With the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood, the homes and churches of Egypt’s Christians are seeing an unprecedented rise in anti-Christian graffiti. The following are some of the pictures that were recently disseminated, captioned with translation of graffiti and location information. The name of Coptic Pope Tawadros especially appears repeatedly, and is a reminder of the jihad unleashed on Egypt’s Christians, for daring to behave like free men and women by supporting the popular June 30 Revolution against the tyrannical Brotherhood.

sad as the Christians are innocent and the Muslim Brotherhood are just taking their revenge against the army by persecuting the Christians
Islamists are such stupid shits. What will it take for them to see that it was the force of their fellow Muslims that ousted Morsi? Instead they take out their anger on a vulnerable minority. Cowards.
I WISH graffiti was the Copts’ only problem.
…and everybody winning together of an enmity without end. Let’s watch the history from another perspective! After the arrival of Jesus, the philosophers or “ethical innovative”, had to compare with him. For some was ally, for others neutral or insurmountable obstacle. History testifies that the harshest competitors did not have the hoped fortunes, but they picked up the blame of posterity that from their ambitions inherited only ruin. The carelessness of John the Baptist and its following Catholic sanctification, began a Hebrews suffering path long two millennia. Marxism, guilty to have tried “to kill him” conceptually, has been theirs worse image promoter too. John the Baptist and Charles Marx built the own life purpose by discrediting Jesus and contributing to the worse anti-Semitism. The “guru” Korean Sun Myung Moon, is their emulator in the twentieth century, stretched out in the attempt to rise as fulcrum of history in age sprinkled of hopes and disappointments and anxious of new myths! In this book, you found analysis and evaluations on the three major thinkers that even though lived in distant historical moments, are similar in purpose and in the immoderate ambition to replace the Christ. http://www.millennialantichristianity.com/