Dr. Ben Carson’s recent assertion that the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya encourages Muslims “to lie to achieve your goals” has prompted the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler to quote a number of academics to show that the presidential candidate got it wrong:
The word “taqiyya” derives from the Arabic words for “piety” and “fear of God” and indicates when a person is in a state of caution, said Khaled Abou El Fadl, a professor of law at the University of California at Los Angeles and a leading authority on Islam.
“Yes, it is permissible to hide the fact you are Muslim” if a person is under threat, “as long as it does not involve hurting another person,” Abou El Fadl said.
The other academics whom Kessler quotes—including Omid Safi, director of the Duke University Islamic Studies Center, and Noah Feldman of Harvard Law School—make the same argument: yes, taqiyya is in the Koran but it only permits deception in the case of self-preservation, nothing more.
Not exactly.
Although the word taqiyya is related to the Arabic word “piety” and its root meaning is “protect” or “guard against”—and the Koran verses that advocate it (3:28 and 16:106) do so in the context of self-preservation from persecution—that is not the whole story.
None of the academics quoted by Kessler bothered to acknowledge that the Koran is not the only textual source to inform Muslim action. They ignore the Hadith, the collected words and deeds of Muhammad. Koran 33:2, for instance, commands Muslims to follow Muhammad’s example, and his example—also known as the prophet’s Sunna—is derived from the many volumes of Hadith.
The importance of Muhammad’s example is seen in that the Sunnis, approximately 90% of the world’s Muslim population, are named after his Sunna. As one Muslim cleric puts it, “Much of Islam will remain mere abstract concepts without Hadith [whence the Sunna is derived]. We would never know how to pray, fast, pay zakah, or make pilgrimage without the illustration found in Hadith…”
It is therefore careless or disingenuous for Kessler and his “experts” to ignore Muhammad’s example as recorded in the Hadith in their discussion of taqiyya.
As usual, for the complete truth, one must turn to scholarly books written in Arabic. According to Dr. Sami Mukaram, an Islamic studies professor specializing in taqiyya, and author of the only academic book exclusively devoted to it, “Taqiyya in order to deceive the enemy is permissible.”[i]
This sounds similar to Carson’s assertion that taqiyya allows Muslims “to lie to achieve your goals.”
As proof, Mukaram documents two canonical anecdotes from Muhammad’s Sunna—his example to Muslims—that make clear that the prophet allowed his followers to lie and deceive non-Muslims above and beyond the issue of self-preservation:
The Assassination of Ka‘b ibn Ashraf
An elderly Jewish leader, Ka‘b ibn Ashraf, mocked Muhammad, prompting the prophet to exclaim, “Who will kill this man who has hurt Allah and his messenger?” A young Muslim named Ibn Maslama volunteered on condition that to get close enough to Ka‘b to murder him, he needed permission to lie to the Jew.
Allah’s messenger agreed. Ibn Maslama traveled to Ka‘b and began to complain about Muhammad until his disaffection from Islam became so convincing that Ka‘b eventually dropped his guard and befriended him.
After behaving as his friend for some time, Ibn Maslama eventually appeared with another Muslim also pretending to have apostatized. Then, while a trusting Ka‘b’s guard was done, they attacked and slaughtered him, bringing his head to Muhammad to the usual triumphant cries of “Allahu Akbar!”
The Disbanding of the Confederates
In another account, after Muhammad and his followers had attacked, plundered, and massacred a number of non-Muslim Arabs and Jews, the latter assembled and were poised to annihilate the Muslims once and for all (at the Battle of the Trench, 627). But then Naim bin Mas‘ud, one of the leaders of these “confederates,” as they became known in history, secretly went to Muhammad and converted to Islam. The prophet asked him to return to his tribesmen and allies—without revealing that he had joined the Muslim camp—and to try to get them to abandon the siege. “For,” Muhammad assured him, “war is deceit.”
Mas‘ud returned, pretending to be loyal to his former kinsmen and allies, and began giving them bad advice. He also subtly instigated quarrels between the various tribes until, no longer trusting each other, they disbanded.
Mas‘ud became a hero in Islamic tradition. He is often seen as being responsible for helping an embryonic Islam grow at a time when its existence was threatened. One English language Muslim site even recommends his actions as illustrative of how Muslims can subvert non-Muslims.
In the two examples above, Muslims deceived non-Muslims not because they were being persecuted for being Muslim—according to the Washington Post’s definition of taqiyya—but in order to make Islam supreme. (The Arabs and Jews met Muhammad at the Battle of the Trench because Muhammad and his followers first attacked them at the Battle of Badr and massacred hundreds of them on other occasions.)
Despite these stories being part of the Sunna to which Sunnis adhere, UCLA’s Abou El Fadl—the primary expert quoted by the Washington Post to show that Islam does not promote deceit—claims that “there is no concept that would encourage a Muslim to lie to pursue a goal. That is a complete invention.”
Tell that to Ka‘b ibn Ashraf, whose head was cut off for believing Muslim taqiyya. The prophet of Islam allowed his followers to lie to the Jew to slaughter him—just as he encouraged Mas‘ud to lie to his non-Muslim family and allies for the sake of Islam.
Thus, Dr. Ben Carson got it right when he said that taqiyya “allows, and even encourages you to lie to achieve your goals.” The all-important example of the prophet makes that clear.
[i] (At-Taqiyya fi’l-Islam, or “Dissimulation in Islam,” p. 32)
Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie and/or conceal their true faith, feelings,
thoughts, plans, and character, for the purpose of protecting themselves. It is fully based on the Koran and is agreed
to and practiced by all major sects of Islam.
“When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the
truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying
is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para r8.2
2. Tawriya
Tawriya allows Muslims to “creatively lie” by being purposely ambiguous
about the real meaning of what they are saying.
3. Kitman
Kitman is a term that means Muslims are permitted to tell half-truths, or
partial truths, while concealing the greater whole truth. Discussion of “jihad” as being only an
“inner” or “spiritual” struggle is an example of Kitman, as technically it is
true that jihad refers to a spiritual struggle, but conceals the very real
physical struggle that is also encompassed by jihad.
4. Muruna
Muruna is perhaps the biggest deception practiced by Muslims, as it allows
them to be “flexible” regarding the commands of their faith in order to
properly blend in with the society around them.
Muruna permits Muslims to shave their beards, wear Western clothing,
listen to Western music, and even drink alcohol.
All of these deceptions go against specific commandments, as well as the
overarching commandment against lying itself, that are found in the Koran. But they are allowed so long as their use
contributes to a greater goal or serves a greater commandment within the Koran,
like spreading Islam among the infidels.
Americans who hold in high regard the founding principles and ideals of our
country need to learn these terms, and watch for their practice in the world
around them. The very future of our
nation could be at stake if the lies and deception practiced by radical Muslims
are allowed to continue and take further hold.
Hello T S It’s great to know there are people like you that are helping the truth get out about this Fascist Ideology. I have been warning people for over fifteen years about this cancer and since I began I’ve watched it grow like weeds in a untended garden. When I began warning people I could rarely find anyone that even knew what I was talking about much less agreed with me. Islam is the most dangerous enemy that any country can face, Muslims come to a host country and when their numbers are great enough they become highly political, then they become Fascist Political Ideologists which is even worse, the Traitors that support them are no better that the Stealth Jihadists, these politically correct deceived morons may not see America become a third world Islamic country but their children will. As I said I have watched this malignant cancer grow and listed and read the lies that Muslims have put out during political campaigns, for instance Congressman Keith Ellison from MN uses Taqiyya, Kitman and every thing else permissible in the Qur’an, Hadith and the other book I cant think of at the moment, he is just one example, he is an example that I warned would rise up in our political houses, he is by far not the only Traitor that is Muslim. Sorry for the wall of words for some reason I cant do paragraphs and this tiny window I have to reply is not meant for a lot of lines.
I speak loud and clear on the topic, to the point of death threats from Muslims. I go to Islamic websites and speak against it, I use my face book to speak against it. All of Islam. I had a bad run in when I was 16, my boyfriend and I both raped. Never again will I trust any of them. Mohamed is a pig demon possessed freak and Allah is Satan. Muslims follow the Satanic book the Koran. It is a caliphate hiding behind religion, when they call on Allah’s name although it means God they are calling on the great deceiver.
Islam must take over the world by force, if you do not submit (Islam means submit) you are to be killed or pay a jizzya tax to live. In theory when they concur the world only then will there be the “peace” they speak of…I can hardly believe this when they can’t get along among themselves…For those of you reading this that don’t know anything about it I suggest you learn. Keep on speaking Apollune!!!
Amazing that there are definitions and classifications of lying. So obviously there is a bit of it going on.
There are so many ways and reasons for it, that must be the only way they can keep it straight.
For anyone who has traveled in areas or done business with Arabs/Asians, they know their lying is second nature. This IS a well known occurrence.
This clown Abou El Fadl is now trying to sanitize a well known behavioral trait, and we’re supposed to believe him? What was his article about, lying?
I spend time speaking with Muslims on FB, discussions of Jesus VS mohamed, Christianity vs Islam, Some are so brainwashed it’s impossible, others lie. Islam is built on false hoods and lies. It’s ridiculous.
The good part of this is that the more they are challenged to defend their ideology, the more hollow it sounds, to them.
Most people DO HAVE an internal BS meter, and as they are spewing this BS, they have got to know that IT IS BS. And this is where the chink in their armor is.
A word of encouragement: despite claims that Mohamedism is “fastest growing”, it is really crumbling. The silent apostates, low convert retention….Besides, you probably heard that Mohamedism is fastest growing from a Mohamedan, and they are generally full of crap. Refuting Mohamedism is fairly easy, contradictions in the Koran provide huge holes. Check out Acts 17 debates to get some good info, those guys are awesome.
Thank you, I will check out that debate group. It’s not easy to listen to lies everyday, it gets quite frustrating that they know they lie and still believe what they do…
The take away point: the mechanism for dismantling Mohamedism is in the Koran. God, in His infinite wisdom has allowed the means to dismantle Mohamedism to be placed in their book. The Koran CONFIRMS the Bible’s voracity. So, if you believe the Koran that the Bible is true, Mohamedism is false. If the Koran is false, Mohamedism is false. A dilemma that Mohamedism cannot resolve without lies.
Either way, the Koran proves that Mohamedism is false.
There are many techniques Mohamedans use; rabbit trails, distraction, substitution, false evidence…But if you can pin them down on this very fundamental point, the whole thing starts to unravel, which is why all the evasive techniques. I have gotten a lot of encouragement from the fact that God allowed the seeds of destruction to be in their texts and Mohamedans can see it.
everything is an invention of the west their mortal enemies according to the adherents to the deathcult of islam. we are not supposed to believe our lying eyes or listen to our lying ears. mostly, they demand we not speak of it. their murderous hatred of everything and anything non muslim, that is. the hell with them and as it said, the horse they rode in on. if we allow them to invade our societies that’s our bad. no. really.
I know some older people from Afghanistan who left because they saw the writing on the wall when these Vermin began taking over, these folks talk about their childhood being very similar to American children, now look at Afghanistan, Iran and Egypt today, all three countries used to be great countries until this malignant cancer took hold. With almost 1400 years of destruction of every country they invaded one would think it would be impossible for the Vermin to take over a country like America but it’s proven to be easy with all the help from the media and many ignorant Liberals. Even some Christian organizations are helping them claiming we worship the same god, as a Christian I can tell you Allah is just the opposite of my God, my God doesn’t teach me to kill those that don’t agree with Him. These Christians are the Laodicea type, those of you that are Christian understand the meaning.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Allah is just the opposite of my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DO NOT believe anyone that tells you different.
By your reply it seems you think that I believe the Muslim moon god and the author of the Bible are one and the same, I have studied their books, the Qur’an and the Hadith one more I cant recall. But that aside their actions should tell anyone with a lick of sense that Muslims and Christians do-Not worship the same Elohim. Obviously as I said the Interfaith Movement” the Laodicea type professing Christians don’t agree with me, as they are having fellowship with them and lobbying for more to come here. Just curious have you considered who the “Latter Days” nation is with over one hundred characteristics and parameters given by six different prophets even in different centuries that fits America like a tailor-made glove? The majority believe it is a nation to be built in Iraq, these same people believe in the 1000 year reign of Jesus, but God says this “Latter Days” nation will be completely destroyed once by fire and then the sea will come over it and it will never be inhabited again, the area of Iraq and around Iraq will be active during the thousand years, so this would be a contradiction, I say they should look elsewhere. BTW Doctor S. Franklin Logsden wrote about this end time nation in 1967 but it got him ostracized in the Christian community. One more thing I believe the second most popular belief is that of the Catholic church, it cant be a church, God specifically makes it clear that He is describing a Singular nation, a 1.Supper power nation, 2.that is very wealthy, 3.a nation that was a golden cup before the people as a whole left him, 4.a nation made up of many, many different people. 5.with many Lakes, Rivers and Deep Water ports, 6.a singular Nation that rose up in the wilderness, 7the youngest nation >(Hindermost) 8.that has a mother that is confounded when the destruction comes, the Hebrew word can mean dried up or shriveled up, this could be England America’s mother England has shriveled up 9. A singular nation that has a place for the kings of the earth to meet like America does with the United Nations building in NYC I could keep listing more prophecies, God says this Singular nations has cities (Plural) so this rules out Jerusalem as a fair number of Christians claim it to be who God is describing, this belief is more absurd than a Church. Let me know who you think it is, if God didn’t want us to know who this nation is He would not have given so many prophecies to so many prophets.
That was for the record. You are not the only one reading this.
Not everyone is aware.
Thanks for clearing it up, after I posted I thought that might be the case:(]:-)
I like your cartoon of Mo.
This one he’s got a beard.
Despite these stories being part of the Sunna to which Sunnis adhere, UCLA’s Abou El Fadl—the primary expert quoted by the Washington Post to show that Islam does not promote deceit—claims that “there is no concept that would encourage a Muslim to lie to pursue a goal. That is a complete invention.”
That Taqiyya on full display, he could have at least used Kitman or Tawriya he would have seemed more believable. I have been warning people for over fifteen years about this malignant invasive cancer called Islam, I have watched it grow but one would think with Islam’s almost fourteen hundred years of Islamic State like atrocities committed against innocent men, women and children it would be impossible to grow so fast in a country like America, not only growing in numbers but are in key positions in our government, judges, school principals you name if their not there now they will be. I know a couple of medical doctors who left Afghanistan before the Muslims took over, they describe their childhood and it was like my childhood, this is what happens to a country when these Vermin take over. Iran and Egypt were at one time great countries before the Vermin took over. I was in North Africa and was in Egypt before it became Muslim dominated. It’s sad that the Obama administration tried to install the Muslim Brotherhood, the most dangerous organization in the world, but the Egyptian officials were too clever for him.
Kessler’s “experts” he quoted were simply practicing taqiyya
Kitman too.
The MSM can’t see anything wrong with Taqiyya because they practice this principle every day.
Those in the Liberal media are puppets their actions lends to the aid of the Islamic Stealth Jihadists, who use deceit and lies Taqiyya, Kitman, Tawriya Etc. when dealing with Infidels (Non Muslims) As a student of history and Islamic history I see clearly a dying America, what’s so hard is the fact so few see it. If the Communists don’t take over the Muslims will, what a hell of a mess we’re in.
“Thus, Dr. Ben Carson got it right when he said that taqiyya “allows, and even encourages you to lie to achieve your goals.” The all-important example of the prophet makes that clear.”
hmmm Does that mean Dick Cheney practices taqiyya?
Is Dick Cheney a Muslim?
Maybe he is Muslim !! I do believe he lied to achieve his goal in Iraq … so perhaps he is.
I have a different suspicion. Saddam was a threat to the Saudis, and Saudis have their infiltrators both in DC and London. These infiltrators are the ones who conned both the Americans and the British into believing that Saddam had WMDs and needed to be taken out. Cheney simply fell victim to those infiltrators alongwith most others in the US and UK administration.
I’m no fan of Bush nor his administration, it was Bush who gave us the Patriot Act that many of us were screaming no and then Obama comes along and feeds it those proverbial steroids. But some of the same idiots that protested Bush applaud Obama and many other Orwellian things he has put in place, it was pretty smart of the elitist control freaks to get a black man elected president because they knew he could get away with more damage than a white man. I’m sure you don’t believe there are forces that want America to fall, and America will fall.It falls twice once to the Dark Forces but the second fall is at the hands of God. I believes this from the things I found from many many hours of researching the Scriptures, ancient religions, ancient history, There are over 100 prophecies about an End Times Nation that fits America like a glove and many America only. One prophecy shows this End Time Nation has many aliens that come into the midst of it, God likens these aliens to Caterpillars because they are so destructive and even gives the countries they come from, all these countries today are Muslims countries one in particular is Persia which is Iran, Persia back in ancient time never had Fiery Darts that cause massive fires and destruction, these Fiery Darts sound like powerful missiles, most likely nuclear missiles. On some side note Damascus Syria days are short . I cant do paragraphs on this computer and my reply window is so small, which makes my reply look like a wall of words,I just want to apologize for that, so you can concentrate on criticizing me on the real issues(}:-)
Is that a cartoon of Mo? (}:-)=
There’s his beard.
The WP falls so easily into the Muslims’ traps. If you seek the truth from a practitioner of taqiyya, and the WP only went to Islamic “experts,” how can you assure yourself that you’re getting the truth?
You cant and assuredly you wont either.
Agreed. You have to start from the baseline that you are being not told the truth.
Most everything that you hear Mohamedans say in public is a lie.
Listen to some off camera, hidden recordings. The same dogmatic message comes through. Unless they are telling you to your face that they want to rule the world, they are lying.
Glenn Kessler is a useful idiot – a simple-minded dupe much appreciated by V. Lenin, later communists, and now Islamists.
So this Moslem is practicing taquiyya too. Do you see why God said the sons of Ishmael would be IMPOSSIBLE to get along with???
You just cannot tell when they are telling the truth or lying to you!
very little will be truth. If they are hungry or need a toilet they might tell the truth everything else: Taqiyya or avoiding islamic slander.
They do try and not lie, they AVOID talking about; violence, rape, torture…
There is a discussion of the inaccuracies, historical fallacies, and borrowings of older belief systems within the Qur’an at: http://youtu.be/amdpvgloulE posted by Flying Pig Productions. Almost all of the Qur’an is borrowed from Jewish or Christian holy books, Zoroastrians, Persians or from Meccan polytheists contemporary to Mohammed. The Center for the Study of Political Islam publishes The Sources of Islam, A Persian Treatise, an abridged reprint, by the Rev. W St. Clair-Tisdall, M.A., translated by Sir William Muir, Ph.D., first published 1901,
available from http://www.CSPIpublishing.com In essence, the Qur’an is a plagiarized lie.
For some reason that address didn’t work. Copied from the “share box”
Deceit has a theological basis in Islam. Allah makes Koran verses that are ‘eternal’, then changes them, then causes Mohammed to forget them, then changes his mind again, just a con artist would. Allah lies and plots against disbelievers and deceives anyone he wishes to. Presumably Allah could even deceive the Muslim believers if he wanted to, and so Mohammed deceives the disbelievers, his wives and his followers, all the while insisting that everyone be truthful towards Mohammed. Then Mohammed commanded his followers to tell strategic lies to defeat the kafirs. Then the caliphs told lies to the rival royal families of Islam in order to defeat them. Mohammed fabricated Koran verses to defeat the Meccans. Mohammed’s followers fabricated hadiths to defeat their enemies. Shi’ites fabricated their own separate hadiths to defeat the Sunnis. Shi’ites use taqiyya on a professional basis. Jihadists use taqiyya against rival jihadists. Jihadists use taqiyya against Westerners. Islamic governments use taqiyya against Western governments. Muslims use taqiyya in business to defeat the kafirs, the kafir police, the kafir religious leaders in interfaith dialogue, in public relations by Muslim political front organizations. Islam is awash from beginning to end with deceit and taqiyya. Muslims know this, hide it from the kafirs and lie to the kafirs about taqiyya. Muslims don’t fool one another. Muslims especially don’t trust another Muslim.