by Raymond Ibrahim • Jul 3, 2012 at 3:16 am
Cross-posted from Jihad Watch
Following the presidential victory of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi, the very first fatwa to appearby Egypt’s highest fatwa council addresses—not social, political, or economic issues in Egypt—but rather frogs. Specifically, it bans Muslims from hunting and killing frogs to sell to those nations that dine on the amphibians. As the fatwa explains, according to Islam’s prophet Muhammad as recorded in a hadith, a frog’s “croaking is praise [to Allah].” Accordingly, “a number of jurists [fuqaha] have relied on this [hadith] to forbid the eating of frogs, under the notion that ‘that which is banned from being killed, is forbidden from being eaten.'”
Unlike the many other fatwas dealing with animals, including cartoon characters—such as the fatwa to kill Mickey Mouse—this frog fatwa is ostensibly humanitarian. Yet, in reality, it only proves how enslaved Muslim societies are to the random words of their prophet—a prophet who, on one occasion ordered the killing of all black dogsbecause they are “devils,” while making frogs sacrosanct for praising Allah with their croaks—a prophet who, to non-Muslims, was just a 7th century Arab, whose words, obvious reflections of a 7th century mentality, millions of people still cling to today—and, hence, a prophet who is at the heart of the international dilemma widely known as “radical Islam.”
sabine use says
the frog croak is better than yours