Some central and east European countries are being criticized by more “progressive” Western nations for not wanting to take in Muslim refugees.
Chief among them is Hungary, specifically in the person of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Western media are characterizing him as “xenophobic,” “full of hate speech,” and Europe’s “creeping dictator.” Sounding like the mafia boss of the Left, the Guardian simply refers to him as a “problem” that needs to be “solved.”

Orbán’s crime is that he wants to secure his nation against Muslims and preserve its Christian identity. According to Hungary’s prime minister:
Those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims. This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity…. We don’t want to criticize France, Belgium, any other country, but we think all countries have a right to decide whether they want to have a large number of Muslims in their countries. If they want to live together with them, they can. We don’t want to and I think we have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country. We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim communities that we see in other countries, and I do not see any reason for anyone else to force us to create ways of living together in Hungary that we do not want to see….
The prime minister went on to invoke history—and not in the politically correct way, to condemn Christians and whitewash Muslims, but according to reality:
I have to say that when it comes to living together with Muslim communities, we are the only ones who have experience because we had the possibility to go through that experience for 150 years.
Orbán is referring to Islam’s conquest and occupation of Hungary from 1541 to 1699. Then, Islamic jihad, terrorism, and Christian persecution were rampant.
Nor was Hungary alone. Much of southeastern Europe and portions of modern day Russia were conquered, occupied, and terrorized by the Turks—sometimes in ways that make Islamic State atrocities seem like child’s play. (Think of the beheadings, crucifixions, massacres, slave markets, and rapes that have become IS trademarks—but on a much grander scale, and for centuries.)
Still, to Western progressives, such distant memories are lost. In an article titled “Hungary has been shamed by Viktor Orbán’s government,” the Guardian mocks and trivializes the prime minister’s position:
Hungary has a history with the Ottoman empire, and Orbán is busy conjuring it. The Ottoman empire is striking back, he warns. They’re taking over! Hungary will never be the same again!… Hence the wire; hence the army; hence, as from today, the state of emergency; hence the fierce, unrelenting rhetoric of hatred. Because that is what it has been from the very start: sheer, crass hostility and slander.
Similarly, the Washington Post, after acknowledging that Hungary was once occupied by the Ottomans—though without any mention of the atrocities it experienced—wondered how “it’s somewhat bizarre to think this rather distant past of warlords and rival empires ought to influence how a 21st century nation addresses the needs of refugees.”
So-called mainstream media ignore the fact that blended in among the thousands of refugees are operatives from the Islamic State, which is currently reliving the “Ottoman days” in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and elsewhere, and which plans on reliving them in Hungary and southeastern Europe. Already, Muslims trying to force their way into Hungary—and Slovenia, which is also resistant to Muslim migrants—are shouting Islam’s ancient war cry, “Allah Akbar!”
As for the other, “regular” Muslim refugees, many of them will never assimilate and some will abuse and exploit the weak—particularly women and children—and enforce Islamic law in their enclaves. That’s exactly what Orbán was referring to when he said “We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim communities that we see in other countries.”
To be sure, those “other countries” are not limited to Europe. For example, in Myanmar (Burma), non-indigenous Muslim minorities are behind the same sort of anti-infidel mayhem, violence, and rape.
In response, anti-Muslim sentiment has grown among Buddhist majorities, followed by the usual Western media criticism.
Thus popular Buddhist leader Ashin Wirathu, whom the media refer to as the “Burmese bin Laden,” staunchly opposes Muslim presence in Myanmar: “You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog,” says the monk in reference to Muslims: “I call them troublemakers, because they are troublemakers.”
Reminiscent of Hungary’s Orbán, Wirathu also warns that: “If we are weak, our land will become Muslim.” The theme song of his party speaks of people who “live in our land, drink our water, and are ungrateful to us”—a reference to Muslims—and how “We will build a fence with our bones if necessary” to keep them out.
Again, sounding like Hungary’s Orbán, Wirathu’s pamphlets say “Myanmar is currently facing a most dangerous and fearful poison that is severe enough to eradicate all civilization.”
To this, the NYT scoffs, arguing that “Buddhism would seem to have a secure place in Myanmar. Nine in 10 people are Buddhist… Estimates of the Muslim minority range from 4 percent to 8 percent.”
Justifying Muslim presence in non-Muslim nations on the basis that far outnumbered Muslims can never be a problem is par for the course. After expressing puzzlement at Orbán’s stress on history, the Washington Post stressed “the fact that Muslims comprise less than 1 percent of the country’s [Hungary’s] population.”
This media canard ignores Islam’s unwavering Rule of Numbers: whenever and wherever Muslims grow in numbers, the same “anti-infidel” violence endemic to Muslim-majority nations grows with them.
Consider the words of Fr. Daniel Byantoro, a Muslim convert to Christianity, discussing the ramifications of Islam’s slow entry into what was once a non-Muslim nation but today is the largest Muslim nation:
For thousands of years my country (Indonesia) was a Hindu Buddhist kingdom. The last Hindu king was kind enough to give a tax exempt property for the first Muslim missionary to live and to preach his religion. Slowly the followers of the new religion were growing, and after they became so strong the kingdom was attacked, those who refused to become Muslims had to flee for their life… Slowly from the Hindu Buddhist Kingdom, Indonesia became the largest Islamic country in the world. If there is any lesson to be learnt by Americans at all, the history of my country is worth pondering upon. We are not hate mongering, bigoted people; rather, we are freedom loving, democracy loving and human loving people. We just don’t want this freedom and democracy to be taken away from us by our ignorance and misguided “political correctness”, and the pretension of tolerance. (Facing Islam, endorsement section).
Indeed. Nations as diverse as Hungary and Myanmar—and leaders as diverse as the Christian Orbán and the Buddhist Wirathu—are well acquainted with Islam. Accordingly, when it comes to the Islamic influx—whether by the sword or in the guise of refugees—instead of judging them, Western nations would do well to learn from their experiences.
Otherwise, they are destined to learn from their own personal experiences—that is, the hard way.
I wish we had in France a president like Mister Orban.
I have lived in an islamized city where I have been insulted, sexually harassed, attacked, each time by Muslims. I wrote to the local politicians about the violence in the city, they never took the time to answer. So I have left my testimony here :
Thank you Raymond for the fantastic work that you have been doing for so many years,
Cher Beatrice,
Je lis votre témoignage et je suis très chagriné pour la belle France.
je suis desolée pour toi aussi. St Denis n’est plus sûr pour marcher la rue. La dernière fois j’ai visitée la France que j’ai dit mon ami que la France était le pays le plus civilisé au monde. Mais maintenant votre pays de belle est détruit par des barbares. Mes sympathies.
Vive la France.
Western Europeans, including France banned Christianity from the public square and replaced it with a new radical secular religion known as ‘moral relativism’ where all cultures and all religions are equal and where there is no such thing as right and wrong or good or bad and now they are harvesting the rewards of their deeds. Expect muslims to take control of the spineless Western Europeans and North Americans in the next few decades and expect them to bring their evil sharee’a laws with public beheadings, amputations and crucifixions in cities in Europe and North America. Westerners hugely deserve this and it will happen. It may take several more years but islam and sharee’a will eventually be fully implemented in the West and there will be mass killings committed by radical muslims in the West as well as well mass forced conversions to islam.
No one deserves this and it won’t happen. The war has already started many years ago and the People is rising against European politicians and against Islam. People are starting to get weapons. Europe will never become islamic.
A leader like Mister Viktor Orbán is a great example that will inspire many people out there.
The situation in Western Europe is much more serious and dire than you expect. People in the West lost their identity and backbone and for them, there is nothing worth fighting for. For decades now they have been fed with a steady diet of “moral relativism” and they already believe that there is nothing right or wrong, good or bad or moral and immoral and there nothing worth dying for.
This is not true.
I live in Western Europe and there are many people who still know and cherish their identity, even among young people. The problem is the huge gap between the main stream medias and the People. The official propaganda does not reflect the people. I have lost trust in politicians but I am confident in the People. They need to be informed in order to have the tools to react against islamization. This is why people like Raymond Ibrahim is so precious and useful because they give us the tools to understand and to fight back.
I hope you’re right.
You also need to rise against the mainstream media in France. Occupy their offices, boicot their services and more if need be.
The primary difference between Europe and America is that here in the states we have private ownership of firearms. it is estimated that here there are 300 MILLION privately owned firearms. I own six of those 300 million. it is written into our constitution that we have the right to keep and bear arms, which many of us do. It would be wise for Europeans to follow our example regarding gun ownership.
it is no secret that many of these muslims will not, under any circumstances, assimilate. They don’t want to. They have no problem biting the hand that feeds them. many here in the states never completely get off some form of government subsidy, even while owning very small businesses like a neighborhood store. Then they want sharia law to be prevalent in their neighborhoods. These people, for the most part, do not want to become Americans, and this is completely counter to all waves of refugees that came before them. Those earlier refugees actually desired to leave the old behind and start over, which is what America has always been about. Inviting hordes of essentially illiterate people into ones Nation is potentially cultural suicide. This is what Victor Orban is talking about. I, for one, completely agree with him.
Do you have an English translation?
Dear Beatrice,
I read your testimony and I am very grieved for the beautiful France.
I’m sorry for you too. St Denis is no longer safe to walk the streets. The last time I visited France, I told my friend that France was the most civilized country in the world. But now your beautiful country is destroyed by barbarians. My sympathies.
Thank you Jim.
Orbán’s crime is that he wants to secure his nation against Muslims and preserve its Christian identity.
Mister Orban your country is, like Israel, the envy of the world, for the Prime Ministers they have. You are a hero! I am praying for you.
We need a Holy Christian Army led by Russia:
Somehow I’m not sure that Mr Putin’s move into Syria is as the forerunner to a Holy Christian Army.
There are around 2 million Christians in Syria and America and the West are backing barbaric islamic jihadists in Syria who will definitely exterminate those 2 million Christians and other minorities whereas Russia is ready to protect those Christians and even sent the Russian Patriarch twice to Syria in the past 4 years. America and Nato are allied with barbaric islamic jihadists who are beheading and enslaving Christians and other minorities across the middle east.
I pray for the Middle East, for Israel & her people & for the peace of G-d’s holy city, Jerusalem, but, apart from G-d, I do not know who to trust. Messrs Netanyahu & Orban are points of light.
Netanyahu gives sanctuary to the terrorists that are destroying Syria and slaughtering innocent people including Christians.
I’m very sorry that you are partly right. Every country has its betrayers & Israel is no different. Whether Mr Netanyahu can do anything about these sympathisers is another question altogether.
The Syrian government is little different from all the other governments in the area: Apostasy (conversion from Islam to any other faith) is illegal. Religious extremists, are considered to include the…. Jehovas Witnesses, because they won’t shut up in peacefully trying to argue the point of their faith to all (including Muslims). Unacceptable. And this is the government Russia is allied with.
As defender of Christians, what pressure or argument has Russia ever put forward to the Syrian government to allow Christians (and others) the simple right to put forward their religious case to the Muslim majority, or for Muslim ‘apostates’ to be able to openly profess their new faith?
Western policy may be confused, but please try not to puff up Putin to a stature he has done little to earn.
It takes a vivid imagination to view anything done by Comrade Putin as either “holy” or “Christian.”
President Putin defends Christian culture and rightly criticizes the West as spineless and anti-Christian. Watch:
Patriarch of Russia, Patriarch Kirill urges Europe to return to Christian values, warns against ‘rewriting history’. Read:
But Western radical LGBT-ers dream how they could destroy Christian moral principals in Russia as they did in the West.
They won’t succeed as long as President Putin is in power.
Read: :
Putin talks a lot, but it’s pretty clear from his actions that his primary concern is how much power he can accrue and how much money he and his siloviki cronies can steal for themselves. Given that his bravado and BS is intended primarily for the consumption and pacification of the domestic Russian masses, it’s interesting how much of it some in the West have swallowed.
By the way, RT is a Kremlin propaganda outlet.
Putin and Russians rightly believe that islam-backing America and Nato are out to destroy the Russian soul and they are using “liberal democracy” and “LGBT” agenda and Russians are correct in defending themselves against the radical, anti-Christian, islam-backing, morally relative secularist Western LGBT agenda. May God bless Russia and give them victory over the evil anti-Christ West and their islamic jihadist allies.
It sounds very good, all of it, but is it true? I keep thinking of Mr Obama’s words on Israel before his election … Just at this moment, I find it difficult to trust any politician.
So I worry instead of imagining.
You’re so very right. The joke going around is: Croatia? Mr Putin, ‘I want it’. Ukraine? Mr Putin, ‘I want it’. Arctic? Mr Putin, ‘I want it’. Treasure train? Mr Putin, ‘I want it’. And he’s going to make peace in the Muddle East?
A dangerous man he is, but in his Christian Faith I trust. I keep my heart and mind open on Mr Putin, and pray that he will take the right path in these dark times. Appearances can be very deceiving when it comes to him and his actions.
Russian Orthodox army not ashamed of their faith, May God bless them and give them victory over the evil anti-Christ West and their islamic jihadist allies. Watch:
Marvellous video. But as always, the men who fight are so very young …
Western governments may in fact be antichristian, but the general population is not. I just watched that video. It was inspiring to see young men accepting the faith. I have doubts about Putin in a number of areas, but I have no doubt about his resolve regarding Islam and terrorists. He and Orban seem to be the only ones capable of defeating the hordes because they seem to be paying attention to reality, rather than playing the PC relativistic game. Moral relativism is a sham. People ARE different.
I’m not even sure of his Christian faith, as you are, but I pray with you. Also that Mr Netanyahu will know whether or not to trust Mr Putin, for his right judgment is much more important than mine.
Choose one. Putin or the Islamic State unless Obamas 4 or 5 Power Rangers will make a difference.
Methinks we may be just prior to Zechariah 14: 2. Whether we’ll count as the Christian Army I don’t know.
Not actually a choice among your various proposals … is Putin the best hope we have? Dear God, please save us.
Germany deeply regrets…
“Germany is about to introduce dramatic measures to stop the flow of asylum seeking migrants and refugees [muslims] to the country. Immigrant contributions will be abolished in Germany. Asylum seekers will now get a return ticket and food for the day, instead of money and an apartment…”
“The promised changes will most likely greatly affect the flow of asylum seekers to Sweden, which may now explode.”
And learn the Hard Way they will.
I vote him for British Prime Minister. We have had successive governments of wimps, money grubbing elites and dandies who HAVE DESTROYED OUR CHRISTIAN LAWS AND CULTURE.
Thank you for being the voice of reason in this chaos, Mr. Ibrahim. I shudder to think how much worse it would be if we didn’t have Prime Minister Orban right now.
I would also like to add that the Orban government decided to take in 1500 Coptic Christian families from Egypt after the Arab Spring and the coming to power of the Muslim Brotherhood to save them from the swords of fanatical Muslims. These people have been resettled in secret so as not to arouse the attention of the Left, who will no doubt start calling this another instance of Islamophobia. Hungary, Slovakia and Poland have all said that they are willing to take in genuine refugees from the middle east, as long as they were Christians, which is right since they are the ones being persecuted by Muslims and not vice versa. Since Hungary doesn’t pay Jizya to Muslims, unlike Western European nations, not a single one wants to stay here, they want to collect their “refugee salary” or in other words their Jizya tribute payments where these are most Generous.
God bless you, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Though our Western governments are not listening, the people are. We will defeat mohammedism.
That’s the leader that Europe needs today!
No one fears the travel patterns of Germans, Japanese, and American Southerners. Why? The Nazis, Shintos, and Confederates were thoroughly defeated, as a result, they gave up their goals explicitly and became permanently non-threatening.
The emergence of people who bluster about “building fences with bones” is never a good thing. You’d think a person purportedly acquainted with history would recognize that simple truth.
I’m thrilled that Mr Orban has the guts to say what he did. I hope the people of Hungary will follow his lead on this. Sadly most countries in the West are clamouring over each other inviting as many muslims into their countries as possible. Indonesia is a good example of good people with the best intentions letting in large numbers of muslims who managed to destroy this once beautiful and democratic country. We must throw political correctness into the garbage can and push our leaders to stop this insanity!
when someone starts preaching at you about xenophobia, you can be certain of 3 things. 1, the xenophobia preacher is your enemy. 2. he thinks you are stupid. 3. if you try to please him by not being xenophobic, you are.
Where does this LGBT/secular/moral relativity crap come from?
The religious are the most ‘morally- relative’ because no matter what religion,
‘we all believe in god’….. and must demonise those terrible atheists.
America had better wake up. The democrats are so obsessed with power they are willingly bring 100s of thousands muslims to my country. I don’t want them here. I want my country back. I want my country to stay Christian. Muslims can stay in the 3rd world hell holes THEY created.
Hungary gets it right !!!!!
“They sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7. The wind–moral relativism, and PC folly being sown by Western nations–will reap a whirlwind of consequences. The whirlwind harvest (terrorism, loss of national identity) has barely begun.
But not a peep of protest by the MSM when historically-ignorant Obama laughably invoked the Crusades.