By Mike Fegelman
Middle East scholar Raymond Ibrahim delves into the issue delves into the issue of why the mainstream media continues to ignore the radical Muslim persecution of Christians. This human rights catastrophe is seeing “anywhere from 100-200 million Christians persecuted every year; one Christian is martyred every five minutes. Approximately 85% of this persecution occurs in Muslim majority nations. In 1900, 20% of the Middle East was Christian. Today, less than 2% is”. According to Ibrahim, Muslim converts to Christianity and Christian evangelists are attacked, imprisoned, and sometimes beheaded; countless churches across the Islamic world are being banned or bombed; Christian women and children are being abducted, enslaved, raped, and/or forced to renounce their faith.
During a recent U.S. congressional hearing, it was revealed that thousands of traumatized Syrian Christians asked “Why is America at war with us?”
Ibrahim states the answer is that “very few Americans have any clue concerning what is happening to their coreligionists. Few mainstream media speak about the horrific persecution millions of people are experiencing”.
“If the full magnitude of this phenomenon was ever know, many cornerstones of the mainstream media—most prominent among them, that Israel is oppressive to Palestinians—would immediately crumble.
Why? Because radical Muslim persecution of Christians throws a wrench in the media’s otherwise well-oiled narrative that “radical-Muslim-violence-is-a-product-of-Muslim-grievance”—chief among them Israel.
Consider it this way: because the Jewish state is stronger than its Muslim neighbors, the media can easily portray Islamic terrorists as frustrated “underdogs” doing whatever they can to achieve “justice.” No matter how many rockets are shot into Tel Aviv by Hamas and Hezbollah, and no matter how anti-Israeli bloodlust is articulated in radical Islamic terms, the media will present such hostility as ironclad proof that Palestinians under Israel are so oppressed that they have no choice but to resort to terrorism.
However, if radical Muslims get a free pass when their violence is directed against those stronger than them, how does one rationalize away their violence when it is directed against those weaker than them—in this case, millions of indigenous Christians?
The media simply cannot portray radical Muslim persecution of Christians—which in essence and form amount to unprovoked pogroms—as a “land dispute” or a product of “grievance” (if anything, it is the ostracized and persecuted Christian minorities who should have grievances). And because the media cannot articulate radical Islamic attacks on Christians through the “grievance” paradigm that works so well in explaining the Arab-Israeli conflict, their main recourse is not to report on them at all”.
Read the article in its entirety here.
Reporters and media are the foulest liars our society has ever produced.
At least we can put con men like Madoff in prison and round up murders and rapists but these dirt bags get awards and raises for the information pollution they dump each and every day into the community wellspring that informs us all.
Horsewhipping them would be too kind.