Last year, according to Arabic media accounts, “Saudi cleric Nasser al-‘Umar issued a fatwa permitting mujahidin [jihadis] in Syria to have sex-jihad with their sisters [muharamhum] if no one else is available. The Saudi preacher also praised the mujahidin for their ongoing fight against, in his words, the machine of infidelity and oppression, that is, the Syrian and Iranian regimes.”

The cleric issued his fatwa on “one of the channels associated with the radical jihadi movements” where he also reportedly said: “Some today are opposing the fatwas being issued by the clerics which serve our mujahidin brethren fighting in Syria [a likely reference to Muslim criticism—as opposed to Western denial—of the sex–jihad fatwas], without criticizing the killing of children and women in Syria.”
As shocking as this report may seem, it is not the first of its kind. For example, according to this Arabic documentary video (click “cc” for English subtitles), “The new jihad allows brothers and sisters in Syria belonging to the [al-Qaeda linked] al-Nusra Front to marry each other under the name of jihad because of the lack of girls among fighters of that organization.”
One man appears on video saying, “At the Zawia mountain there is an imam called Imam Hussein. They bring him a brother and a sister, he says ‘Allahu Akbar’ on them three times to have sex together and make them husband and wife.”
The rationale and justification of these fatwas is based on the Islamic maxim, “necessity makes the prohibited permissible,” not unlike the more familiar adage, “the ends justify the means.”
In other words, because fighting to make the “word of Allah,” or Sharia, supreme is the greatest good, and because sexually-deprived jihadis fighting to do just that may lose morale and quit the theatre of war for lack of women, it is permissible, indeed laudable, for Muslim women—including apparently relatives—to volunteer to give up their bodies to these men so that they can continue the jihad to empower Islam, in accordance with the Koran: “Allah has purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain” (Yusuf Ali trans. 9:111).
This verse has been traditionally understood as Muslim men selling “their persons,” that is, their bodies, to the jihad in exchange for paradise. In the context of sex jihad, however, Muslim women—including sisters—are also selling “their persons” (their bodies for sex) to indirectly empower the jihad, also in exchange for paradise.
The fact is, the maxim, “necessity makes the prohibited permissible,” is responsible for any number of seeming contradictions: Muslim women must chastely be covered head-to-toe—yet, in the service of jihad, they are allowed to prostitute their bodies. Homosexuality is forbidden—but permissible if rationalized as a way to kill infidels. Lying is forbidden—but permissible to empower Islam. Suicide is forbidden—but permissible during the jihad—called “martyrdom.” Stealing is forbidden—but the rightful booty of the jihadi who conquers infidels.
The moral of the story? Sharia is only draconian and rigid for those who find themselves living under its jurisprudence. But as for those who work to empower Allah’s law—chief among them, the jihadis—not only are they permitted to ignore Sharia, they are permitted to ignore basic standards of morality.
Hence the ancient and widespread appeal of the jihad.
This is another example of the depravity of the dogma. What concerns me so much is how misunderstood this dogma really is ( and no, I’m NOT referring to the “misunderstood” of John Esposito).
There is nothing exotic or mysterious or romantic about this filth. It’s just plain, unadulterated filth,……that’s it,….from the lies, to the sexual perversions, to the disloyalty.
And to think that the USA is supporting this filth? I wonder how fast Washington, Adams, and Franklin are spinning in their graves. I’m guessing that it’s at the same speed as Mustafa Kemal. Any way that you look at this, it’s a shame-on-you experiment in stupid, especially for the “enlightened” West.
What a disgrace.
Another outstanding piece from Raymond.
“Moderate” muslims are deeply embarrassed by this, and will undoubtedly lead to the more “intelligent” among them to leave the faith. Who in their right mind could justify belief in this immoral behaviour? As I keep saying, despite the claims that Islam is growing, muslims are leaving Islam at a rate previously unheard of. One reason is that the West allows them to leave it. Another is that muslims are starting to realise that it is Islam that is responsible for holding back their societies, and also because many are becoming ashamed of it, the more it is exposed.
I would recommend everyone “facebook” or “twitter” this article, along with all Raymond’s articles, to any muslims you know, or indeed anyone of any standing. This is not about “insulting” or “hating” muslims….it is about exposing the belief system that inspires the bad behaviour.
Islam is dying of shame. The more you confront “moderate” muslims with the actual reality of their religion, the more will leave it. Simples…..
One word comes to mind, disgusting.
Go team Muslim go!
Just when I thought that your puerile ideology couldn’t stoop any lower, you’ve proven me wrong. Not only did you win the Gold medal for the most sick and twisted religion on the Planet but you’ve really dipped your head into the sewer this time. Nay, you’ve gone further. You’ve not just dipped your head in it, but you opened your mouth, drank some of it and swallowed!
What is wrong with these people?!! Can’t they see how abusive and revolting this kind of behaviour is. Surely humanity has evolved beyond this kind of disgusting behaviour.