Yesterday, many Arabic-language Internet news websites posted the following pictures, purporting to be of the leader (or “emir”) of the al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra [“Victory”] Front, which is in Syria waging jihad. According to these reports, Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani had managed to pass several military checkpoints dressed as a woman, until he was arrested by the Syrian army in al-Jaswiya, al-Qusayr, in his attempt to flee to neighboring Lebanon: “He shaved his beard, worked his eyebrows, and put on mascara and lipstick till he looked exactly like a woman.”
More on this — including how al-Jawlani would certainly not be the first jihadi leader to try to escape his enemies dressed as a woman — later.
You know how some people insult Muslims by calling them crude names that are the equivalents of sodomites and bestialists (butt- and goat-f**kers)? It turns out at least the sodomite insult is true! We have it straight from the mouth of none other than a Muslim cleric — a London-based Shiite cleric named Yasser Habib.
by Abu Nuwas:
O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it–
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your whore who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils
Surah 8:69: “But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good.” (Yusuf Ali)
“It may, superficially, appear distasteful to copulate with a woman who is not a man’s legal wife, but once Shariah makes something lawful, we have to accept it as lawful, whether it appeals to our taste, or not; and whether we know its underlying wisdom or not.”
Satan Attends Every Childbirth; He Touches Every Infant
Except for Mary and her Son Jesus, all babies cry during their birth, because Satan touches them… (Sahih Bukhari, 4.55.641)
Whenever a child is born, Satan pricks it; that is why the child cries. Only Mary and Jesus were not pricked by Satan…(Sahih Muslim,
30.5837, 5838)
Say prayer during sexual intercourse, and Satan will not touch your child…(Sahih Bukhari, 4.54.503
In a broadcast on the UK’s Fadak TV on May 24, 2012, Habib calmly and dispassionately asserts that all non-Shiite males — especially the Shiites’ Muslim rivals, the Sunnis — are sodomized at birth by the devil, and grow up to become “passive homosexuals”, i.e., the “bottom” of a homosexual pair who is penetrated in anal sex.
Islamic cleric confirms Muslim men really are sodomites
You know how some people insult Muslims by calling them crude names that are the equivalents of sodomites and bestialists (butt- and goat-f**kers)? It turns out at least the sodomite insult is true! We have it straight from the mouth of none other than a Muslim cleric — a London-based Shiite cleric named Yasser Habib.
In a broadcast on the UK’s Fadak TV on May 24, 2012, Habib calmly and dispassionately asserts that all non-Shiite males — especially the Shiites’ Muslim rivals, the Sunnis — are sodomized at birth by the devil, and grow up to become “passive homosexuals”, i.e., the “bottom” of a homosexual pair who is penetrated in anal sex.
“Anyone who consents to being called ‘Emir of the Believers’ is a passive homosexual. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, for example, who willingly assumed this title, was, without a doubt, a passive homosexual. The same goes for the caliphs Othman Ibn Affan, Muawiyya, Yazid, and the rules and sultans of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties, as well as some of the rulers and sultans of our day and age.
For example, the king of Morocco bears this title. This is how you know that he is a passive homosexual. This is in addition to the evidence revealed by Western media, which showed that the current king of Morocco is indeed a passive homosexual who belongs to the homosexual community. This was leaked from his palace by his assistants, his servants, and his ‘boys,’ whom he would penetrate and who would penetrate him. They fled to Europe, sought asylum, and exposed all this.
Cleric Yasser Habib.
It is told (in the hadith) that Umar Ibn Al-Khattab had an anal disease, which could be cured only by semen. One should know that this is a well-known medical condition, which is also mentioned in sacred texts. Someone who, God forbid, has been penetrated in the anus, a worm grows within him, due to the semen discharged in him…
A disease develops in his anus, and as a result, he cannot calm down, unless. he is penetrated again and again.
The Shiites are undoubtedly protected from this disease, and from committing this abominable and hideous act. As for the Nasibis (who hated the prophet Muhammad’s family), they are definitely afflicted with this homosexuality.
One of the devils is present at the birth of every human being. If Allah knows that the newborn is one of our Shiites, He fends off that devil, who cannot harm the newborn. But if the newborn is not one of our Shiites, the devil inserts his index finger into the anus of the newborn, who thus becomes a passive homosexual. If the newborn is not a Shiite, the devil inserts his index finger into this newborn’s anus, and when he grows up, he becomes a passive homosexual.
If the newborn is a female, the devil inserts his index finger into her vagina, and she becomes a whore. At that moment, the newborn cries loudly, as he comes out of his mother’s womb. Note that some children cry normally at birth, while others cry loudly and incessantly. You should know that this is the work of that devil, according to this narration.”
Islam is NOT a religion, but an insane political system and sex cult populated by the severely mentally impaired.”
When cleric Yasser Habib “says ‘passive homosexual’, he is referring to the receptive, submissive, female-equivalent partner. Dominant, inserting male homosexual activity is universally accepted in Islam. He has no problem with that. It’s grown men ‘catching’ that he has a problem with.”
So. how can they denounce homosexuality so vehemently?
“A disease develops in his anus, and as a result, he cannot calm down, unless. he is penetrated again and again.” This is obviously a distortion, but, it is true that homosexuality transmits diseases, the worst being AIDS. Is it worth practicing a clearly un-natural act, sodomy, just for some kind of perceived pleasure, to risk catching diseases like clamydia, or AIDS?
“Greatest Deceiver.” isn’t that what Satan said that HE was??? Odd, huh.
BINGO, Herman, you have highlighted the correlation. Also, if their women weren’t just so effin ugly, it would be easier to spot the crossdressers. Now, string up this weirdo.
I would go for stringing him up where they found him BUT with This President and Racist AG he will get all OUR rights and privileges and We again will have to foot the bill. Remember in Nov, and again in 2016
Joel 3:3 “and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it.4 “What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something?”
But their peaceful…right?….Just ask them…LOL
That would explain this verse, 3 “They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold girls for wine to drink.” 4“What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something?Joel 3:3,4
Obviously talking about those in the Middle East who are causing the trouble.
Certainly it would take away an avenue of escape after a crime or disguise during a crime if these awful articles of clothing were outlawed. He may have looked like a woman to some who viewed him, but not the most attractive, by far. What will be his punishment is the next logical question,
poor baby, jihad not quite workin out for ya?
I hope they hung him by his buster-browns.
S/he looks like Muammar Gaddafi. Always thought that with a little work, ol’ Muam would’ve been a looker. MG also bore a striking resemblance to our own Presiding Bishop of ECUSA (Episcopal Church, USA), especially in her official pictures.
What a good looking cross dresser this guy is. The sultry pout is priceless. Botox?
They all look alike to me….ugly!
al-Qaeda’s new poster boy for GLAAD .
He should have kept his moustache, not having one would be a dead-set giveaway that he was not a female.
Muzlum gets caught cross-dressing then claims he’s a jihadist. To me he just looks like another ugly democrat woman.
Should he be put to death as a cross dresser. I hear it’s a Real bad thing over there…oh wait, as long as you can get away with murdering people,,,it’s OK…Yeah, I forgot. But then what is the Difference between this getup and the Man-Dresses they wear all the time? Other then the face mask that is…. 😉
I think I saw this guy at the comedy club in L.A.
Ah, he wasn’t “disguised”. He was just acting normally, but got caught.
Let him wear those clothes while in-processing into prison.
Probably won’t make any difference in the way he feels about the “72 virgins”, though. I mean, he’s obviously beyond that . . .. .
In Southern Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Balochistan, sex with animals is a common practice among rural youths and considered a rite of passage into adulthood.
In southern Punjab, much of NWFP, Sindh and Balochistan sodomy and bestiality are common among rural youths. In fact, he caught two boys trying to rape a goat in the vicinity of the mazar of Hazrat Sultan Bahu. The punishment meted out to them was 10 blows with a chhittar (shoe) each on their butts. They protested however that in many rural areas having sex with an animal was considered a rite of passage on the way to becoming full members of the male society!
Desegregation of the sexes and promiscuity
Ishtiaq Ahmed (associate professor of political science at Stockholm University),
Daily Times, June 27, 2006
In June 2011, a male who was caught having sex with another man’s donkey was
fined Rs 50,000. This fine was not imposed for having sex with an animal, but
for committing adultery. The raped donkey was labelled a ‘kari’ (an adultress)
and eventually honor killed by its owner.
Incredible though it may sound, a donkey was declared ‘Kari’ and shot dead here in a remote area on Monday. The Jirga imposed 110,000 rupees fine on the alleged ‘Karo’.
The reports said that in Village Ghahi Khan Jatoi, a villager Ghazi Khan alias
Malang shot dead his donkey on being ‘Kari’ with Sikandar Ali alias Deedo. He
attempted to kill Sikander too but the alleged Karo managed to escape and
surrendered himself to an influential person of the area.
Sources said the influential person summoned both the parties and imposed
110,000 rupees fine on the Karo. They said Sikander and his family were forced
to pay Rs 50,000 on the spot and the remaining amount in two installments.
The sources added that the alleged Karo pleaded innocence at the Jirga, but the
Jirga members paid no attention to it. Sikander’s family said he paid Rs 50,000
to save his life otherwise he would have been killed.
Donkey declared ‘Kari’ killed
Pakistani Muslims are not alone in their search for porn.
Google, the world’s most popular Internet search engine, has found in a survey
that mostly Muslim states seek access to sex-related websites and Pakistan tops
the list. Google found that of the top 10 countries – searching for sex-related
sites – six were Muslim, with Pakistan on the top. The other Muslim countries are Egypt at number 2, Iran at 4, Morocco at 5, Saudi Arabia at 7 and Turkey at 8. Non-Muslim states are Vietnam at 3, India at 6, Philippines at 9 and Poland at 10.
Khalid Hasan, Daily Times, May 17, 2006
Here are the Muslim countries and how they placed in the top five world ranking
of various bestiality-related internet search terms:[8]
Pig Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Egypt (No. 2) Saudi Arabia (No. 3)
Donkey Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 3) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Dog Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Saudi Arabia (No. 3)
Cat Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 2) Egypt (No. 3) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Horse Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Turkey (No. 3)
Cow Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 2) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Goat Sex: Pakistan (No. 1)
Animal Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Morocco (No. 2) Iran (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)
Snake Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Malaysia (No. 3) Indonesia (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)
Monkey Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Indonesia (No. 3) Malaysia (No. 4)
Bear Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Saudi Arabia (No. 2)
Elephant Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Egypt (No. 3) United Arab Emirates (No. 4)
Malaysia (No. 5)
Fox Sex: Saudi Arabia (No. 1) Turkey (No. 4)
We always thought that aids came from sex with a monkey in Africa, but it may well have been this Muslim practise of bestiality that started it all. It is so weird how these things are suddenly being exposed when up until now we never paid much attention to Muslims and what they were doing since they give the appearance of being such devote religious persons.
THIS IS FROM A SHIA BLOG CONCERNING THE SECOND KALIFA OMER – “In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas”, i.e., “In wine there is truth, in water there is health.”
( Section : Misdeed )
Question :
In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon the Master of those who have been sent by Allah, Abil-Qasim Mohammad and his good and pure Family, and may the infinite curse be upon their enemies till the Day of Judgment.
May peace and the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Noble Sheikh, Yasser al-Habib.
May Allah make you among the ones who support the true
religion, and among those who take revenge for the Family of Mohammad along with the Imam of Truth (may Allah hasten his noble reappearance).
Noble Sheikh.
I have read in the book “Memoirs of Mr. Hempher” that Mohammad, son of Abdul-Wahhab (may curse be upon him) said that Omar used to mix alcohol with water and then drink it, and that he used to say that such a mixed drink is neither impure nor forbidden! How true is this? It’s well-known that Omar was addicted to drinking alcohol even after his acceptance of Islam. Did he continue this habit even after he possessed the leadership over the Muslims? And is this mentioned in their (Bakri) books of history??
Noble Sheikh, I know that you will reply to me with the best of replies, and that you’ll back up your arguments using excerpts from their (Bakri) books, and that you’ll give me strong arguments. Hence I thank you very much in advance, and I can personally not help you with anything but to pray for your success and ask Allah to gather you with those whom you love in His gardens.
I hope the brothers who work on the site can help me with this, because I have many Albanian friends at work who wish to read more about the sect of Ahlul-Bayt in their own language…so is there any Albanian website that speaks about Shiism? I have searched a lot for such a website, but with no luck. Please guide me, may Allah reward you with the best.
Your brother in the love of the Commander of the Faithful,
Faez al-Jobory
Answer :
In His Name, Sanctified be His Names. May peace and the
mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
There is no doubt that Omar, son of al-Khattab (may the curse of Allah be upon him) was addicted to drinking alcohol during both the
eras of Jahiliya (days of ignorance – pre-Islamic period) and Islam. As for his addiction on alcohol during the Jahiliya, he admitted by himself that he was one of those who used to drink alcohol the most! The following has been narrated in their (Bakri) sources: «I was the one among the people who used to drink it the most (i.e. alcohol) during the Jahiliya.» [1]
As for his addiction on alcohol during Islam, there was none
equal to him when it comes to drinking alcohol, despite the sequential verses that were revealed in declaring alcohol to be forbidden. That is because he used to make excuses saying that these verses were not clear and obvious enough when it comes to forbidding alcohol. He used to say that he rather wished to
see a clear verse on this matter, or otherwise he would never stop drinking!
The Bakris narrate the following: «When the forbiddance of alcohol was revealed, Omar, son of al-Khattab, said: “O Allah, give us an clear clarification on alcohol!” Then this verse of Surat al-Baqarah was revealed: “They ask you about alcohol and gambling. Say: ‘In them is a evil-doing…'” [2] Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) was then asked to abandon it (i.e. alcohol), so he said: “O Allah, give us an clear clarification on alcohol!” Then this verse of Surat
al-Nisaa’ was revealed: “O you who believe, do not come near prayers while you are intoxicated…” [3] When the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s blessings be upon him) used to call for prayers, he called that no intoxicated person should come near prayers. Omar was asked to abandon it, and it was read before him, and he said: “O Allah, give us an clear clarification on alcohol!” Thereupon, the verse in Al-Ma’ida [4] was revealed, and Omar was
asked to abandon it, and it was read before him, and when the reciter reached the part: “WIll you then abstain?” [5] Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I abstain! I abstain!”» [6]
Moreover, when the last verse that forbids alcohol was finally revealed, clearly stating the forbiddance of alcohol to such a degree that people such as Omar have no room to doubt whether or not it’s forbidden;
Omar was hit by sorrow and sadness and he expressed his grief because Allah forbade it and lowered its value so much that He compared it with gambling! The following is narrated of Sa’eed, son of Jubayr: «When the verse “They ask you about alcohol and gambling…” [7] some people disliked it because of His saying: “…In them is a evil-doing…” and some people drank it because of His saying: “…and means of profit for people…” When the following verse was revealed: “O you who believe, do not come near prayers
while you are intoxicated…” [8] they used to leave it when they would perform prayers and would drink it when they wouldn’t perform prayers. When the following verse was revealed: “Indeed, alcohol and gambling…” [9]
Omar said: “May that day in which it was compared to alcohol be
lost!”» [10]
However, despite that he openly announced his repentance and
abstention from alcohol, saying: «We abstain! We abstain!» he still continued doing so by making medical excuses and so on! As an example, he used to claim that it’s necessary to drink wine while eating camel meat in order to prevent any difficulties in digesting it! They have narrated the following saying of him:
«I drink a wine that cuts through the flesh of the camel within my stomach so that it will not hurt us!» [11]
It wasn’t sufficient to keep this habit for himself, but he also used to invite people to do so, claiming that drinking alcohol strengthens
the backbone and helps digestion! He used to say:
«Drink this wine in these vessels, for indeed, it strengthens the backbone and digests whatever is in the stomach, and it will not subdue you as long as you find water!» [12]
He (may Allah curse him) was so addicted to alcohol that he
expressed his immense passion for alcohol even at his death bed! Those who were around him said: «Which drink is the most beloved to you?» Upon which he said:
«Wine!» [13]
As for his allowance of drinking alcohol with the condition
of mixing it with water in order to decrease its concentration, here is its source: «Omar, son of al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), said:
“If you fear the intensity of a certain wine, then mix it with water.”» [14]
Hence we find that Bakri jurists have permitted drinking wine with such a mixture. [15]
Despite this ridiculousness of mixing wine with water to justify its permissibility, the Bakris still narrate that Omar (may Allah curse
him) used to drink intense wine without mixing it with water!
«It has been narrated of our Master, Omar (may Allah be pleased with him), that he used to drink intense wine and say:
“We will slaughter the camels and their necks belong the family of Omar, and nothing can cut them except intense wine!”» [16]
However, such a thing is to no surprise at all, because he who is so despicable and villainous to such a degree that he’s willing to
transgress on the Mistress of the women of all worlds, the daughter of the Chosen Messenger, the pure daughter, Fatima al-Batoul al-Zahra (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon her, and may my soul be sacrificed for her) has to be a person where all kinds of filth, and impurity, and bacchanalism, and uncleanness join together. So may the curse of Allah be upon him, and upon his
party, and upon everyone who is aware of his reality and still feels bad about cursing him and dissociating oneself from him.
We ask Allah to give you, and us, and all believing men and women, all that is good. Peace. The 21th of the month of Shawwal, year 1426.
[1] Al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya, by Ibn Katheer, volume 3, page 101
[2] The Qur’an 2:220
[3] The Qur’an 4:44
[4] The Qur’an 5:91
[5] The Qur’an 5:92
[6] Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, volume 1, page 53
[7] The Qur’an 2:220
[8] The Qur’an 4:44
[9] The Qur’an 5:91
[10] Al-Durr al-Manthour, by Al-Suyuti, volume 2, page 317
[11] Sunan al-Bayhaqi, volume 8, page 299
[12] Kanz-ul-Ummal, by Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, volume 5, page
[13] Sunan al-Bayhaqi, volume 3, page 113
[14] Sunan al-Bayhaqi, volume 8, page 326
[15] As an example, refer to the views of Al-Shafi’i in his
book, Al-Umm, volume 6, page 156
[16] Bada’i’-ul-Sana’i’, by Alaa’ul-Deen al-Kasani
al-Hanafi, volume 5, page 116
: 548
Which countries are the ones on no 2 or 3 or 1. I bet these are western countries. Hahaha
I wonder what happened to him next….you know how those Syrian Army guys are…))) That could be called just punishment.
Are these narrations which prove Aisha’s inclination towards obscenity, authentic?
( Section : Misdeed )
May peace and the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Are these narrations authentic according to the Sunnis?
Did Aisha truly order her sisters to breastfeed foreign men?
Why do Bakris reject these narrations?
Ahmad, son of Hanbal, said in his Musnad, volume 6, page 271:
“Aisha used to instruct her sisters and the daughters of her sisters, to breastfeed whomever she wanted to see her and enter upon her – even if he would be an adult – with five suckles. Then they would enter upon her. Umm Salam and the rest of the
Prophet’s wives refused to let any man enter upon them through such suckles”.
Another narration says that Aisha used to instruct the daughters of her brothers and the daughters of her sisters to breastfeed – whomever she wanted to enter upon her and see her – even if he would be an adult – with five suckles. Then he would enter upon her.
Narrator: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani.
Source: Fath’ul-Bari. Page or number: 53/9.
Conclusion: Its chain of narrators is Sahih (authentic).
What is the chain of the two narrations?
Abo Hassan
In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, and may blessings and peace be
upon our Master, Mohammad, and his good and pure Family, and may the curse of
Allah be upon all their enemies.
The office’s answer:
May peace and the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
The Sheikh said that the narration is authentic according to the Bakris. He also confirmed that it’s well-known among them. This act is regarded as one of the misdeeds of Aisha (may Allah curse her) and as one of the evidences of her deviation and obscene nature.
The 15th night of Shawwal, year 1430.
The office of Sheikh al-Habib in London
: 95
Hahahahahahahaha what a way to get busted dressed up as a woman .
‘Does Islam encourage violence’?
The instruction book on Islam encourages violence and hatred towards those that arent’ brainwashed by the quran
Hahaha damn coward