Time and again, Muslims, especially those in Egypt, project Islamic thinking onto Christians: thus the Coptic church has been accused of smuggling and storing weapons in its churches to take over the nation (when in fact mosques are regularly exposed housing illegal weapons for the jihad); of kidnapping and torturing Coptic girls who convert to Islam (when in fact Muslim converts to Christianity—apostates—are regularly beat, imprisoned, and sometimes killed); and even of supporting suicide-attacks when the church speaks of Copts being martyred (because in Islam being “martyred” so often means actively sacrificing one’s life in “holy war”).

Now a well know cleric in Egypt—the same who insists that Muslim husbands must hate their non-Muslim wives—has just proclaimed that Jesus was against the idea of separation of church and state and that he supported the idea of jizya, the Koran-mandated tribute conquered non-Muslims, or dhimmis, are required to pay their overlords, “with willing submission,” per Koran 9:29.
Sheikh Yusuf Burhami, the most visible leader of Egypt’s Salafi movement—which, since the ousting of the Brotherhood, has become the primary Islamist party imposing Sharia in the new constitution—recently issued an Arabic-language fatwa arguing that the biblical statement attributed to Jesus—“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.’” (Matt 22:21)—could not, as widely held by Christians, have meant that Jesus supported the separation of church and state, “because,” in Burhami’s words, “a separation between state and religion contradicts the texts of the Koran.”
By way of example, Burhami quotes the Koran in his fatwa, including verses like “Indeed, the matter belongs entirely to Allah” (Koran 3:154), which mainstream Islamic exegesis holds as meaning all earthly matters—all laws—must be decided by Allah, hence the totalitarian nature of Sharia law.
Asserts Burhami: “It’s impossible for the Masih [Messiah, Jesus]—peace be upon him—to call for the separation of state and religion, as meaning that politics are to be governed without the Sharia of Allah.”
Instead, according to the Salafi leader, the “true” Jesus—the Muslim one, Isa, who is a supporter of Sharia—made that assertion to confirm that conquered populations must pay tribute—jizya; or, in the context of Jesus’ discussion concerning the image of Caesar on a coin, that 1st century Jews were obligated to pay tribute to the Romans.
Thus, by rendering tribute to Caesar, Jews were also—as there is no separation between religion and state according to Burhami—rendering unto God what is God’s, since it is God (or “Allah”) who calls on them to pay tribute, or jizya. That, according to the Salafi party of Egypt is what Jesus meant.
In the backdrop of Burhami’s fatwa are growing calls to make Egypt’s Christian Copts pay jizya to the state, as they historically did, as the Koran demands, and as vigilante Muslims are currently forcing them to do through violence.
Koran 9:29 calls on Muslims to fight and subjugate the “people of the book” (Jews and Christians) “until they pay jizya [tribute] with willing submission and feel themselves utterly subdued.” If followed to the letter—and of all Muslims, Salafis most seek to follow the letter of the Koran—along with paying tribute, Copts would also be required to “feel themselves utterly subdued,” that is, far from being equal citizens of Egypt, they would be relegated to third-class status.
Meanwhile, if Muslims like Burhami are projecting Islam’s worst traits onto Christians (and onto Christ), Westerners are projecting Western civilization’s best traits (ironically born of Christian teachings)—including tolerance and pluralism—onto Muslims and thus incapable of believing the ugly reality of Christian suffering under Islam.
Insanity does not even begin to describe these barbarian freaks of Islam.
No but the word evil does. Wicked is another good descriptor. Savage goes a long way too.
They seem to want to warp the true concept .Like our mussie prez here in the US would like to warp the 14th amendment . I would only wish that ceasar only knew what is his first , instead of grabbing for total control . Yet this is what Lucifer did from the very beginning .By twisting the true meaning of God. Too,” really he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about” or ” what’s he trying to hide knowledge for true enlightenment “? . When he commanded that they would surely die for one particular disobedience. It wasn’t an assumption , but a fact. I believe Jesus is saying that which is corruptible cannot inherit ,that which is incorruptible. Depending on how you understand what a tributes purpose is valued for. Maybe Adam and Eves tribute was, TRUST, since they had no worldly possessions.
When satan the devil was trying to get Jesus to do his bidding and “submit” to his evil demands, he quoted verses from the Scriptures…twisting them…to try and make them fit his evil desires and trick Jesus. Jesus did not fall for it, but used the Scriptures to refute the devil’s claims (Matthew 4:1-11). God’s Kingdom is not a part of this world. Jesus stated this fact at John 18:36. saying, “My kingdom is no of this world.” That point is clear.
This muslim guy is just continuing the old tricks of satan. For those who know the Father, and know Jesus, the twisting won’t work. God and Caesar are not one and the same.
muslims believe that not one word of the Bible is true. muslims are secure in the ‘knowledge’ that the quran is perfect and the Bible is a corrupted quran.
Crushing all alternatives is simply a mandate in islam. No, muslims cannot trust allah. allah is a capricious deity that controls the universe on a constant basis.
Protip: When muslims are asked to explain why Isa* can’t be allah, muslims ultimately explain that allah can’t take a break from running the universe to do something as simple as live a human life from birth to death.
(Don’t let muslims use the name Jesus. Always correct them as they seek to confuse people by insisting on using a name they are not allowed to believe in.)
Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God; the Koran condemns those who say that God has a son.
Thus the Koran condemns Christ.
It also condemns Gabriel who announced to Mary that she would bear the Son of God. Note that Gabriel is supposed to have also delivered the Koran to the so called prophet.
If he were so wrong in what he told Mary, why would we trust what he “told” Mohammed?