By David Suissa
In all the self-righteous talk we’ve been hearing about Muslim refugees from Syria, who’s talking about the Christians? Over the past several years, no religious group has been more persecuted throughout the Middle East than the Christians. And yet, hardly a peep.
Yes, the Jewish way is not either/or. We’re supposed to be inclusive. So, with all the beautiful, heartfelt sentiment so many American Jews are expressing for Muslim refugees, why are we not including oppressed Christians in our hearts?
For some reason, the notion of “suffering Muslims” seems to resonate more with liberal hearts than “suffering Christians.” Maybe Muslims are seen as more “exotic” or “misunderstood”; maybe it’s the fact that many liberals have contempt for fundamentalist Christians in America, with their anti-abortion and anti-gay positions.
Whatever it is, the poor Christians can’t seem to catch a break. A 2012 Pew study found that “Christians continue to be the world’s most oppressed religious group.”
Even the world’s two most prominent Christians—President Barack Obama and Pope Francis—have hardly said a word about the plight of Christian refugees in Syria.
The current refugee system overwhelmingly favors Muslim refugees. Even though Christians represent more than 10 percent of the Syrian population, of the 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted to the United States so far, only 53 are Christians while 2,098 are Muslims.
This low number is tragic, because Christians living in Muslim lands are in especially dire straits. “ISIS and other extremist movements across the region,” Eliza Griswold wrote in The New York Times last July, “are enslaving, killing and uprooting Christians, with no aid in sight.”
As author and Arab expert Raymond Ibrahim adds, “At the hands of the Islamic State, which supposedly precipitated the migrant crisis, Christians have been repeatedly forced to renounce Christ or die; they have been enslaved and raped; and they have had more than 400 of their churches desecrated and destroyed.”
This horrible situation, Ibrahim writes, was not always the case: “Christians and other religions minorities did not flee from Bashar Assad’s Syria, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, or Muamar Gaddafi’s Libya. Their systematic persecution began only after the U.S. interfered in those nations in the name of ‘democracy’ but succeeding in only uncorking the jihadi terrorists that the dictators had long kept suppressed.”
Replacing evils with worse evils — that seems to be the nature of the beast in the Mideast jungle.
In any case, if we believe in the concept of triage—taking care of the most urgent cases first—the West ought to seriously wake up to the plight of the Christians of the Middle East, who have no “Christian country” in the area to escape to.
There are many Arab/Muslim countries who could take in Muslim refugees, but refuse. As reported recently in the Washington Times, Saudi Arabia has over 100,000 empty, air-conditioned tents that could house up to 3 million refugees, but has shut its doors to fellow Muslims in need. I guess oil-rich Arab countries figure the “compassionate West” can handle them.
The irony is that the very persecution of Christians makes it harder to rescue them. As Patrick Goodenough reports on, the U.S. federal government relies on the United Nations in the refugee application process – and since Syrian Christians are often afraid to register with the U.N., they and other non-Muslims are left out.
This means that refugees who are in most need of rescue are the hardest to reach. But isn’t that the real meaning of compassion — to go the extra mile for those in greatest need? Even if we put aside the charged issue of Muslim terrorists possibly infiltrating the refugees, and just look at basic human need, don’t we owe it to the Christians to pay more attention to their plight?
If the most powerful country on Earth can’t go the extra mile to rescue Christian refugees, who will?
If the most powerful man on Earth can’t stand up for the most oppressed, who will?
Who will speak up for the most persecuted religious group in the world?
Who will start the #IamChristian hashtag?
David Suissa is president of TRIBE Media Corp./Jewish Journal and can be reached at [email protected].
The problem appears to be, that neither Obama nor the Pope are actually Christians.
What a stupid statement
Their words and deeds speak for them. The Nation our founding fathers gave us is dead. Obama and his Progressives (far left of the communists), have killed America.
Exactly, Obama is obviously a Muslim and the Pope a Luciferian…
You are correct about Obama but not of the Pope Yes this Pope is
different, and I have not quite figured him out but a Luciferian, No.
As a Traditional Catholic [I believe that Vatican II was a false council], I do not consider Barack Hussein Obama to be a Christian nor do I consider Francis to be a Catholic.
Obviously the left and Muslims hate Jesus Christ [spare the Muslim line Jesus was an Islamic Prophet nonsense]. Jesus said they would hate Him. Christians of all denominations need to do a better job defending Christianity from these satanic people.
The Traditional Catholic Church shows us the way. Look at the Battle of Tours, the Battle of Lepanto, the Battle of Vienna. All miraculous victories against our demonic enemy Islam. No deals with the devil.
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!
Christians are predicted to be prosecuted and it is amazing the negro sodomite ruler you have has no COMPASSION for them but instead thinks the WILD MAN (descendants of Ishmael) should be given priority.
This is typical leftist thinking and if he had his way he would imprison every Christian and set loose every criminal from prison!
Why do you put the mentally-ill to rule you America? From LBJ the JFK killer(?) to Bill Clinton the rapist and now barak obama the sodomite.
it’s called Obama and Hillary and lot’s of people who make wrong moral decisions and are misled on other issues also. The Bible teaches that rejecting the wisdom of God on one issue such as abortion, adultery, gay marriage, lying, and even lack of forgiveness can cause one to be misled in other areas.
You can see this principle in Obama’s actions..: He makes this stand on abortion and then gay marriage, and then he starts arming islamic militants, then he starts becoming friendly with our country’s enemies like Iran and puts many muslim brotherhood into high security positions to aid ISIS…..and on and on…he seems to be against every traditional American value. He just ignores our laws and goes on destroying the U.S.
Islam is surely, from a biblical standpoint, anti CHrist. So if Obama has chosen to give aid and support to ISIS,who is killing CHristians around the world, then Obama is not going to help any CHristians anywhere. In fact, he is the voice behind the move to try and force CHristian ministers to do ceremonies for gay couples while muslims threaten to kill gay couples, but Obama will not tell you that….because he is also a liar which also fits this pattern.
Hillary CLinton has the same issues from ABortion, even beyond birth which is deliberate murder, and once a person justify’s such, their spirit is no longer in tune with God and from then onward, they tend to make all bad choices….she does not even feel bad about them..there is nothing sacred about those lives to these people..and from there all the way to benghazi, deleted emails, murdered ambassador, and millions of dead people from what she and Obama did in arming ISIS and yet, they are now trying to bring ISIS to the U.S. along with millions of illegal immigrants…….she calls herself a champion of the poor while she takes money to arm ISIS and sneak them, your enemies right into your home town……what makes you think she will come to the aid of any christians anywhere?
ANd then there is much of the CHristian community that seem to want to invite muslims claiming that they are the same when it is ISlam that the bible talks about that will come against the church and behead christians…..every country mentioned in the Bible that comes against Israel, are all muslim nations today.
This history has repeated itself around the Biblical narrative and it is always precipitated by the people of God turning away from him…How many people are aware that right after the first 9/11 attack, Tom Daschle read a quote right out of the Bible referring to exactly what I am saying….He quoted Isaiah 9 verse ten which most scholars agree was accepted as a willful sign of Israel rebelling against God…then the Assyrians took them over and enslaved them…just like what’s happening here…..
some of us aren’t:
obama is NOT any kind of example of a ‘Christian’ and Orthodox Christians in Syria are even stronger prolifers against homosexual redefinition of marriage than western Christians. Not sure why the author almost was putting down Orthodox understanding of important areas?
Western christians lost a whole generation to hypocrisy in many areas, and fortress mentality, i.e. they didn’t want to be “stained” by the world. So they walled themselves off to mainstream society and were subsequently viewed as “holier than thou.” I was in a “fundy” church in the early ’80s and remember being encouraged not to be “worldly.” In my nievitae, i too neglected the command to “Go INTO the world (kosmos) and make disciples of all men.”
Correct, where are the Christians in say:
Germany – beatings in the camps, rapes of the women by Muslims
Where is the Pope?
Where is the United States President?
EN: Christians Persecuted by Muslims Even in the West
EN: Court says Police Can’t Force Christians to SHUT UP Just because Muslims are Violent
EN: “Wake Up!”: Muslim Persecution of Christians
EN: Jihad on Churches: Muslim Persecution of Christians
EN: Christians “Losing Everything” to Islam
EN: Merkel is doing what Adolf Hitler did in reverse: Lets foreigners invade her country
EN: If you do not know, LOOK-UP:
“Frankfort School of Social Engineering”, 1951 published the following list you may recognize:
1. The creation of racism offenses
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family