Noted Islamic Scholar Raymond Ibrahim Joins the Freedom Center
For Immediate Release
July 15, 2011
David Horowitz Freedom Center
Contact Michael Finch
800-752-6562, ext. 212
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is pleased to announce that Raymond Ibrahim, a popular Islam specialist, has joined the Center as a Shillman Fellow.
In this capacity, he will maintain his own section at FrontPage Magazine, “Raymond’s Intersection,” where he will explore the pivotal but ignored point where Islam and Christianity intersect, including by examining the latest on Muslim persecution of Christians, translating pertinent Arabic news that never reaches the West, and much more. Raymond will also be contributing to Robert Spencer’s, a program of the Freedom Center.
Raymond brings a wealth of personal and professional experience on Islam. Born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Muslim world has enabled him to appreciate subtle but critical aspects concerning the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets, ideally positioning him to explain the latter to the former.
Raymond received his B.A. and M.A. (both in history, with dual-minors in philosophy and literature) from California State University, Fresno, where he studied closely with noted military-historian Victor Davis Hanson. Later, during his years in Washington D.C., he took graduate courses at Georgetown’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies and studied Medieval Islamic history and Semitic languages at the Catholic University of America.
Raymond’s resume includes serving as Associate Director of the Middle East Forum, where he is currently an Associate Fellow, and working as a Reference Assistant at the Near East Section of the Library of Congress, where he discovered hitherto unknown al-Qaeda treatises written in Arabic, which he went on to translate and annotate into the well received The Al Qaeda Reader (Doubleday, 2007).
He guest lectures at various universities, including the National Defense Intelligence College, briefs governmental agencies, and has testified before Congress regarding the conceptual failures that dominate American discourse concerning Islam.
Raymond has written for many journals—including the Almanac of Islamism, Chronicle of Higher Education,Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst, and the Middle East Quarterly—and has appeared on various stations including Al-Jazeera, C-SPAN, Fox News, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, and Reuters (join his free mailing list here to receive all his materials).
The Shillman Fellows of the Freedom Center are made possible from a very generous donation made by Dr. Bob Shillman.
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