I am the featured instructor in the latest Prager University course: “Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology.” Since the video was published on YouTube less than 24 hours ago, it has been viewed almost 150,000 times. Watch the course below and share it on social media:
An excellent video but you seem to let “moderate” Muslims off the hook. I don’t believe you are saying that if we eliminate all the “Islamists” that are violent that we can live in harmony with Islam. Isn’t one of the foundational principles of Islam that all Muslim must strive to make the world one under Allah and Sharia law? Your video seems to convey the idea that only Islamists are supremacist and this is something that is “radical” in Islam. That is quite opposite from everything Robert Spencer writes.
There is no such thing as “moderate” islam and I do agree with your point.
This is quite opposite from what Raymond Ibrahim usually writes and says. Very strange.
I beg to differ. Raymond has a reputation for telling the truth and this is exactly what he has done here. muslims are dangerous; apostates are not
Right, but like the poster I responded to mentioned, in this video he seems to be saying that “Islamists” are practicing some sort of “radical” form of Islam.
They are not. They are practicing 100% orthodox Islam. We can eliminate every single “Islamist” off the face of the earth this instant and we would still have this problem because the problem is with the religion of Islam. As long as the religion of Islam still exits, this problem will not be solved.
I’ve always heard Ibrahim say exactly this and have never heard him use the term “Islamists”. It was very strange to hear.
There are no such things as “moderate” or “radical” or “extremist” muslims. There are muslims and there are apostates. Muslims (ALL muslims) obey the Qur’an in either converting or killing non-muslims, just as they obey the Qur’an in all of its commands. On the other hand, apostates have decided not to obey the Qur’an, for whatever reason and are not dangerous. In the US, we have mostly apostates. Even thought they will tell you they are muslims, they are not. However, there are a few muslims in the US and they are indeed dangerous.
I am sure ‘islamism’ have deeper roots, higher “divinely-inspired” ambitions and global worldwide appeal and support than fascism and communism combined. I therefore, believe Islamism is far more dangerous than fascism and communism. I believe the world faces far more dangerous threat in the face of islamism as islamists won’t hesitate to murder hundreds of millions of human beings or even billions of human beings to advance their “divine” plan as this veteran German journalist confirms: http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/german-journalist-back-from-frontlines-isis-seeks-nuclear-holocaust/2015/09/26/
Until Islam goes thru a reform the seeds for radicalism are always going to be there. There is no ‘moderate islam They have to strike out almost all of Medina writings. Although not connected to Jews and Christians texts except thru plagiarism, the same prohibition on changing the text of the Quran exists .All that can remain of it are the bits plagiarized by Muhammad from Jewish and Christian texts. After BOTH refused Muhammad he got angry. All the radical text is his own from being ‘butt hurt’ (reason no one is allowed to insult Muhammad) He was laughed at and made fun of just as he is today.
Thank you Raymond for another on point video explaining what we and the world need to address muslims that follow the Median verses where most of the justification for acts of terror are I don’t think that reform will happen but it is important to point out the differences God bless you and your work.
Jesus Kristus sa: meg er gitt all MAKT i Himmel og på jord, ingen kommer til faderen uten ved meg. Men alle har rett til å velge, Jesus eller Satan. Ja sånn er det med den saken,,
Islam har ingen frelser, de tror de må frelse seg selv, med døde gjerninger,,
I like the M&M analogy if there is a bowl of M&M’s and 10% of them are poison would you grab a handful Islamism would be that 10% God bless.
There is dar al Islam, and dar al Harb. It is the goal of the world of Islam (dar al Islam) to subdue the world outside of Islam, (dar al Harb).
Moderate is a misnomer.
It is Islam as an ideology that must go away. It is barbarism masked as religion, the False Prophet’s substitue for the real deal.
You try to sugar over the full truth, it is NOT radical Islam, as the West tries to hide behind, it is Orthodox/Unsentimental Islam, as per the Koran and Hadith teachings, true Islam, teaches this violence, so please tell it as it is, yes, it is very dangerous, and time for people to wake up and smell the blood. There is no “moderate Islam”, there are people of Islamic background that do not fully practice Islam, as there are Christians, Jews etc, but that is not the true religion. Rework this lecture.
Excellent video full of quick and animations and concise facts. This one included Muslims against Islamism which will lead to discussion in future.
It’s wrong for muslims to kill apostates