In Nigeria, Boko Haram escapees continue to testify to the brainwashing that the Chibok girls are facing at the hands of their captors — girls being convinced to slit the throats of Christians and to carry out suicide attacks.
More than 200 girls remain missing after Boko Haram stormed a government school in 2014, kidnapping scores of mostly Christian young girls.
One witness said that the Chibok girls have been given special status as “teachers” told to memorize the Koran and teach others to do so. Girls face flogging if they cannot recite the Koran.
In the meantime the US government told Nigerian government that it Won’t Help them Fight Boko Haram Until Nigeria Accepts Homosexuality, Transgenderism and Birth Control, Bishop Says. Read it below:
It’s amazing how evil the Islamofascist devils can become if they practice diligently at it all their lives. I am thankful that there are so many people now seeing through the depths of depravity of these disgusting scoundrels, and we will overcome them, and turn them to ash and boot shellac if that’s what they so fervently request.