An Account by Fr. Zakaria Botros
Part 1
Father Zakaria Botros recently ran a show dedicated to discussing the question of morality and how it is—or should be—one of the hallmarks of “prophethood.” At the start, he posed the focal question of the show: “Was Muhammad the prophet a moral man—the most upright man, worthy of being emulated by the world?”
He opened the show by relying on an Ibn Taymiyya quote, which evaluated the signs of prophethood. Taymiyya asserted that there are many false-prophets, such as Musailima “the Liar,” a contemporary of Muhammad. Taymiyya concluded that many of these so-called prophets are, in fact, “possessed,” and that the only way to determine the authenticity of any prophet is by examining his biography (sira) and deeds, and see if he be found worthy of the title.Father Zakaria Botros recently ran a show dedicated to discussing the question of morality and how it is—or should be—one of the hallmarks of “prophethood.” At the start, he posed the focal question of the show: “Was Muhammad the prophet a moral man—the most upright man, worthy of being emulated by the world?”
Being that this is the first of several episodes devoted to examining the concepts of morality and prophethood (with the notion that the former reinforces the latter), the theme for this particular episode was “purity” (tahara): “Was Muhammad a ‘pure’ man?”—in this context, a question concerning his sexual mores (or lack thereof).
After the preliminaries, Botros looked at the camera and gave a stern warning: “This episode is for adults only! I am going to discuss many things that make me blush for shame, so please: have the women and children leave the room.”
He then asked Muslims watching to keep in mind the question “Is this the prophet I follow?” as he delineated some of Muhammad’s sexual habits.
First, from the Koran, Botros read verses unequivocally stating that Muhammad is the paragon of all virtue and morality, such as “And most surely you [Muhammad] conform (yourself) to sublime morality [68: 4].” He further quoted the ulema, such as Ibn Kathir, all insisting that Muhammad was the “Noblest of all humanity, and the greatest of prophets.”
Botros and his ex-Muslim cohost—the priest had insisted that it be a man for this particular show, lest he be too ashamed to delineate Muhammad’s sexual habits—discussed Koran 4:3, which “limits” a Muslim’s wives to four, plus “what your right hands possess,” that is, slave-girls.
That was apparently not good enough for Muhammad, asserted Botros; an entire verse had to be “revealed” justifying more women for him (Koran 33:50). In fact, Father Botros has carefully compiled a list of all the women—66 are known—to have had sexual relations with Muhammad.
Botros said that was only normal: according to Sirat Al-Halabi, Muhammad can have a woman no matter what, even against her will; and if Muhammad desired a married woman, her husband would have had to divorce her. According to Ibn Sa’ad, who wrote another authoritative biographical account of Muhammad, “The prophet did not die till all women were permitted him” (see Kitab Al Tabaqat Al Kubra, v.8, 194).
The co-host, rather abruptly, interjected – “What of all those rumors that Muhammad exhibited homosexual tendencies?”
Botros dropped his face in his hands and mumbled, “So you still insist we discuss that?” The co-host was adamant, saying it was for Muslims’ own good to know everything.
Thus Botros, after profusely apologizing to his Muslim viewers, saying how embarrassing this was for him, declared: “Look! We’re merely readers here, bringing up what we have read in Islam’s own books! If Muslims don’t like it, they should go and burn these books.”
The first anecdote discussed by the priest revolved around a hadith that, while some ulema say is “weak,” is, nonetheless according to Botros, present in 44 Islamic books—including some highly respected collections, such as Sunan Bayhaqi and Al Halabi.
According to this hadith, a man named Zahir, who used to declare that “the prophet loves me,” said that one day Muhammad crept unawares behind him and put him in a bear-hug. Zahir, alarmed, yelled, “Get off me!” After turning his head and discovering that it was Muhammad, he stopped struggling and proceeded to “push his back into the prophet’s chest—prayers and blessings upon him.”
Another curious hadith contained in Sunan Bayhaqi and which traces to Sunan Abu Dawud (one of the six canonical hadith collections), has Muhammad lifting up his shirt for a man who proceeded to kiss his entire torso, “from his bellybutton to his armpits.”
Botros looked casually at the camera and said, “Imagine if the sheikh of Al Azhar [nearest Muslim equivalent to the pope] went around lifting his shirt for men to kiss his torso” (he proceeded to make smacking kissing noises, for effect).
Said the co-host: “Surely there’s more?”
Botros: “Indeed there is. No less than 20 Islamic sources—such as the hadiths of Ahmad bin Hanbal—relay that Muhammad used to suck on the tongues of boys and girls”…
Part 2
Last we left the priest and his co-host, the former noted that, “No less than 20 Islamic sources—such as the hadiths of Ahmad bin Hanbal—relay that Muhammad used to suck on the tongues of boys and girls.”
Botros proceeded to read aloud from various sources, such as a hadith relayed by Abu Hurreira (deemed an extremely reliable narrator), where Muhammad sucked on the tongues of his cousin (and future caliph) Ali’s two boys, Hassan and Hussein—they of revered Shia memory.
Next he read a hadith of Muhammad sucking on the tongue of his own daughter, Fatima. Fr Botros also added that the Arabic word for “suck” (muss) cannot, as some apologists insist, mean anything but “suck.” “After all,” added the perspicacious priest, “this is the same word used when discussing Muhammad’s ‘activities’ with his wives, especially his beloved child-bride, Aisha.”
With an extremely disgusted look on his face, Botros turned towards the camera and said: “Dear lady, imagine, for a moment, coming home to find your husband sucking on your daughter’s tongue? What would you do? It’s even worse: it’s your prophet—the most “morally upright” man, a man to be emulated by the world! A man who on record used to go around sucking the tongues of his wives, his daughters, and young boys: Are these the activities of the man described in the Koran as being the pinnacle of moral perfection?”
Cohost: “More!”
“Muhammad would not sleep until he kissed his daughter Fatima and nuzzled his face in her bosom [the priest provided the appropriate sources]. Dear lady! what would you say to your husband sleeping with his face in your daughter’s breast—is that the height of morality?!”
At this point, Fr Botros, looking downcast, began apologizing profusely, saying he could only imagine how all these anecdotes must be troubling for Muslims, to which the co-host reassured him: “It’s not your fault, father, but rather the fault of those Muslims recording these vile incidences. Either way: Muslims must know. More please.”
Botros continued reading more revealing hadiths, including one from the Musnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal, which records Muhammad seeing a 2-3 year old girl in her mother’s arms. Muhammad was so “impressed” by her that he said, “By Allah, if this girl reaches marrying age and I am still alive, I will surely marry her.”
Another hadith goes on to say that Muhammad ended up dying before this particular girl reached marriage age, to which the by now vexed priest, unable to contain himself, exclaimed, “Awwww! Poor prophet! He missed one!”
Botros then told viewers to keep this last hadith in mind, for “context,” as he read another hadith from theSunan of Bin Said, which records Muhammad saying “I hugged so-and-so when she was a child and found that I greatly desired her.”
“What prophet is this you follow?!” cried the outraged Coptic priest. “Where is his morality? This is the man that Muslims follow slavishly? Use your minds!”
It was late in the night, yet Fr Botros was not done cataloging his findings regarding the prophet’s “sexual” habits (these shows are an hour and a half long). So, when he moved on to a hadith depicting Muhammad lying next to a dead woman in her grave, as well as pointing to hadith categories called “intercourse with a dead woman,” I happily turned off the satellite and called it a night—till this moment, as I am (somewhat reluctantly) revisiting my notes to prepare this report.
Part 3
Last we left the Coptic priest, he was reading from hadith reports stating that the prophet of Islam “admired” a 2-3 year old girl (saying that he hoped to live long enough to make her his wife), and “laid” in the grave with a dead woman.
In this episode, he began with the prophet’s “transvestite” tendencies. He read from several hadiths, including Sahih Bukhari—Fr Botros claims that there are no less than 32 different references to this phenomenon in Islam’s books—wherein Muhammad often laid in bed dressed in women’s clothes, specifically his child-bride Aisha’s.
Fr. Botros: “Perhaps Muslims think that he only dressed in Aisha’s clothes? Being that she was his “favorite,” perhaps after being intimate with her, he would merely lay in bed with her clothes?” (Here the priest put his face in his hands lamenting that he had to talk of such shameful things.)
Then he offered an interesting and revealing hadith, from Sahih Bukhari (2/911), which records Muhammad saying, “Revelations [i.e., the Koran] never come to me when I’m dressed in women’s clothing—except when I’m dressed in Aisha’s,” implying that it was something of a habit for the prophet to dress in female clothing.
Fr Botros next moved on to some commentaries in the Tafsir of al-Qurtubi—an authoritative exegesis in Islam. He read one anecdote where Aisha said that, one day, while Muhammad was lying naked in bed, Zaid came knocking; Muhammad, without getting dressed, opened the door and “hugged and kissed him”—in the nude. Elsewhere, Qurtubi concludes that, “the prophet—prayers and blessings upon him—was constantly preoccupied with women.”
Fr Botros to Muslims: “So this is your prophet—the most morally upright man? Instead of being preoccupied with, say, prayer or good deeds, he was preoccupied with women?”
He next read from Faid al-Qabir (3/371), wherein Muhammad is on record saying, “My greatest loves are women and perfume: the hungry is satisfied after eating, but I never have enough of women.” Another hadith: “I can hold back from food and drink—but not from women.” After reading these hadiths, Fr Botros would just look at the screen in silence, shaking his head.
He next read an interesting narrative (contained in Umdat al-Qari and Faid al-Qabir). Reportedly, Allah sent Gabriel with some sort of celestial food (called al-kofid) to Muhammad, commanding the latter to “Eat!”—identical to when Gabriel came to Muhammad saying “Read!” (i.e., iqra, the word for Koran). The report goes on to quote Muhammad saying that the food given to him “gave me the sexual potency of 40 heavenly men.” Fr Botros next read from the Sunan of al-Tirmidhi, where it says that the “heavenly man” has the sexual potency of 100 mortal men.
Wondered the priest: “So, doing the math, 40×100, we can conclude that Muhammad, whenever he ate his heavenly aphrodisiac, had the sexual potency of 4000 men? Really, O umma, is this the claim to fame of your prophet—that he was a raving sex maniac?” Then, less seriously, “Imagine the surprise when Westerners find out that, once again, it was Muhammad who first discovered Viagra!”
Zakaria Botros went on to read from more sources, such as Sunan al-Nisa’i, wherein Muhammad used to in a single night “visit” all his women, without washing in between. Asked the priest: “Why even record such obscene and embarrassing things?”
Perhaps most entertaining, Fr Botros spent some time analyzing an anecdote recorded in Ibn Kathir’s al-Bidaya we al-Nihaya. Here is a translation for this lengthy account:
After conquering the Jews of Khaybar, and plundering their belongings, among other things, a donkey fell into the lot of the prophet, who proceeded to ask the donkey: “What is your name?”
The donkey answered, “Yazid Ibn Shihab. Allah had brought forth from my ancestry 60 donkeys, none of whom were ridden on except by prophets. None of the descendants of my grandfather remain but me, and none of the prophets remain but you and I expected you to ride me. Before you, I belonged to a Jewish man, whom I caused to stumble and fall frequently so he used to kick my stomach and beat my back.”
Here, chuckling, the priest added, “a taqiyya-practicing donkey!” He continued reading, “The prophet – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – said to him, ‘I will call you Ya’foor. O Ya’foor!’ Ya’foor replied, ‘I obey.’ The prophet asked, ‘Do you lust after females?’ The donkey replied, ‘No!'”
Cried the priest: “Even the donkey blushed for shame concerning your prophet’s over-sexed inquiries! Here we have what is supposed to be a miracle—a talking donkey; and of all things to communicate to this animal, your prophet’s most urgent question was whether the donkey lusts after females?”
Next, reading from Sahih Bukhari (5/2012), Fr Botros relayed an account where Muhammad went into the house of a young woman named Umaima bint Nua’m and commanded her to “Give yourself to me!” The woman responded, “Shall a queen give herself to the rabble?” Shaking his fist, Muhammad threatened her, and then sent her off to her parents.
Zakaria Botros: “You see, people, even back then, in those dark ages, there were still people who had principles, who did not give way to threats and coercion. However, the real question here is, why was Muhammad contradicting the commandments of his own Koran—”if a believing woman gives herself to the prophet” (33:50)—trying to coerce this young lady?”
Finally, with a most distasteful look on his face, the priest read from a hadith in al-Siyuti (6/395), where Muhammad asserts that, “In heaven, Mary mother of Jesus, will be one of my wives.”
“Please, O prophet,” quoth the Coptic Orthodox priest, “do not implicate our saints with your filthy practices…”
Part 4
Once again, at the start of the show, Fr Botros read from a famous Ibn Taymiyya excerpt regarding how to differentiate between real and false prophets. Taymiyya asserted that there are many false-prophets, such as Musailima “the Liar,” that many of these so-called prophets were, in fact, “possessed,” and that the only way to determine the authenticity of any prophet is by examining his biography (sira) and deeds, and see if he be found worthy of the title of prophet.
After reading the lengthy quote, Fr Botros concluded with a, “Good for you, Ibn Taymiyya! You at least knew this much.”
The viewers were then given the usual warning: “This show is for adults only! Young ladies and children should leave now.” He then exhorted the viewers to keep in mind as he reads about Muhammad that “this is the prophet you follow. Bear this in mind, O you Muslim!”
Fr Botros then lamented how for 1400 years barriers have been erected around Muhammad so no one—Muslim or infidel—could critique his life: “But the time has come, my friends; the barrier is broken!”
Next he recapped the past three episodes dealing with Muhammad’s sexual habits—including (but not limited to) his sucking the tongues of boys and girls, kissing the breasts of his daughter Fatima, “lusting” after 2-3 year-old girls, laying with a dead woman, homosexual inclinations, receiving revelations while dressed in women’s clothing, copulating with nine women in a row without washing in between (and then bragging about it), greeting people while in the nude, and proclaiming that he will copulate with Mary the mother of Jesus in heaven. (To this latter one, the priest, with a disgusted look on his face, said, “Come on, guy! Get real.”)
He began this episode by saying that no less than 34 books, including the Tafsir of al-Qurtubi and Sahih Muslim, record that Muhammad used to “fondle”—Botros scowled at the screen—”kiss and have sex while fasting, though he forbade others from doing so.”
Said the host: “Interesting. But we know that prophets have special dispensations: Do you have anything more explicit?”
Fr Botros: “Fine. How’s this: the prophet used to visit [copulate with] his women when they were menstruating — so sorry for this disgusting topic! Forgive me, people!”
He then pointed out that the main problem with this is that the Koran (2:222)—”Muhammad’s own words,” as he put it—forbade Muslims from going near menstruating women.
He went on to quote from a number of hadiths affirming that Muhammad freely had sex with menstruating women, including from Sahih Bukhari (v.5, p. 350), which said that if Muhammad desired a menstruating woman, he placed a sheet around her and proceeded with his business, to which the priest cried:
“Come on man! Couldn’t you find another one of your 66 women? It just had to be the one menstruating?”
Then, earnestly looking into the camera: “But seriously, people: are you not ashamed of these things? I know I am—just mentioning them. And this is your ‘prophet’—the ‘exemplary man’?”
He then read a hadith, narrated by Aisha, and contained in the canonical six, wherein the prophet’s young wife recounted how, whenever she was menstruating, if the prophet “wanted her,” he used to “command” her to have sex with him, to which the priest exclaimed—”Commanded! This is rape! Who is this character you are following?”
He read from a number of other hadiths, all demonstrative of Muhammad’s sexual proclivities toward menstruating women—which the Koran forbids—adding, “People, if this is how the ‘prophet of God’ behaves, what can we expect from the average man?”
Asked the host: “Well, could other men behave this way?”
Fr Botros: “Sure, the prophet was always generous to his followers, giving them ways out. According to eight hadith compilations, Ibn Abbas relayed that Muhammad said if a man cannot help himself and copulates with his menstruating wife, all he has to do is pay one dinar in atonement; if he sleeps with her towards the end of her cycle, when she isn’t bleeding as much, he need only pay half a dinar—a discount!” [saying “discount” in English and laughing].
Host: “As you pointed out, since Muhammad had so many women, why did he even feel the need to resort to the ones that were menstruating?”
Fr Botros: “Ahhhh. I see you are wisely connecting the dots. The simple reason, my friend, is that Muhammad used to like smelling”—here he went sniff, sniff—”menstruation blood.” He then quoted from al-Siyuti, where Aisha relayed that Muhammad said to her “Come here,” to which she replied, “But I am menstruating, O prophet of God.” So he said “Expose your thighs”; she did so and “he proceeded to lay his cheek and chest on her thighs.”
Fr Botros: “Help me people! How can such perverse behavior come from a prophet—the ‘greatest role model’?”
He then read a Sahih Bukhari hadith (v.6, p.2744) relayed by Aisha where she said that, while menstruating, the prophet used to lay his head on her thighs and recite the Koran.
Fr Botros: “While reciting the Koran!!”
Next he read from Ahkam al-Koran (v.3, p.444) where a woman declared that she used to cup water from a well that had, not just menstruation blood, but dog flesh, and all manner of filth, and give Muhammad to drink.
Fr Botros: “What happened to Koran 2:222?! Yet the ‘seal of the prophets’ can drink such foul water?”
Then, while shaking his head with eyes downcast: “O Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad…”
Part 5
Last we left the Coptic priest, he was discussing Muhammad’s predilection for menstruating women—even though the Koran itself (as Fr Botros put it, “his own words”) forbid men from getting near to menstruating women.
Here, the priest was interested in examining Muhammad’s faithlessness towards his wives (though one would have thought the plural renders the notion of faithfulness moot), his sexually exploitative behavior, and his reliance on very obscene language.
First, Fr Botros spent some time discussing the well known story where the prophet betrayed his wife Hafsa with a slave-girl (Unfortunately, one cannot capture the hilarity with which the priest recounted this tale.)
In short, after sending Hafsa to visit her father, the latter, halfway there, realized that it was “her day”—that is, the day when, of all his wives, Muhammad would visit her for “conjugal relations.” She hurried back (Fr Botros added “She knew him well: if she wasn’t there on her day, he would go crazy and grab the first female passing by!”).
In fact, Hafsa caught Muhammad with a slave-girl on the former’s bed. Muhammad quickly evicted the slave-girl and told Hafsa that if she kept this between them, he would henceforth refrain from the slave-girl.
To no avail: Hafsa gabbed and soon all of Muhammad’s wives revolted against his incessant philandering; As Fr Botros put it, “When things got critical, Muhammad decided to drop a ‘new revelation’ on them; so he threw surat al-tahrim (66: 1-11) at them, wherein Allah supposedly chastises Muhammad for trying to please his wives by not sleeping around, threatening the wives to get in line lest the prophet divorce them—indeed, lest they all go to hell.”
Then, looking at the screen, Fr Botros asked, “Imagine, dear lady, if your husband asked you to go on errand and then you return before your time only to find him in bed with another woman? What sort of man would that make him in your eyes? Yet it’s worse—it’s your prophet, whom you all extol as the most perfect human, to be slavishly emulated!”
He then pointed out that “clever little Aisha knew him [Muhammad] well”: whenever such verses were revealed rescuing Muhammad, Aisha would often observe that “Verily, your lord [Allah] is ever quick to fulfill your whims and desires (e.g., al-Siyuti v.6, p.629).
Next the priest relayed an account portraying how the prophet sexually exploited a “retarded” woman. According to 23 sources (e.g., Sahih Muslim vol.4, p.1812) a feeble-minded woman came up to Muhammad saying, “O prophet of Allah! I have something for you.” He clandestinely met her out back and took this “something” from her.
Added Fr Botros: “I fear now that many believers will want to implement this sunna—don’t do it, guys, this is just to illustrate…. Listen you Muslims: don’t hate me for revealing all this to you; don’t lie in wait to kill me. I am merely revealing what your books contain. And, as always, we humbly await the great sheikhs and ulema to address these issues and show us where we went wrong.”
Next, Fr Botros discussed the sort of foul language Muhammad — the “greatest example” — employed: “Sorry, so sorry to reveal to you the sort of despicable language Muhammad used—language I am too ashamed to even mention. In fact, your prophet said one of the most obscene Arabic words—the equivalent of the ‘f-word’ [he counseled his Arabic viewers to google the “f-word” to understand what he was talking about]. ”
Refusing to pronounce or spell this word, which he said appears in 67 books, including Sahih Bukhari, the text containing this word, “inkat-ha” — or, in context, Muhammad asking a man about a woman if he “f***** her” — was portrayed on the screen for all to read.
Then, “Quick! take that filth down! What would you Muslims do if the Sheikh of al Azhar went around using such language? Worse — it’s your prophet, the ‘greatest creation.'”
The host asked if Muhammad used any other foul language, to which the priest responded, “Oh, boy, did he ever; unfortunately this program is way too short to list them all.”
According to Qaid al-Qadir (v.1, p.381), Muhammad told Muslims to retort to uppity infidels by saying things like — again, he didn’t pronounce it, but the text appeared on the screen — “Go bite on your mother’s clitoris!” or, according to Zad al-Mi’ad (v.3, p305), “Go bite on your dad’s penis!”
Then, once again while shaking his head in sheer disappointment, “O prophet of Allah…prophet of Allah….Would that you would’ve heeded your lord Jesus’ counsel: ‘The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks’ (Luke 6:45).”
dengan pernyataan dan keterangan anda ,,,nampaklah jelas anda sangat lemah dan menyimpan kebencian yg sangat mendalam…dan memendam rasa ketakutan yg sangat besar…bagai mana org bisa percaya kepada anda yg se org pembohong besar.,.,.,
Banyak yang percaya, kok. Banyak yang meninggalkan Islam. Bohongnya dimana coba? Pak Botros ini cuma membacakan apa yang ada pada kitab-kitab milik kaum Muslim sendiri. Kenapa marah sama dia? Kenapa nggak marah pada kitab-kitab itu?
Sodari Indira, knapa marah kepada kitabnya??, Bortoslah yang mengganti
fakta-fakta dari kitab-kitab tersebut, ada beberapa hadist yang saya tau dan
hadist tersebut dikurangi kata-katanya seolah Rasul SAW yang melakukannya,
contoh, Nabi meniduri mayat perempuan??? hehehe,
yang sebenarnya tu gini,, itu adalah asbabun nuzul dari surat al-Imron ayat
135-136, ceritanya tu gini: Abdurrahman bin Ghannam Al-Daws mengisahkan bahwa
sahabat Mu’adz bin Jabal mendatangi Rasulullah dengan mengatakan ada ada
seorang pemuda tampan sedang menangis seperti anak kehilangan ibunya. Pemuda
itu lalu dipanggil masuk menghadap Rasulullah.
“Apa yang membuatmu menangis wahai pemuda?” tanya Rasulullah.
“Bagaimana aku tidak menangis ya Rasulullah, aku telah melakukan dosa
besar yang kurasa tidak mungkin diampuni Allah!”
Rasulullah pun langsung bertanya, “Apakah engkau mempersekutukanNya?”
Pemuda itu serta merta menjawab, “Aku berlindung kepada Allah supaya aku
tidak pernah menyekutukanNya”
“Apakah engkau membunuh seseorang yang diharamkan Allah untuk
membunuhnya?” tanya Rasulullah selanjutnya.
“Tidak ya Rasulullah!”
“Kalau begitu Allah akan mengampuni dosa-dosamu meskipun dosamu itu
sebesar gunung yang menjulang tinggi ke langit” kata Rasulullah.
Namun dengan tangis yang demikian keras pemuda itu berkata, “Dosaku lebih
besar dari gunung itu!”
“Allah akan mengampuni dosamu meski sebesar tujuh bumi berikut lautan
dan segala yang ada padanya” hibur Rasulullah sambil tersenyum.
“Namun ya Rasulullah dosaku lebih besar dari itu!”
Dengan sabar Rasulullah bersabda “Allah tetap akan mengampuni dosamu
meski dosamu sebesar langit berikut bintang gemintang dan singasanaNya”
Kembali pemuda itu dengan memelas berkata, “Dosaku lebih besar dari itu ya
“Wahai pemuda! Apakah dosa-dosamu yang lebih besar ataukah Tuhanmu?”
Maka tersungkurlah pemuda itu dengan mengatakan, “Subhanallah, tidak ada
yang lebih besar daripada Tuhanku!”
“Kalau begitu, dosa apa yang telah engkau perbuat?” sergah
Lalu dengan berlinang air mata, pemuda itu
berkisah, “Sudah tujuh tahun ini pekerjaanku mencuri kain kafan mayat
yang baru meninggal untuk dijual di pasar. Pada suatu hari ada seorang
anak gadis Anshar meninggal dunia. Setelah dikubur dan ditinggalkan
keluarganya, kuburnya kugali dan kulucuti kain kafannya. Kutinggalkan
mayat itu dalam keadaan telanjang di bibir kuburan dan lalu aku bergegas
pulang membawa jarahanku. Di rumah aku membayangkan betapa mulusnya
mayat itu, sampai aku tergoda melihatnya kembali. Ketika melihat mayat
telanjang itu aku tidak dapat menguasai diriku sehingga aku
menggaulinya. Ketika itu seolah aku mendengar suara yang mengatakan,
‘Wahai pemuda, celakalah engkau di hadapan penghisab pada hari kiamat
kelak, tempatmu adalah di neraka…’ Aku sangat terkejut dan takut sekali.
Bagaimana pendapatmu ya Rasulullah.”
Dengan terkejut Rasulullah berkata, “Enyahlah engkau dari sisiku. Aku
takut akan terbakar bersama apimu!”
Pemuda itu segera pergi meninggalkan Rasulullah
dengan wajah sangat memelas. Ia pergi ke mengasingkan diri di suatu
tempat. Selama empat puluh hari ia menangis terus menerus memohon ampun
kepada Allah, “Ya Allah, ampunilah segala kesalahanku dan berilah wahyu
kepada nabiMu.
Jika Engkau tidak mengampuniku, maka berikanlah segera aku siksaan yang
menghancurkanku di dunia ini, tetapi selamatkan aku dari siksaMu di
hari kiamat nanti…”
Rupaya tobat pemuda itu diterima Allah dengan turunnya ayat 135-136
Surat Ali Imran diatas. Setelah menerima wahyu itu, Rasulullah bersama
para sahabat berangkat mencari pemuda itu. Akhirnya pemuda itu ditemukan
di antara dua batu besar dalam keadaan lemah dengan mata sembab karena
banyak menangis. Rasulullah yang mulia kemudian menghampiri pemuda itu
dan membersihkan debu-debu yang menempel di kepalanya sambil bersabda,
“Aku ingin memberi kabar gembira kepadamu bahwa engkau kini adalah orang
yang dibebaskan Allah dari api neraka.”
Kemudian Rasulullah berpaling
kepada para sahabat yang mengikutinya seraya berkata, “Beginilah
seharusnya kalian menyertai dosa yang
kalian lakukan: seperti yang dilakukan oleh pemuda ini.”
seperti itulah yang sebenarnya kemudian RASULULLAH SAW mengenakan baju dari
Aisyah ra??? hehe,
kejadiannya tu seperti ini:
bahwa pada saat Aisyah mendapatkan “giliran” untuk menjadi tempat singgah
Nabi, selalu saja banyak orang yang orang yang mengirimkan hadiah kepadanya,
karena mereka tau bagaimana Aisyah di cintai oleh beliau. Maka dengan banyaknya
hadiah itu, beberapa istrinya yang lain merasa cemburu, lalu mereka mengutus
Ummu Salamah agar mewakili mereka untuk berbicara kepadanya. Setelah mendengar
keluhan Ummu Salamah ia berkata: “Janganlah
kamu menyakitiku dengan memintaku untuk mengurangi hak) Aisyah, karena wahyu
tidak datang kepadaku pada saat ‘wa ana fii tsaubi imra’atin illa Aisyah’.”
(Bortos mengartikan kalimat ‘wa ana fii
tsaubi imra’atin illa Aisyah’ dengan makna: kecuali pada saat aku mengenakan pakaian Aisyah.)
Penuding itu menyatakan bila hadist ini membuktikan bahwa Nabi terkadang
mengenakan pakaian wanita, dan ketika mengenakan pakaian itulah wahyu
diturunkan kepada Nabi. Padahal ia sendiri mengatakan bahwa ia melarang kaum
laki-laki untuk menyerupai kaum wanita.
Kalimat ‘fii tsaubi Aisyah bukanlah bermakna Nabi menerima wahyu pada saat beliau mengenakan pakaian Aisyah, seperti yang disangkakan oleh penuding dengan pemahamannya yang
dangkal. Pernyataan ini adalah pernyataan alegori, seperti ketika Allah berfirman: “Mereka adalah pakaian bagimu dan kamupun adalah pakaian bagi mereka.” (Al-Baqarah(2):87).
Apakah ini berarti perempuan adalah pakaian bagi suaminya dan suami adalah pakaian istrinya hingga dikenakan ditubuh mereka kemanapun mereka pergi?
Berikut ini adalah sebuah hadist yang sama dengan hadist yang di sebutkan oleh Bortos, namun dengan riwayat yang berbeda dan lebih memperjelas makna dari hadist tersebut. Aisyah berkata: Kaum muslimin selalu menunggu datangnya hariku untuk memberikan hadiah mereka kepada Nabi. Maka para maduku berkumpul
dikediaman Ummu Salamah (untuk merundingkannya), mereka berkata:”Wahai Ummu Salamah, kaum muslimin selalu menunggu datangnya Aisyah untuk memberikan hadiah mereka pada Rasulullah, tentu tidak hanya Aisyah saja yang menginginkannya,
melainkan kita semua juga sama sepertinya. Oleh karena itu sampaikanlah kepada Nabi keinginan kami, agar beliau menyampaikan kepada kaum muslimin untuk memberikan hadiah mereka dimanapun beliau berada.” Maka Ummu Salamah pun
berbicara kepada Nabi mengenai hal itu (pada hari gilirannya), namun Nabi mengacuhkannya. Kemudian pada hari (gilirannya) yang lain beliau datang kembali dan Ummu Salamah menyampaikan hal yang sama, ia berkata:”Wahai Rasulullah, para maduku mengadu bahwa kaum muslimin selalu menunggu hari Aisyah untuk memberikan hadiah mereka. Sampaikanlah kepada mereka untuk memberikan hadiah dimanapun engkau berada.” Namun Nabi masih saja mengacuhkannya. Dan pada saat Ummu Salamah menyampaikan hal yang sama untuk yang ke tiga kalinya, Nabi
berkata:“Wahai Ummu Salamah, janganlah kamu menyakitiku dengan (memintaku untuk mengurangi hak) Aisyah, karena wahyu
tidak diturunkan kepadaku saat aku berada diselimut istri-istriku kecuali (ketika aku bersama Aisyah).” (HR.Al-Bukhari)
Ataukah makna pakaian disini adalah penutup dan menjaga kesucian hati?
Ibnu Abbas ra meriwayatkana bahwa RASULULLAH SAW melaknat laki-laki yang menyerupai perempuan, dan sebaliknya RASULULLAH SAW bersabda: usirlah mereka dari rumah kalian (HR Al-Bukhari, Abu Daud, dan At- Tarizi)
Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah menghitung orang-orang yang
dilaknat di dunia ini dan disambutnya juga oleh Malaikat,
diantaranya ialah laki-laki yang memang oleh Allah dijadikan
betul-betul laki-laki, tetapi dia menjadikan dirinya sebagai
perempuan dan menyerupai perempuan; dan yang kedua, yaitu
perempuan yang memang dicipta oleh Allah sebagai perempuan
betul-betul, tetapi kemudian dia menjadikan dirinya sebagai
laki-laki dan menyerupai orang laki-laki (Hadis Riwayat
bnu Umar pun pernah meriwayatkan:
“Bahwa Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah melihat aku
memakai dua pakaian yang dicelup dengan ‘ashfar, maka
sabda Nabi: ‘Ini adalah pakaian orang-orang kafir, oleh
karena itu jangan kamu pakai dia.'” (‘ashfar adalah pewarna pakaian
berwarna kuning yang dipakai untuk mewarnai pakaian perempuan)
aku kurang tau yang lain tapi catatan saja bahwa hadist memiliki tingkatan-tingkatan
I-1-Hadits Mutawatir
I-2- Hadits Ahad, terdiri dari:
I-2-a- Hadits Shahih
I-2-b- Hadits Hasan
I-2-c- Hadits Dha’if
II-1 Hadits yang bersambung sanadnya:(yaitu disebut hadits Marfu’ atau hadits
II-2- Hadits yang terputus sanadnya:
II-2-a- Hadits Mu’allaq
II-2-b- Hadits Mursal
II-2-c- Hadits Mudallas
II-2-d- Hadits Munqathi
II-2-e- Hadits Mu’dhol
III-a- Hadits Maudhu’
III-b- Hadits Matruk
III-c- Hadits Munkar
III-d- Hadits Mu’allal
III-f- Hadits Mudhthorib
III-g- Hadits Maqlub
III-h- Hadits Munqalib
III-i- Hadits Mudraj
III-j- Hadits Syadz
cari sendiri pengertiannya
saya disini hanya ingin membela agamaku dan juga Nabi-ku, aku tak ingin dianggap benar atau salah, toh kebenaran hanya dapat dijawab oleh waktu, setiap orang akan mengalami mati, setiap orang akan melihat kebenaran, ya tapi kalo udah mati gak bisa mengulangi waktu yang telah terbuang percuma, itu aja sih kerugiannya hihihi oh ya sampai mau lupa, neraka hihihi
sudahlah dik tak perlu membela seorang yg pada dasar nya hypersex. ditambah dng kekuasan nya muhammad lupa batas dlm mengumbar nafsu beliau sampe jadi se-aneh2xnya. orang2x di negara yg berbahasa arab sdh banyak yg tahu krn ini jaman internet, tidak mungkin lagi seseorang dibohongi terus terusan ..ngga usah kecewa dik, asal kebenaran terungkap terimalah dng jiwa yg besar ..
saudra majema ….. sex itu adalah kebutuhan manusia , anda kalau tidak sex,, brarti anda malaikat…
nah mmng sdh mnjdi fitrah mnusia ada nya nafsu dan akal fikiran,, kledua hal in saling berfaktor kpda dri mnusia,,
namun d dlam islam di berikan cara yg suci dan terpelajar,, yaitu mnikah…
jadi nabi saya dan juga nabi umat islam semua nya bukan hipersrex….. dan tolong anda jaga kata2 anda,, saya sangat tidak terima nabi saya di hina…
1 lagi… di dalam internet bukan lah berbasis kbnran yg hak… coba anda pilah pilih…. sumber yg benar dan terpercaya hanya al-qur’an dan as-sunnah…. pada masa akhir zaman ada yg di sebut perang gzaul fikri nabi muhammad sudah menjlaskan ini… apa itu ??????
anda mau tau jawaban nya majema >>>> PERANG PEMIKIRAN…. itu lah ghazaul fikri…. jadi berhati-hati…
apa agama anda majema ????
kalau asbabun nuzul surat Ali Imran ayat 135-136 nya riwayat siapa ya mas ?
sungguh kaulah manusia yg paling hina botros….
Sabar Ahmad dani, Buktikan saja nanti di zaumul mashyar . .
siapa yang benar diantara muslim dgn mereka yang bukan pemeluk Islam
may the prophet suck your tongue
(read this) baca nih! kebenaran
muslim lies dot com
agan botrs yang terhormah,,
tolong berikan buktinya ke rumah saya,,089676726383 nanti saya kirim alamat rumah saya melalui itu,,
jika anda tidak mampu membelinya,tolong patungan saja dengan orang non muslim lainnya,,
jika kaum non muslim tidak mampu juga membelinya,saya tidak knp2 kok,,HEHE
[email protected]
Nahum 1:5-6 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.
Exodus 3:12 And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.”
Exodus 13:21 By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.
Exodus 15:7 In the greatness of your majesty you threw down those who opposed you. You unleashed your burning anger; it consumed them like stubble.
Exodus 19:18 Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently.
Exodus 24:17 To the Israelites the glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain.
Exodus: 32:14 And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.
Exodus 40:38 So the cloud of the LORD was over the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the Israelites during all their travels.
Leviticus 9:24 Fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell facedown.
Leviticus 10:2 So fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed them, and they died before the LORD.
Leviticus 10:6 Then Moses said to Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, “Do not let your hair become unkempt and do not tear your clothes, or you will die and the LORD will be angry with the whole community. But your relatives, all the Israelites, may mourn for those the LORD has destroyed by fire.
Numbers 11:1 Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the LORD, and when he heard them his anger was aroused. Then fire from the LORD burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp.
Numbers 11:3 So that place was called Taberah, because fire from the LORD had burned among them.
Numbers 14:14 And they will tell the inhabitants of this land about it. They have already heard that you, LORD, are with these people and that you, LORD, have been seen face to face, that your cloud stays over them, and that you go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
Numbers 16:35 And fire came out from the LORD and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense.
Numbers 26:10 The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them along with Korah, whose followers died when the fire devoured the 250 men. And they served as a warning sign.
Deuteronomy 1:33 who went ahead of you on your journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for you to camp and to show you the way you should go.
Deuteronomy 4:11 You came near and stood at the foot of the mountain while it blazed with fire to the very heavens, with black clouds and deep darkness.
Deuteronomy 4:12 Then the LORD spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words but saw no form; there was only a voice.
Deuteronomy 4:15 You saw no form of any kind the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves very carefully.
Deuteronomy 4:24 For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
Here is the correct link for “push his back into the prophet’s chest—prayers and blessings upon him.”:
jika bicara tentang nabi, pertama jangan sekehendak isi paruik kita sendiri,,
apa lagi menghina nabi umat islam, atau di sebut nabi terakhir,, dari bebertapa penelitian biologis, banyak yang meneliti keutamaan hadis2 nabi… bgaimana kah seorang yang tdk mmliki kmapuan dan bimbngan ALLAH yg mmpu mnfsirkan mngjri hal yg baik bgi tbuh dan kshtan sdngkan pda masa itu tdk ada microscop, alat biologi dan tehnologi lain nya,,,
di sini tolong anda berfikir,, dan khusus untuk mu brotos…..
saya siap untuk berjihad membela nabi saya….
jihad fi sabilillah is my dream,,
allah hu akbar….
Muhammad SAW adalah utusan yg tauladan yg terpuji,, dan semua info dan hadis anda tidakn ada yg benar,,,
tolong di pertanggung jwab kan,, oke brottos….
muhampig, satans first muslim whore
Why was Prophet Muhammad polygamous?
Non-Muslims often ask as to why Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had more wives at one time than what is allowed for common Muslim i.e. four . Some of them even yell obscenities alleging that these were sensual passions that made the Prophet (PBUH) polygamous. Can there be any greater lie?
For the complete understanding of the issue, consider the following points;
Certain things were specific for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) only:
Let it be clear that this was not the only thing peculiar to the Holy Prophet, infact there were many. For instance, as we Muslims believe that Prayers at Late Night (Tahajjud) is a great deed of piety, still for us, common Muslims, it is not obligatory. But it was required of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) (cf. Qur’an 17:79, 73:2-4). And it is really demanding to get out of bed and offer Late Night (Tahajjud) prayers and that too regularly not missing without a genuine reason. This is only to refute the notion that Holy Prophet (PBUH)-God forbid!- himself created some exceptions for himself.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) didn’t marry out of his physical desires!
He did not marry more women out of his physical desires for he had only one wife even till the age of 54. Till 50 he had only one wife Sayyidah Khadija who was 15 years elder to him and was twice widowed before. And for next 4 years his only wife was Sayyidah Sawda, also an aged lady. All, but one, of his wives were either widows or divorced. It was only at the age of 55 that four wives gathered in his marriage.
John Bagot Glubb admits this fact in the following words;
“It is, however, worthy to note that of all his wives, only Aisha was a virgin when he married her. Zainab bint Jahash was a divorced wife and all the rest were widows, some of them, it would seem, not particularly attractive. Moreover the Apostle had married Khadija when he was twenty-five and she was a widow considerably older than he was. He had remained completely faithful to her for twenty-four years until her death.” (The Life and Times of Muhammad p.237, pub. Stein And Day, New York, 1971)
Further he says;
“In Medina, Muhammad had less and less leisure time and must often have been mentally and physically exhausted, especially as he was in his fifties and latterly over sixty. These are not the circumstances under which men are interested in the indulgence of extreme sexuality.
The assumption that he was a sensualist because he had eleven wives when he died at the age of sixty-two is therefore not absolutely a foregone conclusion, as many have assumed. This is particularly so in view of the fact that he had only one wife until he was fifty.” (p.239)
All this belies the notion that the Last Prophet of Islam (PBUH) married multiple time for of his physical desires. John Davenport asks a valid question;
“.. and it may then be asked, is it likely that a very sensual man, of a country where polygamy was a common practice, should be contented for five-and-twenty years with one wife, she being fifteen years older than himself;[?]” (An Apology for Muhammed and the Koran p.26 pub. J. Davy and Sons, London)
Stanely Lane Poole also writes;
“… to say that Mohammad was a voluptuary is false. The simple austerity of his daily life, to the very last, his hard mat for sleeping on, his plain food, his self-imposed menial work, point him out as an ascetic rather than a voluptuary.” (Studies in a Mosque p.77, pub. W. H. Allen & Co. London, 1883)
Another European, Thomas Carlyle, commented on this oft-repeated lie about the Prophet (PBUH);
“Mahomet himself, after all that can be said about him, was not a sensual man. We shall err widely if we consider this man as a common voluptuary, intent mainly on base enjoyments, — nay on enjoyments of any kind.” (On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History p.65 Lecture II, pub. Champan and Hall, London, 1840)
Wisdom behind his marriages:
All his marriages had great wisdom behind them. His plural marriages were to practically show all sorts of permissible marriages in Islam and had extra-ordinary political benefits for the nascent Muslim community.
1-His marriage with Khadija (RA) shows that it is permissible for a person who is bachelor to marry a widow, to marry a woman who is older than him, for a (relatively) poor and orphan man to marry a rich woman, for an employee to marry his employer. His relation with Khadija (RA) was a perfect show of mutual trust and fidelity. The very fact that Prophet (PBUH) did not marry during her lifetime belies all the charges of sensuality. Some jaundiced-eyed critics went on to say that it were only Prophet’s (PBUH) financial constraints that kept him away from marrying further during Khadija’s (RA) lifetime.
Stanely Lane Poole, himself a bitter critic of Islam, had to acknowledge the absurdity of such an assertion. He writes;
“An attempt has been made to explain away Mohammad’s fidelity to Khadija, by adducing the motive of pecuniary prudence. Mohammad, they say, was a poor man, Khadija rich and powerfully connected; any affaire de coeur on the husband’s part would have been followed by a divorce and the simultaneous loss of property and position. It is hardly necessary to point out that the fear of poverty — a matter of little consequence in Arabia and at that time — would not restrain a really sensual man for five-and- twenty years; especially when it is by no means certain that Khadija, who loved him with all her heart in a motherly sort of way, would have sought a divorce for any cause soever. And this explanation leaves Mohammad’s loving remembrance of his old wife unaccounted for. If her money alone had curbed him for twenty-five years, one would expect him at her death to throw off the cloak, thank Heaven for the deliverance, and enter at once upon the rake’s progress. He does none of those things.” (Studies in a Mosque p.79, pub. W. H. Allen & Co. London, 1883)
2-His marriage to Sawdah bint Zama’a (RA) shows that a widower can opt to marry a middle-aged, kind, jolly and widowed woman who can take care of his children. It was perhaps imperative for the Prophet (PBUH) to marry a lady of her age for then he needed someone to look after his children.
3-He married young and intelligent ‘Aisha bint Abu Bakr (RA) so that she remembers and continues to teach the masses all matters relating to married life and even the rest. This marriage also aimed at fostering his friendly relations with Abu Bakr (RA) and also to refute the baseless Arab tradition of not marrying the daughter of the called-not real brother. It was also a practical manifestation that one can marry a virgin.
4-He married Hafsa (RA), the daughter of ‘Umar (RA) to foster better relations with his important companion.
5- His marriage with Zainab bint Khuzaima (RA), widow of ‘Ubaida (RA) who fell as a martyr in the Battle of Badr, showed his care for the widows of the martyred and was a practical stimulus for Muslim men to be sensitive towards the situation of the widows of those martyred in the service of Islam.
6-He married Umm Habiba (RA), who was the daughter of the Chief of Makkah, Abu Sufyan. This marriage brought him closer to the Umayyads, an important family among the Quraish. This led to rather smooth and bloodless Conquest of Makkah. William Muir acknowledges this motive;
“[The Prophet] perhaps farther hoped to make Abu Sofian, the father of Omm Habiba, more favourible to his cause.” (The Life of Mahomet, vol. 4 p.59 pub. Smith, Elder and Co. London, 1861)
John Bagot Glubb (a.k.a Glubb Pasha) also makes an interesting observation on the same lines;
“He took the trouble to write to the Emperor of Abyssinia to send him Umm Habeeba to be his bride. If his object had been merely to acquire another woman, there must have been hundreds of more attractive brides available in Arabia. Possibly he sent for Umm Habeeba as a bridge to establish relations with Abu Sofian who, he had noticed, was now adopting a more conciliatory attitude.” (The Life and Times of Muhammad p.304)
7-He married Umm Salamah (RA), his only wife who brought children from her previous marriage. Thus Holy Prophet gave a practical example to take care of children that a person’s wife has from some earlier marriage. This marriage pacified her tribe who were earlier very vehement in opposition of Islam as now they had a relation with the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This led many of that tribe to revise their thinking about Islam.
8-He married Zainab bint Jahsh (RA) to uproot the baseless Arab tradition of not marrying the divorcees of adopted-not-real sons.Islam holds that no matter how much dear no one can just as one’s son from his own loins. Montgomery Watt writes;
” … a social motive may have outweighed the political one in her case – to show that Muhammad had broken with old taboos.” (Muhammad at Medina p.288, pub. Oxford, 1956)
9- He married Juwairiya bint Al-Haritha (RA) to foster his relations with the important Jewish tribes and also to show that Islam allows mix marriages based on social status. These marriages also show the high regard in which women were held that instead of making them slaves, Holy Prophet (PBUH) married them and thus give them the high status of ‘Mothers of the Believers’ About the political benefits of this marriage, John Bagot Glubb in his aforementioned book writes;
“ … this was a purely political marriage, for it won over Beni Mustaliq to Islam more successfully than a battle.” (p.263)
10-His marriage with Safiyya bint Hayy (RA), daughter of the Nudair tribe of Jews, proved a great success in neutralizing the harsh sentiments of a considerable faction of the Jews in Northern Arabia.
Watt writes; “There may have been political motives in the unions with the Jewesses Safiyah and Rayhana.” (Muhammad at Medina p.288)
11- His marriage with Maimuna (RA) resulted in the some highly valuable people coming to Islam. In the words of Washington Irving;
“This was doubtless another marriage of policy, for Maimuna was fifty-one years of age, and a widow, but the connexion gained him two powerful proselytes. One was Khaled Ibn al Waled, a nephew of the widow, an intrepid warrior … The Other proselyte was Khaled’s friend Amrul Ibn al Aass;” (The Life of Mahomet p.183 pub. Bernhard Tachnitz, Leipzig 1850)
The fact that Prophet’s (PBUH) marriages were for reasons other than alleged sensuality is acknowledged even by a prejudiced critics like D.S. Margoliouth. He wrote;
“In several of these marriages it is easy to see that political considerations were dominant.” (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Article: Muhammad. vol. 8 p.879 pub. T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1915)
Had Allah Almighty not allowed him to have plural marriages then many Muslims may not have got many benefits which they actually did. Many strong enemies might not have been pacified. Many matters of Shariah (Islamic Law) may not have been explained so well. These were only the Wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who taught us matters relating to married life and other in-house affairs. Here one must remember that none of the Holy Prophet’s male children lived to maturity and only one of his daughters, Fatimah (RA) lived after his death and that also only for 6 months. In such a situation it would have been virtually a calamity for the Muslim Ummah if Holy Prophet did not have these wives, as many teachings would have remained veiled from us in that case.
All the above details prove that his marriages were not out of his physical desires but for other motives undoubtedly noble and great atleast from the perspective of the Muslim community as evident from their outcomes.
Biblical Prophets also had many wives, infact too many!
a- According to Bible, Abraham (PBUH) had three wives, Hagar (Gen. 16:4), Sarah (Gen. 11:29) and Ketura (Gen. 25:1)
b- Jacob (PBUH) had four wives, Leah (Gen. 29:23), Rachel (Gen. 29:28), Zilpah (Gen. 30:9) and Bilhah (Gen. 30:3)
c- Bible says about Prophet David;
“And David took him more concubines and wives out of Jerusalem, after he was come from Hebron: and there were yet sons and daughters born to David.” (2 Samuel 5:13)
Reading 1Chronicles 3:1-9 makes it known that Prophet David had at least 6 wives and numerous concubines.
d- About Prophet Solomon it says;
“And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.” (1 Kings 11:3)
See the list of polygamists in the Bible HERE.
Concluding words:
Infact all the marriages of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had great wisdom behind them, not only for his own time but also for the times to come. It has great effect with regard to spiritual and social growth of the Muslim Ummah which is undoubtedly the best nation as far as family setup is concerned.
I wonder what trouble hounds Christians from recognizing the simple truth that Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) marriages were not for sensual reasons but other prudential reasons. If Martin Luther can say that;
“The polygamy of the patriarchs, Gideon, David, Solomon & c., was a matter of necessity, not of libertinism.” (Table Talk, DCCXLII.p.304 Translated by William Hazlitt, Bell & Daldy, London 1872)
Why the same cannot be said of the marriages of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when even many of the die-hard critics also recognize the ‘necessities’ in those cases?
I am sure that only if our Christian fellows can put off the goggles of prejudice they would be able to see things in a much realistic and just manner.
Your prophet was a mentally sick man, that’s whys islam is today’s cancer. Enjoy your tumour, muslim.
I may have to borrow your some day. Very original.
Many of the verses in the core texts are self-serving to Muhammad. Its obvious that this “Prophet” Muhammad just made up verses and revelations to justify his lusts and greed.
Islamic scholars have come up with all types of excuses and lies to justify their Prophet Muhammad’s violent, evil and lustful behaviour.
No Muslim will every apologise for Muhammad. Afterall, he’s their Perfect Man and the Perfect Muslim.
All this makes Islam the most violent and dangerous religion we’ve ever come across! Sure, there are some very nice Muslims but the fact remains that the religion itself is violent and evil.
Well since King Solomon, David etc were 1500 years before MO, and Jesus had his disciples taught marriage to 1 woman there was no excuse for Mo to continue in traditions that had been stopped for 600 years… and there are hundreds of examples of Mo being a horn-dog ahead of any spiritual concerns….
A SEXUAL PREDATOR and all early Mohammedans realized it.
Layla clapped Mohammed’s shoulder from behind and asked him to marry her. Mohammed accepted. Layla’s people said, “’What a bad thing you have done! You are a self-respecting woman, but the
Prophet is a WOMANIZER. Seek an annulment from him.’ She went back to the Prophet and asked him to revoke the marriage and he complied with [her request].” al-Tabari vol.9 p.139
Narrated Aisha: The prophet (pbuh) did not die until all women were lawful to him. – Al Tabaquat Al Kobra by Ibn Saad, part 8
Note: ‘all women’ includes married women. He was undeniably a predator. Is that honorable? Is that a man of god? A predator?
I really do think that Shabeer should be banned from commenting on sites like this. The irrational mental gymnastics he puts himself through, in the attempt to justify all that is indefensible in Islam, are by turns risible and disgusting. The man would not recognize truth and logic if these virtues were to run him over in broad daylight in a parking lot. Such is the end result of Islamic brainwashing.
By the standards of ANY sane worldview (meaning, not Islam), Muhammad was one of the sickest, most criminal psychopaths who ever existed. Fortunately, he probably did not exist: The most rigorous historical scholarship indicates that the official Islamic version of early centuries of the religion is nothing more than folklore. There is no evidence that Muhammad or the first four caliphs ever existed, that Mecca existed in the 7th century, that the Qur’an was handed down in the 7th century – need I continue? Islam appears to have arisen in the Levant rather than Arabia. It was more likely some sort of Arian Christian heresy rather than a new religion.
By the way, Sahbeer, why do you Muslim apologists ALWAYS refer back to the Old Testament when trying to defend Muhammad, rather than to Jesus? After all, Islam is supposed to be the perfection of both Judaism and Christianity. Is it perhaps because Jesus never robbed, raped, enslaved, persecuted, murdered or assassinated anyone? That He was not a pedophile, necrophile, adulterer or rampaging sexaholic? How can Islam be the ‘perfection” of the religion that went before it, if Muhammad’s character and teachings were so ethically inferior to those of Christ? How long, O Muslims, will you wander about in self-imposed blindness?
Good to see Mr…Raymond,
Zakaria is a liar,and you are too.
let me tell you that for each and every word you will pay…
you are not going to live for ever..
Its Bloody shame that Jesus Christ have such perverted followers..
The things zakaria said about prophet is actually his own wish and his perverted teachings accepted by raymond type ignorants.
we know that you hypocrites fill ur bank by making muslim and christian enemies,so that ur perverted wishes can be true.
i saw ur book name…crucified again ….
sadly you guys can;t see by ur every lies you crucify jesus again.
so, muhammad taking slaves are wrong…marraige with slaves is wrong..?
then i wonder why did God itself gave enemies women to soldiers.
such kind of God you worship ? who give enemies women to soldiers to rape them ?
//Refusing to pronounce or spell this word, which he said appears in 67 books, including Sahih Bukhari, the text containing this word, “inkat-ha” — or, in context, Muhammad asking a man about a woman if he “f***** her” — was portrayed on the screen for all to read.
Then, “Quick! take that filth down! What would you Muslims do if the Sheikh of al Azhar went around using such language? Worse — it’s your prophet, the ‘greatest creation.’”//
oh ho….taking word f**** is wrong for a prophet…but there is no problem,when God coming out from sexual organs in world.
and what is wrong in saying that word,how ever i know how much big liar is zakaria..
we know much better than zakaria..
and we also know…zakaria is not even dust from prophet foot.
// looking at the screen, Fr Botros asked, “Imagine, dear lady, if your husband asked you to go on errand and then you return before your time only to find him in bed with another woman? What sort of man would that make him in your eyes? Yet it’s worse—it’s your prophet, whom you all extol as the most perfect human, to be slavishly emulated! //
botras lies to praise jesus ? shame that you cant praise him by truth.
according to bothros,muhammad used have sex with slaves and many other females.did any one said anything against…No…then why will muhammad cheat to sleep with any slave ?
//“Come on man! Couldn’t you find another one of your 66 women? It just had to be the one menstruating?”
Then, earnestly looking into the camera: “But seriously, people: are you not ashamed of these things? I know I am—just mentioning them. And this is your ‘prophet’—the ‘exemplary man’?”
He then read a hadith, narrated by Aisha, and contained in the canonical six, wherein the prophet’s young wife recounted how, whenever she was menstruating, if the prophet “wanted her,” he used to “command” her to have sex with him, to which the priest exclaimed—”Commanded! This is rape! Who is this character you are following?”
He read from a number of other hadiths, all demonstrative of Muhammad’s sexual proclivities toward menstruating women—which the Koran forbids—adding, “People, if this is how the ‘prophet of God’ behaves, what can we expect from the average man?”
Asked the host: “Well, could other men behave this way?”
Fr Botros: “Sure, the prophet was always generous to his followers, giving them ways out. According to eight hadith compilations, Ibn Abbas relayed that Muhammad said if a man cannot help himself and copulates with his menstruating wife, all he has to do is pay one dinar in atonement; if he sleeps with her towards the end of her cycle, when she isn’t bleeding as much, he need only pay half a dinar—a discount!” [saying “discount” in English and laughing].
Host: “As you pointed out, since Muhammad had so many women, why did he even feel the need to resort to the ones that were menstruating?”
Fr Botros: “Ahhhh. I see you are wisely connecting the dots. The simple reason, my friend, is that Muhammad used to like smelling”—here he went sniff, sniff—”menstruation blood.” He then quoted from al-Siyuti, where Aisha relayed that Muhammad said to her “Come here,” to which she replied, “But I am menstruating, O prophet of God.” So he said “Expose your thighs”; she did so and “he proceeded to lay his cheek and chest on her thighs.”//
Well,let me tell you…how eve i know that you guys know these facts..
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w never had sexual relationship during menses…as Allah swt said not to have sex during menses.
Just hugging and kissing wife is not sex..
is bothros married…if not then how can unmarried person know..?
by hugging and kissing,muhammad abolished the cruel command against women from corrupted bible..
which says that during menses women must be kept locked in room,what ever they will touch will became dirty.becoz blood made them dirty…
how ever in holy quran,Allah swt said that blood is dirty not women..
for those who hate Muhammad,should not touch or kiss wife,becoz it was done by muhammad..
keep ur hate strong..
bothros is nothing but black spot on the followers of christ.!
Read the core texts of Islam and it can be seen that what Botros said is true. He’s just describing what is written on those texts.
If the texts and the behaviour of Prophet Muhammad is disgusting to you, than just renounce Islam.
Stop giving excuses and lies for your evil Prophet Muhammad.
Everything Botros says came from the Quran and other Islamic texts… it’s not his fault MO was a sexual pervert….and let’s not forget killing over 600 in 1 day, robbing caravan’s , stealing his adopted son’s wife, then getting a “new revelation” so he could marry her… how convienient…
If all this was not true, the prophet would never have had so many followers.
You think each lie for your master satan allah helps earn you hevean…
But your own allah satan said he fears the return of Jesus Christ on judgement day.
Allahsatan knows he is going to be sent to hell, by God.
And the Quran has it wrong. It’s not 72 virgins. It’s 72 Virginians and the likes of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson certainly won’t be pleased to see you. Good luck.
Truth hurts and none of your protestations bear any weight. The conduct of your people in Europe is going to force the rest of the world to finally deal with Islam and it’s leaders. You will not like it let me assure you.
where Islamic books are you reading?
stop insulting Islam, because you yourself most contemptible org.
your sins may be forgiven and your grave when you die dilapangkan doom and kept grave.
May the prophet suck your root and kiss your father
when you die sir Raymond Ibrahim?
I wish all of you dying fast.
how sick over what you have done to the hearts of Muslims
It’s just the light and the truth you’re seeing, get used to it or join allah in hell.
You, Rizqi A. Erfyanti like most Muslims just cannot accept the truth. Go and study all the hadiths, the Sira and the Quran carefully.
Muslims have been deceived for 1400 years… Muslims are brainwashed from the time they learn to walk, and the fact that Islamic teaching that all who leave Islam are to be killed …PROVES it is a death cult.. and the only reason Islam made it out of the 7th century…
The part where the muslims could take sex slaves and young boys for the same was a big reason why it made it out of the 7th century.
May the prophet rub his back side against your front
muzzlums have hearts?
Nice addition to the story. Muslim hopes we all die. Truth hurts eh? A pox on you.
Speak English you clowns. If you cant speak or read English you cant comment on a article written in English. Mohummad was a pedophile. Aisha was 9. Its sick. Anything after that shouldn’t matter. He was a sick man who slept with kids. If that’s the people you want to follow, that’s your choice, however don’t get upset when people ridicule this sick mongrel
According to the core texts of Islam, the Quran, the Sira and the Hadiths, this Prophet Muhammad was a mass murderer, a rapist, a pedophile, a robber and a liar & deceiver.
Yet, all the sects of Islam regard him as their role model, the most perfect of Allah’s creation.
Why are Muslims upset with this article. If anything you filthy lot should be upset with the quran and the haddiths and sunnah! You are such a damned group of vile savages!
I am so f##king disgusted right now – and have been deceived thoroughly – I looked up everything that was said AND ITS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH – I WILL EXPOSE THIS UNTIL MY DYING BREATH – AND TRUST ME I DONT REACH 5 OR 10 I WILL REACH MILLIONS…….
Sounds like episodes on SVU or Criminal Minds, actually they could do a season on him
When Muslims read these texts, they have trouble believing them, but most Muslims know they must repress their critical thought and pretend they do not know of the perversions of Mohammed. They will not discuss it with other Muslims. Everyone in Islam lives in fear of discovery and of assassination. Even Mohammed was assassinate, poisoned by his closest ‘friends’. It is conceivable Mohammed was murdered by men whose women had been sexually preyed upon and abused by this evil pseudo-prophet.