By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
[…] A report published by National Review Online states, “Prominent indicators confirm that the U.S. is the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today.
“According to the recently released 2014 World Watch List, which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted, Syria is the third worst nation in the world in which to be Christian, Iraq is fourth, Afghanistan fifth, and Libya 13th. All four countries receive the strongest designation, ‘extreme persecution’ (other designations are ‘severe,’ ‘moderate,’ and ‘sparse’ persecution).
“Aside from being so closely and harshly ranked, these four nations have something else in common: heavy U.S. involvement. Three–Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya–were ‘liberated’ thanks to U.S. forces, while in the fourth, Syria, the U.S. is actively sponsoring ‘freedom fighters’ against the regime, many of whom would be better labeled ‘terrorists.’”
The author of this report, Raymond Ibrahim, concludes by saying, “I am often asked, ‘How can we help persecuted Christians?’ At this point, one must respond: ‘How about starting with getting the U.S. government to stop being the chief facilitator of Christian persecution?’ Altruism aside, it would be in the interests of all freedom-loving people–and especially their descendants.”
See the report at:
The U.S. and Christian Persecution
I wonder what the vast majority of evangelical Christians would think if they realized that their support for all of these preemptive wars around the world–especially in the Middle East–are actually the major cause of much of the persecutions against their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I shudder to think what America’s Christians will say to their fellow-believers in Heaven who were savagely martyred due to the wars of aggression that they, America’s Christians, so enthusiastically supported.
America’s Warfare State, complete with the military/industrial complex, is facilitating the most egregious persecution of Christians since the days of Stalin, Hitler, and Chairman Mao and is turning the land of the free into a giant police state. When will the American people start to see through this charade? When will America’s pastors and Christians start to see through this charade?
If America’s evangelical pastors and churches would end their constant support for all of these foreign wars, if they would recognize the danger–globally and domestically–that the military/industrial complex poses, and if they would start putting the interests of this country above their parochial preoccupations with favored foreign states and personal eschatological opinions and interpretations, the Warfare State would collapse.
The Church has always been the compass of the country; and right now, the compass is broken–and the ship of state is way off course.
This problem is deeply rooted in a combination of factors.
Academic media and officialdom mentally conformed along politically correct yet factually false lines combined with a willingness to punish, ostracize and smear those who challenge their narrative or present a more factual one.
This malignant conformity infests the State Department, politics at every level and mass media.
The insulation of media and officialdom living in a bubble where feedback doesn’t easily penetrate and isn’t generally welcome when it’s of a critical nature.
The overall fear of mentally conformed Americans to even talk about religion because their parents or grandparents told them not to talk about religion and to keep it separate from politics. (This never was supposed to apply to people, just to government remaining neutral in and staying out of religious affairs)
Whatever the cause, the problem is real and needs to be addressed and rooted out.
I’m sick of academics running US foreign policy like a sausage factory.
The military industrial complex isn’t doing this.
The government, mass media, academic complex is.
The military acts under the direction of the State Dept. and the commander in chief but we don’t really have one.
The Michael Moore/Jimmy Carter/Barack Obama State Dept. prefers to defer to the UN and whenever possible subordinate the US military to the UN while subjecting our men to lethal and suicidal rules of engagement not to mention faddish PC experiments.
Most Christians I know want our troops brought back home, a defensive missle shield arrayed etc. No more foreign wars. God Almighty will takeover from here on in.
I have to disagree. The reason is simple. THEY ARE mudslime COUNTRIES! It’s their ‘duty’ to either kill, subjugate or convert all non-mudslimes. Just that simple. Wee could leave, give them ‘everything’ they want, but what they really want, we will never give them. So there will always be reason for jihad!