Open Doors USA recently released its widely cited 2014 World Watch List—a report that highlights and ranks the 50 worst nations around the globe persecuting Christians.
The one glaring fact that emerges from this report is that the overwhelming majority of Christian persecution around the world today is being committed at the hands of Muslims of all races, languages, cultures, and socio-political circumstances: Muslims from among America’s allies (Saudi Arabia) and its enemies (Iran); Muslims from economically rich nations (Qatar) and from poor nations (Somalia and Yemen); Muslims from “Islamic republic” nations (Afghanistan) and from “moderate” nations (Malaysia and Indonesia); Muslims from nations rescued by America (Kuwait) and Muslims claiming “grievances” against America (fill in the blank __).
A common denominator, a pattern, exists, one that is even more extensive than Open Doors implies. According to that organization’s communications director, Emily Fuentes, “of the 50 worst nations for persecution, 37 of them are Muslim,” or 74%.
In fact, while this number suggests that the other 13 countries making the top 50 are not Muslim—for example Kenya and Ethiopia—those doing the persecution there are.
In other words, those persecuting Christians in 41 of 50 nations are Muslims; that is, a whopping 82% of all persecution around the globe is being committed by the adherents of Islam—sometimes in Christian majority nations; for example, the Central African Republic which, after the 2013 Islamic takeover, now ranks #16, “severe persecution” (the Christian-majority nation did not even appear in the previous year’s top 50).
As for the top ten absolute worst nations, where, according to the 2014 World Watch List, Christians suffer “extreme persecution,” nine—that is, 90%—are Muslim. (Indeed, Open Doors’ global map of Christian persecution can easily be confused with a global map of the Islamic world, with the exception of China (ranked 37, “moderate persecution”) and some sporadic countries dominated by crime and godless tyranny, Colombia, North Korea, etc.)
Similarly, a recent Morning Star News report listing 2013’s ten most horrific anecdotes of Christian persecution around the world finds that nine out of ten—again, 90%—were committed at the hands of those professing Islam.
Still, considering that the 2014 World Watch List ranks North Korea—non-Islamic, communist—as the number one worst persecutor of Christians, why belabor the religious identity of Muslims?
Here we come to some critically important but blurred distinctions. While Christians are indeed suffering extreme persecution in North Korea, these fall into the realm of the temporal, the aberrant, even. Something as simple as overthrowing the North Korean regime would likely end persecution there almost overnight—just as the fall of Communist Soviet Union saw religious persecution come to a quick close.
In the Islamic world, however, a similar scenario would not alleviate the sufferings of Christians by an iota. Quite the opposite; where dictators fall—Saddam in Iraq, Mubarak in Egypt, Qaddafi in Libya, and ongoing attempts to oust Assad in Syria—Christian persecution rises.
The reason for this dichotomy is that Christian persecution by non-Muslims (mostly communists) is often rooted to a temporal regime or ideology. Conversely, Muslim persecution of Christians is perennial, existential, and far transcends this or that regime or ruler. It is part and parcel of the history, doctrines, and socio-political makeup of Islam—hence its tenacity; hence its ubiquity.
Still, the significance of all this is often overlooked. Thus, “Dr. David Curry, CEO and president of Open Doors USA, told The Blaze ‘Not every circumstance is the same. For example, in North Korea, you have a quasi-Stalinist government that is the most difficult place to call yourself a Christian on the planet — and has been for the last 12 years,’ he noted. But while North Korea’s government is the real culprit, in places like Iraq, ‘roving extremist groups’ are waging attacks against Christians, while government officials are seemingly powerless to stop the carnage, he explained.”
True; but atheistic Stalinism/communism is a relatively new phenomenon—about a century old—and, over the years, its rule (if not variants of its ideology) has greatly waned, so that only a handful of nations today are communist.
On the other hand, “roving extremist groups” (also known in other contexts and countries as “Islamists,” “terrorists,” “mujahidin,” “mobs,” “radicals,” “people-with-grievances,” etc.) attacking and killing “infidel” Christians have been around since the dawn of Islam. It is a well-documented, even if suppressed, history.
To further understand the differences between temporal and existential persecution, consider: Russia, once a staunch Orthodox Christian nation, led the communist movement and persecuted its own Christians; yet today, a century later, it is becoming more orthodox again, prominent among Western nations for showing support for persecuted Christians.
North Korea—where its leader, Kim Jong-Un, is worshipped as a god and the people are shielded from reality, including outside their borders—seems to be experiencing what Russia did under the Soviet Union and thus living in a delusional state.
But if the once mighty USSR could not persevere, surely it’s a matter of time before tiny North Korea’s walls also come crumbling down, with the resulting religious freedom that former communist nations have experienced. (Tellingly, the only countries that were part of the USSR that still persecute Christians are Muslim, such as Uzbekistan, ranked #15, “severe persecution,” and Turkmenistan, ranked #20, also “severe persecution.”)
Time, however, is not on the side of Christians living amid Muslims; quite the opposite. Since the 7th century, when Islam came into being, Muslims have been invading and conquering Christian lands, so that more than half of the territory that was once Christian in the 7th century—including all of North Africa and the Levant—are today the heart of the “Muslim world.”
Muslim persecution of Christians exists in 41 nations today as part of a continuum that started nearly 14 centuries ago. As I document in Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians, the very same patterns of Christian persecution prevalent throughout the Muslim world today are often identical to those from centuries past. The facts speak for themselves.
A final consideration: North Korea, the one non-Muslim nation making the top ten worst persecutors list, is governed by what is widely seen as an unbalanced megalomaniac (hence the “aberrant” persecution); conversely, the other nine nations are not dominated by any “cults-of-personalities” and are variously governed, including through parliamentarian democracies (Iraq), republics (Maldives, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen), Islamic republics (Afghanistan, Iran), and monarchies (Saudi Arabia).
The common denominator is that they are all Islamic nations.
Thus, long after North Korea’s psychotic Kim Jong-Un has gone the way of the dodo, Islam will still be here and—short of a miraculous “reformation”—still treating Christians and other “infidels” like it did for centuries.
Confronting this understandably discomforting and better-left-unsaid fact is the first real step to alleviating the sufferings of the overwhelming majority of Christians around the world.
Unfortunately, however, while some are willing to point out that Christians are being persecuted around the Muslim world—why that is the case, why 82% of the world’s persecution is committed by Muslims from a variety of backgrounds and circumstances—is the great elephant in the room that few wish to address. For doing so would cause some long held and cherished premises of the modern West to come crashing down.
Even worse, the West is complicit in the destruction of Christians by Islam in that the West is actively supporting Islamic government and aids and abets the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East and the jihadis that are raping and murdering Christians in the region. I look at the West and see it acting in self hatred.
YO ARIUS 1071,
Giancarlo Finazzo
L’Osservatore Romano
Weekly Edition in English
13 April 1978, page 4
L’Osservatore Romano is the newspaper of the Holy See.
Among the persons of Sacred History mentioned in the Koran,
the Virgin Mary occupies an important position on the historical and dogmatic
plane. In addition to being the object of as many as thirty-four direct or
indirect references, Mary also gives Sura XIX its name and is its central
figure as the mother of Jesus. The characteristic note of references to the
Virgin in the Koran and, to an even greater extent, in Islamic tradition, can
be seen both in the information about her genealogy and her childhood—a part of
which is more detailed than in the four Gospels—and in the language and way of
narration which are seen to be particularly significant. Without going deeply
into the question of the validity of the information and of the vast Islamic
exegetics or “Mariology” to which it has given rise, we will limit
ourselves here to recalling that the sources of Moslem tradition are, in this
connection, the Arab Gospel of Childhood, the Protogospel of James, the Gospel
of Pseudo Matthew, the traditions of judaizing Christians and the Hadith.
To confirm the extraordinary value of the person of Mary,
the fact that to her, alone among creatures, and to her Son, is attributed a
nature exempt from all sin, is sufficient. We know that the Islamic religion
ignores the concept of original sin; it attributes to man, however, a natural
defectibility which makes him impure and imperfect from birth. Nevertheless, in
a famous Hadith attributed to the Prophet, it is affirmed that:
“Every child is touched by the devil as
soon as he is born and this contact makes him cry. Excepted are Mary and her
From this Hadith and from verses 35-37 of Sura III, Moslem
commentators have deduced and affirmed the principle of Mary’s original purity.
God, in fact, according to the Koranic text, granted the wish of Anna who
consecrated to him Mary, about to be born, and the One to whom she would give
birth (III, 37). God predestined Mary and purified her, raising her above all
women (III, 45).
After this premise it is not surprising that the dogma of
the Immaculate Conception, though only implicitly contained in verses III, 31,
37, is univocally recognized by the Islamic religion. The recognition arises
without difficulty also from the repeated and always unanimous evaluation of
the extraordinary person of Mary and of her pure life (III, 42; XXI 91; LXVI,
12) which set her, with her Son, above every other created being.
Mary’s childhood, as seen through the Koran narration and
Islamic tradition, is entirely a miracle. Mary grows under direct divine
protection; she is nourished daily by angels (III, 32) and has visions of God
every day. Everything contributes to making her and her Son a signum for
mankind (V, 79; XXI, 91; XXIII, 50). But if the detailed narration of Mary’s
childhood confirms the exceptional value of her person, it is necessary to
stress that the greatness of Mary is completely related to the extraordinary
event constituted by the birth of her son Jesus. The fearful and sweet vicissitudes
that precede and accompany the birth and the childhood of her whom God chose
above all women, are, in fact; nothing but the prelude to the coming of the
Messiah (III, 40). Therefore, in the intentions of Mahomet and the whole
Islamic tradition, the advent of the Man generated by the Word (III, 45) finds
in the history of the little Mary the mysterious preceding fact that prepares
the believer, even more than the Gospels themselves do, for an expectation full
of awe and hope.
This atmosphere, so charged with expectation and wonder,
certainly does not disappear at the moment of the annunciation—a moment that
for Mary is the highest and most mysterious one in her earthly life, and that
reveals to her at last the significance of her function in the history of men.
The Koran does not indicate the place in which this mystery was carried but
(XIX, 16). It asserts, on the contrary, (III, 42 FF: XIX, 17) that God sent his
Spirit under the semblance of a handsome young man who, similarly to what is
narrated in the Gospel of Pseudo Matthew, was the Archangel Gabriel, often
identified in ancient time with the Spirit of truth or with times divine Spirit
(ruh ul-amin and ruh Allah, XVI, 102; XIX, 17; XXVI, 193). It. should be
pointed out that in the Koran version Mary does not utter the fiat which
expresses her responsible acceptance of the divine will. Here she merely asks:
“How can I give birth to a son if no man has touched
me?”; receiving the answer; “Just so! God creates what he wants: when
he decides something, it is enough that he should say: let it be! and it
is” (III, 147; XIX, 203). A version that confirms the typically Islamic
sense of the absolute authority and power of God, and the complete submission
of man to his will.
The Koran then narrates that Mary, feeling the moment
approach in which she would give birth, withdrew to a lonely place in the East.
Moslem exegetics is not unanimous in recognizing Bethlehem as the place of the Messiah’s birth
nor does it seem to have attached much importance to the question. It lingered,
on the contrary, on the episode of Mary who, tired and sad, invokes death (XIX,
22-26). The Spirit of truth answers her once more, bringing to her both
spiritual and material comfort. Here, in fact, is inserted the well-known and delightful
story of the Virgin who quenches her thirst with the water of a stream that
suddenly gushes out under her feet, and who feeds on the dates of a palm tree.
The Koran gives no details about the birth of Jesus. It at
once presents Mary who, returning among her people and showing them the Child,
becomes the object of terrible slanders. The episode, brief but dramatic, is
suddenly solved when the Infant, speaking unexpectedly from the cradle, takes
his Mother’s defense and exonerates her from all blame (XIX, 30-33). This
miracle, to which the Koran refers more than once (e.g. III, 46; V, 113), is
among those that have made most impression on the imagination of Moslem
believers and that are still alive in their conscience. The episode, however,
has also a kerigmatic importance for Islamic theology, since the fact that the
Child speaks from the cradle is a violation of natural laws and therefore bears
witness to the greatness of the Spirit that is in him.
The Koran does not give us any other information on the
Virgin’s life, while tradition recalls various and partly conflicting versions
of the last years of her earthly presence and of her ascension to heaven. But
neither the Koran nor tradition give the story of the Transitus Mariae.
Mahomet defended Mary’s
Those who do not know the Islamic religion may be surprised
to learn that Mahomet defended Mary’s virginity, or that he recognized her as
the woman chosen by God for a function that was to be unique in history.
Mahomet’s commitment to defend her and exalt her, also explains his harsh
condemnation of the Jews (e.g. V, 156), guilty of persisting in the slander and
in refusing to admit Mary’s unique role. It is necessary to clarify, however,
that, also for Mahomet, Mary is unimaginable if dissociated from her Son: the
divine election and the purity of the Mother are directly proportioned to the
qualities of the Son; the moment of their interdependence is greatly felt,
therefore, since the historical greatness of Mary is conditioned by that of her
Son, and the Son in his turn depends on his Mother, who constitutes the
indispensable promise for his presence on earth. In the Koran Christ is called
repeatedly Issa ibn Maryam—”Jesus son of Mary” (V, 19, 75, 81, 113;
XIX, 34)—a name which if it will become perhaps the best known one in the
Islamic world, will also be the one that characterizes most the figure of
Christ. This correlation, which has led Moslem religious thought to affirm the
indissolubility of the dual concept Mary-Jesus and to base its refutation of
Christian doctrine on it, seems to have its foundation in the principle of
necessity. The negation of Christ’s divinity finds its reason, in fact,
precisely in Mary’s human nature; that is, in the genetic relationship which,
entailing the transmission of properties, would exclude a leap of quality from
Mother to Son.
This conception, in which there is also inherent the idea of
the primacy of the female line over the male line (in the Koran narration of
Mary’s life, while the person of Zacharias, the Virgin’s uncle and guardian, is
thwarted by the constant presence of the Angel of the Lord, that of Joseph is
completely ignored), is due, in our opinion, more than to the influence of the
apocrypha, to an ancient way of feeling that is characteristic of the Semites
of Arabia. It is a way of feeling which, is also alive in Mahomet and which
leads to mental operations of the analogical type, to a thought geared less to
speculation than to the pursuit of parallelisms, to the concordance of diverse
but congruent elements, and therefore to the vision of a firm reality, because
it is founded on perfect and therefore immutable relationships, which seem to
exclude the possibility of gradual evolution. What Mahomet and his commentators
failed to grasp intellectually, is the concept that the presence of God can
come about in different ways, realizing itself as a circumstantial and
determined presence, without causing for this reason any alternation in God
himself. This presence, furthermore, may have the character of a gradual and
growing manifestation; and may mark a new temporal effect at the very moment in
which God sets up a new relationship with his creatures. That Islamic theology
should find it so difficult to grasp this concept, seems almost incomprehensible
when it is remembered that Mahomet himself, in addition to affirming with
unusual forcefulness the omnipotence of God, also perceived a certain
development God’s manifestation of himself through his “messengers”,
and recognized Moses, and particularly Jesus and himself, as having a role
which, though not well defined theoretically, seems superior to that of the
other prophets.
In this case, too, mention should be made, for the sake of
equity, of the doctrinal difficulties connected with the Arab social and
religious environment in the sixth and seventh centuries, which Mahomet had to
cope with and by which he was conditioned to no small degree. Also the
historical figure of Mary raised problems for him. At the end of the century,
in fact, precisely some Christians of Arabia had introduced the Marian cult
which, in the time of Mahomet, had already degenerated into worship of the
Virgin as the third person of the Holy Trinity. The inevitable disapproval and
condemnation by the prophet of Islam, thus involved the historical person of
Mary in new polemics.
Taken from:
L’Osservatore Romano
Weekly Edition in English
13 April 1978, page 4
L’Osservatore Romano is the newspaper of the Holy See.
The Weekly Edition in English is published for the US by:
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I’m not catholic, and I have some definite disagreements with catholicism…
But dude, you need to put down whatever you’ve been smoking.
Can I have some of your pot?
When you graduate to second grade level insults, please let the rest of us know. Thanks!
What a world!~
I agree 100%. Here’s the thing…I share all your articles on Twitter, FB, Google+, and in my blog. I try to talk to my friends, family, and strangers about the harsh realities of religious oppression. Especially since I got to live in the Middle East for 2 years. I have donated to organizations like International Christian Concern, VOM, & Open Doors. What people need to know, aside from the facts, is what can they do. From our comfortable sofas, what can we actually do to make a difference and to aid our suffering brothers and sisters? I try to tell others that they can give to orgs like the ones I mention above. But is there anything more we can do???
Jesus said it would happen that those who choose to follow him, due to ‘his name”… would be persecuted and those who endured to the end, whether to the end of their lives or to the end of a “system of things”…would be saved (See Matthew and Mark).
Jesus was and is a True Prophet. His instructions for enduring: pray for God’s Name to be regarded as Holy, His Kingdom to come, and for God to do His will on earth as He does His will in heaven (See Matthew).
He said when it gets bad, to lift up one’s head and know relief is near (See Luke).
These are terrible reports, There are many who care and many who do what they can to help. But there is only one real answer: the answer to the prayer Jesus prayed and told his followers to pray.
So your answer is to do nothing and accept the situation. Not fight back, just accept it. How stupid!
If you read what I wrote, then you read what the Bible says Jesus told his followers to do: Pray as Christ instructed and for endurance. You call that stupid?
I also said there are many who care, many who do what they can to help. Is this the part that’s stupid?
I believe it’s most important to follow what Christ said to do. I also believe it’s important to help others escape this horrible treatment if we are able.
The ultimate, and only “real answer” that will do the most to end the persecution of Christians, in fact, will bring a real and final end, is God doing His will on earth, making His name Holy, and all that means for mankind.
You may think that’s stupid. Each of us to his opinion.
Yes, I believe that not fighting evil is stupid. “Praying for endurance” without killing or attempting to destroy you is about as effective as the Jews reporting to the railroad stations for “resettlement.”
Your statement that “the only “real answer” . . . is God doing His will on earth . . . yada yada . . . ” is terrific. If you feel like being wiped out. What about “God helps those who help themselve.” Neither the Christian religion nor the Jewish religion is a suicide pact. The Christians struck back against the evil religion known as Islam in the middle ages. It is long past time to strike back with all the power the Christians, Jews, Buddhists and all other Infidels can muster to remove this evil from the face of the earth.
“God helps those who help themselves” is not a phrase that is found in the Bible.
He helped Jesus, He helped many who lived earlier than Christ, during the time of Christ, and after Christ returned to His Father. Some of those He helped were children or otherwise unable to “help themselves.” In fact, there is an account where the people were told to “stand still” and see salvation by God. Further fact: this was said on more than one occasion when the enemies of God’s people were warring with them ( Exodus14:13; 2 Chronicles 20:17).
I don’t call “stupid” any who act on what they believe to be what God wants them to do in a situation where lives are at stake. I’m sure that if I lived in one of the countries listed in the article, I would be hard pressed not to do as you think I should as opposed to what I believe would be the right course for me. And if it comes to it, as it might, that this country turns into madness with muslims slaughtering Christians and other *infidels,* then we will face it as those in the listed lands do. Not all of them go out and fight, some do. Each one must decide what is right according to his understanding of what God wills for him. God is the Judge of each one and will render to each one accordingly.
But we must remember that Christ was persecuted…to death. He said that his followers would be persecuted…some to death. In fact, the accounts show Stephen, Peter, James and others were killed for their faith and obedience.
Christ also said that he had “conquered the world” and that his followers should “take courage” as they could conquer also (John 16:33).
Thank you for engaging in this most interesting conversation. Each should make a public declaration of his faith. At least we all can agree that Christians are being persecuted as Jesus said they would be and that as the “world hates” Christians, it should not surprise us that the “world” is allowing it ( Matthew 10:22; John 15:18-25).
I think it’s time to realize that the answer to this little problem of Muslims killing Christians and jews is not found in scholarly study of the intricacies of either the old or new testament, but rather in the experience of history and nature. History and nature teach us that one must either destroy the enemy or the enemy will destroy him. Wars are won by well-armed brave men. They are not won by rabbis or priests talking about prayer or turning the other cheek. There is a time to pray and a time to fight. It is time for men to fight. I suppose the women and those to feeble to fight can do the praying.
And I understand what you are saying. I happen to believe, strongly, that the end of all things has approached, as Christ said it would and that God Himself will soon take action to put an end to persecution forever. He has promised to do this and although we cannot know the “day or hour,” Jesus did give a “sign” for us to know when it is imminent.
The early disciples asked Jesus for a “sign” and he gave it to them. Because the Christians in Jerusalem followed the instructions for what to do when they saw this “sign” happening all around them, and fled to the mountains, they were alive when Titus brought his armies and killed those remaining in the city, and took any survivors as slaves back to Rome. This has been recorded in histroy…which you cite as what will “teach” us as to what we should do. I agree that “history” has many lessons for us. This is a lesson that I take seriously as those Christians believed Jesus and obeyed. Obedience preserved their lives. Faith won out over the fighting by others.
One part of the “sign” is that “Jesus retuns” with power and authority to cleanse this earth of all those doing evil. Thus, “God’s will and His Kingdom” will put an end to the slaughter in a way that a war between men can never accomplish.
Whether “feeble” men or women choose to excerise faith, knowing that they might be killed or might be protected, whether “men” choose to fight or to not fight, is for each one to decide based on their measure of faith and understanding of Scripture and history. In any case, all should pray, not just the ‘feeble and women.’
Well, Jesus was a Jew, and so am I. As a Jew, the lesson I derive from history, especially from the holocaust, is that praying doesn’t save your life. What stopped Hitler was millions of Russian, American and British soldiers armed with guns, airplanes, battleships, artillery, etc. A good rifle and brave ‘comrades’ combined with intelligence, eduction and training is far more effective than prayer. If and when the enemy attacks me, they will be met with bullets, knives or whatever else is at hand. Prayer does not seem to be doing much for the Coptic Christians whose numbers are rapidly approaching zero.
Of course, what you say regarding WWII is true; millions of Jews and other non-Jewish victims were killed by those who were trying for the “solution.” And it’s also true that armies from several nations came with many and various weapons to put an end to the slaughter.
But it is also true that no nation, nor combination of nations, is willing or able to stop the persecution and killing of Christians throughout the world by muslims. It just isn’t going to happen.
If an individual, whether Christian, Jew, or Jew who has chosen Christianity is confronted with muslim hordes bent on killing, “whatever is at hand” probably won’t be enough. As a Jew, you are likely very familiar with what happened in the ghetto when the Jews realized that they faced death and fought back against the nazis. It was a valiant effort that failed.
If one can defend self and family, I have no problem with that and it’s not for me to judge anyway. I’m just saying that prayer is the most powerful weapon we possess because of the power of God in the answer.
And, as I have said previously, Jesus said to pray. He prayed. In fact, he prayed for deliverance when he saw his “cup” was there at hand and the pain of it all was to be so very great. He prayed, but it was God’s will that Jesus conquer the world through sacrifice. And some Christians today will also conquer the world, but not physically survive the assault. Others, as Jesus promised, would physically survive, because as he said, “Some would never see death.”
And Jesus prayed the prayer that many copy, the one I referenced in my other comment. We can expect that prayer to be answered at the right time for it. Since Jesus promised that there would be survivors of this time we are living and the assaults on his followers, although some, many, may die, others will survive. On behalf of all of those undergoing the persecution and slaughter, those of us who care can pray for them.
It is interesting that you write “It is also true that no nation, nor combination of nations, is willing or able to stop the persecution and killing of Christians throughout the world by muslims. It just isn’t going to happen. PERHAPS THIS IS WHAT WE SHOULD BE PRAYING FOR. In addition to praying we should be working the internet and marching on Washington!! This nation and Europe were Christian nations!! How dare we sit still and watch Christians, Jews and others get slaughtered by Muslim, while this piece of shit in the White House and Muslim Cohorts IMPORT MUSLIM REFUGEES!! WE NEED A 10 MILLION MAN MARCH ON WASHINGTON!!
Neither fighting nor prayer should be neglected…I would venture to say that millions of fighting men prayed, and that millions of citizens of America and Britain also prayed…it seems that few knew the horrors of the holocaust until after the war, but had they known, there would have been a whole lot of praying for Jews going on in these two countries.
Prayer is useless
Religion will be the death of us.
Correction, ISLAM will be the death of us, as it already is for many people.
Yeah, because the xtians are just SO peaceful.
This is what Muslim immigration invites into our homes.
This is treason by our government. All these politicians and bureaucrats need to be overthrown in a revolution and held criminally accountable for their systemic treason.