As earlier suggested, the wonderful thing about Salafis—those extra “radical” Muslims who seek to emulate as literally as possible prophet Muhammad’s teachings and habits—is that they are so unabashed and frank about what they believe. Such is the degree of brainwashing that they have undergone. Unlike the Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded much earlier, doublespeak is not second nature to the Salafis.

The most recent example comes from Al Hafiz TV, an Egyptian Islamic station. During a roundtable discussion on the U.S. and foreign aid to Egypt, an Islamic cleric, clearly of the Salafi bent—he had their trademark mustache-less-beard—insisted that the U.S. must be treated contemptuously, like a downtrodden dhimmi, or conquered infidel; that Egypt must make the U.S. conform to its own demands; and that, then, all the money the U.S. offers to Egypt in foreign aid can be taken as rightfully earned jizya.
Historically, the jizya was money, or tribute, that conquered non-Muslims had to pay to their Muslim overlords to safeguard their existence, as indicated in Koran 9:29. As the spirit of Islam continues making a comeback, Muslims around the world continue calling for non-Muslims, especially Christian minorities under Islam, to resume paying the jizya, which was abolished in the 19th century thanks to European intervention.
According to the sheikh, Egypt must be less cooperative with the U.S. and at the same time insist for more monetary aid. If so, the sheikh believes that “America will accept; it will kiss our hands; and it will also increase its aid. And we will consider its aid as jizya, not as aid. But first we must make impositions on it.”
When the host asked the sheikh “Do the Americans owe us jizya?” he responded, “Yes,” adding that it is the price Americans have to pay “so we can leave them alone!” When the host asked the sheikh if he was proclaiming a fatwa, the latter exclaimed, “By Allah of course!” The sheikh added that, to become a truly Islamic state, Egypt must “impose on America to pay aid as jizya, before we allow it to realize its own interests, the ones which we agree to.”
While the Egyptian cleric was focused on “international jizya”—that is, money paid by one non-Muslim nation to a Muslim nation, U.S money to Egypt—other Muslims have been receiving and enjoying individual “jizya” from Western, infidel governments, in the form of welfare aid.
Just last February, for example, Anjem Choudary, an Islamic cleric and popular preacher in the United Kingdom, was secretly taped telling a Muslim audience to follow his example and get “Jihad Seeker’s Allowance” from the government—a pun on “Job Seeker’s Allowance.” The father of four, who receives more than 25,000 pounds annually in welfare benefits, referred to British taxpayers as “slaves,” adding, “We take the jizya, which is our haq [Arabic for “right”], anyway. The normal situation by the way is to take money from the kafir [infidel], isn’t it? So this is the normal situation. They give us the money—you work, give us the money, Allahu Akhbar [“Allah is Great”]. We take the money. Hopefully there’s no one from the DSS [Department of Social Security] listening to this.”
Thus, the non-Muslim world should be grateful to the Salafis for always and ever exposing Islam’s teachings and beliefs. Immensely proud of and indoctrinated in their Islamic heritage, and like the earliest Muslim conquerors drunk with power and pride, convinced that Allah is on their side and they can do no wrong, today’s Salafis are unabashed when it comes to the things of Islam, from evoking them to upholding them.
But of course, all this honesty is for naught for those many in the West who, having eyes and ears, do not see or hear reality.
Wow. So here’s our Islamic Commander in Chief, unconditional millions to the Islam
Fuck Islam And Their False Prophet Mohammed
This new website SUCKS. I just love reading an article with an ad that takes up the other half of the friggin page. And Oh! That other ad that comes outa nowhere and covers the article itself. And Oh! your print function SUCKS! No actually the goddamn ad takes up the whole f-ing top of the page for chrisake. Whataf-in joke. It’s getting worse and worse with every passing day. With every website. Bending over for the greedy advertisors. J-Post is the worst. Sorry. I had to vent. I get so tired of these ads. I really was expecting more from this Internet thing. I guess I’m just an old fool. And in case you think I’m some kind Muslim prick;
The Haj by Leon Uris (To answer questions re. “right of return”.)
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America by Brigitte Gabriel
Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America by Gaubatz and Sperry
The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America by David Horowitz
Ivory Towers On Sand: The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America by Martin Kramer
Indoctrination U: The Left’s War Against Academic Freedom by David Horowitz
Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, (and Holocaust in Rwanda), by Peter Hammond
The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism by Andrew G. Bostom
If Islam is the “religion of peace”, where in Sheikh Abdullah bin Humaid’s article on jihad can I find the equivalent of “Love Thy Neighbor” and “good will toward men”? And explain its prominence, and significance almost as an “Introduction”, in a book that’s considered second only to the Koran: My Summarized Sahih Al-Bukhari. Explain also why the first part of his article, “the call to jihad, fighting for Allah’s cause with the heart, the hand and the tongue” is not what Clausewitz would refer to as “total war” Also address “jihad” as it’s defined in Reliance of the Traveller and answer the same question. (Chapter O-9.0: Jihad O: Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion.) Also compare Humaid’s “jihad” and Emmet Fox’ Sermon on the Mount and tell me which one best represents a spirit of Love and compassion.
(I truly believe Humaid’s article should be “Exhibit A” when it comes to refuting Islam as the “religion of peace”.)
Martin Kramer:
Gaza is a place with no Israeli settlements, from which Israel has totally withdrawn to the 1967 lines, and which nonetheless has become a Hamas terror state. That’s what happens in conditions of Gazafication. So when people say that in a two-state solution, Palestinians would have a “right of return” to the West Bank and not Israel, I do not find that particularly reassuring either. Any influx of Palestinians across the Jordan poses a problem for Israel, and it is naive to dismiss it. I would like to hear how, in a two-state scenario, Gazafication of the West Bank can be prevented. I haven’t heard it yet.
Read The Haj by Leon Uris. And ask these questions:
What year did the nation of Palestine come into existance?
What were its national borders and what year did it cease to exist?
What currency did the nation of Palestine use and why is there no history of it?
Name one leader to the “nation of Palestine” prior to Yasser Arafat.
HISTORY OF ISRAEL (Minus “http://www.”)
History of Israel & “Palestine” in VERY easy to understand maps
masada2000 “dot” org
Founding National Myths: Fabricating Palestinian History by David Bukay
Palestinians, Jebusites, and Evangelicals by David Wenkel Middle East Quarterly
The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931 by Fred M. Gottheil Middle East Quarterly
How Many Palestinian Arab Refugees Were There? by Efraim Karsh Israel Affairs
Rewriting Israel’s History by Efraim Karsh Middle East Quarterly
The Battle over Silwan: Fabricating Palestinian History by Shaul Bartal
Palestinians ‘Peoplehood’ Based on a Big Lie Eli E. Hertz
Myths and Facts UN Resolution 181 : The Partition Plan November 29, 1947
Real Apartheid Apatheid Moniter Directed by Efraim Karsh Middle East Forum
The Hostages of Hatred – full documentary (?)
Hostages of Hatred Part 1
So America is broke, Obama gives billions to the Islamic terrorists in Egypt and elsewhere, and in turn they call it freakin jizya, and boast for the need to treat America shitty, so Obama can give them more jizya. How pathetic we Americans have become!!
We arm our enemies and give them money, while our Prez is trying to disarm the American people and taking our money more and more each day. It’s no wonder they see us with disdain, I do too and I’m furious that I can even say that.
i agree James. fuck islam and their murdering baby raping woman hating prophet. i will never submit to that butt fucking religion from hell.
you forgot goat rape.
Just bomb these losers and bury them in a pit of pork, and get it over with.