Veritas International Enterprise
Following the January 7 massacre at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, where Islamic gunmen killed a dozen people because the satirical magazine had mocked the prophet of Islam, one thing has become clear: the amount of atrocities committed in the name of Islam all around the world have become so frequent, so ubiquitous, that other, lesser hostilities by Muslims, which might once have been newsworthy, are now completely falling by the wayside, seen as minor and insignificant—commonplace, almost expected.
Thus, while Islamic gunmen were massacring “infidels” in Paris (and elsewhere), “everyday Muslims” in Europe were engaging in less dramatic, but no less significant behavior.
On Friday, January 9—Friday being when Muslims get most riled during mosque sermons and when non-Muslims are frequently attacked—“foreigners” in Italy, believed to be Muslims, attacked a man kneeling in prayer before the statue of the Virgin Mary, tore the photo of a loved one from his hand, and then broke and urinated on the Virgin Mary statue. By the time police arrived at the chapel the attackers had already fled.
Ten days later, also in Italy, a crucifix near a populated mosque was shattered to pieces.
Immediately after this incident, according to the report, “People have already strongly reacted across social networks. They are outraged at this new blow to their deepest feelings, to their beliefs. People can’t take it anymore.”
Nor did the municipality’s Councillor Giuseppe Berlin of the civil list “Your Town” mince words:
It’s time to put an end to the do-gooders’ policies of welcoming and integrating by a certain political party. Before we put a show of unity with Muslims, let’s have them begin by respecting our civilization and our culture. We shouldn’t minimize the importance of certain signals; we must wake up now or our children will suffer the consequences of this dangerous and uncontrolled Islamic invasion.
Meanwhile, Pope Francis called on Catholics and Western people in general to refrain from insulting other religions—namely Islam: “It’s normal, it’s normal [violence]. One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith.”
It is widely believed that the Pope made these statements in reference to the Charlie Hebdo massacre, which was provoked by “insult[ing] other people’s faith,” those “people” being Muslims and that “faith” being Islam.
One wonders if Pope Francis would still call it “normal” if members of his own flock were to murder those who urinated on the Virgin statue or broke the crucifix?
And in Spain, also on Friday, January 9, an unruly and violent young Moroccan man broke into a store to get a knife, started screaming Islamic slogans—including “Allahu Akbar!” “You will all die!” and “I am a Muslim!”—resisted arrest, tried to snatch the arresting officer’s weapon, and smashed the patrol car’s windows.
Police ended up tying him with tape and moving him to another patrol car to transfer him to the General Hospital of Manresa, where he was sedated. During the transfer, he kept shouting things like, “You killed my brothers in Paris. I’m going to kill everyone. Christians, you will die!”
Before this incident, he was in a juvenile facility where he had tried to “propagate ideas of holy war and jihad among other youths of North African origin.”
None of these incidents made it into any major Western media and instead appeared in minor, local (Italian and Spanish) websites.
You see, here in the West, for any Islamic outburst or attack to be deemed “newsworthy,” it must involve dramatic, wholesale slaughter, as in the Charlie Hebdo affair—such is the West’s desensitization towards Islamic violence. Muslims attacking Christians praying, smashing and urinating on Christian statues and icons, or screaming “You will all die! I am a Muslim!”—are today deemed trite and commonplace, hardly newsworthy.
One wonders how long before Charlie Hebdo-style attacks also lose their newsworthiness, becoming commonplace and expected, as the tentacles of the jihad continue to grow.
I read the violence of Islam
And then at the bottom of the article theres an advert;
Become a Muslim???????
No Muslim is ever grateful for having been let into another country; all thanks go to Allah. Our kindness and Christian charity is naught but weakness to them – which they also thank Allah for. It is shameful to not exploit such weakness. Muslims want to live better but they don’t want to live shamefully.
May G-d bless the Spanish police! In America the police would have declared “You are scaring me” and shot him as he broke the shop window. (Or perhaps not if he was an obvious Muslim)
Most people of the world are already in retreat on this issue. However, like my Mom once told me about an unwelcome roommate mistake I was making, she said “David, you won’t wake up until he is stting with his dirty feet on your coffee table telling you WHAT AN ASSHOLE YOU ARE” Then you will wake up. Believe me people, as incredible as it seems, the whole “West” has not yet reached that point of decision. But, no doubt it will soon. The chief evidence of this is in the Charlie Hebdo response which it indeed was a response that carried great meaning. “All is forgiven” means much more to all Frenchmen and to the West that maybe the Muslim does not understand very well. This type of forgiveness is a special trait of free peoples, it happens when they start to wake up to the unwelcome guests in their house, who is with dirty feet on their coffee tables and is calling them ASSHOLES.
You are probably right, David. People in Western Europe (France, Germany and probabli also UK) are increasingly uneasy about the Muslim minorities, which generally are very closed selfghettoized societies with very conservative machismo style views on women. I couldn’t believe my ears when in separate occasions a Turkish and an Arab told me in a conspiratorial tone that all the Western women are sluts. As proof he saw the fact that the Non-Muslim women wear dresses (and/or jeans). They also loath the (almost) equal place the European women share with men in the society. Should women be covered from head to toe and stay in the kitchen to be respected??
People already ask themselves is Islam has anything to do with peace, tolerance, human rights and democracy. The mainstream media do not mirror the general suspicion against Islam by the majority of the population because they fear the rise of undemocratic populist fascist governments in Europe and a backlash against this unfriendly religious minority.
In my opinion, the traditionalist Muslims like the Salafis will only increase their terrorist attacks against Europe, forcing a showdown between the secular European society and the Muslim community. A serious conflict will erupt and Muslims will be deported en masse from Europe, like in Spain during reconquista.
This backward religion has no place in modern civilized free societies. Why do you think the Japanese are not permitting any Muslim to settle in their country? They have virtually no Muslim community and accept no Muslim immigrants.
that’s a flat out lie
“They (Japan) have virtually no Muslim minority and accept no Muslim immigrants. ”
That’s not quite right, they have a muslim population of around 10.000 and there are a few mosques. Reproductive rates will change Japan within a few decades. The muslims are everywhere, and for a reason, they didn’t go to Sweden, Norway and Finland for the balmy weather. No, it was for the generous welfare payments and to colonise and conquer the natives.
You are right Laura, my mistake here. My primary source was wrong. I made some research after your comment. It seems like there are between 10.000 and 100.000 Muslims there, 90% expats. Among them the most are some south-east Asians immigrated in the 90s to work and married with japanese partners (otherwise they could not receive permanent residence) in the factories and several thousands Turks who came there til the WWII. There are also a few thousands expats and the families of Muslim diplomats.
Nonetheless, as for my knowledge Japan does not accept foreign refugees (though there are rare exceptions and only for small numbers) and refuses to rely on massive immigration to ease the economic burden of an aging population..
the unwelcome guest is called Israel and the world is waking up
Do you not think that the unwelcome guest on this planet is the human? Islam is a way of thinking that is imposed to those who follow it by one violent written book, the book itself is not violent, what is written and interpreted in a literal way is violent. Religion, what ever it’s form is, is a slavery system where people get brainwashed by those who are trained for that, thus they can let all there sheep run in any direction they want.
If any religion would ask me to kill others that do not fit in the system or do not have the same faith, me, as a human with a sane brain would ask myself first what in this world gives the right to anyone to destroy anything for no reason, a faith, a belief, a principle, are indeed no valuable reasons to kill anyone or destroy anything. I some in the system would ask me to kill others, I would ask myself first what could be the reason for it, and then I would find out that those who order such things, or have written books in that way, are on a constant fetch of power and wealth they can only build up on the back of those idiots that believe their nice words.
Religion is a misuse of innocent people to gain power and make big money, and the more this money is near to grab, the more violent it gets. Yes, Israel grabs the land of others, but do Muslims not do the same when they claim on every corner that they will conquer the world and Allah will take it all over?
Many had that dreams since more than 5000 years, and no one ever reached it. There are in fact more chains in this world than barking dogs. Dreaming of becoming the ruler of the world is stupid way of thinking, most of those simple minded do not even end their life ruling their own country.
There is one way to keep a body clean and healthy, and that is to not let viruses in and fight them if they do. One Muslim in one country is thus just one to much, but this is something the fools will only find out when it’s too late. Islam a religion of peace? Google Islam, and you will see, and then, in1 year, when you have read most of it, we can talk about it again.
“Do you not think that the unwelcome guest on this planet is the human? ”
Riley, you still didn’t get it.
The unwelcome guest on this planet is the Muslim. As Shamael put it “One Muslim in one country is thus just one too much”.
You might find this article interesting: Looking Away from Europe’s Muslim Problem
And here is the comment of the reader “Charles”: “Historically when two groups of people, each of which hold different cultural beliefs and values, confront one another, the sharp differences are resolved by territorial self segregation or by letting the differences compete over time until workable compatibility has been achieved. In either process of assimilation mutual respect for the beliefs and customs of each is appropriate. Here, however, one group’s cultural beliefs and values includes the requirement of submission by the other which is justified by law founded upon revealed truth. The tactics of conquest are dressed in, and often regarded as, mere cultural differences. This should fool only the very ignorant or gullible.”
Yes, it’s way past time that people in non-muslim, countries awaken to the threat of islam. Citizens everywhere should be able to defend themselves, their families, their property, and everything else. Property is being destroyed and people are getting hurt and killed because of the insanity of political leaders who deny their people the right to defend themselves and deny them the right to know the truth about what is happening. Enough is enough. The people need to get fed up to the point where they take matters into their own hands and do something about it.
Sure you will with what pitchforks and torches? Big talk Rancherio
It strikes me that the real problem here is one of silence. I wrote to CAIR the other day that real Islamophobia is not criticism of Islam, but the silencing of all criticism. The silencing of any discussion, questioning, and challenging of Islam. Thus, in my mind— Islamophobia is actually caused by those Muslims who are committing the violence to “avenge” Mohammed, and any slights, whether perceived or real, against Islam. I.e., Muslims are their own worst enemies.
We are not doing enough at all to address the violence of Islam. When shall we? When we are all finished. Islam is not a religion. It should have been banned long ago, by every sovereign nation like Angola did two years ago.
We already are desensitized to it.
IS beheads another hostage. Ho-Hum!
How many have they slaughtered, now? Ya lose count.
But hey!
Sale at Macy’s!
Nursery Rhymes on Cultures Knee – Western Version: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Islamic Version: Words, images, body language will ‘provoke’ me to break your bones with swords and guns and I will certainly hurt you.
I sit this morning in café Poppy looking out towards the softly shadowed Australian War Memorial of …..
No The West: are not Desensitized to Islamic Violence, citizens in the West can simply do nothing about it as the world political elite have opted for the hand washing solution provided by the World Health Organisation WHO. WHO have determined violence be it terror or otherwise is a ‘health issue’ and not a cultural derived artifact which is why Obama has insisted the FBI cease doing the rational thing and utilise a persons ideology as a starting point to develop threat levels.
“This programme identifies radicalised and at risk people and delivers a range of tailored services such as mentoring, counselling, education and employment services, that will help them turn away from ideologies of violence and hate,” the Attorney Generals’ office said.” Australia 2015
“This programme identifies radicalised and at risk people and delivers a range of tailored services such as mentoring, counselling, education and employment services, that will help them turn away from ideologies of violence and hate,” Abraham Lincoln said”. USA 1861
“This programme identifies radicalised and at risk people and delivers a range of tailored services such as mentoring, counselling, education and employment services, that will help them turn away from ideologies of violence and hate,” King Louis XVI said”. France 1785
Anyone who has read history really believes two diametrically opposed value constructs within the same Public Square will be resolved this way? Dangerously clearly so.
Ideology is no indication of intent? A cultures behavioral variance which constantly consistently contains violence, terror against Other because their cultural behavioral constructs are so iniquitous are going to be mollified with Others version of existence?
This is an insane policy paradigm being orchestrated and driven world wide by the World Health Organisation WHO, where terrorism is no longer a culturally derived artifact it is a ‘health Issue’. Yes that’s right a ‘health issue’.
It is a paradigm where the USA Northerners against USA Southern Planters slavery construct like John Brown simply needed a job, therapy and feel included in the others value system?
It is a paradigm where the British and French opposed to the notion of the Divine Right of Kings and Clerics to determine their fate simply needed a job, therapy and feel included in the others value system?
It is a paradigm where women suffragettes, members of women’s organizations (right to vote) movements in the late 19th and early 20th century, were bigots against Mans right to determine womens destiny and women simply needed take a Bex go home and look after the husband and kids, have therapy and feel satisfied with ‘Mans ‘leadership’ and control of women’s sexuality was a good.
Seriously this is going to work, dealing with the symptoms not the cause.
This is world the World Health Organisation and Obama are creating for humanity where insanity replaces sanity, those opposing tyranny are suffering a mental illness a phobia, are bigots, racists (although Muslims are not even a race) and those supporting a genocide, misogynistic construct are the good.
A World where the Nazi SS returning to Britain, Australia, the US, … through WWII back from throwing gas canisters into concrete bunkers, or fully intending to participate in such atrocities at home and abroad, and doing so being regarded as only needing ‘understanding’ and a good therapy session.
This is the policy madness which is determined as rational by Western Governments at this very moment and being driven by WHO – which now can only be regarded as a benefactor of genocide and misogyny.
The psychologists and the medical establishment giving their imprimatur of ‘expert’, required to wash the hands of Western politicians instituting such policy and allocating resources, justifying this tragedy along with their bureaucratic supporters inclusive of WHO must be held in the end to account for what they are perpetrating against humanity. It is no exaggeration that they by their actions are enabling current and future triggers to be pulled, bombs exploded and matches to be lit.
And worse these psychologists if not the contributory political source by their inaction to deny it, the notion it is the ‘provocation’ of Other be it by cartoons, lack of ‘opportunity’ or rightful prejudice against a genocide and misogynistic construct is the ‘real’ reason for terror rather than the actual cause the Islamic/Muslim cultural codex which determines any challenge of Islamic doctrine and resultant behavior, of clearly iniquitous constructs of women and Other, incites the Islamic codified method of extreme violence not the ‘real’ reason the Islamic/Muslim cultural codex justification and authorisation for such a violent method.
Because this policy cannot work as we see there is a charge that Other is to blame, Others provocation is to blame, Others prejudice against iniquity and a policy of delivering rather than stopping terror is bigotry, a mental illness, so the demand from this same source are for laws and regulations which diminish the freedom of citizens to challenge the very existence of the persistent terror in their streets by calling to account the actual culture responsible for it the Islamic/Muslim culture.
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? The World Health Organisation that’s WHO.
Cultures have no ‘Master Plan’ there never is but there is invariably a cultural codex stipulated principle ALL should convert to the True belief,
Nursery Rhymes on Cultures Knee – Western Version: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Islamic Version: Words, images, body language will ‘provoke’ me to break your bones with swords and guns and I will certainly hurt you.
The fact is from my reading of psychology you cannot change what a citizen believes is truth but you can change how they get to believe what is truth. In otherwords what this policy is proposing is you can change a person’s belief system after it has been set in concrete. Also the Islamic codex already imbues the adherent with the mental schema Other will try this on and what happens then – peace and harmony?
Charlie Hebdo did not even slightly inform this WHO policy was completely flawed let alone the two dead in the Sydney café what do you want victims falling on your front door step?
The response there was just not enough money and programs – there never will be.
what is good of islam for humanity????