The spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, for long one of the most authoritative voices in Sunni Islam — and certainly a “radical,” who, among other things, insists Muslims must always “obey the prophet, even if he tells you to kill” — has just had his Qatari citizenship revoked and told to leave Qatar by its emir, Tamim bin Hamd bin al-Khalifa, in light of events in Egypt, specifically the overthrow of the Brotherhood and Morsi. Qaradawi has lived in Qatar for years, as he was exiled from Egypt under Mubarak for inciting terrorism. The emir has also ordered the closure of all Muslim Brotherhood offices in Qatar, adding “We are all Muslims [here], but we are not Muslim Brothers [i.e., of the Brotherhood].” Here, then, is yet another blow to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Now if only Qatar could do the same thing about that nasty Taliban office they opened there…
bomb all of those sand monkeys
No telling where he might go from there……
Really? No telling? You jest, of course “O” will give him refugee status and he will be here next week. Just watch. See if I am wrong.
obama most hurt.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer person!
Qaradawi needs to go swimming with his friend OBL.
Only this time release the video of the jimmy dean pork sausage stuffed in one end, and the hebrew national salami jammed up the other.
Obama will take him..Get him a job With the Pentagon and a Home in the Country…
I wonder where he will go now ??. Could it possibly be to one of those TERRIBLE western countries that are so devoutely UNislamic. Watch this space.
…obey the prophet, even if he tells you to kill” ….We need a little background to understand the Koran. A Muslim scholar may help me here.
Why was Mohammed, M, called a prophet when we are told he was illiterate, when there are hardly any prophesies in the Koran, when a prophet such as Henoch, born 11,321 years ago, made prophesies of today that are accurate? Who was Jibriel, J, (Gabriel) who passed the Koran to M.? We assume J was human to have communicated with M. Did J reside on Earth or did he come from elsewhere? From where did he come if not of Earth, and how did he get and why choose M? Why did J seek-out an illiterate person to pass on the Koran, for it must take ages to teach such a person 6000+ verses? The deity, Allah, we are told, passed these verses to J? How does a deity pass so much info. to a human? If Allah is all powerful, as the Koran states, that ‘Allah is always in the mind of every Muslim, continually assessing their thoughts, so that if a Muslim has a single negative thought about the Koran, they will be severely punished by Allah’ , then why did Allah not in the first place simply ‘go into’ the minds of every would-be Muslim and place these thoughts directly into their brain acids.
maybe Huma and clinton can adopt him