadi in Pakistan. This week, a college student in Egypt received a three-year sentence for posting online that he was an atheist and a young man in Sa’udi Arabia will begin the first of his 1,000 lashes for opening a liberal online blog – on top of his 10-year sentence.
It comes as no suprise that the Muslim civil war is going on in Syria and Iraq: Muslims have built a Society of Violence and a Culture of Hatred. And if YOU have the right to declare someone an Apostate or an Infidel because you do not agree with their religious views and then persecute or kill you, then others will think they have that right and will do the same thing to you. That is precisely what has happened. Extremist violence never just comes to an end.