True to their vows, pro-Morsi Muslims are attacking Egypt’s Christians for participating in the anti-Morsi protests. The St. George Coptic Christian Church in a village in al-Minya, Egypt, has just been set on fire by “pro-Morsi” forces. Copts are reported to be in a state of “fear and panic.”
Days earlier, a letter was circulated in al-Minya, which has a very large Coptic population, calling on Copts not to join the protests, otherwise their “businesses, cars, homes, schools, and churches” might “catch fire.”
Thus this church attack is part of the price Egypt’s Christians had to pay to protest Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Time will only tell what other attacks Egypt’s harried Copts will pay down the line for participating in the ousting of an Islamist president.
Nasty Muslims
P.S.: Morsi was NOT an Islamist president.
Morsi was a TERRORIST president in disguised in democracy and Islam.
We been living with Muslims neighbors, colleagues, friends for YEARS, Morsi and the MB does NOT represent Islam. Al-Azhar Al-Sharif does. #End.
Do you neighbours represent Islam though?
To know what Islam is, you have to be familiar with their book and how they lived it through the beginning of their history.
I know friends too that call themselves Muslim but they’re clearly not by the way they contradict the teachings of Mohammad.
they contradict Muhammad? you mean they don’t kill jews, Christians, Buddhists etc.
pretty much
I am Christian by the way living in an Islamic country – Egypt. Those friends/colleagues/neighbors I’ve known all my life, some of them would die for me, they are moderate Muslims who are not fanatics/extremists who believe in violence. Christian/Catholics in Europe had their own share of fanatic and extreme acts (Crusades, along with slaughtering Jews in Spain). So in each religion some come along to abuse religion the way they see fit for their own profit.
Cherif, my friend, I too have “Muslim” friends who would die for me too. Calling oneself Muslim doesn’t make one a Muslim. Just as calling oneself a Christian doesn’t make one a Christian.
When “Roman Catholics” did wrongs, were they in keeping with the teachings of Christianity? Ofcourse not. They were explicitly going against the teachings of Christ.
When “Muslims” do evil deeds, what do we make of them? Well some of those evil deeds are commanded according to Muhammad.
A Muslim that does jihad and does exactly what is told by Muhammad and their entire history to do, that can’t be an extremist. That’s someone who is honest about his belief and actually follows it.
A Christian who is an extremist can simply NOT be a killer, a liar, or anything. It’s impossible. If a so-called “Christian” would do that, then you KNOW that person is clearly not a Christian.
There’s no point in being diplomatic and trying to be politically correct. We’re talking about the nitty-gritty here and we have to handle with what Islam is, what Christianity is. Someone who acts outside of what those are can’t be an example of what IT is. Like I wouldn’t appeal to a meat eater to speak for vegetarians.
Much love to you my friend and I pray that you’re safe.
I strongly do beg to differ cause along history Christians/Catholics to be accurate did mass slaughtering to those opposing them, those with different believes (regardless their intentions) yet this exists in ALL religions – almost. That’s the result when fanatics hold a book, a Holy one in their hand, start preaching hate. Life example is what We/Christians did to Jews in Spain. Everything in life have 2 sides, religion included, that’s why we mortal human have what’s called conscience and freedom of choice.
Jihad have rules so it could be called Jihad (That’s according to Al-Azhar Al-Shareef).
I’m sorry Cherif but i don’t think you differed with my points. Though I may not have explained them as well as I could.
Christianity does not teach violence. Christ teaches to turn the other cheek, to take up our cross, to not live by the sword, to love our enemy. So with that, you KNOW that anyone who claims the title “Christian” and kills or hurts another is clearly NOT a Christian. It is just impossible. There just is no legitimate debate on that and only one who is ignorant of what exactly Christianity is would even claim otherwise. (i don’t mean you being an ignorant person)
Islam on the other hand IS violent. It teaches violence, its history since the beginning confirms through tradition that it is violent. Now to make something specific, as you’ve stated, yes, Jihad does have rules so we can only judge Islam by the rules for violence that they have and not for the things outside of it.
If my reply came across as mean, forgive me. That wasn’t my intention. I hope you read it in the kind tone and spirit in which it was intended.
in Christ
Couldn’t agree more Evan. From Egypt with love (Y) 🙂
God bless you my friend.
be safe 🙂
that’s the first time I’ve seen islam and democracy in the same sentence.
I’m pretty sure the two are opposites. Islam’s all about “do what Muhammad says without thinking, and kill anybody who opposes him.” Democracy is completely different. You can’t have both in one system.
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Makes no difference to a Muslim, they plan on killing all non believers. Islamist want to rid the world of everything not Muslim.
These church burnings are just one more reason for the Army to put Morsi against a wall and shoot him.
Meanwhile, in other news
Obama has already said Syrian refugees would be allowed in the US if they wanted to come. I think this has a lot to do with the Amnesty Bill he’s trying to get approved.