While the West goes out of its way to accommodate Muslim migrants — still called “refugees” though most are not even from war torn Syria and some are Islamic State jihadis — an Arab Muslim from Kuwait recently explained why his nation refuses to take any.

According to Kuwait’s Fahd al-Shalami, Chairman of the Gulf Forum for Peace and Security, among other reasons Kuwait refuses to take Arab/Muslim refugees is because, “In the end, you cannot accept other people — from a different background, from another place, who have psychological or neurological problems, or trauma — and just bring them into your society.”
Such are the words of an Arab Muslim concerning fellow Arab Muslims — the same ones the West is eager to accommodate.
Imagine the more commonsensical reasons Shalami could’ve given if Kuwait were not Islamic, and those trying to enter it were screaming Islamic supremacist slogans — as they do in the West?
They do not get along among themselves but they want to accept muslims to advance their agenda
They don’t want them because it’s not their countries that require conquering for the cause. It is a fact that the words, “kill”, “destroy” and “lie” appear in the koran far more frequently than “love”, “forgiveness” and “honesty”.
Taqqiya is the main method by which these people invade. They “lie for the cause” in order to gain your trust, giving small excerpts out of context from the koran to make it appear they are trustworthy and peaceful. Right up to the time they slit your throat.
“To kill one man is to kill all humanity.” Sounds peaceful doesn’t it? Now read it in context:
It was decreed unto the people of Israel that to kill one man is to kill all humanity, to save one man was to save all humanity. 5:32
“It was decreed unto the people of Israel.” In other words, it does not apply to muslims.
Take a look at their holy book yourself and read it. From cover to cover, it is filled with hatred and violence. It’s no wonder their nations have been at war with each other for centuries.