By Joseph Parker
A cleric has issued a fatwa urging destitute Syrian women to become sex slaves to jihadists in order to keep the civil war raging in that country. In a video, Jordanian Sheikh Yassin al-Ajlawni, said the following:
“The needy, disenfranchised Syrian woman is permitted to ask the Muslim man who is capable of supporting her, to enter into [sic] a ‘right hand possession’ contract with him, whereby she becomes his right hand possession.”
According to Raymond Ibrahim in an article on The Blaze website says the recent fatwa was issued in an attempt to keep the Syrian jihad alive. Many would say that clerics like al-Ajlawni will resort to any means in order to legitimize otherwise forbidden behavior.
Many believe the sex slave fatwa is an attempt to “gratify the sexual urges of jihadists” fighting in Syria. The “sex slave” fatwa issued by al-Ajlawni said:
We hereby give fatwa permitting the Syrian woman who desires to be married to a Muslim man, via a ‘right hand possession’ contract—whereby he becomes her master and she becomes his slave—that all this contract needs is for the woman be clean of her menstruation period, and that this contract be registered with the sheikhs or other authorities, either in a Sharia or civil court.
Afterwards, once the woman says, ‘I give you possession over myself,’ via contract of ‘right hand possession,’ this woman becomes his loyal servant, and he her lord; she becomes a slave and concubine to him, and he must support her according to a previously agreed upon monetary fee … thus they become governed by the rulings of “right hand possession,” and there is no problem with this, Allah willing.
Another fatwa permitted the jihadists in Syria to enslave and rape any non-Sunni women—including Alawites (Assad’s sect), Christians, Druze, and all Shia. Radical Muslims use Koran 4:3 which is said to be a verse permitting the enslavement and sexual use of conquered “infidel” women.
The extremist behavior of radical Muslims have shown us there’s nothing they won’t do in order to justify their abhorrent behavior of rape and murder. Muslim rebels in Syria have even toasted civilians in ovens and murdered families outside of Damascus in December of 2013.
Radicals in Syria have also been accused of cutting off women’s breasts and labias. A Turkish-born Orthodox nun, Sister Hatune Dogan, said that radicals were killing Christians and bottling their blood to sell in Saudi Arabia. The continuing violence against Christians, and Alawites had one Syrian bishop urging Christians to “engage in self-defense” against Islamists.
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