Last November Raymond Ibrahim was interviewed by Egyptian reporter Sherif Awad. The interview appeared in several Egyptian magazines and websites, as well as American ones, such as the Westchester Guardian. The interview follows:
Awad: Can you tell us about your family and their profession and how and why they decided to migrate to the US? Tell us about your childhood and the intercultural elements that shaped it until you decided to select your profession.
Ibrahim: My father and mother, both Copts, one from Cairo the other Alexandria, left Egypt in the late 1960s for America, where I was born. They left Egypt for a better life. I grew up speaking both Arabic and English and visited Egypt with my parents often when I was young. It was natural, then, for me formally to study the region, its languages (primarily Arabic, which I already spoke), its history and conflicts, in college. Growing up in Egypt in the 1940s-1960s, my parents experienced little by way of direct persecution, but they did experience religious discrimination, and that was one of the reasons they came to America, for better opportunities.
Awad: In regards to your MA thesis and book about the Battle of Yarmuk, can you compare its events to the happenings that led to the ending of Islamic rule in Andalusia? Do you consider researching the Islamic empire in Andalusia? About the Crusades?
Ibrahim: Yes, I am very interested in early and medieval Islamic history, especially military history vis-à-vis Christendom. Not only are there parallels between those various battles and encounters, but indeed, the patterns continue to this very day. Most in the West are wholly unaware that to Islamist groups like al-Qaeda, they see the conflict as a continuum of history—as jihadis (mujahidin) fighting infidel “crusaders.” This is precisely why I have an interest in the long history of the conflict—most of which is concealed from people in the West by the forces of “political correctness,” which predominate in the classrooms, the government, and the media.
Awad: You researched al-Qaeda’s early history but I want to ask about 9/11 and how far al-Qaeda was involved, because many conspiracy theorists claim that certain US entities have something to do with those events.
Ibrahim: Well, of course, conspiracy theorists say what they say. And for my part, I can’t prove anything; we work with the information we are given, ultimately. For example, we were told that Osama bin Laden was killed; but others say he wasn’t. And no one can really prove either position (since his body was purportedly and hurriedly dropped in the ocean). So, while I do not necessarily discount what are sneeringly dismissed as “conspiracy theories,” in this profession, one must articulate one’s position within the reasonable bounds of what is collectively deemed “truth.”
Awad: In your book Crucified Again, you shed light on the troubles faced by the Christian minorities across the Arab world. It was followed by new articles about the attack on the church of Waraq neighborhood in Cairo (which is next to my house in KitKat by the way). Do you differentiate between tolerance and fundamentalism in Islam or do you think that Islam is broadly violent right now?
Ibrahim: This is a good, important, and ultimately complicated question. To be brief: I always distinguish between Muslims, the humans, and Islam, the religion. Muslims, like all humans, are free agents who are capable of doing anything; they, like all people, can be tolerant or they can be intolerant. Likewise, they, like all peoples of all religions, can interpret their religion anyway they want (or simply ignore its tenets). That said, when it comes to the actual religion of Islam, it is inaccurate to describe it as “tolerant” of non-Muslims—certainly not by modern, 21st century standards. Plain and simple, Islam teaches that non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims. Quran 9:29 calls on Muslims to subjugate the People of the Book (ahl al-kitab), until they pay jizya while feeling humiliated. The prophet of Islam commanded Muslims not to greet non-Muslims and to push them to the side of the road. One can go on and on with examples (see my book Crucified Again for many more with complete documentation). Ultimately, this suggests that the pious Muslim who tries to follow the Sharia will be more intolerant of non-Muslims than the casual or “cultural” Muslim—and both types exist.
Awad: How do you see the rise and fall of ex-president Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt? Do you think Egypt will be under more terrorist attacks from their supporters in the future? How do you see Egypt in the near future?
Ibrahim: Again, good and complicated question. I actually think it was good that Morsi won elections and that the Brotherhood was temporarily empowered. Because finally, the Egyptian people experienced what it would be like under ikhwani [Brotherhood] rule. And the result of that was the June 30 Revolution—millions of Egyptians protesting in the streets. So the good news is that Egyptians now know exactly who the Brotherhood is. On the other hand, the Brotherhood still has supporters in Egypt, and more importantly, abroad—U.S., Qatar, Turkey, etc. So it is likely that they will still try to undermine Egypt, whether through terrorism or political maneuvers from their supporters. But overall I believe that Egypt’s experiences under the Brotherhood, and now after their ousting, have opened many eyes, thus ultimately weakening the Brotherhood’s influence.
Awad: In a recent article, you quoted the report published in al-Watan newspaper about Muslim Brotherhood in the US. Do you think MB have influences on Obama’s administration?
Yes, I do. It is well known that several people who advise or associate with Obama, the White House, and in fact the entire U.S. government are somehow or other associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Moreover, since the June 30 Revolution, we have seen, repeatedly, how the Obama administration and U.S. leadership—including Anne Patterson, John McCain, and Lindsay Graham—have intervened on behalf of the Brotherhood.
Afghani’s occult influence, as the leader of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor,
divided in two directions. The first was the evolution of the Salafi movement into the notorious Muslim Brotherhood, while the second were the Nazis of Germany. The Nazis were the result of a merging of the O.T.O of Crowley and the Thule
Gesellschaft of Germany.
The doctrines of the Thule order were founded on The Coming Race by the Bulwer-Lytton and the theory of the Atlantean origins of the Aryan race developed by Blavatsky. In 1919, the members of the Thule Society formed a political party named the “German Workers Party”. This in turn was later renamed the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”, more popularly known as the Nazis, by Adolph Hitler in 1920.
When Hitler came to power in the 1930s, he and Nazi intelligence made contact
with a Egyptian named Hassan al Banna, to see if they could work together.108 Born in 1906, Banna was reportedly a Freemason, developed from the influence of the three Salafi reformers, Afghani, Abduh and Rida.
Banna’s father was a student of Abduh, while Banna himself was greatly influenced by Rashid Rida. By age twenty-one, Banna was introduced to the leadership of Al-Manar, founded by Rida, and, beginning in the early 1920s, would often meet and discuss with Rida. Through Rida, Banna developed his opposition to Western influence in Egypt, in favour of “pure Islam”, meaning the pernicious version of Wahhabism.
Banna was also a devout admirer of Hitler. Banna’s letters to Hitler were so
supportive that he and other members of the Brotherhood were recruited by Nazi
Military Intelligence to provide information on the British and work covertly to undermine British control in Egypt.
Banna himself said that he had “considerable admiration for the Nazi Brownshirts” and organized his own forces along fascist lines.109
Banna’s Brotherhood also collaborated with the overtly fascist “Young Egypt”
movement, founded in October 1933 by lawyer Ahmed Hussein and modeled directly
on the Hitler party, complete with paramilitary Green Shirts, aping the Nazi Brown Shirts, Nazi salute and literal translations of Nazi slogans. Among its members, Young Egypt counted two later presidents, Gamal Nasser and Anwar Sadat.
As Robert Dreyfuss described, in Hostage to Khomeini, a revealing look at the conspiracy to promote the Muslim Brotherhood:
The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimun in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929,
by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Sufi mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.
In the summer of 1942, when German General Erwin Rommel’s Afrikakorps were poised to march into Cairo, Anwar Sadat, Gamal Nasser and their cronies were in touch with the attacking German force and, with help from the Muslim Brotherhood, were preparing an anti-British uprising in Cairo.
A treaty with Germany had been drafted by Sadat, which included provisions for German recognition of an independent but pro-Axis Egypt and guaranteeing that “no British soldier would leave Cairo alive.” When Rommel’s push failed in the fall of 1942, Sadat and several of his co-conspirators were arrested by the British, and sat out much of the remainder of the war in jail.
After the defeat of Nazi Germany, Cairo became a safe haven for several thousand Nazi fugitives. Several of the Germans, recognizing British puppet King Farouk’s political weakness, soon began conspiring with Nasser and his “Free Officers” who, in turn, were working closely with the Muslim Brotherhood, to overthrow the king. When Banna was assassinated by Egyptian officials in 1949, the movement was destabilized, but not for long.
On July 23, 1952, a coup d’etat was carried out by the Free Officers with
Brotherhood assistance. Newsweek marveled that,
“The most intriguing aspect [of] the revolt … was the role played in the coup by the large group of German advisors serving with the Egyptian army… The young officers who did the actual planning consulted the German advisors as to ‘tactics’… This
accounted for the smoothness of the operation.”110
Assisting the Egyptians in coordinating with the Nazis was the CIA, headed by Allen Dulles. A 33rd Degree Freemason and Knight Templar, Allen Dulles was also a founding member of the CFR, an in-law of the Rockefellers, Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Board Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Prior to working for the CIA, Dulles was a director of the J. Henry Schroeder bank in London, a prime instrument employed by Montagu Norman in his financial support of Nazi Germany. Allen Dulles served with the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which would eventually become the CIA and of which he would become the head.
Miles Copeland, a former CIA operative specializing in the Middle East, revealed in his autobiography, The Game Player, that in 1951 and 1952 the CIA became interested in Nasser through a project known secretly as “The Search for a Moslem Billy Graham.” According to Copeland, who activated the project in 1953, the CIA needed a charismatic leader in order to divert the growing anti-American hostility that was dominant at the time.111
In March 1952, Kermit “Kim” Roosevelt, grandson of President Roosevelt, who headed the CIA Near East Operations, had begun a series of meetings with Nasser which led to the coup four months later. Then, when Nasser wanted to overhaul Egypt’s secret service, he turned to the CIA. However, the U.S. government “found it highly impolitic to help [Nasser] directly,” Copeland recalled in his memoirs, so the CIA instead secretly bankrolled more than a hundred Nazi espionage and military experts to train Egyptian police and army units in the mid-1950s.112
Dulles turned to Reinhard Gehlen, the most senior eastern front military intelligence officer, who, just before the end of WWII, had turned himself over to the U.S.
In exchange for his extensive intelligence contacts in the USSR, Dulles and the OSS
reunited Gehlen with his Nazi associates to establish “the Gehlen Organisation”, which then functioned within the OSS and later the CIA.113
By the early 1950s, Reinhard Gehlen was in charge of developing the new German intelligence service. To build Egypt’s spy and security forces, Gehlen hired the best man he knew for the job, former SS colonel Otto Skorzeny, who was described by the OSS, as “the most dangerous man in Europe”. It was Skorzeny who, at the end of the war, organized the infamous ODESSA network, the purpose of which was to establish and facilitate secret escape routes, called ratlines, out of Germany to South America and the Middle East for hunted members. With ties to Argentina, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the Vatican, they operated out of Buenos Aires and helped Adolf Eichmann, Erich Priebke, Aribert Heim and many other war criminals find refuge in Latin America and the Middle East.
Mengele was also among the hundreds of high-ranking Nazis which the US intelligence and military services extricated from Germany during and after the final stages of World War II, known as Operation Paperclip. Of particular interest were scientists specializing in aerodynamics and rocketry, such as those involved in the V-1 and V-2 projects, chemical weapons, chemical reaction technology and medicine. However, Christopher Simpson shows how the CIA hired former Nazis “for their expertise in propaganda and psychological warfare,” and other purposes.114
The plan was to employ the age-old indoctrination methods of the Ismaili Assassins and to continue to create mind-controlled agent-provocateurs, more commonly known as “terrorists”. In 1952 Dulles founded Banque Commerciale Arabe in Lausanne, Switzerland, representing a pact between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood, which is comprised of Saudi royal family members. The bank was co-founded by a longtime British intelligence agent, Benoist Mechin, a protégé of Jack Philby.
Dean Henderson, author of Geopolitics: The Global Economy of Big Oil, Weapons and Drugs, summarizes the nature of this relationship:
Part of this Faustian bargain may have involved the House of Saud chieftains providing information to US intelligence on how to create mind-controlled assassins. The Muslim Brotherhood claims to have first perfected this technique during the 11th century Crusades when it launched a brutal parallel secret society known as the Assassins, who employed mind-controlled “lone hit-men” to carry out political assassinations of Muslim Saracen nationalists. The Assassins worked in concert with Knights Templar Catholic invaders in their attacks on progressive Arabs, but were repelled.115
With Skorzeny now on the job of assisting Nasser, Egypt became a safe haven for Nazi war criminals. Ultimately, the Free Officers coup was the work of many foreign intelligence agencies, though especially the British, French and American, in collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood. However, tensions eventually grew between the Free Officers and the Brotherhood. Nasser emerged in 1954, naming himself prime minister, and when his government moved towards a confrontation with the British, the Brotherhood was directed to wage war against him. To that effect, the Brotherhood received assistance from Israeli intelligence, for which reason, among others, it was accused by Al Ahram, and other Egyptian press, as being the tool of imperialists “and the Zionists”.116
108 Loftus, John. Al Qaeda Terrorists Nazi Connection.
109 Erikson, Marc. “Islamism, fascism and terrorism” (Part 3). Asia Times,
Dec 4, 2002
110 Ibid.
111 Jamil, Athar, “CIA: tool of American colonialism, past and present,” [PDF] KCom Journal, June 30, 2001.
112 quoted from Lee, Martin A. “The Swastika & the Crescent” Intelligence Report.
Spring 2002, Issue 105.
113 Erikson, Marc. “Islamism, fascism and terrorism” (Part 3). Asia Times, Dec 4, 2002.
114 Blowback, quoted from Binion, Carla. Nazis and Bush
family history: Government investigated Bush family’s financing of Hitler.
December 21, 2000.
115 Henderson, Dean. “The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller”.
excerpted from Geopolitics: The Global Economy of Big Oil, Weapons and Drugs.
116 Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, p. 248.
Larry I know for a fact that Hitler was provided with a copy of the Koran before he wrote Mein Kampf. I also know that the early childhood indoctrination thesis so well carried out, was a direct result of his study of that book. However, ideological fanaticism was not enough to win battle alone so by 1944 Nazism was being changed into a religious ideology(no doubt with the promise of 72 Brunnhildes at death) to gain that extra push. The parallel here is so clear that it makes me look at the early days of Muhammad and IMO he was a warlord first and foremost who found that while loot and slaves were excellent motivation, it required 72 virgins for (again) that last push and the only difference between Hitler and Muhammad was that Hitler had Stalin as an opponent and Stalin had more bodies and an even greater disregard for life than had Hitler. Muhammad had no real opposition even after death.
The relationship between Islam and National Socialism is no accident and even Communism was quite happy to parallel no small amount of its doctrine upon Islam.
Many say that Hitler was antirelgion: he was not! he was only antichristian which he saw as a snivelling, bleeding heart pacifist abortion totally eunuchoid in a war with those whoi have no conscience: and he was right.
“Larry I know for a fact that Hitler was provided with a copy of the Koran before he wrote Mein Kampf.”
Who gave him the Koran? He would have got more out of the Hadiths!
You should go to You Tube & type in, John Loftus, America’s Nazi Secret!
In 1941, a Croatian Catholic (Ante Pavelic) started the Ustasha
(the leaders were all Dominican and Franciscan monks, making the Ustasha an integral part of the Roman Catholic Church, the ranks made up of monks of the same orders and Bosnian Muslims). The Ustasha was put into power in Croatia by Adolf Hitler in 1941, in compliance with the Vatican/Third Reich Concordat. The Ustasha implemented a program of “conversion” of Croatia to Catholicism. The program was to annihilate one third of the entire Serbian population, force a third to migrate out of the country and force the last third to convert to Catholicism. Assigned to oversee the entire operation, by the Vatican, was Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac. The program was to take ten years. The Ustasha built and operated the third largest concentration camp in WWII at Jasenovac where over 800,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were systematically butchered (hundreds were incinerated alive). The “program” was interrupted in 1945 with the Allies kicking the Nazi’s and Ustasha out.
Clinton got his law degree at Georgetown (Jesuit) University where
he was indoctrinated into communism (as was, Jesuit, Fidel Castro). As governor of Arkansas, Clinton authorized the use of the airfield at Mena Arkansas, for Reagan’s CIA-Iran/Contra weapons and drug smuggling operation. M-16’s went south to arm the Catholic Contra’s (to take back Nicaragua and El Salvador for the Vatican) and cocaine came north and sold on American streets by the CIA (today that cocaine is being sold in black neighborhoods by the Contra’s). The money (over 100 million a month) was laundered through: Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha Nebraska; Bank of Credit & Commerce International; Guaranty Bank in Chicago; Garfield Ridge Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago. The money then used to buy more weapons (from David Koresh and Cabazon Indian Reservation near Indio California) and to put Catholic priest/dictator, Jean Bertrand Aristide, in power in Haiti, some going to: Arkansas Development Finance Authority (authored by: Webster Hubbell). The entire
operation was overseen by Oliver North.
“The Yugoslav Auschwitz and The Vatican” by: Vladimer Dedijer.
Wow, Larry you make a case here in a concise
manner – they are all guilty!~ Thanks for this knowledge.
Ray, once again you prove your expertise!~