The fate of those Iraqi Christians who had fled from the Islamic State only to be incarcerated in the United States has finally been decided by the Obama administration: they are to be thrown back to the lions, where they will likely be persecuted if not slaughtered like so many Iraqi Christians before them.

Fifteen of the 27 Iraqi Christians that have been held at a detention center in Otay Mesa, California, for approximately six months, are set to be deported in the coming weeks. Some have already been deported and others are being charged with immigration fraud.
Many of the Iraqi Christian community in San Diego—including U.S. citizen family members vouching for the refugees—had hopes that they would eventually be released. Mark Arabo, a spokesman for the Chaldean community, had argued that “They’ve escaped hell [IS]. Let’s allow them to reunite with their families.” One of the detained women had begged to see her ailing mother before she died. The mother died before they could reunite, and now the daughter is to be deported, possibly back to the hell of the Islamic State.
Why are Christian minorities, who are the most to suffer from the chaos engulfing the Middle East, the least wanted in the United States?
The answer is that the Obama administration defines refugees as people “persecuted by their government.” In other words, the only “real” refugees are those made so due to the actions of Bashar Assad. As for those who are being raped, slaughtered, and enslaved based on their religious identity by so-called “rebel” forces fighting Assad—including the Islamic State—their status as refugees is evidently considered dubious at best.
As Abraham H. Miller argues in “No room in America for Christian refugees”: “What difference does it make which army imperils the lives of innocent Christians? Christians are still be[ing] slaughtered for being Christian, and their government is incapable of protecting them. Does some group have to come along—as Jewish groups did during the Holocaust—and sardonically guarantee that these are real human beings?”
In fact, from the start of Western meddling in the Mideast in the context of the “Arab Spring,” Christians were demonized for being supportive of secular strongmen like Assad. In a June 4, 2012 article discussing the turmoil in Egypt and Syria, the Independent’s Robert Fisk scoffed at how the Egyptian presidential candidate “Ahmed Shafiq, the Mubarak loyalist, [and rival to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi] has the support of the Christian Copts, and Assad has the support of the Syrian Christians. The Christians support the dictators. Not much of a line, is it?”
More than three years later, the Western-supported “Arab Spring” proved an abysmal failure and the same Christian minorities that Fisk took to task were, as expected, persecuted in ways unprecedented in the modern era.
Even without defining refugees as people “persecuted by their government,” the Obama administration never seems to miss an opportunity to display its bias for Muslims against Christians. The U.S. State Dept. is in the habit of inviting scores of Muslim representatives but denying visas to solitary Christian representatives. While habitually ignoring the slaughter of Nigerian Christians at the hands of Boko Haram, the administration called for the “human rights” of the jihadi murderers. And when persecuted Copts planned on joining the anti-Muslim Brotherhood revolution, Obama said no. Then there is the fact that every Arab nation the Obama administration has meddled in—especially Libya and Syria—has seen a dramatic nosedive in the human rights of Christian minorities.
The Obama administration’s bias is evident even regarding the Iraqi Christians’ illegal crossing of the U.S.-Mexico border, the occasion on which they were arrested. WND correctly observes: “At the same time the Obama administration [is] deporting Christians, it has over the years allowed in hundreds of Muslim migrants from Africa and the Middle East who crossed the Southern border the same way the Chaldeans did.”
Meanwhile, as the Obama administration nitpicks at the definition of refugee and uses it against severely persecuted Christian minorities, it turns out that four out of five migrants—or 80 percent—are not even from Syria.
And while Christian minorities pose little threat to the United States—indeed, they actually bring benefits to U.S. security—Muslims all around the U.S. are supporting the Islamic State and Muslim clerics are relying on the refugee influx to conquer Western nations, in the Islamic tradition of Hijra, or jihad by emigration.
As Koran 4:100 puts it: “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance. And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him—his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah.”
In Islamic usage, the “cause of Allah” is synonymous with jihad to empower and enforce Allah’s laws on earth, or Sharia. In this context, immigrating into Western lands is a win-win for Muslims: if they die in the process somehow, paradise is theirs; if they don’t, the “locations and abundance” of the West are theirs.
All the while, true Christian refugees, fleeing the same hostile Muslim forces being allowed to enter Europe and America by the thousands, are thrown back to the lions by the Obama administration.
When Obama sucks in that last breath then he will be sent to Hell for all eternity where he belongs for all the bad stuff he had done to the Christians an the Jews,an then he tells the Pope he fights for Religious freedoms,not for the Christians he try’s an kill the Christians,this guy worships Satan an Mohammed the padephile an Murder an he was a big thief an Obama worships these people an spirit in Hell where he belongs.
He will go to hell for his ultimate rejection of Christ. Just like this Marxist pope who never mentioned the names Jesus, Christ or God in all his non-stop blathering.
Obama is evil. America is evil. The West is evil. Islam is evil. The Pope is evil. Moral relativism is evil. May God judge all of them now!
They were all judged on the cross of Jesus. The wrath of God was poured out on the Lamb who was sinless and without spot or blemish.
He drank the entire cup and triumphantly declared “it is finished” – gone was every drop.
I am wondering why are the American Christian people silent over this?
The Anti-Christian spirit that is controlling America today is not only confined to Obama but it affects ALL American society. What I see is an American society
that loves and adores muslims and “gays” but deeply and profoundly ignores and hates the persecuted Christians. Remember, it is America which is backing barbaric genocidal islamic fascists all across the middle east and beyond.
May God’s fiery ANGER be on America and on the West for their evil hatred for Christians for their unconditional and wholehearted support of islam and of the immorality known as “LGBT” homosexual fascism. O God, please respond and destroy your enemies without mercy if they don’t repent now!
You are so rite,look what happened with that Moslem kid in Texas,he or his dad put together a clock that looked like a suitcase bomb an when the teacher called the cops they went nuts an started claiming islamafobia which is bull,if a Moslem kid handed me a clock that looked like a bomb first I would evacuate that wing of the school just in case it was a bomb so it won’t kill everyone in that wing of the school,then the cops will be called,and it has been found out that that kids older sister was suspended from that school a couple years earlier for saying she was going to bomb the school,that religion is a cult they worship Allah the moon God,an the prophet Mohammed is a pedophile who married a 6 year old an had sex with her at 9 he was a thief a murder that religion is nothing but filth an they want death as much as we want life,Islam does not belong in America an ISLAM belongs in the Middle East not here.
I agree. Islam is an evil genocidal cult of death and hate but even worse is the Americans and other Westerners who are pandering to it and enabling it continuously.
And, unfortunately, many Christians are welcoming the Muslims into America with open arms. They say its the “Christian” thing to do & by accepting them, they might be able to convert them to Christ.
Not all of us agree with Obama but we are being drowned out by the Liberal crowd, the MSM who.ignore us and politicians who have sold their souls.
America’s pandering to islam and to the radical LGBT moral corruption started long before Obama came.
However, the obaminator has multiplied the pandering and corruption many times over and taken it to new levels of disgusting evil.
Give a moment’s thought to who controls the MSM . When the only real communication is between like minded people , you are not going to see much of what is needed get out and be heard by the country .
Right now , progressives have most of the media and all the while denying TAANSTAFL . They are the ones that will wreck this country , and importing terrorists by the thousands is just icing on what the bear does .
Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights . Carry
You declare: “What I see is an American society that loves and adores muslims and “gays” but deeply and profoundly ignores and hates the persecuted Christians.” Be very careful when you pass judgement on the ENTIRE American society.
You declare: “May God’s fiery ANGER be on America and on the West for their evil hatred for Christians for their unconditional and wholehearted support of islam and of the immorality known as “LGBT” homosexual fascism. O God, please respond and destroy your enemies without mercy if they don’t repent now!”
Again, I say, why do you wish for God’s fiery ANGER to be on America and on the West…. Why do you not ask for God’s anger on the profoundly evil leaders of the U.S. EU, UK, UN and all of the leaders who are deliberately creating all the suffering and horror? The great horror and suffering of hundreds of thousands of native British non-Muslim children violently gang raped, horribly tortured and forced into prostitution and sex slavery by dirty, demonic INHUMAN, sex slaver Muslim monsters – the Spawn of Satan. ALLOWED for decades by evil UK authorities. The Massive Muslim RAPE WAR waged against our European and British females. I want the filth who allowed it, aided and abetted it, and the filth who perpetrated the satanic acts, brought to justice. God’s punishment. I’m waiting for Judgement Day.
I agree 100%,Obama is letting these Moslem savages in to America an he is letting the suffering Christians stay to be killed bye the Moslems,Obama has even deported some Christian from San Diego back to the lions den where they will be torched an killed,I can’t stand Obama he hates America look at what he has done to Israel the only democratic country in the Middle East,Obama hates them to,you can tell a person by there actions an all his actions are against Christians in the Middle East an everywhere,Obama hates the Jewish nation,he is a Moslem sympathizer an he will take a Moslems side over any American he is filth sorry excuse for a human,God is a merciful God but he is a God of justice he hears the crys of his people if Obama only knew what is going to happen when he dies,God said vengeance is mine an he will take care of him like he did to all the tyrants throughout history.
But he thinks HE is god, so it matters not to him. I, personally, believe he is the Anti-Christ and people are finally starting to agree.
he is the predesessor to the anti-christ.
I am thoroughly disgusted. Middle East Christians are the truely persecuted and refugees. I cannot understand the silence of Christian organizations’ and Congress’s silence on their plight! Obama needs to be arrested and deported to Kenya and barred from any re-entry into U.S.A.
Actually, The greatest Christian organizations (Catholic and Lutheran) are actively aiding our government to resettle these Muslims here (they do it for the government money they receive).
Recall what happened to the Persians/Medes who found a way to throw Daniel to the lions. Daniel was not injured as Jehovah God shut the lions’ mouth. But then those who had conspired to throw Daniel to the lions, were themselves thrown to the lions and the lions were very hungry by that time.
Those men who conspired to have Daniel killed, acknowledged that they couldn’t find a *pretext* to have Daniel killed…the one thing they decided was that he would have to be killed because of his worship of the True God…so they tricked the king into making a law that would directly affect Daniel. These men were high officials and governors and used their power and authority to kill a servant of the True God. It didn’t work that time, and although Christians are again being killed as in the early days after Christ returned to Heaven, it will not be for long. Christ will soon return to repay the tribulation to those who have caused it. Just like the lions crushed the bones of those men who tried to kill Daniel. The Bible calls Him, “The Lion that is of the tribe of Judah.”
Obama is putting our Nation in danger. Islam is evil. Read the Koran and you will learn. Why isn’t anyone saying anything about this? It makes me crazy when people try and say Muslims and Christians are the same. Are they insane? We NEVER had these problems until Obama dumped them in our country. They don’t like us or our laws. Ask your self who would you rather live next to Jesus or Mohammad ? EDUCATE YOURSELVES PEOPLE: This Administration is lying to you.
What Obama is doing to the Christians is unforgivable.
He is a Muslim sympathizer who pretends ignorance to the reality of Islam’s end goal of complete and total domination.
If Obama and his regime were the gov’t during the Second World War, they would not have allowed a single Jew to escape into America from Europe’s killing fields. Obama is sending back the persecuted Christians because the monster craves their blood. Evil, bloodthirsty Obama craves their barbaric murders at the hands of his ISIS brothers. Centuries ago, European Christians fled to America to escape persecution. In our day, the Muslim sitting in the White House makes it a top priority to persecute Christians. God help our Christian brothers and sisters. They must appeal to Russia’s Putin for help. Putin has humanity. Obama has none.
Knights of Columbus to Expand Humanitarian Assistance to Suffering Middle Eastern Christians. Those wishing to assist with the relief efforts can donate by visiting or by sending checks or money orders payable to Knights of Columbus Charities at P.O. Box 1966, New Haven, CT 06509-1966. The memo portion should indicate that the check is for Christian Refugee Relief.
Yet Obama will bring thousands of Syrian Muslims here unvetted and possible ISIL.
The Pope says nothing he should have told Obama to let his people go.
Come quickly Lord Jesus!
I guess we should let in all of those people coming from Mexico and Central America because they are Christians?
The difference is that the hispanic Christian “immigrants” are not fleeing systematic, lethal, persecution.