A silver lining exists in the dust cloud being beat up by the marching feet of millions of Muslim men migrating into the West: those many Europeans and Americans, who could never understand Islam in theory, will now have the opportunity to understand it through direct and personal experience.
Perhaps then they will awaken to reality?
The fact is, most Western people have had very little personal interaction with Muslims. Moreover, because Muslims in the West are still a tiny minority—in the U.S., they are reportedly less than one percent of the population—those few Muslims that Westerners do interact with are often on their best behavior, being surrounded as they are by a sea of infidels (according to the doctrine of taqiyya).
And although there are a few media outlets and websites that document the hard but ugly truths of Islam, these are drowned out by the overarching “Narrative” that emanates from the indoctrination centers of the West (schools, universities, news rooms, Hollywood, political talking heads, et al).
According to the Narrative, there is nothing to fear from Islam. If violence and mayhem seem to follow Muslims wherever they go—not to mention plague the entire Islamic world—that is because Muslims are angry, frustrated, and aggrieved, usually at things the West has done.
Although Islamic doctrine calls on Muslims to have enmity for and strive to subjugate non-Muslims whenever possible; although Muslims initiated hostilities against and were the scourge of Europe for a thousand years, until they were defanged in the modern era; although most of the so-called “Muslim world” rests on land that was violently seized from non-Muslims; although reportedly some 270 million non-Muslims have been killed by the jihad over the centuries; and although many modern day Muslims maintain the same worldview that animated their ancestors—most people in the West remain ignorant.
In this context—or absolute lack thereof—how is the average Western person to know the truth about Islam?
Enter mass Muslim migrations. That is, let the barbarians at the gate in.
I speak not of the true refugees—women and children—but of the hordes of young and able bodied Muslim men; the ones shouting “Allahu Akbar!” as they barge into Europe.
When discussing Western and Muslim interactions in the modern era, it’s my custom to provide historical precedents to show that Muslim hostilities—whether hate for Christians and their churches and crosses, or whether violent lust for “white” women—are not aberrations but continuations.
In this case, however, I have none to give. For never before in history have the peoples of one civilization been so divorced from reality as to welcome millions of people from an alien civilization—one that terrorized their ancestors for centuries—to come and dwell among them.
The only “history” one can cite is the modern day experiences of those European regions that already have significant Muslim populations, and are taking more in.
In Germany and the United Kingdom, crime and rape have soared in direct proportion to the number of Muslim “refugees” accepted. Sweden alone—where rape has increased by 1,472% since that country embraced “multiculturalism”—is reportedly on the verge of collapse.
The price of the Islamic influx into Western lands is violence and chaos, in accordance with Islam’s Rule of Numbers: women and children will be exploited and raped; the elderly will be mugged; churches and other institutions will be attacked; terror will set in. Look to the plight of non-Muslims living alongside Muslims to get an idea of what is coming.
But alas, at this late hour, such appears to be the price that must be paid for decades of willful ignorance. If the West cannot learn the truth about Islam from theory, from doctrine, from history, and now even from ongoing current events, then let it learn from up close and personal contact.
And if after such firsthand experiences, any Western nation is still too politically correct to act in the name of self-preservation, then let it die. For it will be evident that there is little left worth saving.
Hard way to learn a lesson.
Unfortunately, I agree with the principle of this article. It’s a sad day when I think that the Land of the Free is possibly so blind, so gullible, and so self-destructive that it just might not be able to survive it’s own foolishness. The university I attended is now so greedy (they get $15,000 per Saudi student, per semester) that money is all the board of directors and regents care about. The Saudi Arabian students now number approx. 280 out of about 5,000. These muslim students, male and female alike, are causing problems we’ve never had at the school. For one thing, they’re demanding that any college professors or students with service dogs get rid of the animals on campus. And while Saudi students comprise the highest number of muslims from the middle-east, all the muslim students–Saudi Arabian or otherwise–are causing the same problems. They have an unbelievable sense of entitlement about them. They’re demanding the cafeteria serve what they want and are petitioning to get rid of all pork products and other foods they deem “halal” or unclean, they get extremely vocal and aggressive when a professor’s lesson for the day reflects teaching which they disagree with and, for the first time in anyone’s memory, American female students feel unsafe. Is this what we send our kids off to college to experience? And yet, our colleges are only a small part of the much bigger story. Maybe you’re right, Raymond. Maybe we WILL have to see the chaos up front and personal before something is done about it.
The liberals who control most of our news & entertainment media, as well as, our schools and colleges keep preaching the message that the Muslims in ISIS and other Muslim jihad groups are not real Muslims. We need to continue to educate Americans that Islam is a religion of war & jihad by promoting books and videos by this author, Spencer, Gellar, and Gabriel.
Read more about islam, please do so you wake up and realize isis and terrorism isnot islam! They do not represent us and they are even fighting us as muslims.
The point is they don’t need to represent you but follow what Islam (Muhammad) teaches. Explain to us why the Qur’an says to subjugate and murder the infidel? As for yourselves, you may need to look at your position. You are most probably an apostate. Islam a true religion of fear! Good luck.
Which university is that?
I totally agree, Raymond. Because I still have family and friends in the Netherlands, I follow the news there as best I can, and it’s true: The majority is still blind and deaf to dangers of the Moslem invasion.
I agree, Mr Ibrahim. I have another question: in the ‘free’ West, so many children & young people (and, by now, older people) have been brainwashed into seeing themselves as LGBT that they seem to count in the millions. When the muslims are really present in force, may not many of these people rethink their sexual orientation, rather than being thrown from the roofs of high buildings & then being stoned for good measure? LGBT popularity may register a huge shift, except that, by this time, the many ‘integrated’ muslim organisations probably have the names of all who write approvingly on the LGBT websites.
I was wondering the same thing.
Is there a way we could find out?
Look at what happened to “Christian” lebanon once the Christians became a minority – it once was a Christian country now over-run and demographically overtaken by Muslims. This is recent history from the 1980s. You can also look at Kosovo – why were the Yugoslavs so resistant after the fall of Communism – they remembered their history – but we sided with the historically Muslim side. We had forgotten our own history in Europe.
No, we hadn’t forgotten: it was simply expedient to betray Lebanon & Kosova, just as the West betrayed Poland. It’s not a lack of knowledge of history, it is a lack of morality. And that’s what’s happening in Europe now.
You raise a very good question. I have approached it from another angle. As you know, Oassa has been courting Hispanics for years basically breaking immigration laws to benefit them as well as others to grant them entitllement beneiits illegally. Hispanic culture and Muslim culture will totally clash just as you point out the clash that will occur between LGBT indoctrination efforts and and Muslim beliefs.
This is fascinating: if we put our thoughts together, the islamic invasion Mr Obama and his admin. advocate, we may see a sudden & dramatic decrease in both the LGBT-Z & Hispanic communities as islam grows?
I am not sure how it will all turn out. As i said, I just see a clash and Obama is going to be in a bind. Three groups that he has been favoring are going to be acting against each other. As to whether Islam will grow, that will depend on a number of things. The biggest factor, I think, will be how the American people react to Muslims. Right now, there is growing resistance to their encroachment on communities and schools. To date, Obama has been bringing in Muslims cumulatively. People do not see what harm has been done until things are far along: neighborhoods being taken over; street and store signs in Arabic, etc.
If the US gets the type of invasion that is occurring in Europe, the numbers of people, arrogance, sense of entitlment displayed by Muslims, and criminal behavior will not likely be accepted as readily as is occurring in Europe even if Obama tries to push it.
No matter how this plays out, it is not going to be pleasant.
No, I don’t think it will be (pleasant, that is). And I’m not trying to make the threat against the American way of life seem light. But do you know, I tend to worry. (I am not an American and I don’t live in the USA but I do have good friends there. At Ferguson (& other places, I hear) Mr Obama has very deliberately been talking about how alive racism still is in the USA, undoing good work by many people. Also, there were muslim visitors to these places, supporting the anti-police actions. I don’t think Mr Obama is ready to give up the presidency & its perks. What happens if, between him & the muslims he brings in so lavishly, they really do ignite a race war? What happens is Martial Law is declared? (During ML no elections can be held.) Will such a move enable him to lengthen his ‘presidency’? And what about the ordinary, everyday Americans of all races?
Mr. Ibrahim, are you sure that you’re not jeopardizing your own & your family’s personal safety? I sincerely hope you’re surrounded by group of true friends, who would stand shoulder to shoulder beside you, Sir, if and when such need arises, as it certainly may…
Wishing many blessings upon You, Sir. You’re the Man of Truth and perhaps a real, true bridge to initiate & facilitate much-needed reconciliation.
Thank you Mr.Raymond for the article. I do hope all readers in Europe realise what is in store for them – from so called “migrants”.
Excellent article, mr. Ibrahim! Really worthwhile reading, and I will spread it. You are correct that many countries in the EU deserve to perish, but I – and thousands of others here in Europe – are sure not looking forward to witnessing it firsthand.. Merkel and Hollande should be brought to trial for this!
The heart of the ideological problem is a generation of millennials that do not understand boundaries of any kind including personal. The mass movement of people and ideas seems ‘logical’ to them. They are confused about the meaning of ‘community’ in their Facebook world. Their work life often does not include the commitment to a single organization either. Through this lens, it is hard for them to understand the destruction you are talking about.
America’s future – Belgian Muslims: “We Believe Sharia Will Dominate Worldwide”
Welcome to Sweden of Today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlG75wb7lLw
3 excellent videos.
Good points. Now the Christians in Western Europe and North America will understand why the Christians on the borders of Islam aren’t so “loving”.
When I think about the future of Germany I feel really scared for them.
See what is happening to tha tnation:
They have the most liberal of catholic bishop, wishing to give free pass to everything about sex.
Now crippled by the guilt of Hitler’s evils they import millions of love guillotines.
I don’t think many people would want to go to Germany in 20 years’ time.
Is this no longer the country of Bach and Mozart and Handel?
Europe already is victim to Islam but keeps letting more in. They don’t learn.
We in America do not learn either. Do we?
The real threat is the ignorance being preached by the administration and msm about Islam. Very little of this is being shown on the msm and the narrative continues from the political left and radicals to the disengaged population. This article should be forwarded to everyone on your list and then forwarded by them . If we don’t get the message out the west is doomed. Europe will suffer greatly and the economy will collapse. Tourism will start to dry up and gov’ts topple.Think not? Tune in over the next year.
I speak not of the true refugees—women and children
Children grow into adults, and women produce more children. They are as much of a threat as the young men.
So where were you when the KLA burned 150 Serbian churche3s that date back to the 19th century. Where were you when the Albanian Muslims kidnapped Serbian civilians and killed them selling their organs on the black Market. Where were you when Medline Albright hugged Thatch the Muslim warlord in Kosovo that was doing all these things.
There is really only one thing to know about islam, that is that you the non-believer is guilty and a sinner your crime is non-belief your sentence is convert, be killed or live life as a Dhimmi{ semi slave} after been humiliated, your wife and daughter no age limit deserved to be raped your sons are fair game too. moslems have a duty to either carry out the sentence or fund the ones that will.
Ever see a moslem crowd demonstrate against their own who kill or rape or just preach about it, that is because it is part of islam doctrine. Yet they’ll go crazy over a burka ban or a cartoon of mohammad or any other suppose slight insult to islam. Killing and raping Kuffar{non-believer} is a fundamental part of islam and can’t be criticised.
Excellent analysis.
Well then it will be too late. There will be no turning back.
Your many words make no sense ! Answer me this. Why are so many Christians being slaughtered all over the world by the hands of Muslims ?? We Christians wish nothing but blessings for all people ! Why don’t they kill the pagans and atheists and all the western evil doers that are doing all things that are making them angry !! Answer me. We Christians are blameless to all the evil done in this world !! We do not lift a hand to cause harm to anyone !! Answer me if you can with a sensible and logical answer.