Russia appears to be taking serious moves to combat the “radicalization” of Muslims within its border.
Recent pro-Islamic reports are complaining that Russia is banning the Islamic hijab—the headdress Islamic law requires Muslim women to wear—and, perhaps even more decisively, key Islamic scriptures, on the charge that they incite terrorism.
In the words of Arabic news site Elaph, “Russia is witnessing a relentless war on the hijab. It began in a limited manner but has grown in strength, prompting great concern among Russia’s Muslims.”
The report continues by saying that women wearing the hijab are being “harassed” especially in the “big cities”; that they are encountering difficulties getting jobs and being “subject to embarrassing situations in public areas and transportation. The situation has gotten to the point that even educational institutions, including universities, have issued decrees banning the wearing of the hijab altogether.”
Moscow’s Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University appears mentioned as one of the schools to ban the donning of the hijab on its premises, specifically, last September (the New York Times bemoaned an earlier instance of anti-hijab sentiment in 2013).
While this move against the hijab may appear as discriminatory against religious freedom, the flipside to all this—which perhaps Russia, with its significant Muslim population is aware of—is that, wherever the Islamic hijab proliferates, so too does Islamic supremacism and terrorism. Tawfik Hamid, a former aspiring Islamic jihadi, says that “the proliferation of the hijab is strongly correlated with increased terrorism…. Terrorism became much more frequent in such societies as Indonesia, Egypt, Algeria, and the U.K. after the hijab became prevalent among Muslim women living in those communities.”
The reason for this correlation is clear: strict Islamic Sharia commands jihad (“terrorism”) against unbelievers just as it commands Muslim women to don the hijab. Where one proliferates—evincing adherence to Sharia—so too will the other naturally follow.
But Russia’s growing list of Islamic books to be banned on the charge that they incite terrorism is perhaps more significant. Elaph continues: “This move [ban on the hijab] coincides with a growing number of religious books to be prohibited, with dozens of them being placed on the terrorist list, including Sahih Bukhari and numerous booklets containing verses from the Koran and sayings of the prophet.”
According to Apastovsk district RT prosecutors, Sahih Bukhari is being targeted because it promotes “exclusivity of one of the world’s religions,” namely Islam, or, in the words of a senior assistant to the prosecutor of Tatarstan Ruslan Galliev, it promotes “a militant Islam” which “arouses ethnic, religious enmity.”
This is significant. While one may expect modern day books and tracts written by the likes of al-Qaeda or the Islamic State to be banned, Sahih Bukhari, compiled in the 9th century, is fundamental to Sunni Islam (that is, 90 percent of the world’s Muslims). Indeed, the nine-volume book is often seen as second in importance only to the Koran itself and contains the most authentic sayings attributed to the Muslim prophet Muhammad.
And yet, that this important scripture promotes “exclusivity”—that is, supremacism—and “arouses ethnic, religious enmity”—that is, “terrorism”—should not be missed on anyone. The following few statements contained in Sahih Bukhari and attributed to the prophet of Islam speak for themselves. Muhammad said:
- “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings [tawriya, Islamic deception], and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy).”
- “Whoever changed his Islamic religion [“apostates”], then kill him.”
- In the end times, a “stone will say, ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!’”
- “I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity” [i.e., until they become observant Muslims].”
Apparently the Russians are aware that such assertions—whether they come from this or that jihadi or from Prophet Muhammad—are enough to incite chaos on their soil. Indeed, the “terrorist” writings of modern day Islamic jihad groups are all infused with and based on the intolerant texts found in Islamic scriptures such as Sahih Bukhari.
This begs the following question: what of the Koran? Can it too be banned on the same grounds? After all, Islam’s number one holy book is also replete with calls to violence and terrorism against unbelievers. Koran 8:12 is one of numerous examples: Allah declares “I will cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, so strike [them] upon the necks,” that is, behead them, as the Islamic State has been doing—while citing the Koran.
At any rate, back in La La Land, far from banning Islamic texts that incite violence and terrorism, Barack Hussein Obama has banned U.S. intelligence communities from connecting anything Islamic to Islamic terrorism. In other words, Muslims are free to be incited by Islam’s scriptures—prompting things like beheadings and hatchet jihad attacks in America. The only ban rests on those who dare connect such acts to the core texts of Islam that so clearly inspire them.
Europe and indeed the whole Western world needs to invite Putin as its president.
Fuck ya
Once again Putin leads the world in sensible leadership while the remainder of the G20 fools cascade towards self destruction. It would be bearable if it were only them but they are dragging the whole of the west and its culture with them.
Seems like the sensible way to control people and ideas. Communism was always anti-religion. Unfortunately, banning books makes them popular and there is always an underground for getting what one seeks. It would be better if we could just show how the ideology is ludicrous and stupid. If we could figure out how to reveal the emptiness and shallowness of believing in this ideology.
that won’t change the belief of the terrorist in what is islam
On this issue Putin, has made a very small baby step in the right direction. At least a total banning on all of Islam (and all other false religions according to the bible) needs to be put in place according to the bible.
Excellent. More reason for Obama to hate Putin! Russia wants to survive as a culture.
Its a pity Putin couldn’t for the sake of peace address the Ukrainian issues with the same Russian thoroughness and live at peace.
Radical Islam is here to stay and needs a combined East West resolve to keep it from flourishing and spreading hate throughout the world.
The U.S. are responsible for the mess in Ukraine. They orchestrated a coup and put their own U.S. approved president into position…..which has led to the genocide of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Putin was helping these ethnic Russians.
It is perfectly reasonable, indeed sensible, to identify parts of the Quran as “hate speech”
The Russians are now pondering banning Islam’s second-most important source as, essentially, “hate speech”. Whenever muslims complain about themselves or theirholy books being victims of “hate speech”, they must be made aware of the origins of all this “hate speech”: their holy books.
Indeed it looks like Putin is preparing to face ISIS when it has finished the job we have for it in Iraq and Syria.
When it comes to protecting their country from the threat of Islam, The President of the United States, President Barack Obama fails miserably, whereas the President of Russia, President Vladimir Putin supports and defends his country against the threat of Islam.
At any rate, back in La La Land, far from banning Islamic texts that incite violence and terrorism, Barack Hussein Obama has banned U.S. intelligence communities from connecting anything Islamic to Islamic terrorism –No match for the UK —
I hope they don’t emigrate to the UK (no 1 lala land) as a persecuted minority
Russia rules
Get it done Putin
Get what done? Invade another sovereign country because they won’t join his trade club? Imprison some more opposition politicians and political protesters? Steal an few billion dollars more with his corrupt siloviki buddies? Your idolization of this fascist cretin doesn’t reflect well on you.
… just don’t post the 10 commandments anywhere!
Not true responder…. Putin is a Christian. I’m sure that he would not mind if the 10 Commandments were posted in Russia….
Russia is no longer communist BTW….just in case you hadn’t heard that bit of information.
Putin is a fascist who uses the pet Russian Orthodox Church as a propaganda tool. That Russia recognizes the threat of radical Islam does not suddenly make Putin either moral or right.
Who are you to judge what’s in Putin’s heart? He is doing the right thing in trying to protect the Russian people from the scourge of islamic fundamentalism. Have you forgotten the murdering evil terrorists iof Beslan? Putin obviously hasn’t.
Putin was baptized as a child in the Russian Orthodox Church! I suggest you do some research on this!
What makes you so sure? The story is that his mother had him baptized in secret. I doubt he would have made it into the KGB, let alone into a position where he would have come into contact with foreigners (as he did in East Germany), had either of his parents been in any way religious. Family history was very important to the KGB.
On another note, why are you so desperate to defend Putin?
I couldn’t give a whit if Putin was baptized, whether its true or not. Adolf Hitler was baptized in the Catholic Church. Being baptized as a child does not make one a Christian. Putin was an enthusiastic supporter and servant of the totalitarian Soviet state up until its very end and has publicly mourned its demise ever since. Putin is a crook, an autocrat and a has illegally invaded, occupied and annexed the territory of a sovereign, (struggling to be) democratic nation. If Putin is a Christian, he’s a damned sorry example of one!
The pet Russian church is doing much better than yours. Perhaps you are one of the new atheists, lost in the self-absorbed certainty of nothingness; or perhaps you are a member of a westerb church with dwindling faith, resources and adherents. This pet Russian church you speak of is strong, with real faith, growing numbers and a spirituality giving hope and roots
I am just glad that he is standing up against the bullying and evil U.S.A. who are continuously involved in illegal occupations and illegal wars to promote their evil leaders’ agenda.
The Russian leaders are different things to different people. To Western Christians they are Christians (although if you are a Russian Orthodox Christian not in communion with the Moscow Patriarchate, you may find yourself kidnapped and/or institutionalized), to Communists they are Communists (according to former KGB Lt. Col. Konstantin Preobrazhensky, this is their true face), to racial nationalists they are racial nationalists (although the Identitarians had a rude awakening recently, when the Russian government helped to have their conference in Budapest cancelled), and they even send their loyal Chechen fighters to support their Islamic allies abroad (e.g., Hezbollah in 2006, and probably the Chechens who are fighting with IS now).
It seems that, whilst the Russians are nostalgic for the power of the Soviet Union, their current ideology — formulated chiefly by Alexander Dugin — is a mix of Traditionalism (especially Julius Evola), Conservative Revolutionism (especially Martin Heidegger and Carl Schmitt), Strasserism, and Eurasianism (especially Lev Gumilyoff), although this may just be another deception.
I recommend this article regarding the nature of today’s Russian government and its place in Russian history:
They aren’t nostalgic for the power of the former Soviet Union! They have embraced Capitalism!
Nor do they send terrorists from Chechen to support Islamic allies! Chechnya is a sewer of Islamic terrorists that Putin would love to get rid of!
Falsehoods…. all of it!
If they aren’t nostalgic for the power of the former Soviet Union, then why do Putin and his chief ideologist, Dugin, constantly lament the fall of the USSR and strengthen Russian collaboration with Communist countries and former Communist leaders around the world? Do you think it’s an accident that Russia’s ideology — which is explicitly pro-Soviet — is called “neo-Eurasianism” and the new Russia-centered polity (i.e., the replacement for the Soviet Union) is called the “Eurasian Union”?
Dugin hates capitalism, and Putin has been re-nationalizing key industries. You could call it “state capitalism”, but that’s really fascism — which makes sense, given Putin’s cult of personality and Dugin’s leanings.
Of course Russia sends Chechens to support Russia’s Islamic allies. Whether or not you call them terrorists is your business. See here: Taking the information regarding Ayman al-Zawahiri with a grain of salt, given that Alexander Litvinenko — who died a Moslem — is cited as a source, there is still much information in these articles that is, unfortunately, true:
You should note that Dugins calls for an alliance of Orthodox Christianity with Salafism against Western capitalism, however strange that may sound to Orthodox Christians who recall the countless martyrs whose blood was and is currently being shed by Moslems.
Regarding Russia’s economic system and Chechnya, there are some interesting things in this recent three-part article:
Have you read up on this Dugin?
Dugin in the 1980s was a dissident and an anti-communist.
He calls himself a conservative and says, “We, conservatives, want strong, solid State, want order and healthy family, positive values, the reinforcing of the importance of religion and the Church in society.” He adds, “We want patriotic radio, TV, patriotic experts, patriotic clubs. We want the media that espresses national interests.”
Dugin has criticized Putin for the “loss” of Ukraine, and accused his Eurasianism of being “empty.”
Dugin stated he was disappointed in Russian President Vladimir Putin when he did not aid the pro-Russian insurgents in Ukraine after the Ukrainian Army’s early July 2014 offensive. The influence of Dugin’s “Eurasian ideology” on events in eastern Ukraine and on Russia’s invasion of the Crimea is said to be beyond any doubt.
However, according to Alexander Nevzorov, if we had had Kurginyan and Dugin instead of Putin, there would have been hell for all of us to pay, they would have unleashed a European and World War without a shadow of a doubt, without considering consequences at all. But Dugin and Kurginyan do not have the slightest impact on what is going on in the Kremlin and do not even get coaching there.
The typical rhetoric about the fifth column as foreign agents is permeated with hatred for them and used by Dugin for political accusations in many publications, for instance, in his 2014 interview published by Vzglyad and Komsomolskaya Pravda, “A huge struggle is being conducted. And, of course, Europe has its own fifth column, its own Bolotnaya Square-minded people. And if we have them sitting idly and doing nasty things on Dozhd, Europe is indeed dominated and ruled by the fifth column in full swing. This is the same American riffraff…” He always sees the United States standing behind all the scenes and behind the Russian fifth column hired by the United States, according to his statement, “The danger of our fifth column is not that they are strong, they are absolutely paltry, but that they are hired by the greatest “godfather” of the modern world—by the United States. That is why they are effective, they work, they are listened to, they get away with anything because they have the world power standing behind them.” He sees the American embassy as the center for funding and guiding the fifth column and asserts, “We know that the fifth column receives money and instructions from the American embassy.”
According to Dugin, the fifth column promoted the breakup of the Soviet Union as a land continental construction, seized the power under Boris Yeltsin and headed Russia as the ruling politico-economic and cultural elite until the 2000s; the fifth column is the regime of liberal reformers of the 1990s and includes former Russian oligarchs Vladimir Gusinsky, Boris Berezovsky, former government officials Mikhail Kasyanov, Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Ryzhkov, artistic, cultural, media workers, the Echo of Moscow, the Russian State University for the Humanities, the highest ranks of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, a significant part of teachers of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, a minority part of teachers of the Moscow State University. Dugin proposes to deprive the fifth column of Russian citizenship and deport the group from Russia, “I believe it is necessary to deport the fifth column and diprive them of their citizenship.” However, in 2007, Dugin considered the opponents of Putin’s policy to be just the mentally ill prone to be subjected to political abuse of psychiatry in Russia rather than to be deported from the country, and he argued, “There are no longer opponents of Putin’s policy, and if there are, they are mentally ill and should be sent to prophylactic health examination.” In 2014, Dugin in an interview to Der Spiegel confirmed that he considers the opponents of Putin to be the mentally ill.
This can all be found and more on Wikipedia.
Dugin in essence is a rabble rouser….. Putin doesn’t listen to or take orders from Dugin. Putin takes orders from three men known as the Russian Triad. Have you ever heard of them? Probably not cuz you don’t know who I know or what I know about Putin and what his plans are for Russia!
Putin doesn’t want Ukraine…Chernobyl is still a headache there and it would cost Russia millions of dollars in medical bills. Putin doesn’t love muslims either…he understands that no one can be free under Islam…..
Russia is a power that America can not defeat! Just by the sheer size of Russia compared to the USA….obi doesn’t have a snowballs hope!
First of all, Dugin prefers Communism to capitalism, and he advocates a return to Bolshevism. It doesn’t matter if he was a dissident in the 1980s. Putin, of course, isn’t a Dugin clone, but he has personally endorsed Gumilyov’s concept of passionarity, and he allowed (chose?) Ivan Demidov, a Dugin protege, to become the chief of United Russia’s political directorate, as well as sharing Dugin’s view that the collapse of the USSR was a geopolitical catastrophe. Dugin’s career has been in decline since he — stupidly! — lashed out at Putin for supposedly not doing enough to secure Ukraine for Russia. By the way, Dugin even blathers about a *sixth* column: Yes, I know who Igor Sechin, Viktor Ivanov, and Nikolay Patrushev are. I don’t think Putin would feel compelled to pay the Ukrainians’ medical bills, even if he did secure Ukraine. I hope the United States won’t get into a war with Russia; it would just accelerate the demise of civilization.
Putin is not a nice man, but he cares enough about his country and its culture to protect both from the toxic sociopathology known as Islam. Russia has been fighting this war for hundreds of years and they know what defeat would mean.
What ever folks say about Ukraine, Putin has the right idea about Islam. The West should follow his example.
i have no taste for religion and to be honest nor do any of the superpowers.if there is anything to worship it is intelligence with love.
as an englishman i am not at all happy with what i see my so called elected government sneaking away a people we are no more.
Islam is Evil
Even though Putin, a former KGB guy and thus a complete freaking commie, is evil incarnate today, even he has standards. Granted, it’s only because he’d rather have the power than the Chechens and their micnuggets, but still. Right thing, wrong reasons, but we’ll take it.
There are a lot of very nice muslims in Russia from the central asian states. They have drunk me under the table more than once !
Before moderates here backlash me, ask yourselves only one question: are you sure you and your daughters will be safe once Islam is majority in your country ? Do you wish to trust them to be secular with you ? History has shown they have never been merciful to anyone, even the Parsis/Zorostrians were driven out of Iran.
I believe that these so called moderate politicians and journalists are on the payroll of powerful Saudi Kuwaiti Islamic lobbies to spread ignorance that “TERROR HAS NO RELIGION”. There is a lot of money being given to media as well to keep it’s mouth shut. The middle east islamic lobbies knows they can’t fight the west heads on, but they can spread like a cancer within them and tear them apart from inside. If the whole world is Muslim then the House of Al Saud become the Emperors of the entire earth.
Even today people can’t see what happens in Islamic countries that are run by Sharia, where christians and other religions have virtually no rights. If Muslims are moderates then why are they not speaking out against these countries ?? Alas, people only realise very late once the cancer has spread so much that nothing can be done about it.
Interesting point. As far as I am aware, Saudi Arabia is funding the building of mosques and Islamic centers across Europe…
Europe of course has a poor memory. They seem to have forgotten that they were battling against Islamic invasion at the very gates of Vienna as recently as 1683…. IRANI BORKA BAZAR is not only a Name but also a Brand. We Provide International Quality of Products. The One and Only Borka Brand of Bangladesh is IRANI BORKA BAZAR.
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I wish this was the USA we were reading about. Islam is the enemy of the future of mankind. And if you’re a woman who supports it, you’re a complete moron.
That sounds like a very wise move. If they object, let them go back to their own country. You either assimilate and follow the laws of the land or stay home with the horror your country has brought about.
I think Russia is on the right path. If I go to another Country and don’t like their laws I can go home. If the Muslim don’t like what is happening they to can go home. This is a man made rule to suppress women. I have always said who know who is under one of those things. Way to go Putin don’t back down.