The Obama administration recently made changes to the Oath of Allegiance to the United States in a manner very conducive to Sharia, or Islamic law.
On July 21, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced some “modifications” to the Oath of Allegiance which immigrants must take before becoming naturalized.
The original oath required incoming citizens to declare that they will “bear arms on behalf of the United States” and “perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States” when required by the law.
Now the USCIS says that “A candidate [to U.S. citizenship] may be eligible to exclude these two clauses based on religious training and belief or a conscientious objection.”
The new changes further add that candidates “May be eligible for [additional?] modifications based on religious training and belief, or conscientious objection arising from a deeply held moral or ethical code.”
These changes serve incoming Islamic supremacists especially well. For, while Islamic law allows Muslims to feign loyalty to non-Muslim “infidel” authorities, it bans Muslims from living up to the pretense by actually fighting or killing fellow Muslims on behalf of a non-Muslim entity, such as the United States.
The perfectly fitting story of Nidal Hassan—the U.S. army major and “observant Muslim who prayed daily” but then turned murderer—comes to mind and is illustrative.
A pious Muslim, Hasan seemed a “regular American,” even if he was leading a double life—American Army major and psychiatrist by day, financial supporter of jihadi groups and associate of terrorists by night.
However, when time came for this American soldier to “bear arms on behalf of the United States”—to quote the original Oath of Allegiance—against fellow Muslims, things got ugly: he went on a shooting spree in Fort Hood, killing thirteen Americans, including one pregnant woman in 2009.
Much of Hasan’s behavior is grounded in the Islamic doctrine of Loyalty and Enmity. According to this essential teaching, Muslims must always be loyal to Islam and fellow Muslims while having enmity for all non-Islamic things and persons.
However, whenever Muslims find themselves under the authority of non-Islamic institutions and persons, they are permitted to feign loyalty—even to the point of cursing Islam and pretending to have abandoned it—with one caveat: Muslims must never take up arms on behalf of “infidels” against fellow Muslims. In other words, their loyalty to non-Muslims must be skin deep.
Many are the verses in the Koran that support this divisive doctrine (3:28, 4:89, 4:144, 9:23, and 58:22; the last simply states that true Muslims do not befriend non-Muslims—“even if they be their fathers, sons, brothers, or kin”).
Most germane is Koran 3:28: “Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels rather than believers: and whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah—unless you but guard yourselves against them, taking precautions.”
The words translated here as “guard” and “precaution” are derived from the Arabic word taqu, from the trilateral root w-q-y—the same root that gives us the word taqiyya, the Islamic doctrine that permits Muslims to deceive non-Muslims whenever under their authority.
Ibn Kathir (d. 1373), author of one of the most authoritative commentaries on the Koran, explains taqiyya in the context of verse 3:28 as follows: “Whoever at any time or place fears … evil [from non-Muslims] may protect himself through outward show.” As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad’s close companion Abu Darda, who said, “Let us grin in the face of some people while our hearts curse them.”[1]
Muhammad ibn Jarir at-Tabari (d. 923), author of another standard commentary on the Koran, interprets verse 3:28 as follows:
If you [Muslims] are under their [non-Muslims’] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them with your tongue while harboring inner animosity for them … [know that] Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels rather than other believers—except when infidels are above them [in authority]. Should that be the case, let them act friendly towards them while preserving their religion.[2]
And therein lies the limit of taqiyya: when the deceit, the charade begins to endanger the lives of fellow Muslims—who, as we have seen, deserve first loyalty—it is forbidden. As al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri puts it in his treatise on Loyalty and Enmity, Muslims may pretend to be friendly and loyal to non-Muslims, so long as they do “not undertake any initiative to support them [non-Muslims], commit sin, or enable [them] through any deed or killing or fighting against Muslims” (The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 75).
Thus the idea that Nidal Hasan might be deployed to a Muslim country (Iraq or Afghanistan) was his “worst nightmare.” When he realized that he was about to be deployed, he became “very upset and angry.” The thought that he might injure or kill Muslims “weighed heavily on him.” He also counseled a fellow Muslim not to join the U.S. Army, since “Muslims shouldn’t kill Muslims.”
Hassan is not the only Muslim to expose his disloyalty when pushed into fighting fellow Muslims on behalf of the United States.
And in April 2005, Hasan Akbar, another Muslim serving in the U.S. Army, was convicted of murder for killing two American soldiers and wounding fourteen in a grenade attack: “He launched the attack because he was concerned U.S. troops would kill fellow Muslims in Iraq.”
In short, the first loyalty of any “American Muslim” who follows the Koran is to fellow Muslims, regardless of their nationality. It is not to American “infidels,” even if they be their longtime neighbors whom they daily smile to (see here for examples). Hence why American Muslim Tarik Shah, who was arrested for terrorist-related charges, once boasted: “I could be joking and smiling [with non-Muslims] and then cutting their throats in the next second”—reminiscent of the aforementioned quote by Muhammad’s companion.
Now, in direct compliance with Islamic law, the Obama administration has made it so that no Muslim living in America need ever worry about having to defend her—including against fellow Muslims or jihadis.
[1] ‘Imad ad-Din Isma’il Ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Karim (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiya, 2001), vol. 1, p. 350, author’s translation.
[2] Abu Ja’far Muhammad at-Tabari, Jami’ al-Bayan ‘an ta’wil ayi’l-Qur’an al-Ma’ruf: Tafsir at-Tabari (Beirut: Dar Ihya’ at-Turath al-‘Arabi, 2001), vol. 3, p. 267, author’s translation.
The only question is: why does nobody stop him?
Because he as all the media sewed up to only spew his propaganda.
so many people just aren’t that into what we are discussing. I’m continually shocked at the lack of concern, interest, knowledge and it scares me.
Frankly, this USA president frightens me. Are honesty & trustworthiness no longer required of USA presidents?
FUUUUUUCK Ohabam and let him persih in HELL
“Ohabam” ?? “persih” ??? (Do you know what proof-reading is?)
Get a life
How can it be ‘moral’ to avail oneself of all a nation has to offer only to exempt oneself from acting in its defence? What kind of ‘alliegence’ is that? It’s an invitation to commit treason.
Exactly what our moslem traitor in chief wants to bring in his #LeftIslamicAxis.
The description of Raymond Ibrahim (below) is quite accurate:
“He is a Shill…..for the David Horowitz ‘Freedom Center’” and a Copt Christian. His last name implies that he’s an Islamic expert, he isn’t.
Really? As a Coptic Christian, I’d say he likely has first-hand knowledge of what a bunch of goat-*ucking murderers Muslims really are.
Hello everyone who loves freedom,
please share and make go viral via internet, social media , twitter etc, this article or at least the link by the Q society of australia. I find this article very succinct and tells everything about islam in a nutshell, we need everyone and their brother and their dogs ( and cats to read this:) . We need to wake up the clueless and comatose public in the west ! thank you and may the force be with us all !
ADDRESS THE THREAT OF ISLAM AND SHARIAH TO THE WELL BEING OF ALL FREE SOCIETIES.., THE IMPORTATION OF SHARIAH AND THE destruction of free societies consequent to uncontrolled muslim immigration.
use the following material as composed by the Q society of australia . I think they say it all in a nutshell ( substitute american for australian , there is no copy-right to this information so i think one can reproduce it and share or publicize the contents or else use or incorporate the basic points mentioned in this article )… WHY WE OPPOSE ISLAM !
Why We Oppose Islam
So much more than just another religion
Islam is not just a religion. It is also a political, legal, financial, social and military doctrine which extends to all facets of Muslim life, the cultural and legal landscape of where Muslims live and how to treat non-Muslims. Islam makes it obligatory for observant Muslims to assist in extending the rule of Islam across the world.
For too long Islam has enjoyed immunity from necessary analysis, due criticism and debate because of its status as ‘just a religion’. Unfortunately, if we continue to tolerate Islam without understanding it, Australia /America as a free, secular democracy will be lost. How so?
Islam tells Muslims not to integrate into non-Islamic countries
Many world leaders are now resigned to this fact. Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew publicly stated “we can’t integrate Muslims”. British Prime Minister Cameron, French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel have also stated that multiculturalism has failed in respect to Muslims. This is because Islam teaches Muslims to avoid friendship or integration with non-Muslims (who are ‘infidel’ or ‘kafir’), leading to demands for Muslim-only lavatories, swimming pool sessions and prayer rooms in public building. Then there are demands for separate laws, separate food, separate finance, separate schools and much more. This is apartheid and shows contempt for America’s/Australia’s values of respect, tolerance and equality. While some nominal Muslims do integrate, they are rejecting key tenets of Islam by doing so. For many others, choosing American/ Australian values over Islam is simply not possible; their loyalty is to Islam and the worldwide Muslim community first, their country second.
Islamic culture is forced on the host nation
History has shown that many Muslims will not embrace other cultures or join a ‘melting pot’. The culture of a host country must be suppressed or replaced, eventually becoming known as ‘the time of ignorance’. We already see Government, workplaces and schools recognising Islamic holidays, daily prayer times and special leave for hajj pilgrimage, amongst a myriad of other demands. Incrementally, halal food is imposed on everybody, sexes are segregated and huge mosques and their minarets built as a show of Islamic supremacy. Aspects of the dominant religion are sidelined or deemed ‘offensive’, anti-Semitism increases and history books are rewritten to favour Islam and denigrate the host country’s heritage. Slowly but surely our Judaeo-Christian values, ethics and customs are being replaced.
Islam demands that Muslims obey and implement sharia law
Islam is a totalitarian ideology that does not separate its law from its religious entity. As a consequence, Islamic sharia or ‘divine’ law undermines the separation of powers and the rule of law, concepts that are fundamental to our values and democracy and which cannot be compromised by erroneous ‘human rights’ or ‘freedom of religion’ claims.
Moreover, it is an obligation of all Muslims to impose sharia law as the political and legal system of the state. The call for it to govern only Muslims is just a first step.
Sharia law includes:Polygamy, with up to four wives and an unlimited number of concubines;
Child marriage, as Mohammed (the ‘perfect example’ of mankind) married a 6 year old;
Slavery, as agreed by all four schools of Sunni jurisprudence;
Killing of those who leave Islam, adulterers, blasphemers, critics of Islam and homosexuals;
Women and non-Muslims being second-class citizens and men can legally beat their wives;
Parents going unpunished if they kill their children, making ‘honour killing’ legal;
Punishments such as beheading, whipping, stoning, cutting off hands and throwing off buildings;
The imposition of a humiliating tax on all non-Muslims to support the Islamic ruling class; and
enforcement of Sharia being a right of each Muslim, encouraging vigilante street ‘justice’.
Q Society ( we US citizens) reject/s any aspect of sharia law in America/Australia. Sharia law is a medieval and unchangeable legal code which reflects the seventh-century, Arabian desert-living practices of Mohammed. Sharia is the anathema to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
p.s. try to educate your retiree community about islam and the danger it poses to free society . Volunteer to give a talk to retirement communities, reach out to them in their local newspapers, be inventive and engaging, Volunteer to give a pep talk, many of the retired folks have children or relatives who may be connected to the miliitary .They may be conservative or liberal, it doesnt matter this involves everyone, Islam is an equal opportunity killer. The retirees are a formidable army at our disposat…many have good income and free time to engage in frequent letter writing and online campaign in social media to spread the word and organize for the defense of the republic. Recommend to them Jihad Watch , BNI and others such as……………….all this for starters
you will be suprised how energetic retired folks can be ! lol
Remember there are also a sizeabe % of retirees who were in the military and who fought off prior enemies of the US and defended the judeo -christisn, greco-roman, secular humanist civilization of today . We are currently faced with an imminent ancient foe that is awakening and attempting to devour us and our elected officials are still slumbering or running around in circles ( )
list of newspapers/print media in the US
Merci beaucoup !
some of your links aren’t going thru…But thanks for the ones that do which I don’t already visit.
All of your “…..all this for starters” URLs are bogus, biased, Islamaphobic, conspiracy-theorist sources, many sponsored by paid Islamaphobes.
islamaphobia is a word creatd by fascists, used by cowards; to manipulate morons.
“It is the nature of islam to dominate not to be dominated; to impose it’s law upon all nations and to extend it’s power to the entire planet.” Hasan Al-Banna founder of the muslim brotherhood
You are the one spewing disinformation!
Phobia is an “unnatural” fear.
Nausea is simply be SICK OF the B.S.!!
Well, well, well. What we have here is an Islamophile.
Define Islamaphobe.
A phobia is a fear of something. I do not fear Islam.
Pull Islam’s penis from your @ass.
I keep screaming about BHO’s dance with islamic slander.
He word walks around the truth about everything islamic or muslim so as not to be caught ‘slandering’ islam. I pray it’s becoming clear to people he’s skilled at taqiyya in his every rambling voiced thought. He is skilled at mesmerizing low information people and of course the trusting multitude thinking somebody ELSE is doing something…
Add to that HRC would be a continuation of not worse.
Oh how moslems love their taqiyya.
all the talking heads even the fox heads keep saying “but why does he or why doesn’t he”…the answer is BECAUSE he’s using taqiyya and dancing around islamic slander. I know it’s not quite that simple but watch him speak off totus and he’s trying to walk the line. Screw the Red lines; he’s on the blasphmey line and he wants us on it too.
They claim to honor the Ten Commandments, yet disregard “Thou shalt not bear false witness”.
Worse than that Obama is fast tracking citizenship to RIG THE ELECTION with millions his illegals immigrants and mosles as new “legal” voters. This plot must be exposed, but few are sharing it. We MUST get out from under the #LeftIslamicAxis even if it means rebellion.
link to more info
Anyone still doubt that islam lies at the core of the muslim-in-chief?? He truly is an Obamanation. The ideology of islam is a virulent cancer enabled to metastasize by this administration and I believe big bloodshed will ultimately be the result.
How is this different from the treatment of American Quakers, Amish (and assorted other conscientious objectors)?
What astonishes me the most is that most of the modern world have little knowledge of Islamic law. In fact it is evident if you have ever had to deal personally with any muslim lying is inherent in their nature. I have known this for as long as I can remember, some old wives tale probably like ‘never trust an arab’! Of course there was a time when it was mostly arabs who were moslem but in the last 35 years things have changed for the worse.
What about Christians who do not wish to take part in war? For example, I am a Christian and I will not be forced to take part in a war I do not agree with. Please read Jesus’ words carefully –
“Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil. You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, DO NOT RESIST THE ONE WHO IS EVIL. BUT IF ANYONE SLAPS YOU ON THE RIGHT CHEEK, TURN TO HIM THE OTHER ONE ALSO. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”
And the words of Paul the Apostle in Ephesians 6 where he tells us our enemy is not of flesh and blood, but is a spiritual enemy. We as Christians wage war with the truth, by exposing their evil deeds – not by killing them.
You can still “perform noncombatant service.”
And republican do what they’ve been doing. NOTHING!
In tonight’s debate all but one should literally be booed off the stage!!!
As soon as trump is in office, he should have all of these clowns sent back to where they came from with only the clothes they’re wearing.
THIS cannot be true.
A usurper cannot overrule the will of the people and it’s Constitution. If it is true then all members of Congress and the president must be tried, convicted and hanged for treason and their dead bodies dragged by a horse throughout the streets.
But this has never happened so it must be true?
The unholy and wicked intrinsic nature of Islam can be established with GOOGLE EARTH. Measure the distance from the TEMPLE MOUNT in JERUSALEM to the KAABA STONE in MECCA, SAUDI ARABIA – It’s 666 NAUTICAL MILES… (The Temple was built before the Black Stone)
The God of the Bible is in control of even the specific geographic location of the shrine to The Devil (The Moon God)…It’s 666 NAUTICAL MILES.
learn more of the math of the God of the Bible at
Remember, folks, he MEANT to say “My MORMON faith” when he said, “my MUSLIM faith”. Yeah, right.
Federal agencies should not be allowed to create law of any sort . It should originate in Congress , and then be reviewed by the Supreme Court before being signed into law by the President ( -dunce , in the present case ) .
Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights . Carry
Impeach this traitor!
This reassures me that every Muslim ought to be presumed disloyal until proven loyal.
Please see the linked Snopes article, debunking most of this, and clarifying the rest:
“no Muslim living in America need ever worry about having to defend her—including against fellow Muslims or jihadis.”….when they opt out of defending the US it telegraphs their clear intent to join their fellow Muslims in attacking our country as their allegiance is to Allah and not the US. With this in mind, NO Muslim should be permitted to enter the United States for ANY reason. Not for business, pleasure, sport, or immigration.
At a very minimum, any Muslim that provides ANY support, in word, act, or financial, MUST lose their citizenship and immediately deported.
No Muslim whatsoever should be a member of our armed forces or ANY state or federal government agency.
I stand by this because I have read the Qu’ran and ahadiths. Islam MUST be destroyed. It cannot be contained. Can one contain cancer? No.
“It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with It doesn’t feel
pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until
you are dead. ”
Destroy Islam now.